Documento UKLSE-DL1GL010040140004 - Correspondence and papers, 1937


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Correspondence and papers, 1937


  • 1937 (Produção)

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LSE Archives reference: LANSBURY/16 part 4
Section II, 1937 (ff 145-204):.
145a. Newspaper article about Lansbury's speech on pacifism in Kettering, 19 April 1937.
145-47.Memorandum for interview with Hitler by Lansbury, 19 April 1937.
148-56. German translation of memorandum for interview with Hitler by Lansbury, 19 April 1937.
157-60. Notes on interview with Hitler by Lansbury, 19 April 1937.

  1. Missing.
  2. Letter from Lansbury to Reginald Clifford Allen, 11 May 1937.
    163-65. List of references in foreign press to Lansbury's visit to Rome, 8-15July 1937.
    166-68. Letter from Mabel Violet Wanliss to Lansbury, 12 July 1937.
  3. Letter from Arthur Ponsonby to Lansbury, 26 July 1937.
    170-78. Address given at the International Fellowship of Reconciliation Conference by Lansbury, 28 July 1937 .
    179-81. Letter from Karl Walter to Lansbury, 30 July 1937.
  4. Letter from Sir Francis D'Arcy Godolphin Osborne to Lansbury, 5 August1937.
  5. Letter from Jose Lizaso to Lansbury, 9 September 1937.
    184-185.Letter from Lansbury to Count Ciano, 9 September 1937.
    186-187. Letter from Lansbury to Count Ciano, 10 September 1937.
    188-193. Official Report of the National Conference of Friendly Societies, 16-17 September, 1937 .
  6. Letter from Neville Chamberlain to Lansbury, 29 October 1937.
    195-196. Letter from anonymous 'peace lover' to Lansbury, October 1937.
    197-198. Short biography of Lansbury's life, written in November or December 1937 .
  7. Programme of Lansbury's meetings for 13 to 15 December 1937.
    200-202. Reverend Henry Carter's dictated notes of interviews with ministers in Prague, December 1937.
    203-204. Letter from Dr. Zoltan Schonberger to Lansbury, 16 December 1937.

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