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The Women's Library Dossier
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Women's Suffrage Pamphlets, Vol 1, Part 2 of 4

Part 2 of UDC box 342:

  • Bright, Jacob; Women's Suffrage. Copy of a letter from Jacob Bright to Edwyn Holt; Manchester: Manchester Liberal Union, 1898; 2p
  • Grey, Mrs William; Is the Exercise of the Suffrage Unfeminine?; London: London National Society for Women's Suffrage, 1870; 12p
  • Davies, Emily; Parliamentary Franchise for Women 1904; (Printer Vacher and Sons, London), 1904; 45p
  • Craigen, Jessie; Letter to the Ladies of the Women's Suffrage Movement; (Printer Pewtress and Co, London), 1883 ; 16p
  • Robertson, AI; Women's Need of Representation: A Lecture Upon the Necessity of Giving Women the Parliamentary Franchise; Dublin: Irish National Society for Women's Suffrage, 1872; 18p
  • Bright, Ursula; Extract From a Letter of Protest by Mrs Jacob Bright; Manchester: Manchester National Society for Women's Suffrage,c.1870; 1p
  • Hopwood, CH; Mr CH Hopwood MP, on Women's Suffrage. Speech in the House of Commons, 6 Jun 1877; ???; 1p
  • Newman, FW; Women's Wrongs; Bristol: Bristol National Society for Women's Suffrage,c.1868; 4p
  • McLaren, Walter SB; Must the Extension of the Franchise to Women be Followed by the Dissolution of Parliament?; London: Women's Political News, nd; 2p.
  • Henley, JW; Rt Hon JW Henley MP, on Women's Suffrage; ???; 1p
  • Forsyth, William; Mr W Forsyth MP, on Women's Suffrage. Speech in the House of Commons, 6 Jun 1877; ???; 1p
  • Various women; Women and the New Reform Bill. Printed circular letter signed by 76 women; c.1884-1890; 3p
  • Maxse, FA; Objections to Woman Suffrage. A Speech by Captain Maxse, RN at the Electoral Reform Conference Held at the Freemasons' Tavern, 17 Nov 1874; London: W Ridgway, 1874; 10p
  • Newman, Francis William; Professor Newman on Woman Suffrage. From the Western Morning News of 31 Jan [c.1870-1880]; 1p
  • Anon; Why Are Women Disfranchised? (Reprinted from the Fifeshire Advertiser); Kirkcaldy: The Fifeshire Advertiser, n.d.; 2p
  • Arnold, Arthur; Women's Suffrage; London: Social Science Association, 1872; 15p
  • Anon [Women's Emancipation Union]; Two-Sexed Voting, One-Sexed Schooling; Congleton: Women's Emancipation Union, n.d.; 2p
  • Anon; Sixteen Reasons for Women's Suffrage; (Printer: Harris and Oaten, Bristol), c.1880s; 2p
  • Various women; Opinions of Women on Women's Suffrage. Leaflet 1; (Printer A. Ireland and Co, Manchester), 1879 ; 4p
  • Various women; Opinions of Women on Women's Suffrage. Leaflet 2; (Printer A. Ireland and Co, Manchester), 1879 ; 4p
  • Various women; Opinions of Women on Women's Suffrage. Leaflet 3; (Printer A. Ireland and Co, Manchester), 1879 ; 4p
  • Various women; Opinions of Women on Women's Suffrage. Leaflet 4; (Printer A. Ireland and Co, Manchester), 1879; 4p
  • Various women; Opinions of Women on Women's Suffrage. Leaflet 5; (Printer A. Ireland and Co, Manchester), 1879; 4p
  • Woodall, William; Mr William Woodall, MP, on Women's Suffrage; (Printer A. Ireland and Co, Manchester), c.1884; 1p
  • Anon ['FES']; What the Women Want; (Printer: Langley and Son, London), n.d.; 1p
  • Stevenson, Louisa; United Women's Liberal Associations for the Extension of the Franchise to Women. Extract from the Speech of Miss Louisa Stevenson (Poor Law Guardian), in Edinburgh, 9 Mar 1889; Bristol: United Women's Liberal Associations, 1889; 1p
  • Smith, Sidney; The Enfranchisement of Women. The Law of the Land ; (Printer A. Ireland and Co, Manchester), 1879; 31p

Note: For citation purposes check full catalogue reference indicated in the Finding Aids field.

Women's Suffrage Pamphlets, Vol 1, Part 4 of 4

Part 4 of UDC box 342:

  • Spence, CH; Woman's Suffrage and Effective Voting. A paper read at a drawing-room meeting at Glenelg. (Reprinted from The Voice); (Printers Vardon and Pritchards, London), nd; 4p
  • Elmy, EC Wolstenholme; The Emancipation of Women (No. 3). Women's Suffrage. Reprinted from the Manchester Guardian of 12 Apr 1890; Manchester: Manchester Guardian, 1890; 4p
  • Elmy, EC Wolstenholme; Electoral Franchises of Women. Reprinted from the Manchester Examiner and Times, 16 Feb 1885; Manchester: Manchester Examiner and Times, 1885; 1p
  • Blackburn, Helen; Declaration of Women Householders, 1890; ??, 1890; 4p
  • Balfour, AJ; Speech in the House of Commons on Women's Suffrage. 1892; London: London Society for Women's Suffrage, 1892; 7p
  • Elmy, EC Wolstenholme; Women's Suffrage. To the Editor of the Manchester Guardian; Manchester: Manchester Guardian, 1901; 5p
  • [Becker, Lydia]; The Political Disabilities of Women. Reprinted by permission from the Westminster Review, 1 Jan 1872; London: Westminster Review, 1872; 22p
  • Newman, Francis William; A Lecture on Women's Suffrage, Delivered in Bristol Athenaeum, 24 Feb 1869, by Emer. Prof. F W Newman for the Clifton and Bristol Society for Women's Suffrage ; Bristol: Clifton and Bristol Society for Women's Suffrage, 1869; 15p
  • Caird, Mona; The Emancipation of Women (No. 2). The Position of Women. Reprinted from the Manchester Guardian of 7 Jul 1891; Manchester: Manchester Guardian, 1891; 4p
  • Forsyth, William; Mr Forsyth QC, MP on Women's Suffrage; (Printer A Ireland and Co Manchester), nd; 1p
  • Anon (Vigilance Association for the Defence of Personal Rights); The Enfranchisement of Women and Mr Woodall's Bill; London: Vigilance Association for the Defence of Personal Rights, 1886; 2p

Note: For citation purposes check full catalogue reference indicated in the Finding Aids field.

Women's Suffrage Pamphlets, Vol 2, Part 1 of 5

Part 1 of UDC box 343:

  • Bristol and West of England Branch of the National Society for Women's Suffrage; Directions for preparing a Petition to Parliament and for sending it to the Member for Presentation to the House of Commons; Bristol: Bristol and West of England Branch of the National Society for Women's Suffrage, nd; 1p
  • [Central National Society for Women's Suffrage]; Twenty-Five Reasons for Supporting Women's Suffrage; London: Central National Society for Women's Suffrage, c.1884; 2p
  • Fawcett, Millicent Garrett; Home and Politics. An Address Delivered at Toynbee Hall and Elsewhere by Mrs Henry Fawcett, LLD. Third edition; London: Central Committee of the National Society for Women's Suffrage,c.1880s; 8p
  • Mill, John Stuart; Speech of John Stuart Mill, MP on the Admission of Women to the Electoral Franchise. Spoken in the House of Commons 20 May 1867; Typescript, n.d.; 19p
  • Bodichon, Barbara; Reasons For and Against the Enfranchisement of Women; London: National Society for Women's Suffrage, 1872; 16p
  • Fawcett, Millicent Garrett; For Women's Suffrage by Mrs Fawcett. (Reprinted from the St James's Gazette, 7 Jan 1889); London: Central Committee of the National Society for Women's Suffrage, 1889; 7p
  • Hardie, Keir; Mr Keir Hardie, MP on Women's Suffrage; London: Central Society for Women's Suffrage, n.d.; 2p
  • Wedgwood, Julia; The Political Claims of Women; London: National Society for Women's Suffrage,c.1870s; 12p
  • Central Committee of the National Society for Women's Suffrage; Some Supporters of the Women's Suffrage Movement ; London: Central Committee of the National Society for Women's Suffrage and Central National Society for Women's Suffrage, 1897; 47p
  • Cobbe, Frances Power; Why Women Desire the Franchise; London: London National Society for Women's Suffrage, 1869; 12p
  • Becker, Lydia; Words of A Leader. Third edition; London: London Society for Women's Suffrage, 1909; 41p

Note: For citation purposes check full catalogue reference indicated in the Finding Aids field.

Women's Suffrage Pamphlets, Vol 3, Part 2 of 2

Part 2 of UDC box 344:

  • National Union of Women's Suffrage Societies; Women's Kingdom. Souvenir and Handbook of the Exhibition; London: National Union of Women's Suffrage Societies, 1914; 80p
  • Women's Social and Political Union; Programme for Women's Exhibition, 1909; London: Women's Social and Political Union, 1909; 86p

Note: For citation purposes check full catalogue reference indicated in the Finding Aids field.

Women's Suffrage Pamphlets, Vol 6, Part 1 of 6

Part 1 of UDC box 381:

  • McLaren, Priscilla Bright; Letter to be read at the International Congress of Women at Washington, United States, 25 Mar 1888. To celebrate the Fortieth Anniversary of the Women's Suffrage Association; Edinburgh: ??, 1888; 1p
  • Willcox, Hamilton; Freedom's Conquests: The Great Spread of Woman Suffrage Through the World, with a Roll of Honor showing over One Hundred Regions where it now exists, in America, Africa, Europe, Asia and Oceanica; New York: John W Lovell Co, 1888; 8p
  • Catt, Carrie Chapman; The World Movement for Woman Suffrage 1904-1911. Being the Presidential Address delivered at Stockholm to the Sixth Convention of the International Woman Suffrage Alliance, on Tuesday 13 Jun 1911, by Mrs Chapman Catt; London: International Woman Suffrage Alliance, 1911; 14p
  • [International Woman Suffrage Alliance]; Cantata Sung at the Reception. Grand Hotel Royal, Monday 12 Jun 1911; ??, 1911; 6p
  • International Woman Suffrage Alliance,; Constitution and Proposed Amendments; ??, n.d.; 11p
  • Catt, Carrie Chapman; Address of the President at the seventh Congress of the International Woman Suffrage Alliance, Budapest, Hungary, 15-21 Jun 1913; London: International Woman Suffrage Alliance, 1913; 15p
  • Deutsch, Regine ; The International Woman Suffrage Alliance. Its History from 1904-1929. By Regine Deutsch on behalf of the Board of Alliance; London: International Woman Suffrage Alliance, 1929; 30p

Note: For citation purposes check full catalogue reference indicated in the Finding Aids field.

Women's Suffrage Pamphlets, Vol 6, Part 2 of 6

Part 2 of UDC box 381:

  • International Woman Suffrage Alliance; International Woman Suffrage Alliance. Report of Second and Third Conferences. Berlin, Germany 3-4 Jun 1904: Copenhagen, Denmark 7-11 Aug 1906; Copenhagen: International Woman Suffrage Alliance, 1906; 118p

Note: For citation purposes check full catalogue reference indicated in the Finding Aids field.

Women's Suffrage Pamphlets, Vol 6, Part 5 of 6

Part 5 of UDC box 381:

  • International Woman Suffrage Alliance; [Circular letter to supporters on the outbreak of war]; Typescript, 1914; 4p
  • Bernhard, Margarete; The Present Position of Woman Suffrage. On Behalf of the International Alliance of Women for Suffrage and Equal Citizenship. Edited by Dr Margarete Bernhard. Berlin, 1929; London: International Alliance of Women for Suffrage and Equal Citizenship, 1929; 51p
  • Bernhard, Margarete; La Situation Actuelle du Suffrage Feminin d'apres des rapports de quatre parties du monde. Publie par le Comite de l'Alliance Internationale Pour le Suffrage et l'Action Civique et Politique des Femmes. Redige par Dr Marg. Bernard, 1929; London: International Alliance of Women for Suffrage and Equal Citizenship, 1929; 43p
  • Deutsch, Regine; Vingt-cinq ans de l'Alliance Internationale pour le Suffrage et l'Action civique et politique des Femmes 1904-1929. Edite par le Comite de l'Alliance. Redige par Regine Deutsch; London: International Woman Suffrage Alliance, 1929; 30p
  • Alliance Internationale pour le Suffrage et l'Action Civique et Politique des Femmes; Programme du XIIe Congres, Yildiz Koesk, Istamboul, Turquie, 18 au 25 Apr 1935; London: International Alliance of Women for Suffrage and Equal Citizenship, 1935; 28p

Note: For citation purposes check full catalogue reference indicated in the Finding Aids field.

Women's Suffrage Pamphlets, Vol 7, Part 1 of 2

Part 1 of UDC box 388:

  • Anon; YHB Photographic Exhibit; London: ??, n.d.; 16p
  • National Union of Women's Suffrage Societies; Royal Albert Hall. Friday, 23 Feb 1912, Programme.; London: National Union of Women's Suffrage Societies, 1912; 4p
  • Prelooker, Jaakoff; More Light on the Woman Question. A Record of the First Congress of the Men's International Alliance for Women's Suffrage held in London, 23-29 Oct 1912. Compiled from 'The Anglo-Russian' and 'The Men's League's Monthly Record' by Jaakoff Prelooker, Editor of 'The Anglo-Russian'; London: Men's League for Women's Suffrage, c.1912; 44p
  • Nevinson, Margaret Wynne; Five Years' Struggle for Freedom. A History of the Suffrage Movement from 1908 to 1912; London: Women's Freedom League, 1912; 16p
  • Ramelson, Marian; The Birth of a Movement. Early Days of the Women's Emancipation Movement; London: ??, n.d.; 9p
  • Kamm, Josephine; The Exciting Story of Women and the Vote; Typescript, 1966; 6p
  • Ray, P Orman; The World-Wide Woman Suffrage Movement; London: Society of Comparative Legislation, n.d.; 20p
  • Anon; A Brief Review of the Women's Suffrage Movement Since Its Beginning in 1832 (Apr 1911); London: National Union of Women's Suffrage Societies, 1911; 11p
  • Anon; A Brief Review of the Women's Suffrage Movement Since Its Beginning in 1832 (Sep 1913); London: National Union of Women's Suffrage Societies, 1913; 16p

Note: For citation purposes check full catalogue reference indicated in the Finding Aids field.

Cavendish-Bentinck Vol 3. Part 2 of 2

Part 2 of looseleaf volume:

  • Brailsford, H.N.; Conciliation Bill: an explanation and defence
  • Emancipation of womanhood
  • Declaration of representative men in favour of women's suffrage
  • Zangwill, Israel; Old fogeys and old bogeys
  • Macmillan, Chrystal; Struggle for political liberty
  • Pankhurst, Christabel; Militant methods of the NWSPU
  • Pethick Lawrence, Emmeline; The faith that is in us
  • Annie Kennie: character sketch
  • Pethick Lawrence, Emmeline; The New crusade
  • Wolstenholme Elmy, E.C.; Woman's franchise: the need of the hour
  • Gawthorpe; Votes for men
  • Men's League for Women's Suffrage

Note: For citation purposes check full catalogue reference indicated in the Finding Aids field.

Cavendish-Bentinck Vol 9. Part 1 of 3

Part 1 of looseleaf volume:

  • Colonial statesmen and votes for women
  • Votes for women and the public health
  • Holmes, Marion; Josephine Butler: a cameo life-sketch
  • Despard, Charlotte; Women in the nation
  • Healy, T.M; Defence at Bow Street
  • Malmberg, Madame Aino; Woman suffrage in Finland
  • Nevinson, Henry W.; Women's vote and men
  • Economics of woman suffrage: why working women need the vote
  • Campbell, Rev. R.J.; Some economic aspects of the women's suffrage movement
  • Billington-Greig, Teresa; Suffragist tactics past and present
  • Zangwill, Israel; Talked out!
  • Zangwill, Israel; One and one are two
  • Zangwill, Israel; Lords and the ladies
  • Women's bill in the House of Commons
  • Verbatim report of debate on Dec 3 1907: sex equality (Teresa Billington-Greig) versus adult suffrage (Margaret G.Bondfield)
  • Neilans, Alison; Ballot box protest

Note: For citation purposes check full catalogue reference indicated in the Finding Aids field.

Cavendish-Bentinck Vol 10. Part 1 of 3

Part 1 of looseleaf volume:
Women's Suffrage Publications 1871-1872 Vol 2:

  • Edinburgh Branch of the National Society for Women's Suffrage; Women's suffrage: great meeting in Edinburgh in The Music Hall, 12th January 1871
  • Garrett Fawcett, Millicent; Electoral disabilities of women, March 11th 1871
  • The debate in the House of Commons on the Women's Disabilities Bill, May 3rd 1871
  • Extracts from Mr Mill's subjection of women
  • The Right Honourable Geo. Ward Hunt, MP. on women's suffrage
  • The Right Hon. Lord John Manners, M.P. on women's suffrage
  • Sir Wilford Lawson, Bart, M.P. on women's suffrage
  • Fourth annual report of the Executive Committee of the Manchester National Society for Women's Suffrage presented at the annual general meeting November 8th, 1871
  • Women's suffrage third annual meeting in Edinburgh in Queen Street Hall on 22nd January 1872 under the auspices of The Edinburgh Branch of the National Society for Women's Suffrage

Note: For citation purposes check full catalogue reference indicated in the Finding Aids field.

Cavendish-Bentinck Vol 10. Part 2 of 3

Part 2 of looseleaf volume:

  • Robertson, A.I; Women's need of representation: a lecture upon necessity of giving women the parliamentary franchise
  • The political disabilities of women, reprinted from "Westminster Review" 1st January, 1872
  • Arnold, Arthur; Sessional proceedings: Thursday, February 8, 1872, Women's Suffrage
  • Women's suffrage: explanatory statement of objects, approved and adopted at a meeting of the Committee of the Brighton Branch of the National Society for Women's Suffrage, held at the Town Hall, Brighton, 6th April, 1872
  • Taxation versus representation
  • Garrett, Rhoda; The electoral disabilities of women: a lecture in the Corn Exchange, Cheltenham, April 3rd, 1872
  • The Attorney-General (Sir John Duke Coleridge) on women's suffrage, May 1st, 1872
  • The woman question: papers reprinted from "The Examiner" (London: Lapham, 1872)
  • Black and white slaves, reprinted from "The Examiner, October 19th, 1872
  • Bodichon, Barbara; Reasons for and against enfranchisement of women
  • A woman's voice
  • Petitions in favour of women suffrage presented to Parliament during the session of 1872

Note: For citation purposes check full catalogue reference indicated in the Finding Aids field.

Cavendish-Bentinck Vol 11. Part 1 of 2

Part 1 of looseleaf volume:
Women's Suffrage Publications 1873 Vol. 3:

  • Edinburgh Branch of the National Society for Women's Suffrage; Fifth Annual meeting in Edinburgh 1873
  • Speech of the late John Stuart Mill at the great meeting in favour of suffrage Edinburgh 1871
  • Cobbe, Frances Power; Why women desire the franchise
  • Higginson, T.W; Ought women to learn the alphabet
  • Opinions of women on women's suffrage
  • Opinions of the press on women's suffrage
  • Mr Herbert Spencer on women's suffrage
  • Mr T.B. Potter on women's suffrage
  • Mr Walter Morrison on women's suffrage
  • Professor Fawcett, MP on women's suffrage
  • Dr Lyon Playfair, MP on women's suffrage
  • Mr Muntz on women's suffrage
  • Sir C. Dilke Bart MP on women's suffrage
  • Col. Sykes, MP, on women's suffrage
  • Sir George Jenkinson, MP, on women's suffrage
  • Mr Jacob Bright on women's suffrage
  • Rt Hon JW Henley MP on women's suffrage
  • Reply of Mr Disraeli to the memorial on women's suffrage
  • Mr Disraeli on women's suffrage
  • Right Hon Sir Stafford Northcote on women's suffrage
  • Bright, Jacob; Debate on the Women's Disabilities Bill
  • Fawcett, Prof. M.P; Debate on the Women's Disabilities Bill
  • National Society for Women's Suffrage; Report of a public meeting 1873
  • National Society for Women's Suffrage; Second Annual Report 1873
  • Woman suffrage
  • Garrett Fawcett, Millicent; Mr Fitzjames Stephen on the position of women
  • Lynch, E.M.; A Few words on women's suffrage

Note: For citation purposes check full catalogue reference indicated in the Finding Aids field.

Cavendish-Bentinck Vol 13. Part 1 of 2

Part 1 of looseleaf volume:
Women's Suffrage Publications 1875-1876 Vol. 5:

  • Seventh annual meeting of the Edinburgh National Society for Women's Suffrage
  • A woman's voice
  • National Society for Women's Suffrage; Women's Suffrage
  • National Society for Women's Suffrage; Household suffrage for women: the bill for the "Removal of the electoral disabilities of women"
  • National Society for Women's Suffrage; Seventh annual meeting of the Executive Committee: presented at the Annual General meeting held in the Office of the Society, May 29th, 1875
  • Shore, Louisa; The citizenship of women socially considered
  • W. Forsyth, Esq., M.P. (speech in the House of Commons)
  • Right Hon. Jas. Stansfeld, M.P. (speech in the House of Commons)
  • Geo. Dixon, Esq., M.P. (public meeting in St George's Hall)
  • J. M. Jackson, Esq., M.P., Q.C. ; W. H. O'Sullivan, Esq., M.P. (speech in the House of Commons)
  • Mrs. McLaren (public meeting in St George's Hall)
  • Miss Helen Taylor (public meeting in St Pancras)
  • Miss Anna Swanwick (speech at Hanover Square Gardens)
  • Wilkinson; A working woman (public meeting in St George's Hall)
  • Eighth annual report of the Executive Committee of the Manchester National Society for Women's Suffrage presented at the annual general meeting, November 10th, 1875
  • Report of the Bristol and West of England Society for Women's Suffrage, 1875
  • Eighth annual meeting of the Edinburgh National Society for Women's Suffrage, held in the Hall of the Literary Insitute, South Clerk Street 15th February 1876

Note: For citation purposes check full catalogue reference indicated in the Finding Aids field.

Cavendish-Bentinck Vol 18. Part 1 of 2

Part 1 of looseleaf volume:

  • Housman, Laurence; Woman's cause
  • Royden, A. Maude; Spirit of the pioneer
  • Women and the priesthood
  • Sermon preached by A. Maude Royden in the cathedral at Geneva
  • Royden, A. Maude; Women and the Church of England
  • Lee, John; Church and Women
  • Gilchrist, E.A; Opportunity of the Laywoman
  • Laywoman in the Church of England
  • League of the Church Militant
  • Women and the priesthood
  • League of the Church Militant: occasional prayers
  • Women and the priesthood: a reprint of leading articles published in the Church militant
  • Jacka, H.T; Women and the Christian ministry
  • A.A; Women priests

Note: For citation purposes check full catalogue reference indicated in the Finding Aids field.

Résultats 8653 à 8680 sur 11558