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The Women's Library
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Cas Heron interviewed by Tricia Grace-Norton

This folder includes the recorded audio of the interview along with a transcript of the recording.
Intrigued by the idea of a peaceful women only revolution, Cas decided to spend an afternoon at Yellow Gate and eventually lived at Blue Gate for two and a half years. She says Greenham was a transformative part of her life which allowed her to step out of one life into another.
She talks about the challenge of balancing home and Greenham visits and the domestic conflict this caused. Her daughter at the age of ten visited the camp and loved it, especially being chased by a helicopter.
Cas tells the story of the women at Blue Gate setting a record for how many arrests could be made until 12 midnight on New Year's Eve. She talks about the women using false names and 200 Nancy Reagans were arrested on that night along with herself as Doctor Norma Shearer.
She said she mourned for the camp when she left and still does. 'My escape was the camp, being outside, the physical work, the sound of just women, their laughter and song.'
Cas was interviewed by Tricia Grace-Norton in February 2021.

Di McDonald interviewed by Emma Gliddon

This folder includes the recorded audio of the interview along with a transcript of the recording.
An interview with veteran campaigner Di Macdonald who was at Greenham from the early days and then went on to be a crucial link to Cruise watch in the South East and an inspiration to many of us. Her van was an iconic part of the chase around the countryside after cruise missiles on the move. At the time of the interview, Di continues to campaign against nuclear weapons.
Di was interviewed by Emma Gliddon on 17th March 2021.

Helen Moore interviewed by Emily Strange

This folder includes the recorded audio of the interview along with a transcript of the recording.
Helen was an active and passionate member of the gay movement in London from a young age. She was also part of the women's movement.
While at Greenham, she worked part-time setting up a London lesbian and gay centre.
Helen lived at Green Gate, the women-only gate.
During this raw and intimate interview, she speaks about her experience at Holloway prison for non-payment of fines, and sneaking down a wooded part of the camp one evening, walking in the moonlight with women laughing and dancing.
Helen was interviewed by Emily Strange in Bristol in 2019.

Helen Steel an Becky Durand interviewed by Emma Gliddon

This folder includes the recorded audio of the interview along with a transcript of the recording and a photograph of a newspaper article.
Helen is well-known for her part in the McLibel case when London Greenpeace met McDonaldas in court. In her interview, she describes the night she broke into Holloway prison to support the Greenham women. At the time of the interview, Helen was very involved in the Spycops campaign.
Helen was interviewed by Emma Gliddon in 2019.
Becky Durand is a feminist and trade unionist living in London. She was inspired by Greenham while growing up in the USA. Here, she is singing Greenham songs with her daughter, Lilly, and Helen Steel.

Helena Nightingale interviewed by Jessica Layton

This folder includes the recorded audio of the interview along with a transcript of the recording.
Helena remembers visiting Greenham several times and remembers being part of 'Embrace the base'. The longest time she stayed at Greenham was 10 days and she can clearly remember the smell of wood smoke and the horrible food! Helena set up her own peace camps in Cornwall and travelled to Greenham regularly and stayed at Green Gate with her group.
Helena was interviewed by Jessica Layton in 2019.

Hoonie Feltham interviewed by Kitty Gurnos-Davies

This folder includes the recorded audio of the interview along with a transcript of the recording and a photograph of Hoonie.
Hoonie was a social worker who specialised in protecting the children's welfare needs in the legal system and has a Master of Laws degree. She is a Quaker and talks about the relationship between the Quaker community and the peace movement which is still active today. She emphasises the fear that surrounded the threat of nuclear war, particularly for mothers. Hoonie visited Greenham Common for Embrace the Base and took food and other supplies to the residential women. She remembers that many vulnerable and homeless women moved to the camp and the associated tensions this caused. Hoonie is passionate about the political context of the peace movement, the gender politics of protest, and her critique of politicians such as Margaret Thatcher and Tony Benn.
Hoonie was interviewed by Kitty Gurnos-Davies in 2019.
She was photographed by Christine Bradshaw (copyright Christine Bradshaw).

Jacqui Best interviewed by Vanessa Pini

This folder includes the recorded audio of the interview along with a transcript of the recording.
Jacqui's first visit to Greenham was on a bus arranged by a Yeovil group in 1982/83. Later, she made regular weekend visits for years in her work Women's Aid car, taking boxes of food and supplies. She remembers a big police presence, saying they behaved as if it was the women who had the bombs. Jacqui lived in a rural Somerset village where everyone questioned what she was doing - she was reported to social services for being a lesbian, taking her son out of school to home educate him and having women camp in her garden. She recalls the 1986 Chernobyl disaster compounding the fear and reality of the danger and her wanting to support the women standing up against the government in the cold and wet between the military and police officers. 'Those 'silly women' didn't go home... they stayed and prevailed.'
Jacqui was interviewed by Vanessa Pini in March 2021.

Jane Griffiths and Judy Harris interviewed by Isabelle Tracy

This folder includes the recorded audio of the interview along with a transcript of the recording.
Jane and Judy were at Orange Gate together and remember the freedom of swimming in the local fjord and the exhaustion and weariness of women towards the end of their time at the camp. They spend the last 20 minutes of the interview singing songs, reminiscing and laughing till they cry.
Jane and Judy were interviewed by Isabelle Tracy in 2019.

Jenny Engledow interviewed by Kate Kerrow

This folder includes the recorded audio of the interview along with a transcript of the recording and a photograph of Jenny.
Jenny was a figure at Greenham throughout its entire existence, watching the camp change and develop until its closure. This is a tender, fascinating interview which recounts many details of living at camp in terms of day-to-day life, coping with arrests and facing courts, and the solidarity of the women and the commitment to their cause.
Jenny was interviewed by Kate Kerrow in 2019.
She was photographed by Christine Bradshaw (copyright Christine Bradshaw).

Jude Munden interviewed by Rebecca Mordan

This folder includes the recorded audio of the interview along with a transcript of the recording and a photograph of Jude.
Jude left home and joined The Fallout Marching Band, an anti-nuclear street protest band based in London, at the age of 15 and went to Greenham with some of them. She remembers regularly hitching to Greenham, Non-Violent Direct Actions and crawling through the bushes with bolt cutters. The interview is in two parts - from 41.45 she is looking at photos from her time at Greenham which spark some more memories. This interview was recorded outside and there is some background noise of the wind and the birds.
Jude was interviewed by Rebecca Mordan in 2019.
She was photographed by Christine Bradshaw (copyright Christine Bradshaw).

Judith Niechcial interviewed by Josephine Liptrott

This folder includes the recorded audio of the interview along with a transcript of the recording and a photograph of Josephine.
Judith had a long career as a social worker and educator and worked latterly with the NSPCC, Goldsmiths and London University. She was studying for a post-graduate degree at Cardiff University in 1982 when her tutor encouraged her to attend Embrace the Base. She returned several times after that first visit and felt it was vital that Greenham was a women-only space and protest site. Judith was involved in the SE London Women for Life on Earth group and organised a march between Greenham Common and Menwith Hill in Yorkshire.
Judith was interviewed by Josephine Liptrott in 2019.
She was photographed by Christine Bradshaw (copyright Christine Bradshaw).

Leah Thalman and Diana Proudfoot interviewed by Sarah Learmonth

This folder includes the recorded audio of the interview along with a transcript of the recording.
Leah left a job as a social worker to stay at Greenham in 1983, by which time she was in her mid-fifties, and Diana joined the camp in 1984. They learned how to build benders, were arrested and imprisoned numerous times around the country and Diana remembers being asked by one prisoner if she was from Greenham because 'You've got that liberated look'. They describe Greenham as a 'university of the open air' where the women-only, non-violent environment made space for creativity in resistance.
Leah and Diana were interviewed by Sarah Learmonth in 2019.

Lisa Halse interviewed by Sara Sherwood

This folder includes the recorded audio of the interview along with a transcript of the recording.
Spurred into peace activism as a teenager after seeing images of the Vietnam War, Lisa would travel to Greenham Common from Devon. In this interview, she discusses the ongoing legacy of Greenham Common and her work with 'Carry Greenham Home' which built alliances and educated local communities.
Lisa was interviewed by Sara Sherwood in 2019.

Loppy Oubridge interviewed by Jill Raymond (Ray)

This folder includes the recorded audio of the interview along with a transcript of the recording.
Loppy was at Green and Yellow Gates for the winter of 1981/82 and was involved in the organising of the 'Embrace the Base'. She then stayed at the peace camp at Burghfield and worked for the Dorset Peace Council. She also talks about being a young mum at the same time and considers how her activism affected her children and the rest of her life.
Loppy was interviewed by Jill Raymond (Ray) in January 2021.

Lyn Barlow interviewed by Rebecca Mordan

This folder includes the recorded audio of the interview along with a transcript of the recording and a photograph of Lyn.
Lyn left care at 18 and took a student trip to Greenham. This first visit had a huge impact on Lyn who visited regularly and moved to Greenham permanently 3 years later. Lyn's attitude to non-violence threaded through her engagement with MOD soldiers and squaddies and she describes talking with them about all sorts of subjects. Lyn went to various prisons many times, stating that there was no real stereotypical woman in prison, only stereotypical circumstances that conspired to put them there. She believes Greenham has valuable lessons in critical thinking that are just as relevant to young women today.
Lyn was interviewed by Rebecca Mordan in 2019.
She was photographed by Christine Bradshaw (copyright Christine Bradshaw).

Pixie Taylor interviewed by Vanessa Pini

This folder includes the recorded audio of the interview along with a transcript of the recording and a photograph of Pixie.
Pixie spent two periods of her life at Greenham. Firstly, when she was 18, she went down on an overnight coach from Dundee and lived at Green Gate from 1985-86. She returned for the 10th birthday in 1991 and lived at Blue Gate until January 1994. She talks about the differences in the eras, evictions and bailiffs, women only spaces, learning to value her body and her time in Holloway. She recalls doing doughnuts in a borrowed car in the base during the American leaving ceremony and reads from a Greenham newsletter documenting leaving Blue Gate. Pixie speaks about how ludicrous it was to have nuclear weapons being driven around the country and how Greenham wouldn't have survived without humour and laughter. She also remembers writing to Greenham at school on Dennis the Menace paper and getting a reply!
Pixie was interviewed by Vanessa Pini in January 2021.

Rosalind Clark interviewed by Sarah Learmonth

This folder includes the recorded audio of the interview along with a transcript of the recording.
Arriving at Greenham with her 4 year old daughter at 27 years old, Ros soon gravitated to Green Gate. Her memories are about the unity of singing and artistic expression, the quietly powerful strength of women together and the challenge of constantly questioning yourself, whether you wanted to or not. Having met so many women who had been abused in various ways by the men in their lives, Ros went on to qualify as a counsellor. For Ros, the legacy of Greenham was the strong sense of female empowerment and support.
Ros was interviewed by Sarah Learmonth in 2019.

Rosy Bremer interviewed by Nicky Arikoglu

This folder includes the recorded audio of the interview along with a transcript of the recording.
Rosy arrived at Greenham in 1989 visiting frequently until living permanently at Yellow Gate between 1993-1997. The INF Treaty had been signed and the Cruise missiles were being removed, public and media interest in the nuclear threat had diminished. However, Rosie participated in multiple NVDA's, including those at Aldermaston and Burghfield. She believes it was the low-level, constant, daily disruption to the military that effected the removal of the cruise missiles and return of the common land to the people. Greenham, she thinks, was a model for women to speak out on major political issues. Imprisoned thirteen times, including for actions against the later war in Iraq, Rosy's unshakeable belief is that individuals, united in the face of injustice or mis-use of state authority can fight back and win.
She was interviewed by Nicky Arikoglu in 2019.

Sally Hay interviewed by Leslie Lyle

This folder includes the recorded audio of the interview along with a transcript of the recording and a photograph of Sally.
'I went to sleep last night pondering whether we made a difference. As I said yesterday, it's my belief that language is critical in making attitudinal changes. The challenges to the standard discourse that the Greenham Women made were like little prods on the wheel of a giant ship. Gradually the ship turns and then it carries on turning and eventually a noticeable change of direction has taken place. We did that. I played a tiny part in that, something of which I am proud. So, thank you all for giving me the opportunity to remember.'
Sally was interviewed by Leslie Lyle in 2019.
She was photographed by Christine Bradshaw (copyright Christine Bradshaw).

Sarah Green interviewed by Josephine Liptrott

This folder includes the recorded audio of the interview along with a transcript of the recording and a photograph of Sarah.
Sarah is an environmental campaigner who has been involved in protesting the devastating damage caused to the London wetland areas by HS2. She was already involved in a women's peace group when, attending a rally at Hyde Park in 1981, she heard about Greenham Common and decided to give up her job to live there. She resided at the camp for around five years, based at the main gate which became known as Yellow Gate. She describes an incident during which local vigilantes pulled up in a van to spray the women with offal and discusses the microwave 'zapping' of the protesters during which she feared for her safety. Like other women, Sarah was arrested and imprisoned due to her involvement in non-violent direct action but she had a unique experience of being at Greenham as she gave birth to her son there!
Sarah was interviewed by Josephine Liptrott in 2019.
She was photographed by Christine Bradshaw (copyright Christine Bradshaw).

Sian Jones interviewed by Jill Raymond (Ray)

This folder includes the recorded audio of the interview along with a transcript of the recording and a photograph of Sian.
Sian was living in Southampton when GCWPC began. Orange Gate, on the south side of the common, was the nearest for Southampton activists who were regulars at camp and beyond. Sian's initial involvement included night watch, hot food runs and cruise watch. She enjoyed being on the land with women and the elements and even went to sea with the women's boat action group.
She also talks about how the network of Greenham Women grew over the years and the development of other anti-war and international groups like WATFY (Women's Aid To Former Yugoslavia) and Women in Black.
In this photo, Sian is staring at the muncher during an eviction at Orange Gate.
Sian was interviewed by Jill Raymond (Ray) in February 2021.

Sue Say (Agege) interviewed by Isabelle Tracy

This folder includes the recorded audio of the interview along with a transcript of the recording and a photograph of Sue.
On Sueas first evening at Greenham she heard a woman talking to a soldier on the other side of the fence. It was that powerful conversation that kept her at Greenham, protesting nuclear missiles but also exploring the multitudes of different ways to be a woman by meeting and talking to amany shades of womena. Sue went to prison many times, took the government to court for illegal strip-searches and won, changing the law in the process. She talks about the radical potential of laughter and creativity, the unconventional methods she and others used to draw attention to issues and the strength in unity at Yellow Gate.
Sue was interviewed by Isabelle Tracy in 2019.
She was photographed by Christine Bradshaw (copyright Christine Bradshaw).

Vicki Smith interviewed by Josephine Liptrott

This folder includes the recorded audio of the interview along with a transcript of the recording and a photograph of Vicki.
Vicki first heard about Greenham when studying at Southampton University. She was fascinated by the idea that it was a women-only space and protest.
She initially went as a weekend visitor and later lived there full-time at Blue Gate, staying for about two years.
She broke into the air base three times, on one occasion getting onto the silos and on another running between the shelves of the on-site commissary. Cutting a huge hole in the fence and driving her car onto the runway resulted in a criminal damage conviction.
Vicky was a founder member of Cruisewatch, a group which aimed to monitor and disrupt military manoeuvres on Salisbury Plain. She remembers hostility from the local residents, regular evictions and too many lentils, but also describes a genuinely inclusive and nurturing women-only space where everyone was valued and heard.
Vicki was interviewed by Josephine Liptrott in London in 2019.
She was photographed by Christine Bradshaw (copyright Christine Bradshaw).

Résultats 141 à 163 sur 163