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The Women's Library UKLSE_DL1_IF01_003_001_0594_0001.pdf Folder
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Caroline Poland, Ann Scargill and Betty Cook interviewed by Sara Sherwood

This folder includes the recorded audio of the interview along with a transcript of the recording.
Although most well known for their work during the Miners' Strike and Women Against Pit Closures, Caroline Poland, Anne Scargill and Betty Cook discuss how the actions of the women at Greenham Common influenced their own activism and protest strategy, their memories of visiting the camp and the long-lasted alliances they forged with the Greenham women during the 1980s.
They were interviewed by Sara Sherwood in Barnsley in 2019.

Carolyn Barnes interviewed by Tricia Grace-Norton

This folder includes the recorded audio of the interview along with a transcript of the recording.
'Peace Woman refuses to pay fine, birthday in custody. Southampton Peace Woman, spent her 21st birthday in police custody at the start of a 7 day prison sentence for refusing to pay fines imposed after she took part in a blockade at Greenham Common.'
Carolyn Barnes shares the story behind the newspaper headline in the Southampton Daily Echo. She became involved with Greenham after moving from Bolton to attend Southampton University. She joined various groups including CND, 3rd World First and a local group 'Families Against the Bomb'. Her friend, Di McDonald, used to take a group of them to Greenham for demonstrations in her campervan.
Carolyn talks about being new to politics when first staying at Blue Gate, the cruise missiles being brought in, the excitement of a women-only space, treatment by the police, prison, poetry and impact on her family. She also recalls people not expecting women to stick up for each other and the different ways in which women reacted to the balance of power.
Carolyn describes Greenham as earthy, real, natural and primal.
Carolyn was interviewed by Tricia Grace-Norton in February 2021.

Carolyn E Francis interviewed by Rebecca Mordan

This folder includes the recorded audio of the interview along with a transcript of the recording and a photograph of Carolyn.
Carolyn was at Green Gate from Summer 1984. After leaving college she moved into Greenham's London base and from there went to Greenham where she lived in a hollowed out holly tree. Her sister, Sally and her Mum also protested at the base. Although Carolyn never went to prison, she supported those charged at their court appearances and talks about the ways in which Greenham women subverted the court system. Carolyn became a Buddhist at Greenham and the personal impact of her time there changed the course of her life.
Carolyn was interviewed by Rebecca Mordan in 2019.
She was photographed by Christine Bradshaw (copyright Christine Bradshaw).

Cas Heron interviewed by Tricia Grace-Norton

This folder includes the recorded audio of the interview along with a transcript of the recording.
Intrigued by the idea of a peaceful women only revolution, Cas decided to spend an afternoon at Yellow Gate and eventually lived at Blue Gate for two and a half years. She says Greenham was a transformative part of her life which allowed her to step out of one life into another.
She talks about the challenge of balancing home and Greenham visits and the domestic conflict this caused. Her daughter at the age of ten visited the camp and loved it, especially being chased by a helicopter.
Cas tells the story of the women at Blue Gate setting a record for how many arrests could be made until 12 midnight on New Year's Eve. She talks about the women using false names and 200 Nancy Reagans were arrested on that night along with herself as Doctor Norma Shearer.
She said she mourned for the camp when she left and still does. 'My escape was the camp, being outside, the physical work, the sound of just women, their laughter and song.'
Cas was interviewed by Tricia Grace-Norton in February 2021.

Catherine Leyow interviewed by Nicky Arikoglu

This folder includes the recorded audio of the interview along with a transcript of the recording and a photograph of Catherine.
A member of CND, Catherine first visited Greenham for Embrace the Base in December 1982 and continued to visit over the years, finally living permanently at Yellow Gate from June 1988 to May 1989. She participated in many NVDAs, was arrested multiple times, and served two prison sentences in Holloway.
Catherine was interviewed by Nicky Arikoglu in 2019.
She was photographed by Christine Bradshaw (copyright Christine Bradshaw).

Cavendish-Bentinck Vol 1. Part 1 of 2

Part 1 of looseleaf volume:

  • Hill, Octavia; Letter to my fellow workers 1879
  • Hill, Octavia; Letter to my fellow workers 1878
  • Hill, Octavia; Letter to my fellow workers 1881
  • Hill, Octavia; Letter to my fellow workers 1880
  • Hill, Octavia; Letter to my fellow workers 1886
  • Hill, Octavia; Letter to my fellow workers 1884 and 1885
  • Hill, Octavia; Letter to my fellow workers 1883
  • Hill, Octavia; Letter to my fellow workers 1882
  • Hill, Octavia; Letter to my fellow workers 1877
  • Hill, Octavia; Letter to my fellow workers 1875
  • Hill, Octavia; Letter to my fellow workers 1879
  • Hill, Octavia; Letter to my fellow workers 1893

Note: For citation purposes check full catalogue reference indicated in the Finding Aids field.

Cavendish-Bentinck Vol 10. Part 1 of 3

Part 1 of looseleaf volume:
Women's Suffrage Publications 1871-1872 Vol 2:

  • Edinburgh Branch of the National Society for Women's Suffrage; Women's suffrage: great meeting in Edinburgh in The Music Hall, 12th January 1871
  • Garrett Fawcett, Millicent; Electoral disabilities of women, March 11th 1871
  • The debate in the House of Commons on the Women's Disabilities Bill, May 3rd 1871
  • Extracts from Mr Mill's subjection of women
  • The Right Honourable Geo. Ward Hunt, MP. on women's suffrage
  • The Right Hon. Lord John Manners, M.P. on women's suffrage
  • Sir Wilford Lawson, Bart, M.P. on women's suffrage
  • Fourth annual report of the Executive Committee of the Manchester National Society for Women's Suffrage presented at the annual general meeting November 8th, 1871
  • Women's suffrage third annual meeting in Edinburgh in Queen Street Hall on 22nd January 1872 under the auspices of The Edinburgh Branch of the National Society for Women's Suffrage

Note: For citation purposes check full catalogue reference indicated in the Finding Aids field.

Cavendish-Bentinck Vol 10. Part 2 of 3

Part 2 of looseleaf volume:

  • Robertson, A.I; Women's need of representation: a lecture upon necessity of giving women the parliamentary franchise
  • The political disabilities of women, reprinted from "Westminster Review" 1st January, 1872
  • Arnold, Arthur; Sessional proceedings: Thursday, February 8, 1872, Women's Suffrage
  • Women's suffrage: explanatory statement of objects, approved and adopted at a meeting of the Committee of the Brighton Branch of the National Society for Women's Suffrage, held at the Town Hall, Brighton, 6th April, 1872
  • Taxation versus representation
  • Garrett, Rhoda; The electoral disabilities of women: a lecture in the Corn Exchange, Cheltenham, April 3rd, 1872
  • The Attorney-General (Sir John Duke Coleridge) on women's suffrage, May 1st, 1872
  • The woman question: papers reprinted from "The Examiner" (London: Lapham, 1872)
  • Black and white slaves, reprinted from "The Examiner, October 19th, 1872
  • Bodichon, Barbara; Reasons for and against enfranchisement of women
  • A woman's voice
  • Petitions in favour of women suffrage presented to Parliament during the session of 1872

Note: For citation purposes check full catalogue reference indicated in the Finding Aids field.

Cavendish-Bentinck Vol 10. Part 3 of 3

Part 3 of looseleaf volume:

  • The National Society for Women's Suffrage Central Committee
  • A word to women-householders
  • Opinions of eminent statesmen on women's suffrage
  • Opinions of eminent persons on women's suffrage. Leaflet no.2.
  • Opinions of Members of Parliament on women's suffrage. Leaflet no.3
  • Opinions of eminent persons on women's suffrage. Leaflet no.4.
  • Fifth annual report of the Executive Committee of the Manchester National Society for Women's Suffrage
  • Speech of Jacob Bright, Esq., M.P. Chairman delivered at the fifth Annual meeting of the Manchester National Society for Women's Suffrage
  • Mrs. Fawcett on women's suffrage: speech delivered in the Town Hall Birmingham, 1872
  • Miss E.M. Sturge on women's suffrage: speech delivered in the Town Hall Birmingham, 1872
  • Report of the Bath Branch of the National Society for Women's Suffrage, 1872

Note: For citation purposes check full catalogue reference indicated in the Finding Aids field.

Cavendish-Bentinck Vol 11. Part 1 of 2

Part 1 of looseleaf volume:
Women's Suffrage Publications 1873 Vol. 3:

  • Edinburgh Branch of the National Society for Women's Suffrage; Fifth Annual meeting in Edinburgh 1873
  • Speech of the late John Stuart Mill at the great meeting in favour of suffrage Edinburgh 1871
  • Cobbe, Frances Power; Why women desire the franchise
  • Higginson, T.W; Ought women to learn the alphabet
  • Opinions of women on women's suffrage
  • Opinions of the press on women's suffrage
  • Mr Herbert Spencer on women's suffrage
  • Mr T.B. Potter on women's suffrage
  • Mr Walter Morrison on women's suffrage
  • Professor Fawcett, MP on women's suffrage
  • Dr Lyon Playfair, MP on women's suffrage
  • Mr Muntz on women's suffrage
  • Sir C. Dilke Bart MP on women's suffrage
  • Col. Sykes, MP, on women's suffrage
  • Sir George Jenkinson, MP, on women's suffrage
  • Mr Jacob Bright on women's suffrage
  • Rt Hon JW Henley MP on women's suffrage
  • Reply of Mr Disraeli to the memorial on women's suffrage
  • Mr Disraeli on women's suffrage
  • Right Hon Sir Stafford Northcote on women's suffrage
  • Bright, Jacob; Debate on the Women's Disabilities Bill
  • Fawcett, Prof. M.P; Debate on the Women's Disabilities Bill
  • National Society for Women's Suffrage; Report of a public meeting 1873
  • National Society for Women's Suffrage; Second Annual Report 1873
  • Woman suffrage
  • Garrett Fawcett, Millicent; Mr Fitzjames Stephen on the position of women
  • Lynch, E.M.; A Few words on women's suffrage

Note: For citation purposes check full catalogue reference indicated in the Finding Aids field.

Cavendish-Bentinck Vol 12. Part 1 of 2

Part 1 of looseleaf volume:
Women's Suffrage Publications 1874 Vol. 4:

  • Becker, Lydia. E; Liberty, equality, fraternity: a reply to Mr Fitzjames Stephen's strictures on Mr. J.S. Mill's subjection of women
  • Coignet, C; De L'affranchissement politique des femmes en Angleterre
  • Power Cobbe, Frances; Our policy: an address to women concerning suffrage
  • Sixth annual report of the Edinburgh National Society for Women's Suffrage
  • The Women's advocate, No.1 (Apr. 1874)
  • The Women's advocate, No.2 (May 1874)
  • The Women's advocate, No.3 (July, 1874)
  • Annual report of the Executive Committee presented at the annual general meeting held at the Westminster Palace Hotel, July 6th, 1874
  • Justice and co-operation for women by a lady ratepayer of Hastings
  • Why do women householders want to vote for Members of Parliament?
  • Cairnes, J.E; Woman suffrage: a reply

Note: For citation purposes check full catalogue reference indicated in the Finding Aids field.

Results 981 to 1008 of 13079