Dossier UKLSE-DL1GL010040080005 - Correspondence and papers, 1932





Correspondence and papers, 1932


  • 1932 (Production)

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LSE Archives reference: LANSBURY/10 part 5

  1. Letter to Lansbury from James Butler of the Daily Herald 20 February 1932.
  2. Letter to Lansbury from Edward Guse 20 February 1932.
  3. Letter to Lansbury from C.H.Grinling Hon. Secretary of Woolwich Council of Social Services 20 February 1932.
  4. Letter to Lansbury from Harry Hease 20 February 1932.
  5. Telegraph to Lansbury from H.S.Morrison 20 February 1932.
  6. Letter to Lansbury from Agnes.M.Williams 20 February 1932.
  7. Letter to Lansbury from Rev.Harry Williams Bow Central Hall Mission 20 February 1932.
  8. Letter to Lansbury from Frederick Wm. Alexander 21 February 1932.
  9. Letter to Lansbury from Stanley Hancock of the National Clarion Fellowship 21 February 1932.
  10. Letter to Lansbury from V.K.Krishna Menon joint secretary of The India League 21 February 1932.
    210-211. Letter to Lansbury from George Latham 21 February 1932.
  11. Letter to Lansbury from Ben Tillett 21 February 1932.
  12. Letter to Lansbury from J.C.Buckley of Marner Street London County Council Boys' School 22 February 1932.
    214-215. Letter to Lansbury from Tom.W.Cashman 22 February 1932.
  13. Letter to Lansbury from The Gravesend and District Unemployed Workers Committee 22 February 1932.
  14. Letter to Lansbury from Mrs Maude Salmon 26 February 1932.
  15. Letter to Lansbury from Valentine George Crittall 2 April 1932.
  16. Letter to Lansbury from Tom Hoare of The National Union of General and Municipal Workers 23 April 1932.
  17. Letter to Lansbury from Aime Joseph de Elenriau 11 May 1932.
  18. Newspaper cutting headline seamen subscribe 200 to Labour Party concerning affiliation of the National Union of Seamen to the Labour Party July 1932.
  19. Letter to Lansbury from Sir Benjamin Drage 2 July 1932.
    223-225. Extract from letter to Lansbury from W.Arnold Worster 4 July 1932.
  20. Letter to Lansbury from Lady Leslie Haden Guest concerning the Scotsboro case 11 July 1932.
    227-232. Letter to Lansbury from Mrs Ada Wright (with Lady. Haden Guest letter see 226).
    233-234. Letter to Lansbury from Sir John C.W.Reith at the BBC 11 July 1932.
  21. Letter from Lansbury to the BBC 12 July 1932.
  22. Letter from Lansbury to Mrs Haden Guest concerning the Scotsboro case 13 July 1932 [?Scottsboro].
  23. Letter to Lansbury from Mrs Haden Guest concerning the Scotsboro case 14 July 1932.
  24. Newspaper cutting headline Bid for Irish Peace To-Night: Mr. Lansbury Meeting Free State Party Leader in London concerning outbreak of economic warfare between Great Britain and the Irish Free State 16? July 1932.
  25. Letter from Lansbury to Mr Andrew Wm Mellon concerning the Scotsboro case 19 July 1932.
  26. Letter to Lansbury from Rev. Joseph Herman Hertz concerning the Anglo-Irish dispute 21 July 1932.
    241-242. Letter to Lansbury from Cosmo Gordan Lang 21 July 1932.
  27. Letter to Lansbury from Rev. James Reid from the President of the National Free Church Council 22 July 1932.
  28. Letter to Lansbury from the American Embassy in London on behalf of Andrew Wm Mellon 23 July 1932.
  29. Letter to Lansbury from Kensitas unfinished 27 July 1932.
  30. Newspaper cutting reprinted from the Time and Tide June 25th 1932 concerning African Workers (with letter from Mrs Pethick 27 July 1932 see 248).
  31. Newspaper cutting headline The Development of Swaziland July 1932.
    248-249. Letter to Lansbury from Mrs Pethick-Lawrence 27 July 1932.

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