The Women's Library Poster Collection Inventory list

Identifier Title Level of description Sort descending Date Digital object
UKLSE-DL1BP010020010063 TWL.2003.315.b - 25% of violent crime is domestic violence Folder 1975-1990
UKLSE-DL1BP010010010001 7JAN/5/01 - Greenham Common women's peace camp Folder 1980-1989
UKLSE-DL1BP010010010009 7JAN/5/10 - In peace and friendship Folder 1984
UKLSE-DL1BP010010010014 7JAN/5/15 - Stand together Folder 1983
UKLSE-DL1BP010010010015 7JAN/5/16 - The Round House Folder 1980-1989
UKLSE-DL1BP010010010018 7JAN/5/19 - Russian peace poster Folder 1980-1989
UKLSE-DL1BP010010010019 7JAN/5/20 - Reagan anti-nuclear Folder 1980-1989
UKLSE-DL1BP010010010026 7JAN/5/27 - International Womens Day rally Folder 1980-1989
UKLSE-DL1BP010010010027 7JAN/5/28 - Coal workers Folder 1980-1989
UKLSE-DL1BP010010010032 7JAN/5/33 - Hackney women widening the web Folder 1980-1989
UKLSE-DL1BP010010010035 7JAN/5/36 - Ideal Home...? Folder 1980-1989
UKLSE-DL1BP010010010037 TWL.2003.14 - Women's Peace Camp Folder [1983]
UKLSE-DL1BP010010010039 TWL.2003.20a - Women's struggle won the vote, use it for disarmament Folder 1982
UKLSE-DL1BP010010010050 TWL.2011.39.03 - International Women's Blockade at Greenham Common Folder 1980-1989
UKLSE-DL1BP010010010052 TWL.2003.18a - Women for Life on Earth : Banners Exhibition Folder 1984
UKLSE-DL1BP010010010053 TWL.2003.18b - Women for Life on Earth : Banners Exhibition Folder 1984
UKLSE-DL1BP010010020001 TWL.2011.04.46 - There is no 'honour' in killing Folder 2000
UKLSE-DL1BP010010020003 TWL.2012.14.03 - White Ribbon Day Nov 25 Folder 2005-2010
UKLSE-DL1BP010010020006 TWL.2003.301 - Legal remedies for domestic disputes Folder 1980-1990
UKLSE-DL1BP010010020009 TWL.2003.307 - Legal remedies for domestic disputes. Violence Folder 1980-1990
UKLSE-DL1BP010010020012 TWL.2003.302 - Battered women need refuges Folder 1980-1990
UKLSE-DL1BP010010020015 TWL.2003.316 - How to get an injunction Folder 1980-1990
UKLSE-DL1BP010010020023 TWL.1999.62 - Justice for Women. Male violence against women Folder 1998
UKLSE-DL1BP010010030001 TWL.2004.920 - The Female Image Presented By The Sexist Media Will Be Smashed By Us The Women Folder 1980-1990
UKLSE-DL1BP010010030002 TWL.2009.04.02 - Housework Folder 1970-1979
UKLSE-DL1BP010010030004 TWL.2005.91.14 - Red Sisters Collective, Take it like a man, film Folder [1977]
UKLSE-DL1BP010010030007 TWL.1999.237 - Justice for Women : Southall Black Sisters benefit Folder 1996
UKLSE-DL1BP010010030008 TWL.2003.529b - East London : Why are Women Marching? Folder 1975
Results 57 to 84 of 174