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COLL MISC 0840/5 - Progressive Lesson No. 1 in Plain English

Progressive posters from the London County Council Elections of 1907. The central point of this poster is a painted picture of a man teaching another , slightly bemused looking man, by writing on a very large blackboard. On the blackboard is written the following:
'When the Trusts own Capital, the Moderates call it by its right name: Capital. But when the people own Capital, the Moderates and the Yellow Press call it Debts to frighten fools.'
At the bottom of the poster in large black lettering is written, 'Vote Progressive'.
Artist: Jordie
Printer: G.S Christie Limited
Publisher: London County Council Progressive Election Committee
Place of Production: London
Note: For citation purposes check full catalogue reference indicated in Finding aids field.

COLL MISC 0840/10 - At the Back of Every Moderate Candidate Lurks the Electric Trust

Cartoon reprinted from the Daily Chronicle newspaper for the London County Council Elections of 1907. This cartoon is split into two different pictures. The top picture shows a group of men walking, viewed from the front, all wearing sandwich boards which spell out 'Moderate Party'. The second picture shows this same group of men viewed from the back and their boards spell out 'Electric Trust'.
Artist: David Wilson
Printer: Daily Chronicle
Publisher: Printer
Place of Production: London
Note: For citation purposes check full catalogue reference indicated in Finding aids field.

COLL MISC 0840/14 - Political Parable

Progressive poster from the London County Council Elections of 1907. Reprinted from the Westminster Gazette. This posters central feature is a long handwritten story written in nursery rhyme style. The text has cartoons at either side, showing a dog in a variety of situations.
The text at the bottom of the page reads,'Electors, beware of false names and Vote Progressive'.
Printer: Carl Hentschel Ltd
Publisher: London County Council Progressive Election Committee
Place of Production: London
Note: For citation purposes check full catalogue reference indicated in Finding aids field.

COLL MISC 0660/2/1 - "Away with private peasants!"

A peasant in bright clothing to the left of the poster, is hit by a huge fist from the right. The background shows the Russian countryside under a yellow sky.
Note: For citation purposes check full catalogue reference indicated in Finding aids field.

COLL MISC 0660/2/3 - "The Birth of The Soviets and the Different Organs of Soviet Power"

This poster demonstrates by the use of six long drawings, which stretch across the whole poster, the hierarchy of the organisation of Soviet Power. The bottom picture shows a small hut with only several people in it alongside a drawing of the virtually untouched rural scene. This scene develops and changes through the next five pictures until the top. This top picture shows the same small building as a large, ornate building with a speaker preaching to a large assembled crowd, while the side scene has gone from countryside to a highly developed urban setting.
Note: For citation purposes check full catalogue reference indicated in Finding aids field.

COLL MISC 0660/2/13 - "The Planting of National Welfare is the Job of the Workers Themselves

This poster shows two men planting a tree, one holding the tree and the other digging the ground. This painting is on a white background and is in different shades of blue. The poster has writing both above and below the image and at the top is an emblem of a snake curled around a chalice.
Note: For citation purposes check full catalogue reference indicated in Finding aids field.

COLL MISC 0719/2 - Protect your child and food from flies

Painting of a woman (centre) bending over a covered crib (left), with a covered jar and bottle in the foreground (right). In the centre of the picture, the caption is partially obscured by six large flies, realistically painted.
Printer: Mospoligraf
Publisher: Gosmedizdat
Place of Production: Moscow
Note: For citation purposes check full catalogue reference indicated in Finding aids field.

COLL MISC 0719/3 - The vitamin content of food products: Fruits and Berries

Chart showing the vitamin content of various fruits and berries, including cherries, oranges, lemons, apples, peas, etc. with a warning that children will not grow and develop properly without them.
Printer: Mospoligraf
Publisher: Gosmedizdat
Place of Production: Moscow
Note: For citation purposes check full catalogue reference indicated in Finding aids field.

COLL MISC 0719/5 - The vitamin content of food products: Bread and Cereals

Still life of bread, nuts, wheat, and honey, with title banner above image, and a chart below, showing the vitamin content of various foods.
Printer: Mospoligraf
Publisher: Gosmedizdat
Place of Production: Moscow
Note: For citation purposes check full catalogue reference indicated in Finding aids field.

COLL MISC 0719/9 - How to feed a child when the mother has a cough and cold; don't allow strangers to kiss or touch your child

Two sepia illustrations, the first showing a breat-feeding mother with a cloth wrapped around her nose and mouth; the second showing a mother pushing another woman away from the baby on her lap.
Publisher: Gosmedizdat
Place of Production: Moscow
Note: For citation purposes check full catalogue reference indicated in Finding aids field.

COLL MISC 0719/11 - Every year thousands of children lose their eyesight due to small objects getting stuck in the nose, ears, and throat

Two panels side by side illustrate some dangerous items which can injure children. The first panel, Don't let small children play with sharp objects! shows a sword, pins, a knife, fork, scissors, etc. The second, Many children die each year from these, shows seeds, buttons, matchstocks, feathers, etc.
Publisher: Gosmedizdat
Place of Production: Moscow
Note: For citation purposes check full catalogue reference indicated in Finding aids field.

COLL MISC 0519/1 - To the Electors of the City of Worcester

Full text lithograph in red ink on white paper. Campaign poster for the 1892 General Election for George Allsopp, Conservative and Unionist candidate for the City of Worcester, 1885-1906.
Artist: unknown
Printer: C. H. Birbeck and Co
Publisher: C. H. Birbeck and Co
Place of Publication: Worcester
Note: For citation purposes check full catalogue reference indicated in Finding aids field.

COLL MISC 0519/3 - An Awkward Relationship: Little Johnny would Come

Cartoon satirizing the relationship between the Liberal Party and the Irish nationalists, featuring Campbell-Bannerman as a nervous bride in a wedding dress, and John Redmond as her illegitimate son. Produced for the Conservative and Unionist parties.
Artist: E Huskinson
Printer: Hill, Sifken and Co
Publisher: Conservative Central Office
Place of Publication: London
Note: For citation purposes check full catalogue reference indicated in Finding aids field.

COLL MISC 0519/15 - It Really is a Very Pretty Garden

Full colour lithograph showing ? standing in a garden outside the Radical Conservatory with a watering can, surrounded by healthy potted plants representing Home Rule Imperial Disunion, and Godless Education, and stunted weeds representing Social Reform, Strong Navy and Reduced Taxation.
Artist: George Belcher
Printer: McCorquodale and Co Ltd
Publisher: Printer
Place of Production: London
Note: For citation purposes check full catalogue reference indicated in Finding aids field.

COLL MISC 0519/24 - John Bull: Are these my Islands or yours?

John Bull is seen standing on an outline map of the British Isles (he stands squarely between London and the Midlands), facing a Tory peer-type who is dressed in hunting clothes, ermine-trimmed robes, and a monocle, and carrying a shotgun. The peer has one foot in Northern Ireland, and one in Scotland. John Bull is taking off his jacket, ready for a fight. The caption under the picture reads Vote Liberal and back up John Bull.
Artist: Unknown
Printer: Avenue Press Ltd
Publisher: The Daily News
Place of Production: London
Note: For citation purposes check full catalogue reference indicated in Finding aids field.

COLL MISC 0519/25 - Bad for the Quack Doctors

Copy of cartoon from the Westminster Gazette? showing Asquith as John Bull giving cheap sugar and an old age pension to a child and an elderly couple, while Chaplin and Austen Chamberlain, dressed as doctors, look on.
Artist: F.C.G [Francis Carruthers Gould]
Printer: Avenue Press
Publisher: Liberal Publication Department
Place of Production: London
Note: For citation purposes check full catalogue reference indicated in Finding aids field.

COLL MISC 0519/26 - Baiting the 'Dear Food' Hook

Small poster showing a fisherman (unidentified politician) baiting his hook with worms called Full Employment and Higher Wages, with his fishing basket, Protection, beside him. In the river, a fish with a man's head (another politician?) looks balefully up at him. Produced by the Liberals.
Artist: F.C.G [Francis Carruthers Gould]
Printer: Avenue Press
Publisher: Liberal Publication Department
Place of Production: London
Note: For citation purposes check full catalogue reference indicated in Finding aids field.

COLL MISC 0519/27 - Beware of False Statements About the Licensing Bill

Black and red ink full text poster on white paper, regarding the popular image of the Licensing Bill.
Artist: Unknown
Printer: Waterlow and Sons Ltd
Publisher: Liberal Publications Department
Place of Production: London
Note: For citation purposes check full catalogue reference indicated in Finding aids field.

COLL MISC 0519/31 - Flattening Him Out, or, broadening the basis of taxation

A Tory wearing a monocle, spats, and a top hat with Tariff Reform written on it, is shown rolling a huge barrel called taxation over an angry-looking man of the Working Classes. Quotes from Tories about the desirability of broadening the basis of taxation appear in a cartouche to the left, and in the caption below the illustration.
Artist: F.C.G [Francis Carruthers Gould]
Printer: Waterlow and Sons
Publisher: Printer
Place of Production: London
Note: For citation purposes check full catalogue reference indicated in Finding aids field.

COLL MISC 0519/33 - Guilty!

Judge John Bull finds the Tory Government guilty of numerous offences relating to Britain's conduct in the Boer War, described in a panel in the centre of the image. The offending politicians are standing in the dock. John Bull's comments appear in text below him; the word Guilty in large upper case at the top. A thick red line borders the poster.
Artist: F.C.G [Francis Carruthers Gould]
Printer: Avenue Press
Publisher: Printer
Place of Production: London
Note: For citation purposes check full catalogue reference indicated in Finding aids field.

COLL MISC 0519/38 - Liberal and Tory Finance. No. 1. Taxation Imposed or Remitted During the Last Twenty-one Years

Half page of text with bar chart comparing levels of taxation under Tory and Liberal governments, 1865-1885. Lithograph in black ink with red and blue bar chart, produced for the Liberal Central Association, 41 - 42 Parliament Street, Westminster, London.
Artist: Unknown
Printer: National Press Agency Ltd
Publisher: Printer
Place of Production: London
Note: For citation purposes check full catalogue reference indicated in Finding aids field.

COLL MISC 0519/47 - The Trade Money Box

Lithograph, red and black in on white paper. A foaming tankard engraved with various slogans, with an unidentified politician's face in the foam, above a quote from a meeting held in the City of London to protest against the Licensing Bill, produced for the Liberal Party.
Artist: F.C.G [Francis Carruthers Gould]
Printer: Avenue Press
Publisher: Liberal Publication Department
Place of Production: London
Note: For citation purposes check full catalogue reference indicated in Finding aids field.

COLL MISC 0519/72 - Torn in Two

Full text poster in red ink on white paper, produced by the Conservative and Unionist parties.
Artist: Unknown
Printer: McCorquodale and Co
Publisher: Printer
Place of Production: London
Note: For citation purposes check full catalogue reference indicated in Finding aids field.

COLL MISC 0519/74 - The Tax-payers' Financial Barometer

Full text poster in black on white paper, with large graphs in blue and red ink. The graphs compare the expenditure of Tory and Liberal governments between 1875-1886, to the detriment of the Liberals.
Artist: Unknown
Printer: C Terry and Co
Publisher: John Hall
Place of Production: London
Note: For citation purposes check full catalogue reference indicated in Finding aids field.

COLL MISC 0519/84 - Vote for Tariff Reform

Lithographs showing Brittania sitting alone in a stagecoach named Free Trade; 1846 on the road to Prosperity, waiting to be joined by the figures representing Germany, France, Austria, USA, Switzerland and Russia which are standing on a hill behind the coach. The accompanying picture shows the foreign nationals sharing a car called Protection; 1910, also on the road to Prosperity, leaving the stagecoach far behind.
Artist: Unknown
Printer: McCorquodale and Co Ltd
Publisher: Printer
Place of Production: London
Note: For citation purposes check full catalogue reference indicated in Finding aids field.

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