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COLL MISC 0519/29 - The Cupboard Still Bare

Spoof of nursery rhyme 'Old Mother Hubbard, showing Chamberlain dressed as an old lady opening the 'Old Age Pensions Cupboard' for her dog called 'Aged Poor'. Satirical version of nursery rhyme below image, and explanatory text below the nursery rhyme, commenting on Chamberlain's suggestion that the workman should pay for his Old Age Pension out of a tax on his food.
Thick red border around the image.
Artist: F.C.G [Francis Carruthers Gould]
Printer: Avenue Press
Publisher: Printer
Place of Production
Note: For citation purposes check full catalogue reference indicated in Finding aids field.

COLL MISC 0519/36 - A Herring to catch a Sprat

Chaplin is shown standing on a beach talking to a Working Man, offering him the chance to go out in his boat Tariff Reform to fish for higher wages using Food Taxes as bait, an offer which the man declines.
Artist: F.C.G [Francis Carruthers Gould]
Printer: Waterlow and Sons Ltd
Publisher: Printer
Place of Production: London
Note: For citation purposes check full catalogue reference indicated in Finding aids field.

COLL MISC 0519/43 - A Question of Control

Lithograph in red and black ink on white page, showing John Bull stopping Lansdowne and Balfour in the street, who have a large bulldog representing the House of Commons reined in on a leash called Lords Tory Majority.
Artist: F.C.G [Francis Carruthers Gould]
Printer: Avenue Press Ltd
Publsher: Printer
Place of Production: London
Note: For citation purposes check full catalogue reference indicated in Finding aids field.

COLL MISC 0519/44 - Substance and Shadow

The Bulldog of Labour, dressed in working man's clothes, and carrying a bag labelled Cheap Food in its mouth, crosses a bridge called Free Trade, rather than risking the semi-submerged rock of Higher Wages, More Work.
Artist: F.C.G [Francis Carruthers Gould]
Printer: Avenue Press Ltd
Publisher: Printer
Place of Production: London
Note: For citation purposes check full catalogue reference indicated in Finding aids field.

COLL MISC 0519/45 - Taking Things Quietly. the Game of Grab

Small poster showing John Bull resting against a tree in a wood, having been assaulted and robbed by unidentified men dressed in black frock coats and top hats. The men are carrying bags called Rent of Teachers House, Endowment, Wear and Tear Repairs, and Fees. Conservative and Unionist poster.
Artist: F.C.G [Francis Carruthers Gould]
Printer: Avenue Press
Place of Production: London
Note: For citation purposes check full catalogue reference indicated in Finding aids field.

COLL MISC 0519/78 - British Factory: closed through unfair foreign competition

Black and red ink on white paper. Lithograph showing two British workers standing outside a closed factory, with a sign on the gate denouncing foreign competition and recommending the reform of fiscal policy. Produced for the Tariff Reform League.
Artist: George Belcher
Printer: David Allen and Sons Ltd
Publisher: Printer
Place of Production: London
Note: For citation purposes check full catalogue reference indicated in Finding aids field.

COLL MISC 0519/79 - British Workman: It's no use trying to hide it, guv'ner. We are going to vote for Tariff Reform

Asquith is shown trying to cover up a poster advocating Tariff Reform with one reading Down With the Lords, while a British Workman berates him from the ground.
Artist: Unknown
Printer: McCorquodale and Co
Publisher: Printer
Place of Production: London
Note: For citation purposes check full catalogue reference indicated in Finding aids field.

COLL MISC 0519/82 - Under Free Trade Thousands are Leaving our Shores Weekly..

Red and black lithograph on white paper, showing John Bull standing at a dock at sunset, watching ships leaving Free Trade Ruin (a run-down port) for the skyscapers of Protection Prosperity (the USA), produced for the Tariff Reform League.
Artist: Unknown
Printer: Dobson, Molle and Co
Publisher: Printer
Place of Production: London
Note: For citation purposes check full catalogue reference indicated in Finding aids field.

COLL MISC 0519/87 - A Warning! Free Traders read this!

Full text poster in red and black ink on cream paper, detailing unemployment, poverty, and emigration as the results of Free Trade. Produced by the Tariff Reform League.
Artist: Unknown
Printer: Vacher and Sons
Publisher: Printer
Place of Production: London
Note: For citation purposes check full catalogue reference indicated in Finding aids field.

COLL MISC 0519/89 - What Price Today?

Lithograph showing a small boy trying to buy bread in a Free Trade store, but being told by the shopkeeper that he does not have enough money. The shelves are stocked with produced from the USA, Holland, Germany and France.
Poster produced by the Tariff Reform League.
Artist: E Huskinson
Printer: Hill, Sifken and Co
Publisher: Tariff Reform League
Place of Production: London
Note: For citation purposes check full catalogue reference indicated in Finding aids field.

COLL MISC 0519/92-2 - Large segments of "A Free Trade Forecast"

Large colour lithograph in 8 pieces [section 6 missing], depicting a Free Trade Shop selling all sorts of imported goods, with an unemployed British workman standing outside being addressed by a wealthy German, a member of the Cobden Club.
Artist: Unknown
Printer: Percival Jones Ltd
Publiher: Imperial Tariff Committee
Place of Production: Birmingham
Note: For citation purposes check full catalogue reference indicated in Finding aids field.

COLL MISC 0519/4 - Mrs. Bannerman's Cabinet Pudding

Campbell-Bannerman, dressed in a red frock and white apron, is shown mixing a bowl of Radical Programme in a kitchen. He offers a spoonful of the mixture to John Bull, who is raising his hand in refusal. The shelves behind Bannerman are laden with jars and packets labelled Slave Grown Rice, Foreign Paupers, Candied Cries, etc.
Artist: M. A.
Printer: McCorquodale and Co. Ltd
Publisher: Printer
Place of Production: London
Note: For citation purposes check full catalogue reference indicated in Finding aids field.

COLL MISC 0519/5 - Ain't You the Radical Party? (Barmyville Asylum)

Full colour lithograph showing a cheerful idiot inviting three Radicals to join him in the Barmyville Asylum.
Artist: George Belcher
Printer: McCorquodale and Co. Ltd
Publisher: Printer
Place of Production: London
Note: For citation purposes check full catalogue reference indicated in Finding aids field.

COLL MISC 0519/10 - A Doubtful Guide

Central image with title at top and caption below. Campbell-Bannerman and a small party of thuggish men stand by a street corner. One man is dressed in a fur hat and ragged clothes (Alien), another is a stereotypical Irishman with a club (Home Rule). Bannerman offers the services of his respectable party to accompany John Bull and a well-dressed lady representing the colonies down the street.
Artist: E Huskinson
Printer: McCorquodale and Co Ltd
Publisher: Printer
Place of Production: London
Note: For citation purposes check full catalogue reference indicated in Finding aids field.

COLL MISC 0519/11 - He's good enough for me

John Bull reaches out to lay his hand in a benedictory fashion upon the shoulder of a reluctant but noble-looking Balfour.
Artist: Unknown
Printer: McCorquodale and Co
Publisher: Printer
Place of Production: London
Note: For citation purposes check full catalogue reference indicated in Finding aids field.

COLL MISC 0519/22 - Vote for the Conservatives Who Gave You the Alliance

Cartoon showing John Bull shaking hands with a Japanese soldier, against the Union Flag and Japanese flag, with a packet marked Alliance at their feet. Text banner top and bottom.
Artist: E Huskinson
Printer: Hill, Sifken and Co.
Publisher: Conservative Central Office
Place of Production: London
Note: For citation purposes check full catalogue reference indicated in Finding aids field.

COLL MISC 0519/30 - An Eye Opener

Black and red ink on white paper. Lithograph produced for the Liberal Party showing a British housewife attempting to buy white bread in a shop in German, but being offered only black bread.
Artist: Unknown
Printer: Avenue Press
Publisher: Liberal Publication Department
Place of Production: London
Note: For citation purposes check full catalogue reference indicated in Finding aids field.

COLL MISC 0519/35 - Help for the Workers

Black ink lithograph illustrating Asquith's second budget, showing Asquith standing outside the Treasury facing a middle class man in a top hat and a working class man with a bag on his back. He is holding two signs, one regarding a cut in income tax, the other regarding money set aside for old age pensions. Banner at top and commentary at bottom.
Artist: F.C.G [Francis Carruthers Gould]
Printer: The Avenue Press Ltd
Publisher: Printer
Place of Production: London
Note: For citation purposes check full catalogue reference indicated in Finding aids field.

COLL MISC 0519/39 - Why Toryism Would Mean Dearer Living

Cartoon of Balfour holding a plate in front of him with a small loaf of bread on it. Text banner at top and caption at bottom. Liberal poster protesting against a proposed tax on food.
Artist: F.B
Printer: Avenue Press
Publisher: Printer
Place of Production: London
Note: For citation purposes check full catalogue reference indicated in Finding aids field.

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