FABIAN TRACT No. 25. \ QUESTIONS FOR School Board Candidates. RE\'ISED OcTOBER 1894. Sm or MADAJ\1 1 In connection with your Candidature for the School Board, I should be obliged if you would be good enough to answer the following questions, and return the paper to me. I am, yours faithfully, (JI{ame of Elect01') -----------------------------------------------------------------__ (Address of Elector) .................................................................... . QUESTIONS. (A.) School Board Policy. I.-SCHOOL ACCOMMODATION. Are you in favor of: I. The liberal provision of well-built and conveniently situated school buildings, and of gymnasiums and swimming baths ? 2. Larger and better playgrounds, with equipments for physical recreation, to be opened on Sundays and after school hours? 3-The generous supply of educational apparatus, pianos, pictures, models, etc. ? 4· The construction of a central hall in all new schools, and where possible in existing schools ? ~-The granting of school halls as cheaplyas possible for public meetings under properregulations ? ANSWERS. QUESTIONS. ANSWERS. II.-THE STAFF. 6. Will you· support the provision for every school of a sufficient and competenttrained teaching staff, and endeavor so to lessen the excessive numbers of the presentclasses, that not more than fifty children on the roll shall be assigned to any one teacher? 7· Will you take care that no ·questionof religion shall be allowed to influence any appointment by any committee on which you sit? 8. Will you urge that the scale of !payment for women teachers should be the same as that for men? III.-A WIDER & MORE RATIONAL SYSTEM OF EDUCATION. Are you in favor of:9 · Thesystematic establishment ofHigherStandard Schools ? 10. The development of Kindergartenteaching, object lessons, physical education and manual training for boys and girlsalike? I 1. The systematic provision of specialdepartments for physically and mentallydefective children ? 12. The encouragement and development of free evening continuation classes in Board Schools ? I 3· The making of cookery and laundry- work optional instead of compulsory as methods of manual training in girls' schools? IV.-PROPER TREATMENT OF WORKERS. q. Will you insist that in all work carried out by the Board the Trade Union rate of wages shall be paid, and the hours of work shall be limited to a maximum of eight per day, or 48 in each week? QUESTIONS. 1 5· Will you, in every possible case, especially in the case of printing and building, advocate direct public employment of labor in place of the intervention of a contractor? 16. Whenever it is found necessary to employ a contractor, will you insist uponthe insertion, in all contracts for supplies as well as for works, of clauses stipulating, under adequate penalties, to be rigidlyentorced: (a) against sub-contracting or sweating? (b) for payment of Trade Union rate of wages and observance of Trade Union hours and conditions, for each trade, as specified in a schedule to the contracts? (c) that, whenever possible, the workingday shall be eight hours only? 17. Will you support all School Board employees in securing freedom to join the Trade Union of their occupation, or (if none such exists) to form a union 1v;· themselves? 18. Are you in favor of granting a week's holiday every year, with full pay, to all the permanent employees of the Board, and will you take care that all workmen are allowed reasonable sick pay in case of illness or accident ? (B.) The Reform of the Laws dealing with Education and of the spirit in which they are administered. Will you support any attempt to provide that: 19. No grant of public money be made to any school not controlled by a School Board or other public representative body? 20. Training Colleges be established at convenient centres und~r full public control and free from sectarian influences? 21. Power be giv&n to School Boards, pending the creation of a complete system of public secondary education, to establish, out of public funds, scholarships to be held at secondary schools ? ANSWERS. r -,2. QUESTIONS. 22. Power be given to School Boards~ to provide free meals for children ? 23. Power be given to ~c~ool Boards to provide skilled nurses to v1s1t the schools? 24. Special magistrates be appointed in large towns to deal with School Board cases? 25. The age of compulsory attendance of all scholars for the full time be raised to fourteen ? 26. A fair proportion of Inspectors of schools be appointed from men and women elementary teachers ? 27. The School Board electoral areas in London be assimilated to the CountyCouncil and Parliamentary divisions ? 28. Powers, similar to th?se posse~sed b:yParish and District Counc1ls, be g1ven to School Boards to acquire land for school sites at a fair price, without additional allowance being made to the owners on account of purchase being compulsory? ANSWERS. Signature of Candidate ..... , .... -------······--............ __ ............. FABIAN TRACTS. 52.-State Education at Home and Abroad. By ]. W. MAx- TIN. r6 pp., rd.; or 9d. per doz. ~ 55.-The Workers' School Board Program. 20 pp., rd.; or 9d. per doz. 25.-Questions for School Board Candidates. (Revised r894). 6 for rd. ; or rs. l?er roo. 42.-Christian Socialism. By Rev. S.D. H EADLAM. r6 pp., rd. ; or 9d. per doz. 47.-The Unemployed. By ]OHN Bu~:~.Ns, M.P. 20 pp., rd.; or 9d. per doz. 51.-Socialism: True and False. By SmxEY WEBB. rd.; or 9d. per doz. For list and particulars of othet TraCts, write to the Secretary of the Fabi~n Society, 276 Stra~d, W.C. ~rinted lists of questions to be putcandtdates for the Guardtans, Vestnes, Town, County, District and Parish Council, or Parliament, will_ be l!ent free . Complete set of 52 TraCts, price zs. 3d. post free; or, bound m buckram, JS. gd. post free. -- Published by the FABIAN SOCIETY, 276 Strand, London, W.C., Oct., 189+· r -,2. QUESTIONS. 22. Power be given to School Boards~ to provide free meals for children ? 23. Power be given to ~c~ool Boards to provide skilled nurses to v1s1t the schools? 24. Special magistrates be appointed in large towns to deal with School Board cases? 25. The age of compulsory attendance of all scholars for the full time be raised to fourteen ? 26. A fair proportion of Inspectors of schools be appointed from men and women elementary teachers ? 27. The School Board electoral areas in London be assimilated to the CountyCouncil and Parliamentary divisions ? 28. Powers, similar to th?se posse~sed b:yParish and District Counc1ls, be g1ven to School Boards to acquire land for school sites at a fair price, without additional allowance being made to the owners on account of purchase being compulsory? ANSWERS. Signature of Candidate ..... , .... -------······--............ __ ............. FABIAN TRACTS. 52.-State Education at Home and Abroad. By ]. W. MAx- TIN. r6 pp., rd.; or 9d. per doz. ~ 55.-The Workers' School Board Program. 20 pp., rd.; or 9d. per doz. 25.-Questions for School Board Candidates. (Revised r894). 6 for rd. ; or rs. l?er roo. 42.-Christian Socialism. By Rev. S.D. H EADLAM. r6 pp., rd. ; or 9d. per doz. 47.-The Unemployed. By ]OHN Bu~:~.Ns, M.P. 20 pp., rd.; or 9d. per doz. 51.-Socialism: True and False. By SmxEY WEBB. rd.; or 9d. per doz. For list and particulars of othet TraCts, write to the Secretary of the Fabi~n Society, 276 Stra~d, W.C. ~rinted lists of questions to be putcandtdates for the Guardtans, Vestnes, Town, County, District and Parish Council, or Parliament, will_ be l!ent free . Complete set of 52 TraCts, price zs. 3d. post free; or, bound m buckram, JS. gd. post free. -- Published by the FABIAN SOCIETY, 276 Strand, London, W.C., Oct., 189+· ..1.· ....w J .,r Sociflluu_ ------------~-- 10 wo: nat an( BOD ars wh ga1the ind exi the wh cou the to · rati (Jo esti ma1 I adu OCCl 18~ tiot wh· der, tiol) 1 fiel \ onl I of tio: cos not