Track 1 [21:46] [Session one: 11 July 2015] Sajda Qureshi [SQ], born 1967. 1989 Diploma in Management of Information Systems, 1991 MSc Analysis, Design and Management of Information Systems, 1995 PhD Information Systems. Came to LSE 1989. Completed a postgraduate diploma and then an MSc, then went on to do PhD. [01.29] Previously studied in Rome. [01.48] First impressions of LSE, very international, lots of different people and languages. [02.46] Hall of residence and friend there studying Bosnian Muslim women. [03.52] During PhD saw her again leading an EU peace delegation. [05.35] During PhD started an ADMS student society for alumni. [05.50] Worked part time at Commonwealth Secretariat during PhD. [06.30] Enjoyed academic life at LSE, opened up a new world. [06.55] Campus life during MSc and PhD. [07.30] Developed one of the first computer collaborative systems at University of London and implemented at Commonwealth Secretariat. [08.30] Had an office in Lionel Robbins building. After work at the Commonwealth Secretariat headed there to work until the Library closed. [09.25] LSE highlights included relationships with faculty and other students. A wonderful, supportive experience. [10.22] LSE modernised. As an alumni looking at LSE now, disappointed Three Tuns bar not what it was – even though some students were conservative, socialism was part of the culture. This reflects on the realities of our time: culture of individualism. [11.43] As an academic looking at LSE now SQ would like to see a better match between education and jobs; training people for the jobs that are being created. [13.55] Students need skillsets and knowledge: problem solving, critical thinking. [15.13] Worked on European project at LSE for Patrick Humphreys, creating what are now known as apps. [16.36] Describes concept of development, areas that should be addressed through learning and research. [19.16] Would like to see more emphasis on what the world is becoming rather than what is was. [20.03] Concept of the fourth world, divide between the rich and the poor and its relationship with the education system. [21.06] Thoughts about online communities and teaching.