Track 1 [27:02] [Session one: 10 July 2015] Brian van Arkadie [BV], born 1935. BSc Econ 1955, Business Administration 1956. Background about himself: a development economist, academic and teacher, working in Vietnam and Africa. [01.45] BSc Economics at LSE in the early 1950s. [03.00] Logic and Scientific Method with Karl Popper. [05.00] Economic history at LSE. [05.30] In 1955 BV was first socialist to be defeated in the election for Students’ Union presidency. [06.35] LSE’s move from left to right following Harold Laski’s death and replacement by Michael Oakeshott. [7.10] Mention of Ralph Miliband. [07.30] Student politics at LSE. [08.12] Visiting the Russian Embassy. [08.27] Being taken to dinner by a cultural attache in Gerrard Street before it was Chinatown. [09.25] Starting LSE at age 17, while living at home in Kentish Town. [10.15] Student social life at LSE: in the politics and rowing clubs. [10.41] Description of the student body as cosmopolitan, lots of friends from different countries. [11.06] Student social life in London: the rise of Italian coffee bars. Jazz clubs. [11.54] Three Tuns and social facilities on campus. [12.17] Wrights Bar. [12.35] Refectory. [12.59] Description of fellow students and their careers. [14.30] Students’ Union dances held in the Refectory. [14.58] Campus consisted of two buildings, the Old and East Buildings. [15.07] Carr-Saunders and the decision to build a bridge between the buildings. [15.29] BV organised celebration for LSE’s 60th anniversary. [16.14] Tea with Lord and Lady Beveridge. [16.32] LSE’s 60th anniversary held in Beatrice Webb House, conference centre in Sussex. [17.05] Invited Bertrand Russell. Tawney came. Bertrand Russell’s memories from 1895. [17.59] Lionel Robbins and how he helped BV extend his scholarship after he was rejected from army. [20.09] LSE graduate course in Business Administration, description of fellow students, who were mostly American. [21.22] After the course, Robbins helped BV apply for funding to go to America. [21.43] Reflection on types of jobs graduates went on to compared with the left wing soul of the School. [22.32] Description of being the first in his family to come to university. [23.05] William Robson. [24.02] Richard Titmuss. [25.22] and [26.06] RH Tawney. Track 2 [02.57] Physical location of LSE in London, good at attracting public speakers quickly. [00.46] Malcolm X. [01.03] Marie Stopes. [01.03] LSE as being in the middle of things. [01.44] Bush House was the Indian High Commission, students ate in the Indian restaurant there. [02.12] Sports at LSE, sports clubs were socially very important for students.