9J1111993 kJ 5^ BRITISH LIBHARY OF POLITICAL JECONOMICSCIENCE The BeaU er FHE STUDENTS' UNION NEWSPAPER OF THE LONDON SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS EMERGENCY ISSUE NO "TOPUPS'TOR OUR STUDENTS! The LSESU Executive met yesterday to discuss its reply to Uie Schools report and tiie articles in tiie national press about "top up" fees. The meetdng was wellattendedby the newexficu-tive and two of the sabbaticals elect, Tfesher Pitzpatrick and Leandro Moura. Notabfy absent wereFazile2jahir,t3ie current GeneralSecretaiy and Jonny Bradbum Also present were many concerned students including Antonia Mochan, who had spoken on Greater London Radio the previous n^t, speaking against "tq) up" fees. After a long discussicoi it was dedded, after a recommendation fiom tiie Chair of Constitution and Steering Committee, to call an Emergency General Meeting for Friday at 5.30pm to pass LSESU policy on tiiis issue. Therefore when tiie proposal is presented to the Academic Board on the 23 June, they know v^iiat the strength of feeling of the students is. Itwasdeddedihatapetitionwouldbestarted forthwith and the basis of aUnion Resolves part ofthe motiontobe discussed onFriday is overleaf! The petition will be available to be signed in Hougjiton Street fix)m today UNION RESOLVE 1. lb disrupt the normal workings of the school, 2. To disrupt the normal workings of the Centenary appeal. 3. Organise an anti-recruitment campaign. 4. To make the students on the 1895 committee resign. 5. To call for the immediate resignation of the Director, 6. To publicise the campaign against "top up" fees. 7. To draft plans for a rent-strike. 8. To draft plans for an occupation. 9. To compile a list of alternative courses to those offered at the LSE. 10. lb boycott the catering and photo-copying facilities. 11. Tb write to M.P's of Halls of Residences and other M.P.S who may be willing to support us. 12. Tb work with all other members of staff in the LSE. 13. Tb meet with the school to discuss the future in terms of funding. 14. Tb contact and work with NXJS, and other colleges facing similar problems. 15. Tb disrupt the LSE*s summer profit making activities. 16. Tb put ''No Top Up Fees" on LSESU headed paper. N.B. This was compiled on the night of the 8th June. The Union resolves on the motion paper may appear in a different order and worded slightly differently THE BEAVER This Emergency Issue ROOM E197 Qf 'pjje Beaver was put IfolcHTON STREET r - LONDON was printed by the LSESU WC2A 2AE print room on recycled tel. (071) 955 6705 paper.