FABIAN TRACT No. 21. QUESTIONS FOR London Vestrymen. (RHISED SEPTEMBER 1894-) SIR, or MADA!II, In connection with your Candidature for the office of Vestryman, 1 should be obliged if you would be good enough to answer the following question , and return the paper to me. I am, yours faithfully, ..Vame of Elector·-··································-·····················------------ rlddress of Elector ...................................... --------------·-·············· QUESTIONS. ANSWERS. I.-A DE 10CRATIC BOARD. I .-\Vill you vote for evening meetings of the \'estry or District Board, o a to afford facilities for the attendance of Vestrymen and Ratepayers whose occupations leave them no spare time during the day? 2.-\Vill you vote for granting the use of the Vestry Hall, or other suitable public building, at a nominal charge, for any public meeting convened by twenty ratepayers? 3.-\Vill you insist on the publication of det::tiled reports of the sanitary condition of I every p::trt of the district, complete returns of ::tll local charities, and the admission of the press ::tnd the public to all Board meetings? 4.-\Vill you use your influence in favor of ::t ystematic official cam·as of the whole p::tri h e::tch year, in order to ensure that no qualified person be omitted from the rerri~ter of electors ? H.-PROPER TRE_-\ T::\1ENT OF WORKER. 5.-Are you in favor of making the Ve try employees weekly servant with ::t minimum wage of 24s. ? QUESTIONS. 6.-Will you insist upon the appointment of a Vestry Committee to which :my aggrieved employee shall have the right to appeal? 7.-Will you insist that in all work carried out by the Vestry the Trade Union rate of wages shall be paid, and the hours of work shall be limited to a maximum of eight per day, or 4 in each week ? 8.-Will you, in every possible ca e, prefer the direct employment of labor by the Vestry to the intervention of a con tractor ? 9.-Whenever it is found necessary to employ a contractor, will you in i t uponthe insertion, in all contracts for upplies :1 well as for works, of clauses stipulating, under adequate penalties, which shall be rigidly enforced : (a) against sub-contracting or s\\·eating; (b) for payment of Trade Union r:1te of wages and observance of Trade Union hours and condition , for each trade, as specified in a ch~Cdule to the contracts ? (c) that, whenever possible, the workingday shall be eight hours only? (d) that, in all clothing contracts, the whole work shall be done in the contractor's factory, and none givenout? xo.-Vifill you take care that no printingwork is given to any firm not on the Fair list of the London Society of Compositors? II.-Will you support all Vestry employees in securing freedom to join the Trade Union of their occupation, or (if none such exists) to form a union for themselves? 12.-Will you insist upon the Vestrymaking an earnest endeavor, by co-operating with the Board of Guardians and the County Council, to find, in all periods of depression and distress, temporary useful and honorable employment for those out work, by the arrangement of the publicworks in such a way as to increase employment at these periods? ANSWERS. I3.-Are you in favor of granting a week's holiday e\·ery year, with full pay, to all the permanent employee of the Vestry, QUESTIONS. ANSWERS. and will you take care that all workmen I are allowed reasonable sick pay in case of illness or accident ? ! I4.-Will you support the maintenance ! of a permanent public registry of the un-I employed men and women in the parish ? 1 Is.-Will you vote for the provision of I accommodation in the Town H all or other 1 public building for the weekly meetings of I Friendly Societies and Trade Unions doingpublic work in the district? ------------1 ' III.-SANITARY AND OTHER REFORMS. I6.-Will you support the fullest application of the law against insanitary property, without respect of persons, and the provision of efficient and adequate sanitaryinspection ? 17 -Will you vote for an immediate increase in the number of Sanitary Inspectors, and for a systematic house-to-house visitation in order to ensure that every house is in a sanitary condition ? I 8.-Will you require the registration of Tenement H ouses, with a view to secure more effective sanitary supervision ? I9.-Will you insist on a complete registration and thorough inspection of all workshops, and the regular visitation of all out- workers? 20.-Will you vote for the immediate provision of baths and wash-houses in anydistricts at present unprovided with them ? 2I.-Will you support an effort to ensure the regular, frequent and strictly gratuitouscollection of dust, particularly in the poorer districts? 22.-Are you in favor of the provision of open spaces and of tree-planting in the streets ; of the adoption of noiseless pavement ; of th'e erection of seats and shelters; of providing public drinking fountains; and of public lavatory accommodation for each sex?· 23.-Will you. support the exercise of all powers of the Vestry and County Council for compelling the Water Companies to give a constant water supply? QUESTIONS. I ANSWERS. _____..:._________ _--'------- 24.-\Vill you insist upon the properinspection of all the private slaughterhouses in the district, pending their abolition and the establishment of Municipal _-\battoirs ? TV.-MUNICIPAL AND TAXATION REFORM. 25.-Will you resist any attempt at the dismemberment of the County Council, or any proposal to depart from the plan of the direct popular election of its members? 26.-Will you press for the early Unification of London, by the union of the CityCorporation with the County Council ? 2 7 .-Are you in favor of abolishing such compulsory Church Rates as still exist in London? 28.-Will you support the adoption of the Public Libraries Acts? 29.-Are you in favor of placing the ! water supply in the hands of the CountyCouncil, either by purcha e of the exi ting companies (not at monopoly price) or bythe establishment of an independent sup ply? 30.-Do you favor a similar policy in regard to the Gas Supply, the Tramways, and other monopolies? 31.-Will you seek to put into operation any power the Vestry may possess for rating unoccupied land and houses? 32.-Are you in favor of, and will you attempt to pledge the Vestry to support, the taxation of Ground Values for the relief of the occupiers ? 33.-Will you vote for immediate application to the Local Government Board to confer on the Vestry all powers given to Parish Councils by the Local Government Act, 1894? Signature of Ca1ldzdate .. ------------------------------------------------------------ For list and particulars of other Tra~s write to the Secretary of the Fabian Society, 276 Strand, W.C. Printed lists of questions to be put to candidates for the Guardians, School Board, County Council, or Parliament, will be sent free. Complete set of 53 Tra~s, price 2s. 3d. post free; or, bound in buckram, JS. gd. post free. Published by the FADIAN SoCIETY, 276 Strand, London, W.C.