~~cAJoi I. T~·~s~~~: ~ ~~ WF 2 4-1~(1 1: 4. r. ~"r ..,\... r.,""""'"""""" ~~~ . 1=~~'2..'f'~ l8~1. S. V~.:_ ~cL~ I. ~IL ~~0 ~ .. ~ID~ '"""""""',(. 9­ ~'r-'ol ( 2.w~~~ eA(~~~~~~ ~ ~w1. ~~~~~ ~~~ v~~a'L~e\ I(, ~~·~ (/~"-<) o.J1­U -"' ' C~cv.--r~.. 3 • A~""'M. ~~'"""'£; cJ..,J. 1kv... ~ ~~~ ~I '*-c. oJt: . ­ 4. ~~~~~.~~r:r~~~~ \ tr.. , .. ~cJJ..u: ~o.M~~,r.~, ~ \J:IVJ"O..O ~~ ~~~ Y~'t~ R..t ~~car~ ~~~~&V~~-ll~. r-. ~\o.J-11. \ ~~~~~acvuLkL ~~%~ NM~1 ~rr~~q...,~~~ I. ·~ l. 3. ~· , . . . v aJ_ ~a/VM.ct-1.cW ~'"-0 ':{"w:l.~ ~ ~~qt f ~~~~~­ ·,: ~w ~1-~2'*"-t$ ~~~ 1. ~Jj.. ~"--~1~.~~~~~~ ~.1 ~~~~u~, 'f~ 02o.~ ~t J-et /aJi t dw ~ ~okyuL. . . ~.: • ~~~~~ ~? 1-o ~<,.. ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ f~~~1 ~ 'F~·~ ~1&4d.t. ~~~ ~ ~~ 4-'\-v~. 3. ~'h~ ~::~~.;... .V~'~lt.l ~+. volt~ f\lA~;.. ~t ~et.~ ;n~~f.~Jw lGt"~~:~) ef Q~~ 1r~(li~.. tt) OfMpl. ~~~~~~.£~. I b. cru k., ~~~~~~ ~~~ ~o1_ r~~ ~ ~llrrAAt r~~~~~~ M~~~~ '1· -e.4-el ~~~M.cad. ~ • ~ ~ttUt\. ~ ~:ft., f1.ad~ ~ ~~ 1 ~~~cl~'\.. ~-I-~ ~~o(.~~~el~~ ~.~~M~~I&. ~rf·~ ~ ~ ~~"-elL. ­ ~ ' ~~~ {j~~­ • 3 ., '· (' ~I li'l Candidates. Proposed by Montague D. Eder Louis Cohen & Laurence Cohen Mrs. Cameron... Mary Cameron and G. Wallas Mrs. D. McEwen D. McEwen do. Isaac Geo. Rogers Wm. Crooks & A. C. H . Graham Richard Wall ... W. B. P. Jones do. John Evans A. C. Graham & W. B. P. Jones William Robinson Do. do. Henry Guy Bentley Frank Podmore & Thos. Bolas John Naylor ... H. B. Holding & Nelson Palmer H. Finnis Johnson Do. do. Edwin Thos. Marriott... OlafF. C.Block & Harriet Block Thomas Robinson William Edwin & Geo. Turner Miss A. E. F. Horniman J. H. Skilbeck & C. 0. Skilbeck Edward J. Morgan J. Watson Grice & F. Butler John Wm. Martin George Samuel & E. R. Pease Waiter Porter.. . Harry Lowerison & G. Samuel Thomas Porter Do. S. Herbert Edmund Houghton Claude and Charles BUl-ton Richard Runciman J. R. Runciman &Harriet Block Percy Greenstreet . . . Do. do. Thomas Hepple (Newcastle)... James Pickersgill A. E. Taylor (Oxford) . . . . . . Adolphus Ballard Robert Jones Derfel (Manchester) ... . .H. M. Reade Frederick Geo. Walton (Darlington) A. E . Hirstwood Miss C. E. Skerritt (Wokingham) ... General Secretary L. A. Coghlan (Bri~thton) ... ... Do. 3 f~k.( ~~~ "FoJ~·~ ~~ oJ....~ ~3o~-+~~~L ~1r~ ~4~~~~"10.dLo~ ,J • / QJv.rA.,_ ON\,~"M. M~~~ ~~0;~ ~~ ~~~tt1 Jk~~~~~~~­ ~. ~~~U~o(~~~­ I. ~\~~ ~ofc tl\~ ~~A~ ~ • • 1J.:.i... ~ ~IVIDA"~// ~~ ~ ~\:1.1 -k·~{1;r;t·,· €.we-~~-e"lf. ~~t~~~­ ~~~ C/?~( .) Arthur R. Gridley, 4 Ge.lves­ton-rd., Putney, s.w. Euste.ce D. He.rtley e.nd Mrs. He.rtley, 8 Bedford-roe.d, Bedford Park, w. - Fredk. He.ywood, 40 South-at. Park-lane, w. Fred. Knee, 3 Smith-street, ­Chelsea., s.w.­ Mrs. Eugenie Lineff, 14 Mel­rose-terre.ce, West Kens-ington-park, w. ­ Je.mes Solley, 87 High-street, Notting Hill Gate, w. De.vid Bell, 34 Dunde.s-street, Monksw'th, Sunderland. George Cocker, 18 Church-st. Burnley. Rev. Edw. E. Clee.l, Pineside,Winton, Bournemouth ­Rev. Che.s. Peach, 32Conduit­ roe.d, Sheffield Rev. J. Tait Scott, The Parson­age, Lymington, Hants. ­Eugene Teesdale, 16 Park-villas, Park-avenue, Hull Ole.f F. C. Bloch and Harriet Bloch. J. F. Oakeshott and C. Sisterson. E. E. Willie.ms e.nd John F. Runcime.n. H. G. Be.rne.rd e.nd Mrs. Sa.ndham. E. R. e.nd M. G. Pease. W. S. De Me.ttos e.nd Edith Bland. General Secretary. do. do. do. do. -Edw. P. He.ll. General Secretary. do. do. 1+. ~~O!NA.Yoil~ ~ol ~~~ ~ ~~ "-~r ,.. f~LU ~'1-etA.~~ S" • ~""""" wcJi.o..o ~'l£.Ml .flM H~J ~)a,~sP.'?~ I )!F.~~~. I ~4 ~1' ~ ~a.4-t" ~-~1Mc( ~· I 'l.tl~k., ~~~f)-Cl>~~ 1 ~~. 1 I lfiss Anuie H. Tbomsou, 55 Lich.fiold. road, Bow, E. ... ... ... H. F. Johnson & E. Scott. 1\Irs. Grc?nwood, 1 La.nsdown-pl&ee, Brunswtck-squa.rt', \V.C. ... .. B. Waiter and G. W&JI&s. ,J E. Holdi;wortb, 47 Violet-at., Halifax W. S. De Mattos. Willia.m Hi nos, 92 St. Olcmont's, Oxford W.DeMa.ttosandS. Webb. 1\Iisa Emilie Hincs, Ditto. 1\lisa Annie Hincs, 11 ,. Ditto. )!fib~ Ada. Hines, 11 " Ditto. Henry Thos Lconard, 5 Lincoln-villu, ittingbourne ... .. ... ... Genen.J Secretary. T. R. Brice, 40 Macb"}ja'-plaoo, River­ side, Carditl ... ... ... .. A. 0. E. Parr. Willio.m Beti:;;-26'Lini6;;::g..,, Lewiaho.m o E: &itfeand1I. Bland Jamee Burrell, 17 Eldou-•L., N. --W. Jones and A. Graham J. G. Giboou, 5 Gossage-rd., Plum>tead F. E. Green and H. Snell Min Amy Linnott, 14. J.o"itzroy-stroot, \V. \V. ScudamoreandE. Scott E. Oubitt Sayen, Ro•euborg, Ealing, W. Harold Cox and S. Webb G. H. Watson,EndowedSchooi,Sonniug Wm. Critchley T. WOOtc\. ~ 4.-~~ fJ\V ~/1 , M r~-P} ~~~~ ~£i. r~r~~ .eJ: ~~'rZ~ ~~ (}'~~~.. ~ eN.~r-'} (,/~ r£·~~~ .. :.~ , ., ~~~~ ~'1 lj '( (j~~­~~g '' 'I ~d~~. Gf~~~~. ­ 4-· vr~~~~~~~ ~1-~~. ~ f.e.t. ~Lt ~ I .'*' 4 1\VL.r d.. ~v~ ~~~ ~~~~~'J~ t-~ ~·~ or~~~ tj~~:, ~~~~~ ~ q'r ~~"'~e>..~ ~~~. -, b. ~~w~w ~'}n.KL~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~~MA,~ "l ~ I Q ~~cp~-~71,~ 4A ~~= ~ru" ~·'( ~A /VM ~~\ c:b"' t€..M: ''-;:~ ~,'' (""ol ~ ~1\J\~~ ~~ ~'1~~-~~. ~r:~~~~1~~~ /f.~-~~~~f. ~~~;;) ~~• """"-...:.. le.. ~,._e..;.,( ft/-1.. ~~ 1~I YaiiM/rV~r~ ~~~ 13~~( ~~~~~. g~ lt 1~ . r;r. . d . I ~' C?~~~~~e.. r3~~, Rw.... ,u.r~~~~""" r~~~ QU~ ~~q, ~~~~~AA ~ \.1\~ ~'t~ ~~q ~~'"­ I I ~~~ c 2 ~.N. s. J:r~ ~~~C4cU "-'1L-("l.£~,l-C\ \.. I ~~~~~~~ ~. ~.\f1.~ ~~/11-~~,G~ ~'& ev.,__~' of" ~ I~~~~:~~~~ ~oJ.M.-I ~0.~~ ~,~r~~ ~r-wvt.­ cp~ ~-~ l.e-e.1'~ ~SI_~' I ~~Oh 'f',-,.a"l j ~lift. · -<;, /13. u~~ ~~ I %t_~~ &d,-~~~~. 1,2.. -t1,~~ Vc&M ~Md-7~~ I ~~;~ ~~ih-kk..~-uJ ~: ~t(_ of ~f&( ~11;-~}k.... I ~~. )k t:di.c ~d.. ~17za.d-2a ·r~rt4~"d.,~ aL ~~dk~a£t., ~~ ~ ~""U-J-f'a.t..~ ~aA'-f! -1-J.e.c. ~ ~"'"·&VhL • ~ ur:: 0 ' ~- --'l" -I '"' ~ ~­ 1. ~~~~~foJ~ev....s~ ~~~ ~/ ~~~~ ~J ~11, ~a.JJ_ . ­ 3. s~1A,._ v.etL ~La);f~ ~s~ i:ZO~ ~~?;--~:r~ ~~~~~d \-~-~~ . ad~I ~ u.j1W 1: ~~dt ca4ddd;; . ~.. ~:-tt.~ ~~-e.,;~~~ ur~ lt& . ~(4 tL~~ ~""-~ 1+-.s.s~~ ~~~~~~~~J. ?7.. .. ~~,V~O...J, c~:-~Y3~ (>~~~I· c,"-cJ... o..~ L v.U _ rr I~ er~ ~-~.-i!:~14-Jl ~~ /3~_?/.k, ·~ f"~ ~.111 ~-V~ ~ ~ cQ. evA,~ 4 ... H. Roberts & S. E. Dark do. do. John Burnell &nd Harry Lowerison ~!iss K. Dodd Gncl hi'\ Group the following uufounrlecl accu-;\tion e:\:.{ainc;t a member of thl:! Society, nz.:- Slllnmon.; to a special me~tin~; ol the Southern Group to consider. 1. Re~olution re Aer&ted Bread Company's employees. "2 That this meeting strongly disapproves of the dishonomble trick by which SIIJ r-:v .. I " Wf:nB prevented a resolution (r·eferring to the above) being pnt to the gen~ml "Fabian meetin~ on November 20th, and calls upon \Vmm to C\ph\m and clear "himself ol the susprcion of being directly or indirect!) interc. ted in the 'weatrn~ "ol the A. B. C. employees ".\11 Group Secretaries are invited to attend or send represcntath· s. "2:Jrd .Vovember, 1H91. "21 Oemlrline Road, Wandsworth, H. \V." (2) To t\ppoint two audrtor<. Cf~~J~ ~~~&.U~1 1 ~ ~~ 9'/f I 6-'f .,_ ~.~~ 1-. v~ J.l,.. e/ /. 1[; ~11cw~.~~j ~*1V-~ . I : 1. ~w~ ~a.~wvt ~ ~~t I& S'~ NW ~~~ ~cl.4Y.. ~~i -fJ_ ~ ~~ ~t ~~ ~ t.~ 'l; lot·Q,P.. tMM. ~ ~ ~ ~ cp~: {L ~aA.kL ~(J. ~~~ ~ ~~1:;~ ~ ~··~~ai~ 4~~~1 ~.:~;J·~~ff~ t~ ~~"-r}o ~~~~"f-d~~ ~~ ~~~-14MLA. ~ -.v& ~ ~­~~~~.?k~cVz.wr~"-2; ~.. ~~-4~1~~w~ ~~~er~ ~~~q. ~h~~3M. 3.-V~~~~~~ "~~'to~ o/~u't. ~ ~~~ GW.wW.~~~J '~ J+. ~~ ~~~r~,~ ~A,.,1:~ ~;;-~.s~ M. ~/ ~--rvv·· ~1~ ~~ .. ·u rs-4-~rq~ s;v-..~. J:r~~,.-: ~~ .. \\ ~ 'f" ,, ~~· 1~~ " IS"" ~ '• ~\.~-~ jf'I\4..Ucl~ •• ~~ s-r· rr,~~~ ('~~~ ~ ~ ~a4o ~\t.a[<"f"~o.Gk'2S Q~P..,~ f 1 ~~ ~~) ~cl L.. ~~ ~ d-'1.,..., 1Wt, ­ 5". ~t&. ~~~~~ ~~ /t.-~'L£-'1.-.'\1.­ ., ~..evv.,iJ.:t~ S~, ~!Wtu ~ t; d-~ 9~, ~I 'Wo.JJ.MI R.~, ~\!~! ~cwr, Qj.. ~• ... . ~~c.ovJ!..U.ot ~~~ cL.~~ • ~-0..~~~~~~~~ ~;:~s~~~ ~i:~~ ~.cl ~~l'r; ,J~ ~~~~cJ.. ~~~d.. 'i K-t ~­ 9'~ ~~ ~ r3~attcM ~~ ..~..W.. ~.~~~~ ~ ~ 'te.u.. cl&.t-~ clvir.; cl.t. ~ r or ~ ~~ ~~ i; 1100 tt; ~1. Cik ~ ~~~~.-~ ~ er.eu.~ ~~~~~.;.. ~J o1 +r-tcv. ~ ~ • (('~ ~i ~~Jldl dX ~4 -,'.:! ~4v !rf~. 1t.i.~ ~Jf....~. . '-~~~~~~~ l.Cf~1~~ 1L~-A.~r~­t;-~~ '1.-~( '"{ o.iu 7~· f g-t }G. J../kc:Ut. 1'~~ rf~( ~~JC-Jb.­ J. ~~v~~ r~ ~~IM..J'-~ ~~~~~-~~ ~~~.~-~. )}. ~:~.~'hti. ~f.-~.~~l­ 1( (' .. • . _./l.f': /t ~~ r.' :... I . ~ 00"U.-~-r JIU~( 4J(--• tfT.v, ~~~ ~~r--~ ~v~~sdU~. ~~~~~~ ~..d .. ~~~s~~ ~~~ s.,~IJ. .~-'~( ?-!!~I ~ ~~~~~.!;-~ hl~.­~· q'-Jk, ~~~?IJ1. o1\ ~u~' "1-{fl ;.-§.. ~~~&~. l.~~tw~~ ~­ 2. crk ~a,~~lk ~(,.ek/~.­ t:-oTOATE•. Walter Andoraon, SO Richmond-rd., N. Wm. Ballance, 48 Cambridge Build. ings, Pim.lico, S.W . ... Miss Gertrude Bea.ne, Neatishea.d, Norfolk Miss August& A. Brown, 161 Bird in the Bush Lane, Peckham, S.E. ... Miss Lillian M. Burton, 24 Wimpole­ street, W. Wm. D. Clayton, 9 St. Willrid'a. place, Ripon Fred W. He&l, 2 Gresho.m Buildings, High-road, Willeaden Q C Henson '08 Mao ea&d,Bwsl 1 Jj 9 il. J. Alfred Jones, 4 The Pavement,South Norwood John Kent, SO Holbeok-road, Stock-well, S.E., ... . .. W. H. Knight, 5 Selbornc-road, Wood- green, N. ~I Qqr 14 Nsrfb Q iq wot­ 1 bphs 1; "I C, 000 •• Harry MoVica.r, Balliol House, Toynbee Hall Rev. Berbort V. Miles, Ancborites' Well, Kendol C. T. Mohun, 7 Fountain Brow, Fell. side, Kendall Mrs. Jeann.ie Mole, Grove Park, Liverpool .. Roberl A. Poddie, 29 Braocwell.road, North Kensington, 'W. . .. ~1rs. Mori• Prott, 25 Tollington­place, N. ... .. .. W. U. Rowe, 90 Frithville Gardens, Shepherd's Bush, W. George Stainton, 7 Egerton-street,Sunderland ... W. L. Sugden, 27 Quoen-atreot, Loek, Staffordshire.•. John \Vbitburn, 16 Dunning-street, Middlesborough PliOPOSl!It IIY S. M. Fogan and E. Seotl. Jas. Piclrengill and H. W. Mocroaty. F. E. Green. B. RUey and A. H. Wolker. 0. V. Burton & R. E. Dell. H. S. Hodgoon. F. C. Baum & J. Hendenon. J, W Qrioo & P. B. !tteen. Groham Wallos and E. R. Pease. John Knee &E. E. Williams. H. B. Holding, and W. R. Wells. W Ellwi • H S rflld. J. W. Grioe & F. E. Green. W. S. De Mott.... "' ~o.d. ~~J.u<(~ak" ~~13~ ,.~~~ ~~. 1 4-. ~~eL~ Kal-f'/;~· J? 1 ' a. i~9'~ ~ '?'~~~-~~~~~~~ ~~kw.~~"' ~k~. ~~I~~ ~-~~·(M.{_ I ~~~~~~~~~"'­~~ 1o..k ~~ ~ ~. S". <').k ~~~~~~l4 ~~ (1w,:~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~L-~ ~­ j b. ~~)JJL~ ~~~~ T"'.e...L ~~~ ."~,_I .. ~c:-.;J~~~ ~S.~;a..1 . 'M_~) ~~I ~~j,61, I ~ x~-t~ 2. .er~ ~~~~1lct, ~~~ 1 ~~Vli:­ lary'o-road, PROPOBZD 81' E. E. Williamo IUld E . W. Allen. P. R. P.-.t~ & W. R Wello. 11 E. E. Metivitr. Gcne.-.1 ~ret.ary. E. E. WiUir.mo and J. Bur­ g 0 G. B. haw and Huberl Bl.a.nd. Thomao Walker. R. }:. D 11 &. E. R. Pea . I::. } .. W•lli&m~ and F. 0. lla)"'ood• • • \\"ebb F. W. Gallon. 1'. H. !'rat\ and E. E. r li'ricll IUld E. R. P W \\' ll nlett od F. w. Gal ton. J. BurueU IUl•l W. F.d R. E. Dcl! aod L. M, Fagan. P. n. P.-.lt and E. n. P E. n.r 4:0 D. w. OnLham a1 a & Or.ham I!! cr:e..._ -~~1-!..t !Mu """""'" 10ak:.. -?J) s~ .e~OL ~~""" ~~~J '-~-~cJ.£1 ~:.. ~~AA.~ ~~!F~JJ ~­ (Lf ) ~o.ko ~~~~~~ evvt~~A ~~~~ ~~~~ ~Ci ,-k. L s-. ~~)9-J,w.~~~ ~P~ ~'f"wL.~~~cl..~­ 0 ~'...l fUOcL-~~~~~ ~}~.,_ ~~~~~·.­ Number of Candidates -24 Number to be Elected 15 The Voter must cross out the names of those Candidates for whom he does N 0 T vote. At leiU!t NINE names must be thus cancelled. Sign1jles a .Member of the Retiri11y Eucuttve. 15" Robert Banner l>t lo•J. F. Oakeshott 'JCf lt W. W. Bartlett f~ (., ~Sydney Olivier I tb ... i ~ert Bland JIS"' g"'I\Edw. R. Pease 11S' !h •Robert E. Dell S'j q• Mrs. Sandham 101 7i •w . S. De Mattos IIS"~z~•G. B. Shaw 13{, Mrs. Fagan $2.. 13 H. H . Sparling S~ ''I,_ I 21i Mrs. Grenfell '1.., Mrs. Morgan Thomas I ''Ji. Sl. I'I ~I L . Griffith 77 17 George Turner ~o Jft. Fred. Hammill Stf 1 • Graham Wallas I!J7 '' Fred. Henderson ~~ .t!iSidne Webb /3b ~I H . Bond Holding 51 Ernest E. Williams 5b 11 If 'H. W Massingham117. Mrs. H . E . Williams 27 11' ~. q. ID Q. ~~ ~~~..<,A<£e). I ~'f-a.~hd -l ~~-r~~--• ID. ~~~).tcJ.-~~ ~~~ ~at.-~~~ ~~P'-­~~M~1'~.­ ~'~d___ t:La-·~­/~!fl, er~~q). ~)Id{ ern) r~ .. %> . ~~hu_,~__:...~ a.A 13~~' "-~13--~~ ft-f'M_~ ~(!{~ ~~..:.....,~ ~ · .2,. ~~/h..~ w-rvf<, I ~a:A~ fo ~ut ~ ~~~~· J.~~~~~. '+· ~\ ~~J'~o-f ~1 ...,o--11'---'~ ,~~ M•• f2.t...,....,.....J~ '1-~~-~~ ~~•• ~· ~~~CA/ ~.'r :fc~~ o..A ~~~11(... ~ • .r: Cf. I~~~~ 13'UA. -~J A..-lt4 ~~ ,.___,. __. ..... _..... --fJ--rJ '~~~~ ...-.. lo·-4V-~ ~~~~~~;..,... -~ ~..h, h. . . ~c.~ ~~~~ l. h~( fvr $<.~ ', dl) ~G4.. ) If-~... 4. /!~ ~~'-< ~)~ 3!" /; ~~~ S ~ P~c~ fi..4hfc-;~ t;". /V,.JJ..~ ~~, • ~ ~ ~~,..,-<. "-"' · ~.)4c, 1'~; ~~ .:.. -: -·~~,_..4,.4_..~...o---o ty-:-I '" "' ttM.-~: k ~~~. "J?e.d ~ ~~-: t~""""'~-ly. tt . / ~/'~ D"T. h ~ f''ZAdic~ ' "'"" ' 'f~ ''. ~ "~"-~~ ~. ~~~. /lt~ ~;; l /4.}~ ~r~f~ '-'~U s~ .,_ . "'~ ~ ;,~. ~~<--v(-0-~ .. f~Lhtt~ cJ-fsn,~ ~-:f.r~;,'-1 · d"'-t .'2<1fR JJti-2 . lY fltr. S'tc.w~t) . }j-w{A-;.. J..( cl~. -r(.{ wu:.. 1-u 1t-<, r~'" f-<'l:t. ~~wt_..t.,. -n~........s ~w. 1. : \. o.bSt..te ~ ~)~...~ Wc.-6f 1 qw.J.J_ kJctlJilt '-JZ "' ~ro..Kt-~ ~..-t.s~ ~-u ~ ~( 1 f-4 s~1 ~ I ( s~cJ tl~. !)' /1, ~-U ~1 K.t .r~ ~ , C~...)M-u Jv'" '(~-~­ J3iA-~ S'L.-r~ou~ ~~.f.-. ~ ---+~ .kL.vc o.. .........._,... r, .~k:~kf. ~~ [;{£d-~ J..o vo.k. .:-. ~ ~~t:r ~~ .._... ~~+.. ~rl-.4.. ,..frv-.-v~. -rL. ~r ~W"aA ~~.~. ~~~-1-W ~~4,.a.,..~rz)::,")/,.t~.l V~!! Y~.1 !! 11 c:~~ k ~t.. .J-e...t. ~ h. ~1--U~~~·~ I ~·u-c-1-.. "~~~ "-t ~c~-~ ~~~~ rLt --:; ~~. ., ... N-* ~. ~ Ad~ n~ r~ ~ ··1~ cL~ ~vi.. ..:.. tile.~ /;-+ ~ ;, c:-l~--lJ ,..,u,._ ~n--e.." h t-?A.~j.. ~d,e.£,,.f .... r r~_ ~ ~~ li:k ~­ ~vo:.~'t'tJ~) W bu.., o.slltS" a )U,o,k ~-1.... wf!.:cL. ~· ...... ~c·~~-w~J A.£. oeJJ.~:31~_,~~~< ~e.,..,r4 rn,ri{W1tr ~o-~ ......u..rs.t .u·J~ I (\~ • I '\ ,'J-· e~-· N ~~}er~. c+-r;.~ ~OlW,_ ~~J..s,t~ ~cvw.w~~ -§~ ;'+' ~s~ ~f'Mi.. ~ ~ ~-_.;,__,:_:_-_ ....-: ..... ·. . . ' ~~q).; ~AAMMM ~ ~ 'f" ~ 13f!- 8 /If! .,C ~· I.~~~~~II;Uu., ~ ~ 0 'l.f~tle... ~~'( 'lwv 'l.Pi-ww. ~. f.l.w.~~~aM..~~~· 'l; ~~dl'l.. ~r+ ~~Wa.&.t-1 ~ ~1-~ ~q-..,__o.,c); ~~ e~_ ., /' I ~· ~T~~ ' ~---~~. U 1 Agenda.-(!) Motion by Mrs. Fa.ga.n and J . F. Cake-shot~ : "That ~he Executive be instructed to appoint a 1 Spe01a.l Co=ttee to prepare a. tract advocating the claims of women to all civil and political rights at pre­ 0 sent enjoyed by men." r tt.o ~~ ~cuJ: 1'1 w.Aj~ ~~. er~~ d..M-~ ~ clJ; d I q ;{; 11~a.f' KcJ._ ~ ~. .& ~~cLto~ t ~~ tr:.w(-­ 1~. M ~olu(. b. ~~J&c ~6-~~~ ~~0/~L. k -P./WJ~~ ~-f. ~1,1.Q... M ~ CJ't~... ~ 're.t ~~I ~~(j"v\. ~~~ 1LoA\ ~~VL~~ r~·.r~ ~~~­f"{u. ~~et~~.~. 7· ·~~~~ I (4) lllliliillt by George 'l 'urner: "That the Executive Committee be instructed to appoint a Special Committee to take in hand the forthcoming Guardians' Elections." ~~~Nt ~a..MJ~ ~;\. ~ fW'J• a....wC .,(~~­ cp~~ p). ~?1-JJ... ~ t:f~·c~.~ J !f~l .J..~. ~~ ~~ te.L. c.L.J.., . 1.rJeu~ ta~~ ~~ 2.S. ~~~K~ ~s~ ~~~( !}:; ~o.. fw& ~~. le., '}I.S.S, ¥ ~·. 2-:f. ~~ ~~ ~~cW:;;..... ~~--S~. '·~-~"'te... ~~1 'Jk ~ H-. ~-r~o~~"" r!t ~~ ~~~~~. s. ~~~1r~~}v~~ ~~ ~~o.J.b.vv . i) b.7~~~~~~~s~.~~~ C)/a_ ·~~'-Vw~~~I~( ~. ~~-~( ~~~ 1V~(~ ~~MM-~cP~· J.;.~~ ' cp~~at.~~~r~ ThMe.l-3~ I~ 9! . -1-/ .~ftq) P~AA-t.:t. Jk!ATU..~ t-1 ~l..-f?t:. Jldi A J.h.d~. b I ~ ~ tJ_ tP P-'h.. . J+. ll'. lhll.. ~tn'-<;t ~ fl...t_ eh lW\ ­ /. 71.t 1~-LU:...~ 1 ~!tva.r ~1-k~ ~ t.-dk~d. ~ ~ ~v..d~ ~«~tf .f-..l.u ,-.p 't 9-z ·tt·tfk '1 T~t.-t-/-t-~ ;._ & j ~ ~uW4 '-rld dlJ -, t1 f-l.. af-~ '1.~ ~-t... .n.. ~ G; ~ w~ 14 fVJrtJaudk. s. r ~'i~ ~~~ ~fk ~-.n. .-. L ~a.___,_ ~ ·· Joc4-~u-~.... l..'fritn'>--W/ ;t~,~ tl A. I1A. y..z. f1'tncJ-1 tl U:. LJtu~k ~e-Au.u. lftJLM, {!. j. Jr..AVk~rH, J. 4J -""-~, )I~ :t.~tn.. ~.. 'f_ A~. q r /3. ~~ ~~­ fo· -->----< ~~--~ ..s--.J-/3· ...--­ ~~dot)'@~k ow ~~14-~ ~l~i3.­ \. V.~.~ ~~Cl;\eu~. '2.. \lf'i;. ~~Io~ 1\ueo.R ~tiM11McU.J.. ~.or~~~~~c;ek~~ ~~ ~.. ~~ ~~ Rw-.a .w. ~~ ~.a.w.~~.w~~~~_w; ~~­~\(~ I ~}/. ~I cJ \J_€'o( ~~,.~ ~.~.~l o:.l-~. ft. ~eu.. ~-"11-.Aft.. ~Cl-"~g"f... ~~~ ~ ~~e,:~1-s~~~,-~ ~-~~,.~~4. s-.~W"~~~~~~ ~tr~~­ b . ~1\v"Q..o ~ s-. CJ&J. ~~~~~ ~4-~~~. ~a. ~dik.t., ~~~e{_ J.t,}.' ~~ ~~c{.~~~~~~ ~ ~&rw. ~I~~ ~"'-~ita ~~~,f.-~-~I?;~ ~:~~d~~~~ ~~~ " That the Tract on the Eight Hours Bill, proof of "which has been issued to members, be priuted aud "issued." __s-~ ~-­ ~4-~"'r/J. THE FABIANS FURTHER EXPLAIN THEIR FAMOUS MANIFESTO. f At a semi·publio meeting last .night bel~ in Ba.ronrd's Ion, tbc l;'abian Soetety m~eli very clear tba.t by their now famous mantfesto in the Fortn.ightly Rnitw they b~ DO me~ns meant any r:~pprochement to the Consenatl~e t and it wa.s eqoally evident t.hat there IS ~~r ~~und!l.lion for tb~ rumo,u,;ebdb ~'n!d 11 spH the society Mr. Stdoey c exp1. the po•itio'n of the society under tbetJ apparen-tly new policy, and_ then a.ske for a vote u_pon the pomt. An o-.er­wbelming majonty supporle~ the execu~ive. A to thejointSoei:tlisteommtttee, the Fabtana rl ~ "d d to ,.,·itbdraw Mr. G. Bcrn&rd Sbaw, c~t ting out that thr !CICi,!Y . .,..., in a perpetualin°i1~1ority there, and by '"1thdrawln~ would avoid a. lot c! unn~c~c;~nry blckeriDg and friction. "". cp~·~~a,t ~Jh,Jj_ <5"W ~~~~l~ ~''11 / \. ~-q-&tt ~w.a ~~et~. Q ~U, ~O'y \e_t Q~ C?~~~ ~ ~.Le , B.~~~~~~~~~ 0'\. Sa.h. ~ -. a;!. !J~cto ~~rr ~~~ '2/.f~ 4f1, /. ~-~~ ~~~~ 2.. ~wtxilaA ~4. 1~A"~J-~~... f16._ s~ ~~~tt~L'~~ ~~f"a},~ -~~ ~-h-kW~1.. ~~13. j "):1 , Jtr , ~11.1".t•ur./':"" -eM, ~e1lA) , Cf~ -4:t:d: r ~~ f'~ ~dd..l:c ~t ~[b-.~~: -to, ?;v-dfeto) ~.~ ad~1 ~ er~ ~~fnh. ;~,. fM1~~'lit ~aJlM.MM ~A.1='~ 'i? ~~~~J-­ 1 ."\) .11[.~\.~ ~~~~ l.o' ~~.ve ~I.L s~r ~;;..:;. ~(]h. 7~~IS"~ /~rL 1. )l.r.~ ~~et~. ~-er~~~~~~~­ s. ~. r3. S-le4V d)\.~~1 ~~~~~~ er~ ~~-4-9, ~~-Cl~.-e~ ~""dt c:1+~ ~ ~ra-J..w;~ra.v2..-·, ~~ci. ~d. C4A a. ~~~.~· l ~ 1:&­ ~~ 'G t.L "N,a.cU. ~ ~ ~., uJ:­ cr.eu.. rav.. s. ~. '\kwdlW~M. ~d..aM.~" ~~~-L.!w.vt ~~'&~~~ ~~~'l\A;~~..e..~~~ ~a)r..' \~ . 1 ~ t.r~ -····· .! •..•. 1-~QJj;-,. ~ CV..... l\J~ • "I ~ w~I ..._r........ I ~ ~I ~ dJdoJU.~ ~. 4-.Cl~ ~~~~~~. cre...t q.c ~~& 'Wr1&V "~", "'" ~~;­ ~~~r~-H. M..~ 1:; ~~ (/. 1\v'M ~~ ~~ ~~ ~ "'-~--~tdt.. ~~~~~~ca.(i:d. '1 .taA..r­ ~~. oJ.:u~~~ r:t... ~..;.... ~~'LU: ., . '?!" ~ n..~-~ ~­ ~'?~tul~·1 (~~) aL J3ahUMc& ~ ~~ ~ ­ ~~~-~~ r-~~~~~ ~~­ 3. ~~~wJl~ ~~L ~.rr.v ~u~S~Y3~~ ~~~et...=..~ a. -r-~~~ ~;'hr.~~l ~~..rlt. ~ M far.C. . d' ~ ~· aJ... ~~~ a:~;3if11f,_ t . 'f'. 'VI. ~~~~d~~ 2. Th~~~~~~~~~ 3. 1~. ~llwL \4 J~w~ !~ o.. ~~1\AA \,W_ ~evvL ~~ ~u .;:... ~~~et~ ~~d ~d..iv~ ~~F+.~M,~ ~ JJ_ ~~!U_+ ,..,_~~V.~~~. ).+. er-~. ~\tak (1r,AJL q:~Ov..u cvt aW:~~~~~~-~~~ ~·.-·~-~-~~v.e-.')k~ ~"\~1 \M.C,:A).~~ol~¥~. ~iv..~~wollru ~o.. \!!.£~ ~. & . ~.rvv..o;J;;.... ~'\Q.~~ ~fv­v ~~~~oL~~ 0... A. ~--0 . I ~Ufe.· • """" ~ -w.d ' ~( cJ1:v~ M 1cwl . . 1 {h._/-~ , .. r: t~ C?,J..& ~-wt. ~~<1"-'F,._'d"L ,J) 'l. 7~ ~tf11f-. l~,~~~d.'WM ~~J...~ 2.cr4L~r~-~, ~~~, 3.~~~~~1~~~1 Qlv.((_ <1t1~cL ~~~~; ~tL 'c-~~-~ !La.. ~~~~1-· .• ~~~rr~~~ . 'f--Yf7~~¥ ~.Nd. K.~ '/~-SI1 Sc:ua£u_ er~ r fdu ~ol w (}\'\ ~~. 4-. ~d.aMu. ~~~R.u1:zu ox~ S'~d_ ~ ~~~~ ~ ~·.u~11 "'­ ~0... ~i-~,w M.kd..i~-'\ ~ ~~ ~-9 ~~ .u ~Wkr. I E.~&~~~df1 ~wu: ~ ~~~~~~~ Rule 14., To add: "A Group may appoint delegates to any body dealing l!}Jeciallv with the affairs of the Group area." b. ~~~~+ 'i:.'i. if~ ~cW/­~~~~-~:.. _ . . Rule 4., To omit the words, "and committees for spemal purposes." To add a new rule : Oonm~:ittees : Committees for special pmposes shall be appomted by the Executive Committee, but notice of such c?mm1tt~es (exclu ive of those dealing with purely execut1ve busmess), shall be published beforehand in the FABIAN NE":'S, or at private meetings, in order that anymember des1r~:ms to serve on such committees shall have t~e op~ortumty of sendmg in his or her name for con-SideratiOn by the Executive. n. ~~t tVt ctjfoM ~~ t ~c.z 1.d c.i~ ~~4-· /.f ,w.~~~~~~­ ~~~;_~~~~ 2..C/.w~~w~~ " I. (j~ ~of~ ~~&~~ ~~~ '2 .. ~~, lfv". Trl?i., ~MA-~-~y:L 'A~~~ £~~~~-~~ a~~'V~~9~~/ ~~~et~~ ~, ....g~ I 0w: ~F~~( ~.~~ ~~ r~,t .. - / ~ .. · ak~~ ~~~ ~1"~ct~Q.4~ \ ~-:-' . I d·t.~ ~~cl~~.~ '2. ~w. ~·~1 r~~ ~~u ~d.. £. q-~ k 1 ~cL\{J,-qh ~~.e~ ~ru~ ~ ~ol.. ~-~~eJ"'-I;~~ ~~t.f~~ ~~~~CM~ ~ ~~~~---, 0 I)+. ~.n.. u~ ~d..oV..~a.-4-d,)~-~~.. ­ u (1) That the Tract entitled "The Humanizing of the Poor Law," by]. F. Oake>hott, just published by the H uman­ itarian· League, be reprinted as a Fabian Tract with the name of the author. ~VJ.! ~ U4 ~ ~ v~ -' ~~ 1 ~~d: ~ I& C?cxNll ~}\V Mt,,.. et~ ~,.;..,..,~ ~~~.-w;.i-; ~~~ ')5-r ~~ ~~ ~Je,.t ho..J..· ~ ~.­ 7• ~rwJJ.. ~ ~~14 ~~~~ J.M.. ~~ twt~ et ~~U...2.L ~ ~~~~~((~ ~c::I~/ ~ -lt.~ ~~ twi· ~ ~ C?cvW.L ~o/{~r '(QA4tp-~~. ~~ ~c::<.~ ~.~ ~~. 2r/~. ~~ ~;Ilk~ k011. 't~~Q.I~MfJ t.cr~-"-rr.. ~~~d~ Q.~~~~~~+ s. u~rwJJ.~ ~~~wuJ..~ ~r~~ ~~~~~·. k·~~ur~~cr~ sl • s ~ 1 S' lt-' )' ~I :,-6/ !J f / ~-f -f s-i ~.u\... I 1 ~~~CL ~a-«-~i: ~M,.. tf~ \ ~ ~ 'l( -e. A.D(_ L.u,...., ~~ 'f ~etI -;-1i..a): uJO 'l' ~ ~cUt. ~. l)k ~cL~­\'1ooo 1 ~rr~ ~~~~~~ WvCI.JJ~I A-I 'W4I.J. ~ ~~~M~ ~~·­ S'. ~~.a..~ ~Wlb· ~~~~ ~ . ''CaM.UA ~1/aM,t{.~~-~ ,;. ~~;~!.i.:.-V.u.. ,lf~Y..:tt ~~~~·-Cv J -J ­1t; t~ ~· / i) \4). \D ·91{ ~aC ~J_, ~'"'-t='"~ I" ~IZ~Nflf· J.~~~~u-~ ~. q-w ~1 teL 2A4k ~j~~J. 3.~t..l~ ~C..,!~~M~~ ~~r~~,.. ~1-&.aA.· ~ ~~~W4~~ ~taw~ er;~~ ~~~411.Ld. ~11,~-~0 ~ ~~~~' H. ~~Ytdleu~ ~~~ h ~~ftp.~ J..o kt. s~~~. F. ~.~.u~ d'ft. ~~~~~ ~a-tu ~~~ q-'I.Mi: ~ ~~1r~ ~ Q;~~~~-ea.cL~ ~ ~P..l.. 1\~ttLLllll~ .,.. ~~/kla/)UltJ ~~-~~J4~.£.t~ a(­~~i}~\4 ~ ~ ~· ~~ ~~M~~~~~~~ '*~~~~~k~ I I ~~~~?-1--dL Oh.. Tu:,tt.z l 'f Ud, /JtJ'f ~. )3. !.-'.-_ 4«1 ~ /.!.c. ~. '. q-{.J. ~1 ~.few~r ~)~~ Q. ~~~~a. h a-d-01-\ ~:m.~~ ~ ~~...~~I "f-J£M; ~~fz.~ 4'-. ~~C\-\. .z~. . n...t ·_ ~ ~M A 'f,;:,::t"'-~2 . 1?"9 '""""( ~~...: le.<. CL..vi.. . l.q-~~~~t~~. 2. f'~~~t ~ f"tw ~ 0J~ J. ~t.J. ~-;-k~')!JJ_ ~d~ I& . I '3~ ~~~Qj-~~ ~~;r ~~1;" fo.k;~ ~4~~c4tidu. 1. ~-B. 1+~cteu-..L &.Q. l)u.P. ~~~ a.l~ (T'rv ~ad~ ~~1-~~ a.. cf..d,.cJ::L UJ~~ ~. ~J.J fdw.F ~-~·~~~ vw~ 4 '-K (J;.rk. TilE DEVET,OPMENT OF THE LIBERAL PARTY. ~DD:-=tESS BY MR. HALDANE Socia.he'll n.ml tb H , M.P. the title of the addte~" l't~us~ 0~Commons" wa.s M p' dt"llnted lal!lt n h~·t . . Haldane, QC., of the l'.llH&tl Society tg ) ob a crowded meeting Es~'>rx Hall, uuder tho' p;e~:~en:a.~ be~d at the '?hvler. Su: years, said Mr B y f MJ. Sydney stnce be last addrPssed th . o.ldan_e, bad passedphra!le of Lotd B em, o.nd, ID the famous ha.ppened. There ~a~o~sfield, mauy tlungs batl tion of the pohhcal ~uti~~~ a. smgnlar modiftca.­He could not de.scnbe bims l:uriUg tbat_perJOd. upon t.be other ba e as a Fabtan, but al.lle eveu for a. me~~e be [thonght.tt \\AS dc~ir­to resPfV<' Cf'ltal~ 0 the Ltberal party 3 ment ii'OID that amount of detacb­detply attached topn~ty. He himself W8.8 Jt bact beeu an instrume~ti: Che behaved tba.t nnd would be so to th or good m tl.Je pasttl.Jt•y did w~ll to Ueillc~l 1~~m·e, ~ut he tbouR'hi pattll':! nud endeavour t 1 emee ~es from both polllt of \'tew aptwt froo a~~' at tbmgs Jrom tho the fit·&t }JlltCe to sa, m em He wanted iopullttcs 1n tbe lru;t l somethmg of the h1story of o( the POfl cdul otgnew Yt"'ts, ancl the clfect on tt Sotll•t.r, "'orklllg o~~~dne IOI,J.~hsue; as the Fo.bmn ot 1886 watt uo donbt to tb abe ec~ of theepht mto a cootc-!lit for a row t e Ltboral pattybut tt hRd thts gre:.:redt add shrr•ug prmc•pleQIH'Atzons had been lfi'O~s~ vautRge, that sociai others he found lnmself s Y neglected. Among~utstd~ the LtbPral pstt~o{:lfUI~ mf ore thrown 00 o would not 8,_y f . or a source J:P1111Hhl social o.chvit tu~puatioo, but of rpaiof 1886 left tbe offirta~ Lb ptogrcss. Tho evcnh bopele<~s on !'lOCial •J • l etal party ab~olutel tbO:t tt e:honltlm i!!lc?rn:s~~~~~, and tt"a" oeces~ar~ now hfe. Oue result w ton endue itse-lf Wttb party devoted tt..elf to a~ that the Conservative 0d~ the CouservntL"m of~~~!~9~c~ve legtslt\tron, 0 a lance on the 'l'm Is ~asan enormous W,lS 8V811 ID ad\'&Uc! or\bf tbe last decade, and Thrre e Ltbctollsm of a few wa"' one man pre­cw spmt m the LtberaJ IVhe 'I'S) blr .'Hollay lo:C'l ~\n!ll John Mmlev. 81 do<·t '• Itb u. ve1y crthr&t P1..•pnlnr, Lut he !13.\V U~~~t>~.)Lha~ were grovnugund I JeLl tSm must take~ qneshoi.l aloue n;ld he t:rdst not re!lt on the Jrt!llb '~Ut\ dLnuge and form a p~rt~~fb to :tnng I\bout like l\1 A I new tbetnls. A uJ:ton, Mr. A._qmtb. :~u Sau·~ M._r. Sydneydctcrmlll d tl lr "· Grey ~I('IWha bl.._t dtbe Liberalism roa. er. He would Jid kSt'r\ IC('f of llllght1~:~rco;JedglbUg the SpleD­0 en, ut tbt-v bad b trl of. that patty, an,f tbe~r ., rrtt'S must hf-dlfl'creot. 'fbey bad. to look to ue" tlungs, anu WII('U l1ev came to deal with !:IUCb a qneo;tion 0.8 the lani.l quc.st ion tl!ey must see that they pul fo1·ward legu.Jatlw• proposal! tl1at shon\11 be judged in tho nuwcr n.ud•more sear<"hing l!~hts of thE' ~teuera­' tion iu which they lived. ({.;beers.) \Vith Lhi8 , chat;Re '" was recognised that the fuuctions of tho Stale run8t lar~ely increasfl, becau~e tho ' Slo.te bad \J.ccomo the only possible represeutati\e \ of the in(hvulnal. \Vheu bi::.tory came to be written tbny would know moro tboronJ::bly tbA.n they kuew now tho part whi~b rut·. Motleyplayecl in tofnsing the present Libera.l Govf'rD· meut with a yonuger and more vig.orou~ element. And boweverl the critical might lUtpnte: sin9 to t ho Libl'lt:l.l Governroeol, they wust admit P tbn.t theru were vit·tues in it wLich ba.U A-never be<'n present in any otller. (Cheers.)One tl•it~~. he thought, wal:l be~oming pn. 1tly pllun-tLat the old ml\c1linery Radte:\lii!!lm wns a thing of the past. and bH.d C'ca.!led to tntcrest the D•·itish working mau, "'itb b1s some­what complex micll and dtvf"rse tastes. A re- i• mark wa'l mncle bv The Dn.it11 Ch~omrle the othl'r 1 d!ly wbiC'h eeetnrd to bim to be vmy true. It !I was "a1tl by tbe writer iti n. leading n.rhcle that tbo Uifferenco betY~eeu the two patti<"~ on?hl to mnke ttoelt mapifcsl in rulUliuif.tratiou ratbPr than in a.u' thing el!"e. 'Iba.t was extremelytrue. :Mr. A.:.gui•l•. for mstance, mitrht aecm to e have a c~\d and somewhat critiral miucl. but a.t " any rate 1t had dominated the Home OJice, an(\ had swept awa.y the cohwcbs which hn.d 6tifiecl J the energy of former llorne SPcrctarie~. '!'ben thet·e wa~ 1\{r. Arthnr Acland, whom be believed was tbo (luly member of the Ltberal Government wbo would be accepted a... a Member for a. Labour constituency. (Cheer&.) In legisla­tion, too, tbera bad beeu, he tbougbt, l a. response to tho cry which was tnised iu the v-. iltlern~:;;s. Am\ uow they were ra.isin~ o.nother que!lltiou-tbe Housl) of Lord,., again one of mt\cLinery. lle 'licl not 3U<'O with those who tltoujlht that lbo solution :1t tbe quc~tion would W,~'t\~b~b~~l,i;~,~~ri;;,\;~:1/,~t;~:.mPnt. lle would say t to tberu wbeu thE"y crittt·J~!'d LllJPrali!lm that they were a.pt to look at tlnu!l8 from utbPr o.a nb~tra.ct potnt oi view. 'fhc pa.rt)' wa.'J o greR.t 1 heterogeneous ~ma s of tHople,ltJtll vC'ry dtverse \ V1CWS, anU some of them taring no more about progre!s thau thE' pillars before btm. (Cheer!l.) 3 It '"as cou.ch which was l'"Xtrcmely difficult to , a drive fOl'\\'&l'd. The external d1ftN·enccs were <'HO gt·cntu. 'i'hey l'H n epokf'l of th• working mau as if h>1 \vere f'01.11tiu~ aw\ r~~~~!{wasf~~ill ~E'~~~~{8l\ra~~~ C'~~!ICf~~Stl~~~~~~ll~ i!!l working ma1~'s natnrc. llc believE"Il that pro- i;~~~b?;~:t:dt~it~r?h1~f>;~i:h£~fjAc:~e~l,~~~:t d~~i -tbltsG of them w'uo lmlll'<'MOm\.ble srho1uea-by ~~~fdr:~!0tll;"~~~e ~~~0tl~1~1::d~n~~f·trl;e L:io~:~ p:uty. Ho did not tLiuk the Liheral party w&l entitled to appeal to them to 1e<'edeoue m eh iron 1 ~~~:!t!~o:b;~'i[!!s11atb~~~le~:·tah,;~tr!;'~l~t'~~~~: achieve nuytbing o.loue, and it v.-as only by eao operation witb the party of proJ::rcn-withot•t i r auy:wny sacrificin~ th~ir intl~pcndence-tbat tb• could sncceed m bringinJt about the ma.in end they b&d in view. (Cbecr!l.) ~~.v~-Mf/n.t ~'-t/k ~1 ~ ~f~ 1. ~-m:{.-v.. ~~cu.,~ ~~i tV!: ~~"""ru:daz. ., 3~ ~151'1 I~-~-~ tMW~d~. 2. ~Yd!. ~~~ d~ox 14 %.-t:::k-"~\ vr~ 4 ~~~ 12A1~ tPz.K< d~~~7~. 3. ~?tJdJ_ )U~A-~rt_&~­ ~~4. ~~ -i ~J~N 1-ZL~~ cvtl~ /...f.~.·: a. ~n,_-:;q:;!o1 ~-f44it. ~~J-,. ~I g._ll~~ ~?!.oJ:u ')" ~~ ~rak.~~ ~~ ~. cr~~~'~.e.JK. li J.r. J·T. ~~~klaWd ~ le,.~ ~Ak-~ ~~~ o/;~~ eA!Os­(F(,/;i;-f.-s~;~ ~"~~ M1t-~. a_~~~.­ ~~-f~­ il ~o.k ~M~~ f"1«t"~1 !Lf ~ A<: l!f~ , . ~~~kJU rr; let cla.V~ o. er~ ~a.!V;:l. ~"dL ~~~~~ ~ ttt r~1; f-l~, ~,le.et;L-3oooo ~ · (j'~ ~n. or;.o.d,.-~A.~G ~~~~1-tY 4. ~~I!~~~ ., __ 4 ~. ~r~rw A~~·~ QMcl~~~~~Cfj ~~ ~.S~~ 0k~ ~~~ ~.fJ. ~ol.., ~~r 'Z. R. ~~~uA~m~v{cy R.'l. ~ 7· ~~~IWM ~'il/.J4: ~~~otLol ~ R..R.~ (1) "That, in the opinion of this meeting, public canvassing by means of circulars or circular letters, or the holding of meetings, or by any other means, by or on behalf of candidates for the Executive Committee or for any other office in the Society, is an objectionable practice; and, if it continue, the rules of the Society should be 30 alter~d as to prevent it." A. NEW PARTY AT TUE F A.BllN SOCIETY. A PLAY WITHOUT PROGRAMMES. (BY A..'-' Jn.uSPONSIB..LE 0t7TSIDXB.j The-r& ue oe..rta-10 Fridays '"hen the jadf'd pl:\y.J:Qer-has if lw but knew i~. a. nl'W Jud h:ghl~·ori~tiua.l ~ftcr-dinner entertawnwnt opt>u to h•m a-ratis---ane coru}xtred Y.ith whttb all th~l.t a. mu~•c­ha.ll or Osc.lr '". ilde cnn offer hiut tt:O tame and dull. It. is n. F~bwn m~ting. Whether l.:t:OrSe:< Hall, Strand. or CW:for-d'~:> lnn be tht! playhou~e, you way reokon, il not alwa.y~ on a. ~xxl pl:l..y, at. len<:t an exC't'llent. performant-e. '!'here 1U"e un.rehf'3.r~ed }'R.bian playa 1'8 brtliCU\t flll ··Arms ao·i. the Man., tLa.t oel"~r gt>t 1-eyond the Fa.bt~l footligbt:-c; ~tnd e-voo lf Leorge J!l.,-nanl ~Ju.w s name be not on the bill~ M pt\ywnght, th~re i8 a.lwa.)S a. dunce tha.t the chw£ comedian of thE> }'abian romJXWY mn.y C":.\l:il lutm•tolf for-a par\;3nd, "hf'neve~.· he does. it-is a.lwa)B a l~l.dmgTJld. ' You ma.y uot alw;:ys ~tC"\.tre a. programme(bocialiaU dj'ltioguish tlu?ir •· pt"Of:r"am '' trom or-dm1u--y .. progr:..nunes " by doc.:k.u1g it of two lett<'rs.) On l"rili'\y night tltt-'l"t' wa.nt-Kt·\r ~~~1~rofA~~~de~:1en~~:~~r~~dt;;R ~~:~hi ca.m-e to rmd hi~ pia~·. entitiPd ·· Tf\e .KPw Pa..rty"-thPAe str.u"lge plarwrights a~d pl:"tycrl-1 are soml"tllllE'S startled. '11.u~ir-senousuef'l~ is hken for-playfuJueAA. 'l1lf'ir mf'1odra.ma.-t!Jeu tra!lt'l"ly prodL!c.'loE'6 ro:ns of Fabian l;,~.ut;tltter. }~rida.y night\" pL,y. ···n~~ x... w l':~l"t.y." t-licl not tlr;.~.w a.-,;ood housP. And thi:( \-\J..~ titr.lllgt>_, for th~ wol"rl P'.trt:v i.:; a,o,.,~·aW with hoth fP:f"o wal-\ H erbl:·rt Burrows in the midB~ a.nd Pernard Rh:1.-w in th~ f.ront benc·h£'8, and we knew that. there woulrl be fighting, a.nd probably ft'sti ntl. So we settled ourseloes to hear h-1.r• .Andre-w Reic.l tell us :l.bout th• New P:untert.ainmen~ b~1~ with a p:uty­ not a uew part~·. hut a. ca.nmh:tl UwnE'r party-in liayfair, tnr Society folk wer-e th<" ~,·ages dt-Y(IUring th(! peop}P. A lord pitking the bonE.~ of hi.~ brother. a. millionaire supp10g the hratOA of tf.nrlE'r vouth, Lady Pnmro~P and )hs~t J..a.m­ beth drinking the blood of tbousand.OJ of the youtU of England. 'l'Ue B~bop nf London, the r.Ja.yor of I~iverpool, Mt. SpecuJa.tor and Mr. Spic'itcor, a. Fabian pe.rmea.ter, were among the guests. _\ dist·u.••~o.sion arrnre about the une.m­ ploy('(~, wh.•m tbe llishop caiiOO idle tramps who hved m ~;umrner at. their oountrv seah :.L.Od camt.. to t0\4o1l in v.·ioter, rueNing t"he order of the_ ri«'h. Mr. Spider got f'ltC'&Wd, and u..sf:d Scnptural la.ngu.'lge, a.nd made a. ~oene. I:!e wilS eit-'<'100, Md is now iu a 1wtatlc a.s1lum. So mu• h for the .rannibal party. N~w fOr t-he ~e~· P~rty and 1ts pohcy~a. balanrmg policy, Yotmg ~etther for Liberal uor Tory unl~s:-1 bahnwe L~ ueed1e~-the &x·tal Democmti~ J.i'edera­ hou a.nd the Independent Labour }lart~·. Yet ha ~ad prepared to vote for." any Sociali~t c_.;m. c.lld..:~t.EJ foe-8oci.!t.liE>_t-l-t \\Pre a.ll one cm the battle­ fi£>111. On Ortt! pomt he v.--as UectdOO-uo XPw p.,rty nwn ~hould W)!e for :-a I.ilwr-al who call~ hmW:>lf a._ PmgresSlve, fC?r Progre.~qive1; were ~Ut( hers m ~ht.'ep's dothmg-uo improvement, m the eye.t _of the ~o~hl't"p, on the wu}V(>.i that no lon~r U.lsted in Eugla.nd. Progre:ll:ltve6 Wt>re al~ ~harks; the neat'(';r they approot:ul,, o. Socia.llbt. the morA d.'l.ngf'roUi they wer..,. \Vhat of the London Progre~:~tntij! He would rote f~r \\" ebb--(Sha.~t\ Mhame)-bem\ll>a Sa lney a. Scx-inhz.lt. (Qnl:"ry.) Thon hi_, .. C'rcd.o " " I ended by rernioding his audience that his New l>nrty \\Li a. young P:1rty, born only yesterday, ap~a"~i~le!..lfedm;h!ir U:~~~~~!~er fore and r.fi \nth questions, the :1-utlience proceeded , to ~>PN'C'hes. '!'he eohloquy became . a. play w1tb. m.:my rnrts----oue for an Auurch1st who ~· oomicEd th.:lt workiulo{ men were tuck of ~1ee T}~.,th~~d~~~::~tl;~;~k~~~~ ~~!~frik:t~ the•\' lud ha..-i. but onf' tha.t would be a. death blo\,· to !ill N f'W Partif'" :mU labour leadL·rs, tha.i w•>uld pT'()(>btirn nll produce <'Olnmon properly.Tlwy wantL-d free :HC'b~ to tht! roe:~nR of lafe. )\f'O\~ l'artil~ wen~ IUOilOpoli:o~t<~. '' 'l'hPrO Will Ot'H'r IK\ no ('hauge \\ hih~ tho.,e who are manu· !~~~r~:~~~k~~~e:xfnt;:th~'t(~~~t~"{~;u~cil~~~d:f the Anarchist gtuH~D\..'ln ~ 1th homecpun elo­ qu{,r:'~~~ ~fr. :&mard ~h.;t.w step x>d on to the pla.tfnrm bf\ had the rc•et!pt.c~n ~ue tD a. chtef comedian-to one wh() nl:"vt•r fath; to amu.e as well il" to in:o~tMJC't, who in~truct!ll aU the more \x>caUI'I& 1~ doet~ amu"n inn K.t.'ir lbrd1e W b.~k. ~" if K~tr Hardie did not know as mu<'h r~~·di~1~d~·~n.r~·~·rs:··~h~atur;:~d:~~~~rud~~ thr.."+" thin~ mPutiooed under thf' _tt'rru land. ~ 11· }~IT-w~~~or~et~;~o~Hh~~~& ~tfr~tg af~nt~~l?n~ t.'ll'kf'd tho orltarut-nW rr.u~~e;; of ~Ir. Re•d"t ""i>':f'c·h. • '11tf'n he put out. of court . !l"( •a. pf3i ti<':tl politician ont> v. ho "poke of nhlHng m and bring-tm; one l:>;Hty LLJl or 1\nother dov.u on th~ stu·n~h of orH', or at mo..;t. lJ.df-a-do?.t"Tl,y(lte:l nf 1'\pw Parh· \oWn.-. ThE' Progn·..;.!-n\-E.J ho c.•allt-.0 ~het'\' iu 'bn_t<'ite.r"' c•lothio:,r, not hut· c·lil."l ~ Ill :-Jlf>\. r $ Plnthtug, and d('dared tl_t:lt_ tf ~~~0 ,~~g~j;:i'~.~;~]i;.~!~c b:.::~f~tf'tt~d~ &:fhe\\~ though irl otht:r '"orth-)lr. 8!Jaw rcnnnd('d)lr. Ilcid tlut thf'y tk1.t V.l·re \\hole neKl not a pby~->ic·C&n. t FabiaM did not m:l-d to he ro_n 4 wrtNI to Sorb...li..t;m and to bt• told of the en1s auol c-:tmtihaht:m "of ~iety. Tlwy had w:wtOO. tn hl·:u· l)f tit~,.~ m{'thnd!4 of the ~cw Party. I.t-t .Me H~:i1l ~mw bade. \\ ht>n he !Jnd ltis plan:J ~j~.:~r-t~~~:~)~l~~ )f~1dR~~d ~~~j ~a~\:~ic1~: 0\\H timl• :w1l that n{ hi.i auU.ienC'e.-Mr. Bt·rl.wrt Bu.rr-)ws, uw(>tmg ht!il ('ditor for." !he first tinh.'-(Cl" he i.~ a. contributor to t.he ~ew Pnrty booi.c-procee<:l"d to c·r."itiC'i:-~e that ed.itor';i ;.dtl m~ with a. fr.,nkol'-f~ untt.--.u;d a~ from cou~ tributor to editor. Thf' ~ew Party w~~ no' n~Hh:d; it h:1d no hr.J.nd-new· Roc.ialit~t. tdea.s to ofll'l" tt"l. '11terc• wC'n' nont~ to otft.•r. It ~·as uot nulr ''alion. If of non· SCJC'i.a.lil'tt~, tht"u no &x-1:tli"-t mnhl belong to it. Ir wa"l a str-lll~f' way of achaucing tiocia.liAm to frnn a "'-:pw P;.rh· in order to unite a. P:nty. l'uinn of ~i.ali~t~ v.-·w~ :t lauditble idea. Wh~n hP ''~" votml.{ hE' bf.lien·d in it; hf' wa~ o~df'r nnw, n.nd knf'w tha.t w~ C':mnot form ~ untted p:~rtv m thiR eount.rr, ancl we ncnr w-tll. But lt>t U.:; h:tve no more 'cwgani.~.Atiunii':-.After a. boy• orR.t.cw had ariAen :\nd :u'c'tL'It>d the !l'abian So­ ciPty of hfoc()mintt thfl b:\.'f..ltRlle of the I.o_ndon lWfnrm Union bt'('!lU;:o a. pamphlet puhhsh('rl h:: tlut Dnion W:l"' ~in~ ~olcl on it'l table, a.nd .aftf'r th~ ~·I"'E'ttry lwl im·itM 11'3 to ot~er I·' 1htn11 partif-'!j, Mr.~'&>id pleaclf.d phyfiiiC'al d1~ hility fur h~ failure to makP b'abiaus enjoy hlf r-;t>w Party. ancl proph('~ied _that in th~ futuu they \\nuld se~ that hi.i lYJltty and thelfd w~n Ofl(>. And the p.:1rty ~'!\'~ nnr. Lik"' 0-.ca.r Wild• at ILie; ovm play. we h:td all enJoyed ou.rsl'ln•s vPry muc·h, :llld boprll to 1;0 llh"".lin to a. plac1 "hHe ".Tu.~tiC't:!" il'l ~o~old at thP rloor~t anrl an :ulJ..."(•l in fo~ti!Ul, holding-in hi"' lund a fiame-.red " 'l'owh ''-priro ont" JX'tllly-guard:s the gate!. bc:·!ir\a m ~~w L~don." l .otd -his ~~~cv£= ~(J(c ~ ~~181~-­ ,. 'f.0:c~ce~ ot.C\.Q~~~e!eu;H~.I\M.. Q. cr-eu.~ ~~~J~~ S. G-K \,.eu. ~~ ~ ~R.~. AJ£ "'j' 1~K££-r ~~.u . ~rr ~ ~-~~~­ t-. 'f'~e ~~ ~~Q..~ i'v.f., ~~,_.., er~ P~u ~~Pan.-re~ ~~~d..~~ ~-'1"-~ ':f.W.~~ tr2.9~ ~.r3SJ.~ I I Mk. _ ' W10 ~~~~~. I.~~'J-leeM~ ~ ~. ~~ ~tt. ~~~~~~!'.V . ~~RJ~d~to~ ~~~~~~ ~.C~t­~ M:~~ ~.~~~ r&cr.s. ~ . ~eLL~ ~w~~ba~t. ~:,;_ ~ / Cf. tl ~)~~~~~~( 3 ~u. ~'1~ 7~r uys: I. ~G(~~~~d~ 2.~ 0~~~~~~ ~~s~·~ '-J-"-~ ~ ~~/~"-'\/~I ~~/ ~ ~f ~I ~~~CVk-1~ ~~~f>a.v&.­ ~~ £.. 7-~/~· 0" I 1.~~~~~~~~­ ~~~~~"-~ ~~~-~ -+-tU'~ ~~~~cl...~~(_ ~~/ ~~~~~I Q~l ~~~ ~~f~· (//.~A ~~ia.k~otc ~~ ~ ~~cL"1.. , }\ ~t~ tB~r. . \. ;~. ¥.~~~~et~~ 2 _.orw.~ 17~r~~c(~ ~-~1\. ~ ~-t ~~~ p~~~ 'fw~ ·~~).e.~ ~r'f""tt.~& t1..Jl~ w~ (,.J: ~~cl. 1\i..Q ~ctv.. , ·).+. ~w~~ol~~~~krud.r~ q,..M.~)) ~ ~. 5. ~t.L~~~ v!Ob~~~~-~kl;~~~~ tAiO bs-. · Gf-w.o..c.. ~.vf~· a~-M .bb ''a.. J~ ~-t~· rwtle Program-Examinationof the theory that the recent Liberal ddear. w.li due to the alarm produced by the Socialistic tendencies of the late Go,•ern­m~nt-\Vearing-out of the shibboleths of revolutionary Soci;d-O.!mocracy-1natlequacy of the traditional conception of publiclife to the dem'lnd,;; mJ.de on statesmen by mod!rn indu.;trial problem:i-The re."d preliminary conditions for Labor Legi~l.1.tion -Improbability of the pre:;ent generation of Cabinet .\l inisters complying with these conditions-Instances of unstudier.l pr~l­blems -The risinv ~?eneration and the future. 'filE POLITICAL SITUATION. A FABIAN VIEW. MR. BERNARD SHAW'S CRITICISM The firtt o[ o. series of flvo lectures, und111r the auspices or the Fu.bia.n Society, on the eubjec~ of " 1'1Jo Application of Co!lcctn·ism. to some Cor­rent Political Problems," W:l-9 delinred la~t night a.t Ess~:r. Ba.ll, E!!S8X·street, Straod, by ?ttr. G. ~la.uted iu the Liberal flower-bed Bnt they bad K...iu"d "ll they hoped to gain by the tril'k, and l he rootle•s flo\fers lasted long onough to accus­(;om people to something better. CA.Uflli:S OF LIBERAL DERAT. :Cnt, be conunued, tlte cooh'a.st betweeu the 1j_Yigol'ons Progre~sivi~m oftLe Newca&tle Program1~tmd the relucto.ut L:bel"alumJ of the la.t.A Go-.orn· ~ment l'Uiued tbttm, though Lord Rosebery'sCabiiJet went further than w.n~· other Govornmflut11 llul thiilt ~·as only bf:'ca.nso 11bnii ever ;:-oue bufqut. 1it hey ueces~o.rily beg~~on where the other Govern­mauh left off. The pro~cut Couserva.hvo IGovernment. will also go further tha.u I 0.111 prev~on!l G.>vcruwent bas gone. Our quarrel with the late Gonnl._meut is uot tba.t it did uot go :..head, but that 1t W<.'Dt uo further tbu.n 1t couid. bolp, wherea!J 1t promieed to go as If:fal" as it possibly could. In sayiug this 1 am I")Uito awouo tha.t. a great numbt-L" of Uefe.a.ted J.. ihe1a.l caudidat£1'1 are of opinion that their j ,failot·c was due to the fact tbd. tbo late Govern. 11ment weut loof&r, and tba.t the uatioo wa.s terri.IPied I oat a. reoewa.l or the power of the Rosebery Co.bJDl'lt ttbould lt'ad to tbo prerip1tate establiah· , mf'ut of Social Democracy 10 tb1!' couutry. I do not. my,;elr efe bow geotleoH·n who oft'er IHtcb aa opiuiuu as the mt:!l'iure of their iotelligeoce can r~a'K)u&bly eJ:pect pl!ople to -.ote for them ;but tho1r view iQ so acreptable to the r, reactionary section of the Libcu.l.s tba.t it has 11been made a good deal of iu tb• pa.rty papera. Let ne therefore con!id.er it for a t·ew momenta. 1 shaH deal with two l)Oints-6rat, whether the alleg-e(\ N.gerness of tho Li~ral Cabinet. to canyout the Socialistic items in 1ta program is & faet or not; anll second, whether the country rea.llyshowed at the eJection any disposition to recoil from tho Ministel·s who wet·e wost suspected ot Socialism, and to rally ronnd those who were notoriously reactiona.ry in tbeir attitude towards it. In dea.lior with the firt~t point, the g-roundha!l fortnoately been cleared for me by ~~~itl;dbi~,uToma;~~~toT:~ts,No:bm~:ra.e:~9~' ~11~uiJ.!:~~~ye~a.~f8~~~ur~baa:o~~~d ~h0ov:rtb':~?!: cerity of ita profPsstd hnma.nitariao apint and goodwill towards tbe workinK cluRos by becom-Ing as good an employer as the Londou CountyCouncil. \Ve gave C':Ue Rfter onse ot sweatmr. of Wm were Sir \Val­liatn Harcourl and M•••rs. Johu and A.roold .1\Iorloy. 'l,he C"bampious o( CoUectiviat Liberalism were Mr. Aequith, 1\lr. Aclaod, Mr. Sitlney Du~ton, aod-bebioU the scenes,bnt, perbap1, mo~<>t aaoqitluous o[ all-Mr.. R. ll. !~!~~~~~A :i~~;th!1ci~~~t.\~~~~~~~t~~=r~a\V:oi. Wl h o.ml tho dt'clarution a,.,r-ain..t competition wagea. So tar, the l'Villcm·o tll.tlt tiir \Villi&m llarcont't_ llntl ltis lltlft .-re rt'gardt'-11 by the ua.~ton aa 1h la.vu>rJts (rom ~o,· tuh.lll".l.l ~tPems to lie hm1ted to tlto 111-C't. that they ban hel•n cruc16t:d. Ou ti.Je otLtr hanfl, Mr. llahl!lnl", .Mt'. Arl&url,_,[r. Alquith, aM1 Mr. Cilmpl.ltll-llano,.r­man. PIIJO.Yl'~l tlie l••w Lt~ral tnumplJB of tho l"le..ti.(m. 'l'J1n dtd nut •crap• 10 wttb rPUuced majoritina, ti1ny -.·ero uturu~d with iucre&.~ed one.s. 1-'1·orn t ln1 purely ollkta.l and party po1ot (of vior., ( "l)llect,.-i. m awleyrnpathJ wtth Labour t~!iel'~~~1lUb~dat::~{jtl~A~1:1S~~t~l~:;~b~~d~~ ~y a Hov ronJrut. Let. m _I'IVO ,.·ou llU austc~.nctl w wl.t1tb a Allu...ter cnntnverl to d•1troy< ht~ positton by e-sa...--tly the AA_tne ronne wb'"'~ madtt Mr. A(hod't positaoo lml'ff'«Uabh:. ~ j;ir Sllaw I.Aft•ne, Pre·.11lea~ or tho J,oc:.l lio~Clrnmt'nt Do•nl in the lc.to Ltbo· ut AJtninillltatloo, lellrnt tl:at a Jle!;l·otllcfl wu bema ~m11t for I be Uonrnmeot ID J1eecl1, doeo to h11 owu con~:titueacy, Oe1.1tral 1Jratlfor<1. bylaboUI' p:ud at leaa tiaau trarleunlon to ~r\uration tlila.a the par1011 a the t~quire;iutlcE'd, until we ret du~trict ~r ol Boards. the democratic ide!ll of lhard-seh "' I!IVerywltr.r.ewall be more popular in Loudou EtrmiD:;rbam th~u io nei.lfllhonrhoOih whel'fiJ a ubhe board of any kind meaDs a baudfu1 nt' tar r~ a.nd VIllage 1111Jopkeepers. \Vha.t is objectiOIJ ~le at preseoin the ordinarv votunta.ry t~rhoo 11:1 the low etandarJ Of cCiucatiOU1 SI:Ud the power Of ths!ity by :r1v11~~ tlJe Voluntary tiObouls tllo little extra moue. needed to make them entil'ely indepemlont o enb~cl'iptions, exacting iu nthlrn a his:het· sta.n Uartl of etfloiency, :loud pro,·irli_n;? thA tP&Chf!,qwith a mt~anR of aptleal from at'hLtrary di~miSllA.l. Hl:l.f\ they not hettor trv to obta.tu these ('ODditions from the Con'iel"Va.tive Government, instcall of vai•l:v andstupidly opposing them on the ma1~ queshuu P LEADERS P.A.f':T AND FCTURE. Now, I think it will Le adroittotl by even the roost bitcoted party LibATt.l p·oseot, contiunAd .Ml'. Sbaw, tltat appeals to tb,.. ima.~ioatio.n ofth~ f.ib~:=l al:ad~~!. thMt~.roG1;d~~~~~·~ t~~~~~!:~~~ meant the retirement oi entbu~iasm aod pel"~ooa.lglamour from Libeu.liam. I wish I cC'uld an· nounce with any plausibility that Dismoli and GJadstOJlf" were the la~t or. the gren.t political actors. Bnt fortnnatelv I eau announce, With entire eoufldence in lOUl' 1\.SSE"ut, tha.t their SUC'· cessoi'S in the bistriouic tlepa.rtment hAve not yetbten found. The Consen;\tives make some .art o[ ehift by putting Lord Sa.lisbtuy into what ilt t.nebuic.allv kuor.n iu tb8 theatre as the heavylto.d ; nud "be is not a.ltoa;etber ineffoctive in Cl'rlP.i.n parts, though in queetions concet'laingloca.l govf'la·nnumt a1Hl iudustrio.l mn.Here bo is apt to rela.pRe iuto the lflsl!l impressive line of first old womau. But in the Lib~ra.l conapauy the bea.\'Y lMnald, n~moo·r:\tiC M:al'hlu~ry. hy Afru·:,i.!r ~-. loo il tiu1 fut· l"rWat, uot. 25, at 0 • At a m~elin,:r of tbo F~bian Society, held last nil!bt at Clifrord'e·ion, I<'leet-etreet, l\lr, SidDf"Y W('hb, L.C.C., trn.•e au address on" 'l1be SpLere of the l\1unicipa.l.ity in Industrial Reconstruc­tiotJ.'' Ih eaid that in Enghuui there had l1itberto be11n pmrtically no considroratioo of wl.i&t 1bould be the sphere of the local gov~rning br>lly aa comuarPrvi:~ion ond control 1ban JLt. prl'~tt~ut. Io the first place tbcymhtht tKkf'l tt as lettlf!d that all tnxn.tion of mov­ahle" woultl nN~ef'annly be ctutral aud nR.tioual ; tbe ntoxt functiOn of the Cl"ntre was the lt·~al ttp-nla.tion of allmdu6try "'·hich Wfut to a com­mon mi'U'lo.rt, which wonld inclnrie .Fartory Act~t 1ltHl Miuca JVf'd that in thi1 COOOl"f'hOo flny {lfOpO~lLI fot locnl optionwonld be fat11.l; and tlurdly, ev~rything that the reutral author111 paid for ont of rl&tiOtiRI fnnds must ha Ulu]or its rontrol, and under th11 hf"ali he d~&erl rulhonal srn·icee of JncCII.i.IOtion and comnwnic-ation (t.g., railways ft.Ud tt•ltgraphe).At the 1amo time tbe gn•att>st. po,sibln ecopesbnnlcl be givt>u to the local authoritif'll, who slwuld coulrul everythiN! that the localilypaid for aol} should be emt rn~t~d \\fith such rf'gul~tive a<'fion as tva'4 PUl'tllv lnc&l (e g., tiltop ITom·e Act..cl). ~A.nitnlion and ccluclttiotJ wN·e enbjf"c·tewhirh wet'() f•nuta.met~tu.lly iutert>st1n~ to the :~:~::rl ~·)1~('~~~~\~ld O~~tA :t.r~~~~;llr~;~JrO ~~~~r nuthoritic"J; but, ou the oth,.r haud, their n•l· minit~tNLtion mn"t n~n~~~anrily be local. 'Ihe n•lation between tlu1 local oncl ceotralatttboritifl& mivht be out'~ ot thrf'e kuu'la :-(1) 'fl•e lol"nl authority might be Ab!tnlntely dt>p~ndf'nt UJWD thfl will ot the cPntml Miuister, R' in FrnncA; (2) thB loC'&l authority miKM be o.n eutm~ly s~~~=:~ ~;vr;l} ~~~;~o~l~1;t i~..~i~l :~: ~~~:~: which hlld hN'n um·ouHrtonsl" a.doptftd iu Eu~­J,.nd, ,l•torl"bf thf'l cttntrol of the central autl•o· rlty wu.. praC1ic111ly bought by "grant! in ~tid." He h~fl Ot~en !IIH'r)' to deo tbflt 'l'he Drtil'l Cltro1.Ul~ hn.d fnlmma.ttd in ndvan<"e a~aln,..,tGo\·ernooeut propoeRls on th~ subjoct of gra.uh ;n uid. He 1"1&5 not nt n.ll l'lur~ thn.t thP~6 plll·po,.ala, 1t tbfly came, wnuld be JlUO\9 known. Mr. \Valtb nt-xt turnt>d his attonhon to the subjflr.t of mnuiclpaliea.tion. Ha.viu~ f,lointf'd 1 out that thA bRwia of thia was thfl co-opt•ration of coulltltnel"l for thl!' 1111pplv of t1lf'ir owu netods, he ~xprtouf"d thii'J opudou thnt mnntripn.l alivancA io th11 clltf"ctiun mn11t t1•·at procNd on tUe linfO,J that hnd 1\lt.-arly bt-en ~ll!lirRtl!d in vttriou8 proYincia.JC't·ntrtl'l1 comrn~ucmg wirb the mumcir.a.li!~ation of WILter au~ llR•, .fUll} go;rur on to tu.mw... yelihntl'itfl, hoflpil&h, lrJChrirll(-iiiiU~N. .tc. Auri 14~ far M ffll!llrll,.cl I..oudon, thc·v must 81A nf atl t rv to briug tbemseiHs up to tlie level of proviucill towue. ......tn.ak. tJ QUI ol the qu t"'""'· l.Jnt due 111 1 to •uch a nat ura.l ft"U~r &a Clo Th • ~bf~.i~!kj~:Yd!~~F:?r~;;t~h~· ~~~~~.~~~\':". lhf'r «!nntful d1.~·, thou~-th ao Car lwt n:~.me hu not l>e<>n ml"ntioned. 'l'h(' namf•~t of two more of mybalf-doztn have al~o )J("('n al.,{'ut from the li.. t. ):t~~:r~t\~r,:~ ~~~~~~~-~~;?~~~~~~~~i~l;t~·j~.(~"\~*,j • plaf'e 1tonour"": need only lw wPII to prove a. for. midable ca11!.l1date OY<'r a. country \\here hon.-s 1 a.-1 a. rult' rept>:~.t their prM·iow form, and thie naturally brings \Vild Man from Honwo tn mind, for he ":u1 fiO (1l0r1e a. thi1·d lnl'lt )'l'ar to Wh\' !'\ot und Lady EIIPn JI.. tha.t it is ~nerally J,,•litwed tha.t. Arthur Ni~htin~ll. who st<"ertd tla~ winnM", rould Jun·e won on r1tht>r of the trio. \V1ld .Man from BonlL'O will he ridden Lw H. "\Voodland this tunt>. l'rinN'I AllJE>rt, a()('OU.nt(>d Ollt' of the JUOtJt. gE>nuinc:> niJtf1idPNl, haA from 33 to 1 :llho.n<·t'd to 25 to 1. :tncl fl:ll~f'C'(UE'Utly to 20 to 1. Of thrH on the 33 to 1 mark-~JarC'h Hare-, llidmiuton. and Royal Buc-k-the IX'ISt bnAine~~ iR rc>prel't'lltt>n£'d in 1890, I ron­aidf"r Wf'Mtmeath to be t'he motit likc·h· hone to gt-t th«' four milPil and n-ha.lf RUJ:'N'....,fu))v. ~"hen 3. Ma.ndu•ater M('('ting ia interruptcwi bv strPfh uf Wf"3thtr tile outlook mu..t 00 hart i11dP~. 'l'he e:t("('Utive hav~ on mall}' orcattlOOM brought otf tltt-ir ga.thc>rmi{S m a. most mar,·ellotl8 rnaune-r when ra(•ing tott"Pilll"(l ~ut of the_' rJU~'4tion, bu~ thetr rla.bqra.te prrea.uhc..n ~ 1wv~ ))efn fruttlei8 in fa.oo of th ~ abnormal ~rnperaturo of the p.'htf'h!"fff" wA•kM. '!11(' tn£'1f>Lilll{ fnr to-morrow :md •.ruBBda.y had ))('('on nrr-.tnh"t"d to fit. in with th:~ !:~~~~h;'u!J~~·~e!~':r Jaa"~~lr~.t~~~~t~~~~~~~~t matter to the same eo:dt>nt. Of l:u~t week'., til::· ~~~'::tiJ;o~i~~:~~ }~,~a i;"~d~':'J~~~~~~~~"~hi•ti; llull and ('arma.rthE'fl h:ne h·en 11hiftt-d to 'lhur~­day JU1d ]•'rida.y tw.,t. \Vith AJanche&t<·r .JUt. of the quf'flhon, tJte proSJWot for tltf' remaiudrr of the g-.t.th«'rings ciuring thfl roming WPf'k i11 far frorn hopeful. and :u t a,rlv a'4 J.,ricby bRt. Pign'lla of. dis~ress \\ere hungouth~· thOPIPN'·~pomnble for \\ arwlC'k, \VJ.afA:o,-t>r h~tnflol"nll, it IM mDttt rlf'lllllfllblethat tlull RurRii rark anrl ~:ltional Hunt rombintd n'('{!tmg should he t.lill'p'>~ffi. of n~:tt l•'ritla,· a.nd ~urdav. '1118 h11t for thP n('r o~ difficultv, hat'ing ~rd tn the dl Ot\ the presE'nt (')('(".!~ion. Th6 fllrf'e meeting• Ota.t cif"serve notiC"e are Wa.rwi0 k Hull ~~dt!.I~I~t Pnrk, 8d(>(\tiOns for '\\-J.i('h ~e ap~ WARWlC'K W'Prlnt>~dn.y:-County llurdh• Tiandirap, A"trw:~. o; Wnngle~; 1\-~"llr\\iC'k J13.0dimp StN>pl~·ha....e, KPHlrf'l ' \1n~i1Plllxmrne P.tt-t>T)II.'C'I.aRE'. J.t' hn"~il· Jon or E~kf'l.·f'kf'; DeLdale Nntiona.l Hunt. 111at ~~~~h~~~.~~~~~ t1~;~~~u \\ yvia: anrl Gptoa Thut""'da~·: -Leo.mington Grand Annual Rh~plew:·IWP, Pantom. me tr ~wa.lf'cblf\; )J,dlantl Hunt ~t...E'pl('l('h....,.:e, }IaAter PerN· or Flectno · Rudhrook ~la.id~>n Hurdle Pla.tA.•, 'Roland Gnrm~ or l0':lctotum ; ~pa. J.1a.t ll.:H'E', For&ter or Lady ~""': and Guy Maiden Hurdle Raoe, &rdello o.­ Blpp>mme!t. HULL. Thursday :-Hedon Hurdle Handirap, Rill:r­br.dy or :i\V:ll<'oia.lc; P:ti~Igt.lU llnnt Uurdl€" Rar-e C'nmphnPM; Hull I landi<1lp St<'Pplf'<'luL~t·. "\"oir~e~ lf'lll'l: nncl Eut. Ridtnll' Stf'f'ple<"ha.:;P, Jhwn. Frid1,v : -M:t_rtlf'E't Steeph•·(•ha,..<', JtPrl Pt-J•))f'r: nLr~n rlnrdlf' Rarf'. Comp1uwR: ft' ~~~~~~R~!:P~ill~~;·:lst~:~~~~."nd AsUey IIURST PARK AI\'D NATI.ONAI. HU:\"'1'. }'riday :-Wak>rloo li!JJ!llill<>ltL__.Iili""'LeoJO..."--'u• L_­ tbf' foll.v of "tiddh.u~ \nth tire sb.bnn~ wlwn 1 1pt'(.ple wt•re burumg,' of ·• pbymg ";th truv.elzt ll'J:: ~m~~~~:R·t;m~m!h= ~v~w~k! nry timt>~ to fiddle Wl~t tire station~ :-~nd phyw1th tf(•WI!"I8, and tba.t Ius tbour;:ht w;l.R f!]nvenJ_r.lie li(Ot drunk with n. Whitmanf's'JUP ~~~ion for K a.turto, 3ood wa.llowed in adjechn-:1, c~~Ui.ng ~ature mu.Je~tic'. ma&;i,·e., silent, .,rrowm~. hea.uti­ful, hP.althy, fruitful, elprnal ~aturf'---btddmg u~ Elf'3J'Cb for the poluy of the ~f'W lla.rty m the boMun of Xa.turt, whOt;& secrflt w;toot not a. polih~ ol one, but one to bo reHW~ to her !i\... et t­herut. not to :~. D-lily C'hrowd~'"r or • .John Burns. 'flu•••e wer11 Coc-Kney~ 'l'o them ~ature meant m~rroly ~ I~ndon park. "For Xa.ture llnd KPw };ngb.nd" ~rued to be the motto on the ful.g of tbA 1\eW Party, •· ::\l'tionali~E\ !\~tt·rA · thrir hattlf'-t'l')'. Tb.., m('thods propo~dby ~11. }((·id for the na.tioualU41Ug of ~a.ture '1\ere vague, and COU.tiottil.ed maiuly m mir:rrntwgpeoplP fro:n w~ru. into thP oount"·· a.ut.l le-.1.\· 11\b tOO landlord..IJ to deal a.lone v. ilh r-.ttM :md taus :md debL.;;. It was l.t.nd nationa.lisa.bou but not. that of Keir llardt~ whom~1r. Retd M't up m effigy-, a.nd aoo~d of woeful tgnori.lllce ~f p!tysical ~phy and na.tural hU.ton•, ask-Uli 1f tbe term la.nd were sufficit:.nt to de:srribe :ill this form, colour, enerltf, movement, '\\Cll.lth, insert a.ud :u1lma.l life tmplied iu the lt>nn Natur&. Tha.t t..enn covered hwd a.nd tbe Dtrous of production, and man who. "as the mind a.ud baud of thE' pla.nl Then "e hc~rd of tlte m­iquit.H.11 of the Lords and the Commons-of the I>uke of Bedford tottering, of th~ unpoteocea.nd impudenC"e of tla~ lloul'o of Commons an attemptmg to t.Ol\'e the problem of Ute Wlem­ployed by a Cotrunitt~ a.s they had attempted to toOlve the Labour que.._~ion hr :. l'orumi!'lsion~ \\~as a Comntitte-e appointed to ronsadt.'r llome Rule or th.-Howe of Lords~ Beoollllllg rE\vo­lutionary, Mr. Red d~lared tha.t the ~~w Pn.rtv would liWeep a.w-o~.y la.ndlortli ~ well a.i Lords, the Ilouee of Common!J _aa wt:ll ~" the JAJT.p with!'' :l.SkKl a. que.stioner later. ·· 'i ed, 86\t~ral," ll."l« the reply. rk fm '=kniali•• i£ ~[~f fl ~ f-. " A 3 ~£_ ~ ~ ~ g_~ 8 -· r.> ~ ..... 3~ 3 ~ 0 3 I ~~· ,..., 0 ;1 a. ;;tl t=' ......, (P ;" t: CD ~cn&:;:; a 3'\J r.> I 0 §:[~·~ ~ ~ (·~: ~ ~ ~ 2....: .., ..... ~· .... 5:'-0 ~;;~~ a: ~~o2 ~ §'~ J~ ~ =­ ~ T~~ ~ ::· ;1 ~ :-· to< ;Tc~ C.:.. .,.. ­ ~ "r, ;.~ ­ ::S ~ ID d ~-~.~~­ "'CC::S~CJ} c: 0 ;.I c: E~~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ g Hi !H~ "'CC I ~ . a ..... ::.. a: ~·~~ >­ g-=.~ Cl ;: ~~ 0 1,.1; i.n=-'" 0 z ~ H ·~ J ;y o-i ~ ; d ~­ en H ~ - (1> " :<. 00 ..... '71 r "' ~ (JJ ., "' "' ~ c.~ ~~ at ~M~-8 J! ~tfrr: /. )+ ,14.11k~ ~ %vkd..~. '2. er~ ~-~et~-1-4. ~ ~cf--""--!"""'-~i I 4t1• ­ ~1if"~~ ~~~:~ 8th Nov. " The Sphere of the Municipality in Industrial Reconstruction " ... B•• SIDNEY WEBB. Progreo:" of :\I unicip.lliz:ttion in the United Kingdom-The li':lit-.. of • Ga..; a~d \V~ter .~ocia\i,;m "-Pr.J~n.b!e lines of advance­" Co-oper:ttion of Consumers" as the bac:;is of the" orgamzallon of pubhc serv1ces. ~~~1 ~IS ,C-~JcJ;,._llJ I.~~tWZtO~ ~ -z. . <1~~1e~~~~ J. f.\/~ ~'"-¥~ ~~ k._; ~­ AGENDA. (1) Resolution to=ba moved by A. HALLIDAY: " That this Society assures Dr. Watt of its " hearty sympathy in his gallant struggle for " the rights of tenants; regrets that the Execu­" tive failed to secure the representation of the " Society at the Hovingham Demonstration; " and pledges itself to do all in its power to " bring the contest to a successful conclusion." Y. ~ · %. ~~1 ~, 'L ~r t:'..wuJWJ'IN ~~ ~-.A-~:t:im. tnL J;;:.;,t-z, ~-!J!!yf. /.~~~~~. 3. y~ ~~~a!aA:-~ ~~­~G.J..~ ~&\_~ ~ ~9~-~-~-t)J~~~~­~~-e~ ~Cu..t:i.. z "t-aA.a ~~~... ~~# H. Clk. 7?. ~~u~cL ~}"'~J}\._ " Municipal Drink Traffic" By EDWARD R. PEASE. H istory of English Liquor Law.i -Ancient Acts against Intemperance-The Gin Act of 1736-\Vhat the law is now-Drink Legis­lation on the Continent-:\.merican and Colonial experiences-Why legislate at all ?-Tied Houses-The Drink Trade and Politics-Schem:s of Re£ormers-Locat Veto: where it fails-The Norwegian System-The Gothenburg System-Munici­palization in England-~lr. Chamberlain and the Lords' Committee of 1877-The Birmingham Town Council as a Beershop­keeper-The Crux of Compensation-Referendum-Dual D~cision-~lunicipal Public House.i--Drit1king Stores or People's Parlors-\Vhat to do with the Profits. 30 ~~tttt{-~~r;ct-flrft {I) {J!: '//\~ ~~~MJ ~ "2) er~~~j.f..~ ~ e~ ~~ 0;~ 1;-M~~~~s~ ¥~ ~~~~s~~ ~~~ ~·­ [3) ~Y.JJ.. ~~~~~(j~ v~.,. Jl.. ~~ ~~~"" cU.kJI ~ ~~{')uW ~• ~""'J&tI ~~I 0w.M ~I14:W: ~~~~.~. (6~ ¥-~ ~~cvv\: .. )+) _p~Qijlil.p ~Sl-~ ~~~. ~~ ~ ~W.M ~ ~~~~r,.,_o&, +~~7 4-­~o..~~~ lW\..~(~ ~~1:' ~d.M.t. ~~~~a.t . ~Jv. ~a~ ~~~~. ~ . l~) ~.~~~~~~£<.~... ~ o.oa.~ ~\W~t~~.~~ ~~/ ~~~~ ~~~ ~-. J.q.·l·tj6 ~~aL~%w·z"f-'rt ;(' 1 I. )f.'W,~~ ~Vue ~d~ 12.~~~l?cw-C~~~ , s~ur~~~~~oYtt.. ~~~~( ~·: ~C?~t/'f -:p~~~(07·­ ~ • ~CV\M.. rrroJ1_QA1 ~r C<. ~ dk) Jan. 24i. " Board Schools and Free Meals." By GRAHAM WALLAS. SYLLABUS. Past Experiments-Present Facts-The Admmts­tra.tlve Problem-The Pohttca.I Problem.