Fabian Traet No. rrs. STATE-AID TO AGRICULTURE AN EXAMPLE. By T. S. DYMOND, LECTURER To THE EssEx CouNTY CouNCIL. PuBLISHED ANn So LD BY THE FABIAN SOCIETY. PRICE ONE PENNY. LONDON: THE FABIAN SociETY, 3 CLEMENT's I NN, STRAND, W.C. PECEMBER 190~. STATE-AID FOR AGRICULTURE.• Bv T. S. DvMoNo, In addressing meetings of farmers up and down the country, the late Minister of Agriculture, Mr. R. W . Hanbury, never failed to ask his audience in what direction they desired that "the Government should do more for Agriculture," but he never seems to have got a satisfactory reply exc.ept from those who advocated an import duty on corn. As a matter of fact" protection" does not assume an importantposition in the assistance given by the State to agriculture in Hungary. It is true that, owing to the Zollvereitt with Austria, there is a heavy import duty on corn, intended to protect the Hungarian farmers, but the farmers feel it to be :1 very doubtful advantage because, while the Austrians would in any case buythe Hungarian wheat as the cheapest and best procurable, the import duty on agricultural machinery imposed to protect the Austrian machinists (which it fails to do) is to the Hungarians a grievous burden. There is, however, a form of protection given in Hungary, as in all the sugar-beet growing countries of the Continent, to which special reference must be made, viz., the rebate on exported sugar, a grant so considerable that it makes it possible to sell Hungarian sugar in Great Britain for half the price it is retailed at in Hungary itself, because it pays the producers better to export their sugar than to sell it at home except at an absurdlyhigh price. Hungary is almost a purely agricultural country, and practically the whole population is directly or indirectlydependent upon agriculture. The farmers, then, are taxingthemselves in order to aid certain localities to grow sugar(localities which are limited in area, for sugar-beet growingdemands a sugar factory in the immediate neighbourhood), and the whole population is, besides, paying an enormous price f0r this article of food. In spite, therefore, of certain advantageswhich the sugar-beet industry possesses, e.~;., the large quantity of labour it necessitates and the value as cattle food of the refuse pulp, it only needed the counter-vailing duties on bounty fed sugar recently imposed in India-formerly one of the best markets for Hungarian sugar-and the recommendations of the Brussels convention, to cause the c-:>untry to welcome the prospect of casting off a heavy burden. From " protection" we may therefore pass to a description of other means of assistance afforded by the State in the direction of (a) agricultural education, (b) the scientific development of agriculture, and (c) the commercial development of agriculture. It must first be explained that Hungaryconsists of a vast plain, surrounded by a great tract of hilly country rising in places into etupendous mountain ranges, whose highest summits are never • Part of a paper read at a meeting of the Fabian Society on May 22nd, 1903 3 free from snow. The inhabitants aril as diversified as the country, for the Magyars are quite outnumbered by immigrantSlavonic, Teutonic, or Latin races, all of them differing not only in dress, language, religion and customs, but also in intelligence, ability and inclinations. With the exception of an insignificant minority engaged in mining, mechanical, or chemical industry, the whole population is directly or indirectly engaged in agriculture. The farmers may be divided into three classes, (r) the magnates who farm their ten to fifty thousand acres, (2) the gentry with their five to fifteen hundred acres, and (3) the peasants who farm in holdings of less than r2o acres just 50 per cent. of the whole of the cultivated land of the country (excluding forest). These peasantfreeholds are for the most part between 8 and 120 acres in size, but in some parts of the country, owing to the Hunganan custom of dividing a property on the death of a father equally between his sons, the holdings through several generations have become reduced to the size of a mere allotment of half an acre and upwa.rds, an area far too small to maintain a peasant and his family, who are therefore obliged to eke out a livelihood by acting as labourers on the large estates and taking as payment, not wages in money, but a certain fixed proportion of the prodw:e of their labour. AGRICULTURAL EDUCATION. Excluding the means taken for elementary and secondaryeducation, agricultural education is afforded by the follvwinginstitutions : r. The Agricultural Academy at Magyar6var, an institution which ranks with Hohenheim, Wageningen and Copenhagen as one of the first of the agricultural colleges of the world, intended for those who are destined to fill the highest agricultural positions (average attendance, 157). 2. Four agricultural colleges, ranking with the very best of our own colleges, intended for the sons of the gentry or largefarmers (average attendance at each, 125). 3· Twenty -one tillage schools, for the sons of peasantfarmers, who receive a two-years' course of training in practicalfarming (average attendance at each, 26). 4· An immense number of winter schools of agriculture in the villages for the sons of peasants (total yearly attendance, 3oo,ooo). 5· Itinerant teaching by a staff of over 200 travelling lecturers and experts, attached for the most part to the staff of the Agricultural Ministry. 6. Educational institutions for special industries, including -(r) a veterinary college, a huge and splendidly equipped institution; (2) an arboricultural college and four schools for foresters; (3) a dairy high-school and four schools for dairymen and women ; (4) a horticultural college and five schools for gardeners; (5, 6 and 7) a poultry-farming, a bee-farming, and a meadow culture school; and (8) a viticultural course and eightschools for vine dressers. 4 7· Eighty model peasant farms in the respective counties, each equipped with the implements and stock considered most suitable for the district', and five great State farms which while primarily intended for other purposes, also serve for education and demonstration, and to which parties of farmers are carried by the railways at reduced fares from all over the country. · 8. The great agricultural museum at Budapest. The whole of this enormous scheme is supported and in most cases maintained by the State. Every year further developments take place, old institutions are enlarged and new institutions built, and the policy of the Government clearly is not to wait till the demand becomes imperative, but, by the provision of the fullest facilities for instruction, to encollrage the people to take advantage of it. In this, as in every other agriculturaldevelopment in Hungary, the Government leads the way and the people follow. It is beyond the scope of this paper to discuss the details of teaching or equipment, or to dwell upon the marvellous collections in the museums, which possess of themselves an educational value I could never have believed had I not conducted a party of farmers through them and found how intensely interesting from a practical standpoint did they find the contents ; but one important feature must be clearly impressed-that in everyinstitution for higher teaching and even those intended for the training of peasant farmers, education is associated with research, it being realised that, for the future of agriculture to be prosperous, it is important not only to teach the students what is known already, but to impress upon their minds, by this association, how incomplete is our knowledge and how much remains to be discovered. SCIENTIFIC DEVELOPMENT. This brings us then to the means taken by the State for the scientific development of agriculture by experimental and research work. The whole of this is under the control of a Departmental Central Committee, on which all branches of the work are represented, and the purpose of which is to encourageand control the harmonious working of the stations (and thus to prevent duplication and overlapping), to direct what experiments are to be carried out, to advise the Minister of Agriculturein what direction development is required, and to publish the results in the form of bulletins. The following is a brief description of the stations under the control of this Committee : I. The Geological Institute at Budapest makes a scientific study of the soil in relation to agriculture and publishes maps. 2 . The National Institute for Meteorology possesses an observatory, and issues weather forecasts daily to the press, institutes, subscribers and about 400 telegraph offices in rural I. NUMBER OF M ODEL FARMS IN HUNGARY. 9 So 5 districts, telegraphs rainfall statistics with the object of providing mean!' to prevent the flooding of agricultural land in districts subject to inundation, and promotes defence again5t gales. 3· The National Chemical Institute and Experiment Station undertakes the analysis and control of fertilizers, feeding stuffs, etc., with a view to prevent adulteration. There are also chemical experiment stations connected with the Academy at Magyar6var and at each of the four agricultural colleges before- mentioned! 4· The Bacteriological Institute in connection with the Veterinary College at Budapest carries on defence against swine fever and other contagious diseases, and prepares and distributes mallein and tuberculin. 5· The Central Seed-testing Station at Budapest and those in connection with each of the Agricultural Colleges and the Agricultural Academy at Magyar6var undertake the control of seeds and feeding stuffs with the object of preventing adulteration ; they carry on experiments with a view to developingfertility, feeding value, etc.; and they diffuse a knowledge of weed seeds and defence against weeds and plant parasites. Some 40,ooo examinations are made annually. 6. The Experiment Station for Agricultural Implements at Magyar6var examines all new machinery introduced and advises farmers as to its value. 7• The Experiment Station for Plant·breeding in Magyar6var has for its object the improvement of species, the acclimatization of new species, the improvement of pastures, and the diffusion of knowledge on the rational manuring of crops. A part of this work is carried out in conjunction with farmers who in consideration of the free supply of manure or seed agree to undertake the work, but the experiments requiring more accurate observation are arranged in conjunction with the other agricultural colleges, identical experiments being thus made in several parts of the country. 8. The Entomological Station at Budapest has for its object to obtain and disseminate information regarding insects injurious in agriculture and the means ot defence against them and in urgent cases to undertake the defence. Correspondents are appointed in different parts of the country. g. The Tobacco Experiment Station in connection with the Agricultural College at Debreczen is established with the object of counteracting the decline of tobacco culture during recent years, by improving the quality, productiveness, proper 2 . NUMBER 01" ANALYSES MADE AT STATE EXPERIMENTAL STATIONS. Chemical. Seeds. 1890 4,125 2,651 r895 4.925 21,291 1900 8,391 34.858 Igor 10,082 6 cultivation and generally increasing the profitableness of its culture.J 10. The Experiment Station for Plant Physiology and Pathology at Magyar6var has chiefly occupied itself up to the present with the investigation of a disease in sugar-beet; the cause of this disease and the remedies having now been fully ascertained, it is now carrying on experiments on smut, rust and other fungoid diseases of corn. 1 r. The Experiment Station for Feeding of Cattle at Budapest has for its object to ascertain the most economical feeding stuffs grown in Hungary for the breeds of cattle produced in the country, i.e., to apply the results of German and American experiments to Hungarian conditions. 12. The Experimental Wool-sorting Station at Budapest was established with the hope of counteracting the very serious decline in sheep breeding and wool production in the country. 13. The Ornithological Station at Budapest has mainly in view the protection of wild birds useful in agriculture, and publishes popular well-illustrated works on the subject to the general public and to farmers in particular. 14. The Experimental Station for Brewing at Kassa has the general aim of developing the industry. Such is the program of scientific work carried on by, and at the entire cost of, the State. COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT. In the commercial development of the agriculture of Hungarywe find that the State takes a much more leading part than in most Continental countries. The grants made for the reclam'mation of land, the loans given to the agricultural credit banks, and the appointment of agricultural commissionerers in foreign capitals, have their counterparts in many countries, but, in Hungary, beyond all this, the State does not hesitate to foster, bydirect financial aid, farming in any depressed part of the country, or any branch of agricultural industry that is capable of development. And it should here be mentioned that HungarianGovernments have not been afraid to embark on industrtal enterprise themselves, for to the State now belong the principalrailways, it is the owner of silk, hemp, flax, sugar, and manyother factories in connection with the State farms, it is proprietor of the world-renowned baths of Hercules and the delightful pleasure resorts of the Northern Carpathians, :md it owns 3· AGRICULTURAL PRODUCE IN HUNGARY. 188o. !goo. Wheat rs.Boo,ooo qrs. 17,5oo,ooo qrs. Rye 5·400,000 " 6,300,000 .. Barley 5.000,000 .. 6,5oo,ooo .. Potatoes ro6,ooo,ooo bushels . . 135,ooo,ooo bushels 187o-Mo. tSgo-xgoo. Tobacco-area r4o,ooo acres 1oo,ooo acres produce 44.375 tons ss.Boo tons .. produce per acre 710 lbs. 1,250 lbs . !Sgt. 1897· Value of cattle exported {2,330,000 {4,830,000 and manages 3,7oo,ooo acres of forest. But besides this the State farms, and farms to the highest possible advantage, 163,466 acres of land in its five great stud farms, farms which not only serve as models to the whole country of what farming ought to be, not only serve to produce the best stallions, the best bulls, the best seed for distribution through the country, and thus in the most effectual way tend to the improvement of stock, tiut which also yield a revenue to the State of£3oo,ooo a year. I propose now to give examples of the means adopted, To assist the farmers in districts hardest hit by agriculturaldepression, seed wheat, seed potatoes, linseed, etc., are distributed at low cost or in deserving cases absolutely free. Potatoes being an important crop in these districts special inducements are held out for the establishment of small distilleries, the excise giving peculiar advantages to these distilleries, and the State railway conveying, when the potato crop fails, maize for distilling from other districts at exceptionally low rates. To encourage the cultivation of malting barley in districts suitable for barley growing, good seed is grown on, and distri· buted from, the State farms in exchange for seed grown by the farmers, grants are made for the establishment of annual barleyfairs, and a rebate of about 20 per cent. is given by the State railways on the rates for carriage of malting barley for export. To encourage silk worm culture, a home industry carried on it is said by the families of 1oo,ooo peasants in the country, the State has established and owns 145 nurseries, at which several million mulberry trees are propagated yearly, a silk worm breeding station for providing and distributing the eggs, 24 cocooneries for collecting the silk, and five silk factories. Flax, hemp, and hop culture are encouraged by grantstowards the establishment of depOts or markets, and by special reduced rates on the State railway. Agricultural co-operation in the collection, manipulation, and marketing of agricultural produce, which is an importantfactor in agricultural development of Hungary, has received the powerful encouragement of the State, firstly, by the distribution of co-operative literature and, secondly, by direct grants in aid of co-operative enterprises. Such grants have been made to the Farmers Market Hall Supply Co-operativeSociety in order to enable them to start the systematiccollection and marketing of eggs, to the co-operative dairies to aid their formation, to the Central Co-operative DistributingSociety to enable it to start co-operative stores in the villagesin congested districts, and to the National Co-operativeSociety of Hungarian Wine Growers in the form of the free use of wine cellars beneath the Board of Agriculture in Budapest. Lastly, a grant is given to the county agricultt,Iral societies, co-operative organisations as many of these are, amounting in Igor to£8,270, to encourage and assist them in their invaluable labours for the development of agriculture in their respectivecounties. The co-operative credit movement has also had the powerful support of the State. " In ot;der to facilitate and control the . 8 co-operative popular credit movement (I quote from the recentlyissued report of the Minister of Agriculture upon the work done by his department during his five years term of office) the Legislature passed a special Act in r8g8 on the agricultural and industrial credit banks, under which a part of the shares were subscrihed by the Exchequer, a part by the already existing cooperative credit societies, and the remainder, at the request of the Minister of Agriculture, by some of the large landowners. Since that time the central bank, so founded, has been verysatisfactory as a working institution and has helped the department in every way connected with local agricultural co-operation. The local branches in 1902 numbered r,566, with 317,85Imembers. "The action of the Department since starting the central bank has been practically limited to helping the formation of local banks which, situated in the economically worst parts of the country, cannot start themselves without assistance. The grant is limited to some hundreds of crowns. The greaternumber of these are situated in the congested districts of the North-Eastern part of the country. The Department beinganxious to form these co-operative banks in order to emancipatethe poor farmers from the local money lenders (Polish Jews who charged, I may interpolate, 20, 30, or even 40 per cent. on loans, and who have been reduced to a condition of most miserable penury by the loss of their business), not only strongly advocates the system, but being a local landowner everywhere itself, subscribes a part of the shares and deposits money. These banks in the neglected parts of t!J.e country combine credit-giving with store-keeping." It may be added to this account of the Minister that in con· nection with some of the local credit banks co-operative granaries have been established, a system which has a special advantagein Hungary, as it is there the custom for the buyer to tra\el from farm to farm purchasing corn, at his own price, from the farmers. Having given some examples of the aid given by the State towards the commercial development of agriculture in Hungary, I propose now to deal somewhat more generally with certain typical branches of agriculture which have received State support on educational and scientific as well as commercial lines. An important point that is probably already self-evident should be borne in mind in considering what follows, viz., that in Hungary it is the deliberate intention of the Government to take the initiative in every forward movement, and by doing so and by granting aid to obtain control. The branches of agriculture I shall deal with are fruit-culture, stock-breeding, and forestry. FRUIT CULTURE. The climate of Hungary is eminently suitable for fruit, but up to the 'nineties the imports yery nearly equalled the exports. Attention had been drawn during the previous decade to the suitability of the sandy and almost barren districts of the plainfor fruit culture, because vineyards had been successfully started ' 9 upon them to replace the mountain vineyards devastated by the phylloxera. Steps were therefore taken to utilise these districts for the development of fruit culture. With this object in view the first step taken by the Department was to decide what fruits and what varieties were suitable for cultivation in each district. Lists were then drawn up and sent to the agricultural colleges and the orchards on the State farms. The next step was the planting of a number of nurseries in different parts of the country for propagating the varieties of fruit decided upon, and the forestry stations vvere utilised for cultivating the proper stocks for grafting. Between 1892 and 1901, 25 State orchards were established altogether. Next there followed the distribution and sale at very low charges of the fruit trees, fruit seedlings, wild fruit stocks and grafted stocks thus propagated. To schoolmasters and clergymen fruit trees were given free, as also the seedlings and fruit stocks to the nurseries of parishes and agricultural and horticultural associations, who were required to supply fruit trees for planting the highways. In 1901 as many as 378,ooo graftedstocks and over 2,ooo,ooo seedlings were thus distributed. Even this vast number proved insufficient for the demand, and, to further increase the supply, prizes were given to those schoolmasters who in tht parochial orchards produced the greatestnumber of grafted stems, and plum trees, being more useful to poor farmers than anything else, were imported from Orleans and Antwerp to the number of 6oo,ooo. Meanwhile steps were taken to provide the necessary instruction in fruit culture. The great horticultural school was established on the slopes of the Gellert Hill at Budapest for systematic, theoretical and practical instruction. For orchard labourers four country schools of fruit culture were founded, in addition to which the State orchards served for their practicaltraining. An industrial school at Budapest was made purelyhorticultural. The winter schools of agriculture in the villagesfor sons of peasant farmers v,·ere required to include fruit culture in their curricula, teachers of fruit culture were appointed to secondary and other schools, encouragement was given to schoolmasters in teaching the subject in the parochial schools byoffering prizes to their pupils, courses of lectures were arrangedfor the road surveyors who would have the care of the fruit trees upon the highways, and courses of fruit growing were arrangedfor all schoolmasters and for a few clergy (for the clergy in Hungary as in every country are the best pomologists) of whom 172 applied for the 12 places offered! Lastly, the Departmentpublished a weekly paper, "The Fruit Gardener," and several treatises and popular pamphlets. Finally came the question of the marketing and export of the produce. And here comes the advantage of the control that had been exercised in only encouraging the cultivation of a few kinds of fruit, the production of small lots of many kinds beingthe worst hindrance to an export trade. Grants were given to io encourage the formation of local fruit shows, and of co-operative fruit marketing societies. Willow plantations for basket-making were started on the State farms, and gifts of willow seedlings made to parishes together with grants to enable them to preparethe land for willow plantations. Special low rates were chargedby the State railway for export fruit, and reports upon the demand for fruit in Russia, Germany, Great Britain, and Scandinavia obtained from the respective consuls. For unsold fresh fruit the State began to hire out machines for cider- making, spirit distilling and fruit drying to parishes and co ,operative associations, and sometimes to give them free, and grants were made towards building two fruit drying factories. STOCKBREEDING AND DAIRYING. Equally comprehensive is the aid given by the State in these branches of Agriculture, and also intensely interesting because the State itself farms 163,466 acres of land in the five great estates which serve for the production of the pure-bred stock which are distributed through the country with rthe object of improving the various breeds. The aim of the Government is that a particular breed~of horses or cattle should be bred by the farmers in a particulardistrict, the object being to keep the breeds pure, to economise sires, and to enable buyers to know to what particular district they must go to purchase what they want. With this aim in view each State farm breeds a particular class of horses or cattle; for each district of Hungary the Government decides upon the breed most suitable for enrouragement, and the County Councils publish particulars to the farmers as to where sires of this breed may be obtained. With regard to horses no expense is spared; £rzs,ooo is spentyearly in the interests of horse breeding ; the stables at Kisber contain some of our best English thorough-breds purchased at almost fabulous prices, and fresh batches of pure-bred Arab horses are fetched from Arabia every year. The number of registered stallions owned by the State and hired out for publicservice at fees of from 6s. to ros. is J,IOo, which in rgor covered as many as I rg,r 14 mares, and in addition to these are 200 stallions hired out to private breeders. So strict is the control that a sire belonging to a private owner must not be used by his neighbours unless registered. The management of the studs is admirable. All are under military control and the men of the cavalry regiments serve their three years upon the farms, thus, not only saving the State a heavy bill for labour, but learning all there is to know about horse-breeding and gaining knowledge which they are able to turn to useful account on returning to their own farms or holdings. The policy of the country in this respect seems to be abundantly justified, for nothing is so astonishing as the excellence of the horses bred by the small holders. who in one small village I visited were able to produce some so or 6o horses, any one of which would have looked well in Rott~n Row. In any part of the Great Plain good post horses can be had. I think the most vivid impression that anyone who has travelled in Hungarywill bring back is driving over that limitless expanse behind a pair of Hungarian horses, on and on, mile after mile, now racingmadly along the soft unmetalled roads, mere cart tracks, canopied in a cloud of dust, or sweeping dustless over trackless turf. Similar steps are taken for the clevelopment of cattle breeding. The whole country is divided into 20 districts, to each of which an inspector is appointed, who possesses such powers as will enable him to induce farmers to develope their business in the direction approved by the Department, Every year an immense number of good bulls are sold from the State farms, generally to the parishes or village communities, a tax heingraised by the parish council for the purchase, the bulls being thereafter available for the use of any farmer living in the parish. In rgor, 3,428 bulls were thus distributed. Stock markets are also organised and prizes for the best cattle given, the grant for this purpose amounting in rgor to {3,300. Particular attention is paid to dairy cattle. The native Hungarian cattle being primarily draught cattle, a largenumber of the best stock from Alpine herds of dairy cattle are annually imported for breeding purposes (325 in rgor). The dairying industry, as already mentioned, is assisted by five Government dairy schools and by direct grants to the co-operative dairies. So remarkable has been the development of the dairying industry since the first co-operative dairy was started in r8gs, that the excess of exports over imports of dairy produce has increased from £57,ooo in r895 to {486,ooo in rgor, an increase of more than eight fold.• Equally striking are the results of the fostering care of the State in the poultry industry. A State poultry farm and school has been started on the Crown estate of God6116, and here the most suitable breeds are reared. These are distributed in a remarkable way,-the cock birds are exchanged with the farmers for common poultry, and as many as 7,666 cock birds beingexchanged in rgor ; the same system apply to eggs for hatching. Still more has been done in conjunction with the Market Hall Supply Co-operative Society by establishing local egg-collecting stations, mostly in connection with the local co-operative dairies. By systematic sorting of the eggs, and by the elimination of the German middlemen, the price obtained by the farmers for exported eggs has been raised 30 or 40 per cent., and the exportof poultry and eggs increased in five years by 8o per cent. Another form of State-aid in stock-breeding is the stepstaken to eliminate contagious disease. Strict isolation regulations are imposed to prevent the spread of swine fever. A serious outbreak of pleuro-pneumonie~ in 1893 was dealt with by 4. CooPERATIVE DAIRIES IN HUNGARY . Members. Receipts. 2,767 {22,470 40,673 £%92,415 12 the wholesale slaughter of the animals in infected yards, compensation being given in full, as many as 20,942 cattle being slaughtered in 1894 and£37,000 paid in compensation, measures which were entirely successful in stamping out the disease. FORESTRY. There is one other State-aided branch of agriculture to which reference must be made on account of its importance to this country-namely, forestry. The part of the report of the Minister of Agriculture that deals with this subject is somewhat apologetic. It points out that while the aid given is to the material benefit of the proprietor, it is also directly to the benefit of the nation because (1) forest provides an article of national wealth which is in permanent readiness, (2) it promotes health, (3) it has a favourable climatical influence, and (4) it providesthe raw material of a vast number of industries without recourse to import, besides which there is a vast amount of land in Hungary which it is otherwise impossible to render productiveand of which part, while barren, is an absolute danger to the surrounding districts. It is concluded that State-aid to the proprietors of such land is perfectly legitimate, both because it is to the public benefit, and because the afforestation cannot be remunerative for some years to the proprietors. An act was passed in 1879 which made it compulsory to re-afforest formerly de-afforested and now barren land, and it prevented the de-afforesting of land which could not otherwise be profitably cultivated unless an equal portion of barren land be afforested at the same time. The State affords dd in this direction by establishing a central experiment station for forestry, four schools for foresters, and nurseries for forest trees in connection with each of the foresters' schools. From these nurseries seedlings are distributed free to proprietors, as many as 358,ooo,ooo, it is said, having been distributed between 1874-1901. Proprietors can, if they wish, give over to State management the land that they are compelled to re-afforest. The State also sometimes buys forest land, for example, as a national pleasure resort or to preventforeigners from acquiring large tracts for sporting purposes. LABOUR. Owing to American competition and consequent low prices of agricultural produce on the one hand, and to abundance of labour due to completion of public works and the introduction of labour-saving machinery on the other, the wages of agricultural labourers in the beginning of the nineties fell to a very low figure. The disaffection produced was accentuated by the working of an Act of 1876, disadvantageous to themselves as the agricultural labourers considered it to be, which imposed between farmer and labourer the necessity of contracts in all cases, and which required that agricultural labourers should be able to produce certificates of efficiency in certain cases, which certificates there seems to have been difficulty in procuring. Encouraged by the Social Democratic Party, the labourers secretly determined, in order to secure higher wages, to refuse to 13 perform their conhacts with the farmers as soon as the harvest in 1897 was begun. The Department conceiving that its duty was to aid the farmers to get in the harvest where actual contracts had been made, made ample preparation, chiefly by providing some thousands of labourers from the State stud farms and forests, and although the strike was very wide-spread and the feeling aroused very bitter, harvesting operations were eventually safely performed. The result of the strike was to strengthen the demand for revision of the Act of 1876, and the Department therefore promoted an Amending Act in 1898, the object of which was to facilitate the smooth working of the 1876 Act. There was an attempt to revive the strike in the summer of 1898, but it failed partly owing to the same steps being taken by the Department to meet the emergency as in the previous year, and partly because the Department had included in the Amending Act a clause for facilitating the distribution of certificates, and a clause for establishing a labour bureau for the efficient interchange of labourers and so equalising the supply and demand in the various districts, in order to prevent the super-abundant supply of labour in any district and the consequent lowering of wages. Under this clause every parish council must nominate a person to keep a list of employers and employed in the parish. Anysurplus in supply or demand must be reported to the countycouncil, who draws up weekly reports which are sent back to the parishes on the one hand and to the central bureau on the other. This system of interchange between parishes or districts eems to work thoroughly well; it is further facilitated by a reduction of so per cent. on the railway fares for labourers travelling to their work in another district and home again. Simultaneously with this reform, the Department began to take measures for bettering the circumstances of the labourers. They began to establish popular libraries for labourers (there are now 1,068), to give grants to clergy and schoolmasters to enable them to establish reading-rooms, friendly societies, etc., and to give rewards to those clergy and schoolmasters who had been most successful in their labours. They award prizes to the labourers for efficient performance of their work (some 1,279 have been awarded), and yearly distribute 400 diplomas as a permanent recognition that the State recognises their conscientious work and fidelity. Through the request of the Department, the agricultural societies recommenced in 1899 the old harvest feasts in order to promote the mutual interest of farmers and labourers in each other, and lastly the Department issues a popular weekly paper for labourers, the circulation of which amounts to 43,000 copies, and which is published in Hungarian, Slovac, German, Roumanian, Servian, and Ruthenian. The total grant made by the Department from 1898 to 1902 towards bettering the condition of the labourers amounts to £66,ooo. The last Act promoted by the Department for the benefit of the labourer (xvi., 1900) established a fund for insurance againstaccident, sickness, and old age, an Act of which the labourers, or their employers on their behalf, have eagerly availed themselves. !f APPLICATION TO GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. With regard to education in, and the scientific developmentof, agriculture there is, with little exception, nothing done in Hungary which we cannot parallel in our own country. But the great difference is that whereas in Hungary the systems adopted are applied to the whole country, with us there is, with the single exception of the control of contagious disease in farm stock, absolutely no general systematisation whatever. In my own county, farmers can have their sons given an agricultural education, can have field experimentscarried out on their own class of land, the object of which is the increase in quantity and improvement in quality of their agricultural produce, and can control, by having analyses made, the manures, feeding stuffs, and seeds that they buy, but in the adjoining county they have no such privileges, and they are debarred from ours. It is the system of decentralisation, of remitting to the county councils the duties of agriculturaleducation, under which title almost all scientific development of agriculture is now carried on in this country, that is the difficultyin the way of the systematic application of any scheme to the whole country. The great variation in different parts of our country necessitates of course very different treatment, but the time must surely soon come when the experimental period of agricultural education has proved what the right treatment for each part of the country is, and every county should be persuaded to carry out its share of the work. How the systematisation should be carried out, what counties should be groupedfor the purpose, what means of persuasion should be adopted, and whether by the Board of Education or Board of Agriculture, is not my purpose to enquire. The Board of Agriculture has lead the way in attempting to systematize the field experi:nentsthroughout the country and have utilised the AgriculturalEducation Association-an association of agricultural professors and teachers-in carrying out the scheme, and this small beginning may be the beginning of a far reaching movement. Next, with regard to the commercial development of agriculture, it must be remembered that the prosperity of a countrydevoid of colonies chiefly depends upon the prosperity of its industry and that in Hungary agriculture is the only importantindustry. It is quite certain that the policy adopted has been a gigantic success, and that the country is going ahead by leapsand bounds as a direct consequence. On the other hand it cannot be denied that the knowledge that the State is ready to initiate any developments required discourages private enterprise. There is already a feeling-of dissatisfaction abroad, a feeling of the powerlessness of individuals to develope an industry without State interference, that the initiative in anyforward movement must come from the Government, and a feeling of resentment at the restraint and control which it is evident is and must be exercised b,-the State whenever State-aid is given. 15 And if there is this growing feeling against State-aid and interference (the two terms are almost interchangeable) in a nation so uncommercial and so primitive in many respects as the Hungarians, how much stronger would the feeling be with us. Our English farmers are intensely commercial; the barterings at the weekly market, the sale of corn by a farmer at 6d. a quarterbetter than his neighbour or the purchase of seed at 6d. Jess, is the bright spot in an otherw.ise monotonous existence, and all wish of sharing with others the advantages of a profit-sharingand co-operative undertaking is absent from a farmer's breast. I do not think that the farmers whom I accompanied to Hungarywill ask again that the Government should do more for agriculture; they are rather itu bued with the idea that it is better to have too little State-aid than too much. The commercial development of agriculture in this country is slowly but surely taking place as the result, not of State-aid, but of better education, and the development would take place far more quickly if agricultural education were better systematised in the whole country. In certain directions, however, I believe that the example of Hungary might be advantageously followed. Strict laws should be enforced against de-afforestation. The de-afforesting of land in the Eastern Counties during the great corn years was a perfect calamity, for the land that was originally woodland was always the poorest land. and is quite unremunerative to cultivate in any other way. The re-afforesting of this land might well receive some encouragement, and the same may be said of enormous tracts in Scotland and Ireland, the re-afforesting of which would in a number of ways be to the inestimable advantage of the nation. Again, the county agricultural societies and chambers of commerce might well be encouraged to develope in a commercial direction, perhaps by establishing depots for agricultural producewhere the means for its disposal are defective, or studs for the sake of facilitating horse-breeding by the farmers, and especiallyby organising agricultural labour bureaux in connection with a central bureau in London, which might possibly remedy the scarcity of labour, the greatest of all drawbacks to successful intensive farming in the home counties. There can be no doubt, too, that credit banks would be a boon to the farmers in every part of the country. It is, of course, manifest that Ireland needs entirely different treatment. The Irish and Hungarian temperament is not unlike in some respects. The Department of Agriculture in Dublin appears to be fully alive to the possibilities. Already it has adopted several means, similar to those adopted by the HungarianDepartment of Agriculture, to foster the commercial development of the country, and there is every reason to believe that it will be equally successful. Printed by John Dutton, Chelmsford. ment of its Rules and the following oan be obtained from Ult Secretary, at the Fabian Office, 3 Clement's Inn, London, W.O. FABIANISM AND THE EMPIRE: A Manifesto. Edited by BERNARD SHAW. 4d. post free. FABIAN ESSAYS IN SOCIALISM. (35thThousand.) Paper cover, I/·; plain cloth, 2/-, post free from the Secretary. FABIAN TRACTS and LEAFLETS. Tracts, each 16 to 52 pp., price 1d., or 9d. per do•., unless otherwise stated. Leaflets, 4 pp. each, price 1d. for six Copi.BS, 1s. per 100, or 8/6 per 1000. The Set of 84, JS.; post free 3/5· Bound in Buckram, 4/6; post free for ss. 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