Thr Ceooil'OftU._ ACCOUNT HOOK A PRODUCT OFf EXPERT CRAFTSMEN , FOil OETAIU 0~ ltULHramme Committee ·A.P.C. (46) 3rd meeting . (enclosed) • (e) Indian Affaira GrOilp -r,A '}. (46 ) 3r d meeting (tobe circulated at mee·~ingJ, (f) Local Societies Commit~ee of 15 .7,46 . (to be circulated at mee 2. eo-options . 3. Appointment of Committees f or the ye·~= 1946-7 -E.C. (46 ) ll 4, To decide regular time of meeting o~ Executive Committee. 5 , Letter from Ivor Montagu -E, C (46' .c:> 7. Lord Snell Memorial Appeal , 8. Proposed pamphlet by H~rbert .Le f or• :?l·•c ing of Dis3.bled lorker3. 9. To appoint readers for the fol.l·: ·in~ "''''lications:­Structural Unemployment b•r 1~3.:-,p.-.; ;·-,wart. 10. To approve Colonial Bur eau Cont~Jv~'"Y ec~ies -E.C. (46)12. H. D. l-c:'"fl:'•. Al!·.;ir.0 C(. .3.i.'al Secretary. The "March of Time" are do;_ng a :.:.1 o on the British Labour Party and are anxious to incl•·de ; n it a short section on the Fabian Society. It has '1 er:-c. 1 been arranged that they shall attend this Exer.utivd CoJ.o:t.. t'ee !!;_1;_j-.l.i...J2.,.!!!,• i n order to film the Committee at \:ork. I ':ope you will make every possible e ffort to at<'<" ,_,re-',)_,. at that time. H,D.H. :, : I ' i/ 1 lj l I I I I ill 11 1 B.c. (z,.6) lOth ..ccti:JC. ----------------------------:-------------------------------------­ :.·1~3.L..t.·SOCIErY •• l-1, !1.·..RI':.v.,T~ ST!C!.11' . \ifST~J]STER. LC?I.!Gio.·3;\·~-.l. ________ _________________________________________________..,_ Co:1clu::.ion~ of the ue~ti:1:; of the E...:.ECuTII/E COi~,IT~J.:_! !1el ,_ on ::(..:1c"..:l:r, 22ncl Jul~·, 194-6 nt P.~.P., 16, Queen A.nne's G.':l.te, 3 •.i . l. :...>r'Ccc:lt! Pa.rker (cinir ); ·3:..·.r c...u, Ihvic:J, Durbin, F"'.rin..::;c"'..on, :-lc.rro.·)in, ~Jbyhev, :iik\rdo, S1.::cffil\._;ton" You.'1_;. 3t 21ff. Fox, Hinden, .:ionck, Plio.tzlcy• .~.\p<·ic::. frc:u: Bl ackctt1 Cr..::0c11-Jone:., Po~t,; 1 Rc,bst,n, Struc:~cy1 } (.,lf• IO.r3~rct Colc . :Jcr rurd Sluu' ::. birth"';:.: • ~~:.. tcr o. chart discus::.ion tl~ ..:·..... : ITTLE in::.tructod the Gcncro.l Sccrct'\r;, to tLlC_'?l"'.1Jh the ctn.:;ro.tul:\ticn~ of t·~c Sucict~' to S}S'l\1 c;m his )Gt '."!. >irthr"h:; '"l.nd to ·,fi.Gh hi .. '\ cc:'..tur:,·.. 1. 1\ r <.NO. l of L.inute::. . (") E.G. of 21;.6.1;6 -~-~ · (!..6) Bt'' r.ccetin ·, . In a:Jl'U'lcctiun ·.fit" It...:i.. 9 -the visit to Czcc~...... :.;l_·-:-.I,:i.-:-­!iu,)ID:) reportcU. th..'lt t~~L.: .Jz :eh:.; 1-..""-G nc;.r f\:::;rccc1 to .r.~· t:~ i':2r....:s vf t ::.e p:lrt:; o.:1U. at }?I\.:sc::t J~ :.:;c ;;he ·.:c;I\..' lil~clj· to ~o ·.;....:r..:: 'ri...:)elf, R-.r!::c r , CallA~llD-n, Co.rvl J ..:'..:.~:. m, :al:".:::·do, Shei L.'\ iic·..'3(i~c , Er.:c::.t ,4'\vica . In the cuurGc 1Ul."'t di:.;cus:..;iun it \W.~ r-. Tcv·_'. t',:-.t : ­ (ii) T:1c a ttention uf the I!ltcr:l.."~ticn.·\1 3u:roo.u Ad·~·ia... :r~-C: .::.ttcc ::.hould be dro.•m t c.. tl1..: )reject -:.nU tl\:l.t thC:~' :.:1.(..u).J. o invited t o nouirote the re; of the te::~.n u.p t o o. tc,t".l t o t he Czech aut horitic::. :1-nd to i nclude , ~-t t:1(.;ir L~::.crction, n ncJlbcr of t 11c'"'f ~-::. ::JCcrvt:-.ry t o the ui::; (iii) Invited t~ e r ou:p tv az1oint an editor fra1 ~--'~0st t:1.1...:ir nuubcr t o t .:lk:C CC!lC I'Ol c~:t.r ·c Of th..c publi~tion 3U·)::;.Jquent t the (b) E.G. of 29,6.!;6 -.c,c. ("'6) 9t1Lse..ll.!lz., (i) I n eonncetiun vrit 'l Itc. 2, t'"' "o:oeutivc Gc>-.ittec c_n..' th:: ~p)oint~lent d' t'1c ·ic.;....;· an o.nd Humror:; 3....:c:..\...:tO.z-J , llnd r\!)?Qint cd J oh.i1 fur]~o,.;:..""' o.nd L.:..:.. r. ~t\...:t Culc to th.,_;::;..._: :J... ::;t~ . (l.1 ) Instructed th~ Gc:wral 8ccrct".r: to ~pprt<'.eh Prc:C'ess r Inolci to becor.1e o. co-crpt ul1 Lci:;:.x.T ..;!' the Ex~..cutivc C ;_L;c r.:1.d its Gluirr.lln. (iii) : Invited the ffi::cro t ·.!rite tt Cups s.hould bu ~s::eU, if;~... .crris....n \icrc I.L-nrillin...; t deliver t he first lecture on t hL" Prc,fcssicro.l -nn i:1 t:1c Soo,Wlist St'ltc; ana th.:lt if Pric::;tl y \:ere un•.·\'.Jlc t :: ::;:,~k on -1­ (r: 2. ;: I' ~ t\." "'· (a (h (c). the o.rtist, instructed t:10 Gcnc:ro.l SccrctD.ry t o ~Lrbcrt Roi d or Philip HenUy in t~nt order ; o.nd instructec:. t:\C Gc:1orc.l Secretary t o invito Citrino, C1.D.;>-' ur Dukes to ci vc t :l.O lacturo on the Trc.clc Univnict in t 1"JC Socio.list State, su'bjc:ct t u C..'\llAc h'ln• s o.crccLlC:1t t ~.... this c ..urse . ' (o) IncJio.n Affo.ira Grvu-, uf 10 , 7,46 -I.J, G. (46) 3r,l ;.\ccti;y;, These I.d.nut cs \rcrc ~9)ruvcd subject t o too ac~'1_iti_n of Julio.n Snc>·r t o tre J\dviocry Ccu d.tteo. It -rro.s <>lsu o.:;rc~d t . irrritc the FimncC; & Goncro.l ..~.~r:>vsos Ca _i ttec t o rcviC'It t' .c :f'in'\:lCCS of t he Gr wp o.s S l>f n as circ~u-.l.Stan.ccs justified such o. cc...ursc. (f) loco.l Sccicties Ccrtittcc of 15,7,46 -L.S.C, (46) 1t:1 ncotin These 1ti.nutcs vorc o.p:_Jruvcd. 2 . Co""''ptions. After o. short discussi n it \/as decided t o instruct t:w Gcnoml Sccrcto.ry to invitc Gecffroy Wi lson, 1lorihur I..crri. s J i a.c:Y'.c.:l, J~c::l: -~ray o.nd E. Flct chcr to becc.t.1C eo-opted r.lef_l~rs· o"l t '1c ~cutive. ::Tuhc~Q-'-:rf-~t~1 s:.._.uOI;nluJ\"-rs=hJJi.J.ll'--"',.,f_tJ..hcw._.;.ffll,'.l<:SCOJ.c:t;J:1 s littggs ­ n"::·;_..t':'oq"'-'";l'e:Dn""'~"Q-'"~DCl<Vi~-..tin...; t".r~ of t~10 a ..:;ad.ttces. The Ca.1Jti.ttt.:c:­ (o.) A.crced t u continue t :k Roso:>x:ch Plo.nninc; Cor.rittoc. (b) .1\.[;rc~d t u cuntinuc o. oi:\:;l C Econonics o.nd I ndustrial C•. o.ittec, i:lt least until suc:1 ·~L10 n.s sufficient ind.ustri'""cl ;:.t.::.l'.Jcrs. cwld be rccnrl.tod . I, (c) Decided tint the ti.inutcs c..f the r.nin;cs s'1~..:ulC.. ccnti:nue to be sent t u n.ll t.lCnbcrs of the ~cutive Ca:.~ 1ittcc as :;, 1. n o.ftor f1I.! Otin,:::s hlet of not r.lOro Uan 9, 000 words, rubject t o tht:; ri.~ht of the Society t~ r.1cJiry o.ny of the conclusions reached. The Caor.Uttee then al_):_Jcinted Robson, IU.knrdo and Gccr;:-:e 3I"Otm o..s reader s . 8. A,.,~,qintnent of Readers. ,I Christophcr lia.yhC\r anU Ihvid \'/ors-,fick Yrcn'C appvinte,;d. as renders for t he pll.lilhlet on Stn1cturol oYi 1ent. 9. ColqpinJ Contrqvcrs'r Series -E.C. (!J)) 12. The CaTd.ttce consi "i3rccl 0. Sl.l..&3CStion by :!:in:lc:: r~...r 0. series of Col onial Contruvers~· P.'"'.1t.1hlcts of which the first ·.r.-:;. t· ·)o t ho nore itt;?orto.nt speeches t.nde o.t a conf(;n.:ncc orgo..niseU by t~1e C::..lcnio.l Buronu. The Ca.v.ti.ttec: ­ (i} Approved the series. (ii) Agreed that as Horrnbin and llonck un.l npProvcd t:oc ·~rot, i t shrul d 11 now b~ published. (iii) Agreed trot the seecn:l s!1u1.1ld be rco.d for thv Bxccc;tive Ccrnittoc by Fa ri.Il[;don o..nd Hcrra.bin. BC..8i"luRl'Ji ! :orcK. ~ncrnl Secrcto.r;·. 2. J L T, {, 4 A ;·.1eetil'lG r-f the ~U'fi~-~ c...... I'f~·~ vrill be held on lknday, 2):.:·.:'. Scptc..l'J~r, 194-6 o.t P ..E.? ., 16, Qucc>t A..."'1..'1e ' s Gate, S.,f.l . l. ~v , ._))r -re : U.rrutes:­ (.) I.:.G. < f 22nd July, 194-6 -·"·" · (1,.6) l Oth ncctil1G (aL·co..cj· circulated) . (~,) "'. c.-•.".C. of 16th Septeubcr, 2.91,.6 -l!'.C.P.C. (1,6) {th r;.oetin~ (e::1clL~t-.d) . To.. consider:­ Itens l (b)(ii); 4-(i); 7; il(a), (c) Su..:.1er Schools & Vonfcrcncc:.> Gt.:ra:.ri.tt0e of' 13th Se?tcnbcr, l 9!:.S ­ S.S. (4-6) 6th neeting (c::>clcs"d). To consider:-Itens 4-(u); 7. 2. S:..._::uturcs on t he Society's c:1cques. St'lt e1-1ent by Treasurer. 3. Jubilee C:clebro.tions. Stateucat b::,~ •icn~.:ral Secretary~ ?..cnrints r f Social Securitv anC ?u'ulic :C.."'ntcrorise~;1.::!tt 'uy Dr. R,.'Js_n. . --. 6. A~J.J ..:..!lti1c:tt cf r e..'lders:­ (.:>.) i.!:~_J;:ld Foud Sit uation by L.:·.:·~o.l·ct Dieby. Statement '=>:· Cc-.cro.l Secr~tary.. ("b) P.i..l"\flU.ler i~se<:>.rch by a r;:;,""~ U) o: the Ass(·ciati un cf Scio:tt.:...:'ic 1, [or~:ers. State.""Ticnt by Cc:1crol 3ccretary­ (c) ~ive Tracts on Scci.:'\lisn -~L'cJa·r an.:!. Tcmorr'C"tr by j.iayi1C\l, -:Lcu~10, i.~l1es, Li.ndsay and J c:f'ries( E.c . (46) llth ~eeting :i'AJI J\1; SOCIETY :": ll1 DA.1i:1'~:0UT!l STREE:<, WEST..L'STER, 1'). VI. l. Conclusions of a meeting of the EXECUTIVE CO~-!l!ITTEE held on Monday, 2Jrd September, 1946 at P.E.P. , 16, ~ueen Anne's Gate, S.W.l. Present: Parker (chair) ; Barou, Davi es, Durbin, Gray, Horrabin, Hughes, Lewis , M:ayhew, ifikardo , Robson, Stewart, Wilson, Woolf, Young . Ape lo&:ie s f r om : Blackett, Hargnret Cole, Faringdon, Gri!"f1 the, Postg:>te, Ellen Wi 12"-· l. Approval of l.!inutes . (a) E . c . of 22nd July . 1945 -E.c. (45) lOtl: neeti n.e;.. I n connection with Item 2, the General Secretary sai d tC:lat neither Fletcher nor Cudlipp were able to accept the invi tation to be come coopted 1:1e111bers of the Executive; and that Postgate had offered hi s resignation, since it was unlikely that he would be able to attend meetings i f they were held a t 4. 30 on liondays. After a short di scussion , the COlilil!TTEE: .. (i) accepted Postgate 1 s resignation with regret: (ii) instructed t he Ge neral Secretary to invite D.N. Chester to becoc.1c a coapted "'enber of the Executive . (b) F.G.P.C. (45) 7th;.. I n connection with these rtinutes the co::.liTTEE:­ (i) decided that the di stinction between 42/-and 42B ::~.embers should be continued : (ii) agreed t:1ett the £1,000 should be made available to the Webb Trustees for t he purchase of Pasture Wood, on the understanding that the So ciety should ask for the right to nomi !1.~te a member to the J.!anage':'lentCommittee , and that the sum be made available, preferably as a loan c..t 3 :per ce!lt: (iii) agreed to the conti nuati.on of the I ndian Affairs ,, Group for the immedi e.te future: 'I (i v) took note wi th approvo.l of t he arrangement s in con!1ecti on with the ste.ffing of the Colonial Bureau . (c) S, S , (45) 6th meetinc. In connection with the mi nutes of t:1e meetir.g of the Sw:lr.ler Sc:1ools Co:nmi ttee I t:1e cmt::I T'l'EE :­ (i ) decided not to proceed wit:, t:Oe proposal to publish a collection of songs , etc . , for t~e Fabian Summer Schools: (ii) §ig "' tee !:'le as:· pro ], ~ ,;; ':'-:a (a) se it !l)to: tot Cod! le~t lee ::er (c) 0:. e:e ~os (.j rec c~ . re eo She· s;e 6 -2 ­ (ii ) agreed to hold a School at Frensham, if possible at New Year . ld Sign~ture on the Society's cheques . I n connecti on with the minutes of the F,G.P, C., the Treasurer said that that Committee were now agreed that the General Secretary should be authorized to be the second signatory on the Society' s cheques, After a s:oort discussion, the COJ:.ober , 1945, r..t 4. JG p.:-1., .::~ .~.P., 16 Queen An:1e 1 s 3-ate , S. Y.' . 1. 1. Io approve ·:i ::mte s :­ (e.) E.C, of 23rd Se pte·e1ber, 1945 -:':C· 45) llti1 ·-eeting(already circulated) I . (b , inance and Gene ro.l ll:rJ?oses o:-.t."":"l::!..T.tee of 21st October 1946 -~ C( 46 itth -:eeting(circulated herewi t:1) .. 0 COYlSider: :tems l(d; ; l(f) ; 3 . ,zo 46)19 -alreadyci rculated ) 2. Paper supplies for re prints of ::a.bian Essays, Pu"o1ic ,:~nterpri se and r.ety s Records -EC{46 ·22 circulated ~ :.era\•tith: 7. cononU.e T'1annin~">" and nationalisation i r~ zec!los1ovakia ­£C( 45 24 (circulated ··c rev:i t;, . 23rd c.tober, 1945 ~e~eral : e creta­ 1 11 EC(45) 12th ::eetin:; S.W. 1. Conclusions of a meeting of t'1e EX'E CUTITI co:::~!~TEE :'!eld on "'onda·· 28th October, 1945, at P.E.P., 15 Q,ue.en A.>1ne 1 s Gate , ···;:, s.w: l. _, 1. ~..,re sent: LaslJl..!. ~t_mr_!.se and Se 9J,lri t". T:1e General Secretary reported t-1at Allen & Lnv1i n r.rere now seeki ng endorsemei1t of the above r eprints wit.::. a view ·::.a securing paper from the publishers' pool instead of from their ovm allocatio::l. :.:iss Wi nso!l had , i n reply to a letter from the General Secretary, said t"1at w"nile she appreciated the i ::1portance of republis;1ing Fab~1l.1' Eseay'l.she could not herself endorse the pu:>lication vrith a view t o securing "t~1ereby paper from tl1e pu"blis· e:...s • pool. ':'he CO!:;!:.: 7TEE : ­ I nvited the Chairman to pursue the !":latter flit~ ::esers. Allen & Unwin 'With a vie;·; to using t~1eir own paper stoe::s 1 and, if t!:is failed, invited hio to approacl1 tl1e Preside nt of the 3oard of : rade f or papeT supplies. 3 • Appointl!lent Q.f readars for t~r~ti_s~e£j..li2.n_of ~·acts for_ Socialists edited by =~ark Abp_a.:;.§._. The co:.~n ~TEE : -appointed 3arna .0:-. Le•.1: s, J·:aldPr and Gray . I. ~ ~:e Seer SC:'1C :ea! cor:: the la) (;) 'c) ,d} ;~,. .. ;~~ :C.e "il ·Ice. :a:t) ::.:s .::·:1 "' a•.• ' :1. :ietn , .j,e Secre :.ence ~~· .::e (a) i 'b) -3 ­ T:.1e Conu.'ti ttee had. b e f ... re t h e i:'l a report "by ~he General Secretary gi vihg. the present nel:tbe:.:·s:"li p of the Sur.uner Schools and Confere:r:ces Conr'J. ttee and as~cin:; :Co:-its reappointment to have c~arge of all &c~ools a~d confere:1ces et c •. ope::-1 to al~ !'_le~bez-s of t~1e ~ociety and the public . Jtft"er a sJhort discussio~1 -~}le cm~,u~·:;:EE:­ (a) agreed "c!lat the Col!11Ji·otee sc1ould in future be called ·ol:e Schools and Soci ~l ttee: (b) agreed t'1at eac~1 b:-a:1c:1 of -~:'!e Socie ·c~r r;~ould , however 1 organise t~:eir owr. co:1fere;~es, s,~1oolft , • t1eetings., etc.-: · · -. · · · (c) agreed tl1at t~e autum:1 le c·~·1re p-;.:ograrJr.'le v:oul d remain t~1e pr ovihce of t..~ e 3xe cutive: • (d) rec.ppointed t:1.e e:-~i stin~ .:::e:.:te::-s o~ t:1e ?u:-:rrJer SC:1ools and Conferences Coc,~'Oi ttee to -c"he new Sch\)olsand Soci al Co::-..'llttee and, :.n vie··: oi t.:heir pastassociati 0:1 wi -c.h tl1e Soci e·~:r' s sc~10ols , on the p"oposal of ·:argaret Cole, a.di\edj?nr:,eo· and :~ugc1es to it; on t~1e proposal of P2.::·::e:r , ac~0..ed Stark ::urTay to it; a:1d on tc1e proposal of :lu:;·-e s added c[ugh Jenkins t o i t. 5 • J:..~..'lli.T~.Q.r£....~.!1.\!. _,_\,""\lLO:DJJ!,.-'1_0Ji,i]l,iSH.:_;:_;c (45) 23 . 'lhe ttee !lad be fore t:1er.1 e. su,:;._,es~~ion 1:~ G-eoffrey Wilson that a nu..~ber o:L' ::.P.s s'~oulc: be ii.~r.·ited to ·prepare a book for publicatior~· i n·ica dealing wit;;. Labour's past record a.ncl ai ns. After e. s:-w r t discussior. , the co::u=.r-EE~ ­ .· Invi t ed Jo:1n Parker to f ind out if ·~au:."ice EC:eluann was working on a proposal of this ki nd , nCJd to report at tc1ei r next meeti ng, s • . Remova of June -da·~ed Su s~_ey_s_..f.l~~.t.;.~ Soc~ety's Re ords -EC .!,6 22 . The Committee had before them a report by ·che Ge,-,eral Secretary giving the names a~d a.dd~esses of those members of the Society whose sl..l'bscr_p:.::.ons ·were due i n June but w:1o :1ad not pai d despite t-'!ree remi:-.ders . :he cwc;:r:'TEE : ­ (a) instructed t:1e Ge!1eral Sec:..~etar:~ to viri te again to ::rs . Lloyd , i :-1 vie,~,· of her rtusband 1 s long associatio!': with tl:e Society: (b) i nvited. John Parker a.eain to approac!l ::r. :-itc:~ell and Hug11es to approac:1 --r. -:."'iberg, wi t:1 a view to t.heir continuing t~:eir rne:~"'.Jers:dp of the Society : (c) Lstr~cted •:oe :lec.era.l S~vretary to r.Tl te a.::;ab to t·o~ YeO'I"il and '\'lest Leytpri ~::_ ·IsJ:o,.ll Labour Parties to nainta.:in t~eir Subsc:-f jy.:.ions: (d) agreed to t:1e removal of t.he t-alo.~1ce :'ro:-1 t:1e Society's !0\e!)lbers~i.P records : (e) invited John Parker _a:td Eughes ·i:;o -o t::.rouf:-:. flame 700 of t:1ose w:1ose su·os•riptiO!lS ware e.lready in arrears as at. June 1945 a:1u. , suC·ject 'to ·.:.::eir views , aut:1orised -...he '}eneral Se cret ... ry \,o L1::'or~ t:1e l:ala:::ce o~ thei r impendin~ re;,oval :..·:·_o~ -~~e so~iet:~ s list a... -4 ­ 1 :nembers . .::·...._e oorni ttee co:1s~dered a s·.:c..;e stioYl 'Y ':i chael You:-.g: ..:o:-·c.;,.e appoi n·!lt of a Czec'.oslova~: to work o~ t~e a"'.:'ove su·:,,j e f ~ i n co:1ju:-.c·::io:1 w·it'1 a:: . . ..!I!P'lis'1 economist (to be a_p oin:.ed) i::1 .:zec:'loslovakia. A:~,.:.~~--:. :o~, t::.e purpose -u~.1t Ce p!.,ocured f:ro::1 t:.,e 'l.::sr ::-':. ... :t .n·.:. . A:.te:r a s:,or-... d:...scussior.. t:'le co~:J::".:w.E :­ accepted the 1roposal put forward "".Jy :~::..c:~ael ~oung . 8. ;.!.1_dence to a poss~ble :loyal Corrlr'U.§.Gj..~o.iJ.....Q..n__tJ:!..e~JtW..Qp~ L'fdustu. Jack Gra~· s;;_~gested t'-:a~ conside:,:.tion El'1ould "te Jiven ~~e ~esearc:: Pla:-:.:1ing ·--:o.:'l.':' ·c.o t:-:.e Qu'L-nissic.: of evide:1ce to any :loyal ~or.unissio!'l appoi !n.ej to conside!.' t::.e newspape!' industr:·· After a s::ort ... isc oBion the co~::I'1T:&2 :­ i:1viteC: :ac:r S.ray to report f _rt:1z:: o!l ... ::i r propoe&l. -cs·.votc-:· J.:o:·cx 29t~ October1 1946 G-ene.:.:al se.rete.r~r ................ ,. ,ee~ "1~-;.... ~y, 2 15 ,~.:een . l. :o a)p la) :x (b) :i cl in 1d) s .').e So to.) •t rq ?u ' :':le Soc ,a; i'u (b) c) Co EC(t,6) 13th !loo tine ., FA})IAN SOCIETY :: ll DART!!OUrH STlmT 1 \IEST::r NSTER, S. Yl, l. t A meetins of the EXECUTI'f.E COIIJUTTEE Hill be held on !!onday, 25th ~iovember, 1946, at t.,JO p, l'l, , at P.E.P. , I~ 16 Q,ueen Anne 1 s Gate, S,\l, 1, AGENDA l. To approve :Iinutea of previ ouo meetincs : (a) Executive Committee of 20th October (EC(46)12th l.!ee tinG -O>lrec.dy circulated)(!1,&. FGPC(·1-6)24, c.lre<1dy circulc.ted, is relevant.) (b) Finance Committee of l Ot h November (?GPC (46)9th ::eetinr; -circul O>ted herewith) (c) Internati onal Buro01u Advi sory Cormittee of 13th ll ovembe r (FIB/AC(46) 6th Jleetinc -circulnted herewith) I' To consider: Item 19 . (d) Sch ools 01nd SociO>ls Committee of ()th llovember (SSC(46)lst !lootinG -circulntdd herewith) To consider: Con c1usiono 2,( k) & (l). 2 , The Rally and Autumn Lecture s -stc.tenont by the General Secreto.ry. J , Appointl!lent of readers: "Location of I ndustry" by Scott ii1liott "Steel" by 'ililli= Stermrt 4, The Society's Executive: (a) Attendance of l.!ember o (EC(I\.6)26 -circulated hcrcwi th) 11 (b) Further eo-options 5. The Society ' a v10r!c (a) Functions of the Society (EC(-1-6)33 -circu lated hcrowi th) (b) \lark ef the Society offi cos (BC (·1-6) 3·1--to be circulated at moetins) (c) Conference on Labour's Socond Five Years (EC(I\.5)27 -circubted herewith) p,t,o . :I' 1~ t5 -2 ­ 5. (conti nued) (d) Labour Party's proposals (~C(46)31 -to be ci rcu lo.ted o.t meetinG) (c) Group on 11 Trade Unions in n. Pl::mnod jJconomy11 (EC(46)J2 -. circulo.ted hcrc\ti tr) 6. fhe Society ' s publico.tions: Finance of Publintiono (Zc(.~6)213 -circulo.ted hereni th) (b) an Publications Ltd . (EC ( •1-6) 29 -circulated herewith) 7. The Society ' s ::embership: (o. ) Removal of July-do.ted Subscribers from the Society's Recorda (EC( \~)30 -circulo.ted herewi t'l) Pro.~ress of the ·:embora'1ip Drive -statement by the General Secret"ry. I~) OSYIORTH ;:OHCK Gcnar~l Secretary 2.1~ . ovember , 19·\5 11"" r­ .;,' ) •IC(46) l)th ?!eetinr; FAOIAll SOCIETY :: 11 DAR?llOUT!i SJ'REBT, VIESTI:IllSJ:ER, S.W . 1, Conclusions of a meetin,' of the E:>UJCUc'IViJ co:il.UTTEE held on ;-!onday, 25th llove:1ber , 1946, at P.3 .P ,, Queen .Anne's Gate, s.·.:r. l, P.r..\l.s.e&: Laski (Chai r), l'r-ies froM: Barou ,<::ett , n, Pn.rJ':::cr, WiP::inson~:QO\r , Youna. l. A.Jl.P~( ;·inutes of Prev~ ous 'lectin ·a: (a) Executive Com:nJ. ttee , 28th October -CC( 46) 12th C:tc . I n connection with these r.>in;,tes, t'•e COIU!ITTEE :­ (i) a•reed to continue collaborc.tion uith the Association of Scientific Wor~ern on specific subjects, publication to be subject to· the usual approval of :C:C reader.s; (ii) agreed that t'1c r.>oratorillr.l on publicationocould now be rescinded, provided that thi o did not cause an i ncrease in tho overdraft already authorised by the :c,ocuti ye . (b) Finance Committee, 18th 1 oven'ber -:·GPC(45)9th ;:tc. In conne ttion with these ·minutes, on the proposal of the .'reasurer, the co:::::r :TEE :­agreed to continue ad interir.> the present basis of payment to the Gencr·"l Seoret'l.ry. (c) I nternational :Eureau Advisory Cor:u-.u tteo , l)throvcmber -Fi ll/AC (46) 6th mcetinc . In connection with the·se minutes , the COlJIITTEE: ­approved the despatch of n party to .•orway , on the assumption that there .,,ould be no cost to the Soci ety, and invited the .\dvisory Committee to form the party, to include i f posoi ble. at il~ least one :.r .P . and One MCrtbcr of the Executive ... 11 I who· could be the sar1e person. (d) Sc!1ools and· Soci als Committee , Gt' "ovenber ­SSC(46)lst meeting . In connection with t hese minuteo , t he CO'cHITTEE: ­approved that the l!irectorr, \hen nppointod for the Society' s sumMer sch~olG, sl1ould be cone eo-optedmci:lbero of the Committee, and t~w.t it vro.e desirable for mem'oers of the 8xocutivo to lecture o.t the Society 1 s sur.>.":ler schools , 11 I 2. 'fhe Rally and Autumn Lectureo: After a short discussion, the co:::UT7E:J:­ (i) instructed the Gener<>l Sccret<>ry to write to the Chairman of the D~ily ;'er~, thatiliingthem f ormally for thc1r collabor<>tion and sponsorshi p of the Albert :tall ;;:tlly ; (ii) in view of the f<>ct t''at Sir ·:artlcy Shnwcross wqs unlikely ·to be uvnl.lable to _;i vc the last of the Autumn Lectures, invited the Chairman to aGk Sir ~ran~ Soskice to lecture in hi s place , and , failing hi m, instructed the General Secretary to invite Sir John Stopford. J. Appointment of Readers : (a) "Location of Industry" by Scott aliott . 'ihe CO:':UTTEE: -appoi nted :.!ar·arct Stewart and : ·il::ardo; (b) "Steel" by ':lilli o.n Stenart . The C0;\1.f.ITT3E : -appointed R. il. i . Cl arY:c , Jack Joncs, ~i .P., L'.nd Dr. Lcwi s. 4. ThJl.~U.~,P_g_<;.lil.i_v.9.._:..11.Ci 4G) 2 6 The Committee had be fore them a report by the Gcncr<>l Se creta ry indicati n.-the <>ttcndance of meMbe r s to date. ITi ss '\,'illcinson, -:r. Strac, ey and Professor Blackott had not attended four conaccutive r.>eetin~s of the Executive . It wa.s , neYerth~less , n,-:rcccl t~'l.::.t.t these should continue n.s members of t~1..} ~xecutivc . After o.. short discussi o!l, the CO:~:I?TEE :­ (i) instructed the Ccnero.l ~..-,vcret.:"ry to acceptHayhew' s resignation •;1i th resrct; (ii) see :K below (UI.) i nsl!;ructed the ',cnernl Secrct<>ry to invi tc i~o.rk Abrans , G. D . l . • Wors\·lic ... ~.tric~-:: Go rdon ­ 1 Wallccr and Sir ":rnest Si non to bccone eo -opted members of the Lxccuti vc . 5. l~~:i.'..!i..Jiorcc -EC(t.6l33 , 34 27. 31. 32. T"c Corruni ttcc had before them 5 papero clcalin::; vti th possi blc pror;rD..I:' of work, both -:cncrnlly and in the lich t of Lo.bour ' n Second 'i vc Ycc.rr; a sununary of tho Labour P<>rty 1 s tentat'ivc propos<>ls to the So ciety ; a proposal for t he forcont i on of a group on .~. ~nions in a pl anned cconony ; and n surnmo.ry of the \/Ork of the Society's offices for a weclc, indicating that no further worlc could be undertncff. " <>creed that, in view of Chester 1 s inability to attend regularly, the invitation to hi m to become a eo-optedmember of the Executive should not be pressed . .J\ i) i" -) ·t) "1 "e ,, '10 r.d ea ·I i) 18 ,\fter a full discussi on, the co::'ITTED:­ (i) invited the Cl1ain:1an to circulate for consideration at their next mcctin> a possible synopsis of a new volunc of Fabian Essays,includ inG essayo on colonial and i nte rnational sub jects; (ii) invited Hargaret Colc t o draw up an order of priority of work which "'j ~ht be undertaken bythe Society and other boC:ies in connection with Lahour' s Second l~i vc Y~:[l.:.~s; (iii) aGreed to review the pr~; of the Society'owork n.t a. special mce ·.n-, both in the afternoon and evening , on the ~~o:!<::.:t.y i nuncdin.tely before the reo.sserablencnt of PJ.rlio.ment in January; 1 i v) >:.5 recd to hold a. confc:.·c 1ce at 'uscot Park, subject to the n ~reemont of Lord ..:.·n.rinccl on, on the .i.npa.ct of foreiGn cc ;noTii c clcvelopmonts on Che home econor.tic posit:i·1n; )I (-r) a -r~cd that the f· of furt"er research should be considered <..t the spcci ;·.l meeting in Janu'J.ry ; I• vi.) a~reed that , should a croup on "ra:·e Unions be ,. formed at thnir .eetin.~ ln Jn.nur..ry, Du,-:cs should be invited n.s Cha.i rno.r.:. c.:nd Ceor-c ~ror1n ns Honorary Secretetry; ,• 'vii) instructed the General ::'ecrctc.ry to reply to the Lo..0our Party in Ox course .J~':a.t the :Dxecutive uould consider in dote.:. 1 \7hn.t the -·ole of the Society in rego.rd to t!1 Second .L•'i ,-u Year Progrn.runc should be, c.v t'1.cir -~_eeJ.:in.-; in Jo.nua.ry , ."".~d J:tU n.nw:h i le to i nform ·.~.r..J.·!Jport Hour.c t!H:tt the :Jxecutivc \Jelcomcd i n p:.~tnciplc t1 c i deo. of undcrtDJ::ing speci2.l we :: for the _-'.".rt~r in connc cti on therewith . :he Committee had before theCJ a report by :Iiknrdo on Qe method he suc;ge stcd for 1~Ylo..ncinc: publi c:tti ons, :1d o. r eport 'u y John P::.:c·:er <.~nj the Gc::.cro.l r~ccretn.ry G.vocntine the use of Fetbian P,tblicati ons Ltd . to n.nd le n.ll the Society's put~..::r.Jtions ~ i:1e CO!!JII 'i"i"EE: ­ Ii) arreed to t he use of Fe:.. ; o.n Publ:i c<:1.t ions Ltd . for the purposes outlil:r... -1 ; ! ' i) a::~pointed o.s Directors :l.:.:.ri cs, ~·~:-~.rcarct Cole, Horro.bin, Parker, :Hko..r.:lo ,. Harl: ~~b:· and Hu3h Filcher ; "ii) instructed the General ~-c•ctary to report furtJ.1er on the a.rro..ncom 1ts requi r~l Got their next mcctinG• 1~ -4 ­ 7. Ihe Socigb's Eemq£_~.....ilQ.~6l3Q The Committee had before them a report by the General Secretary on those vrhosc subscri ptions bccorae duo i n July and who hc.d not yet pai d . ~he General Secretc.ry reported that the results of' the membershipdriveto date , from the lst :Iovembe1·, rmre 215 new members and a toto>.l v.o.luc of £208. 9o . The COIL!I':'TJ:E : ­ (i ) invited Hu.:;hes to conto.ct ~om Snith, to us~: ~im to continue his membership of the Society; (ii) o."rocd to the removal of the b;>.lc.nco from the Soci.}ty 1 s records . 8. :J2.!o.te_(.>3)4th ilcetint; . ( . .,lready circulated) . :a consider Item l . (a) . 2. Report on Fabian Zioerqphica.~ ~r~cts ­EC(46)J5 (circulated herenith) . . ~. Labour's Record and American Gvinion • EC(46)23(circulated ·oreviously)Statement by John Par!:or . 4 . The Society 1 s RcpresontC!..ti ve on the Lon(~or. L:->.bour Po.rty .iomen 1 s Advisory f"':ommi ttee: Statement by the Genc ro.l .::ecr..;tary . 5. Proposal to hold a Conference at ::-uoco~ P•.rlc on Foreien Zconomic Developments : Statement by the G8:1er::tl Secretary. 6, Cost of Fabian Pamphlets -EC(.+S) J 5 (circulated herewith) . 7. J·~ppointment of ~eo.ders: 11 Foreirn i'rC'.tle i n a. Planned Economy11 • 08\'/0?.i'F ~i:011CK llth December, 1943 General ~ecrctary :CC 43) l4t'1 ::eetin• :tAIIn...~ uOCr-·:y :: 11 ~n.!=\7::0U:L~; f::'~]:', -:;r:-T ... :'ER, ~-.l,:.l . ---------------------------------.---------------------.--- Conclusionr; of a meetin._: at t e I:_..Jc::r::..:,.'":: cct::::·...·i:':::E heltl or. ·:onda:", 1St~ ..:Jece, er, -945, at P . .:..P., ~ueen A:.1ne 1 fi G te , f. '."1 . 1, .l.J Larki ( C:oe-i r) , .-lbr=s, arou , ·-.·ics, qrin·-don, -~u.-;>.e s, Lev;i =, 1 !'lrke r , Ro"bson , .~effington, \dlson, V/oolf , Youn~ . .Anne ',ihyte, Plin.tzl-::y , 1.1onck . (,\ ::::cccu"Cive co,, 25t1·, ov . -c' 45)13th ""t ;. ~hc :::e Mir.utez ·:ere ap.~,1rove...L. o·1tJ c ·c.o t~1e :rovi:-io:-1. th.:J.i :no .furt'101.. 'o:l-:1.1 t: .cn.:.r c,..., re ,n.rdE N~Licntions ~-ou ~be 11ntered iJ o I~ior to the '1pccial :rwetin of the :x.t.:cutive o e,e '1elct i n J::::.nu2.rJ . It w·...,s lea '--~ l'eed tl1<. t ·c:1c ::1ee.;inr Jf the inanc..:e end ener;..._ Purpo::.., ;..; Co:1.·itte-.: ;hould b0 hold at 4 p. 1. _on r.:'"l.ul.. [l~,.·_,_~, 13t~1 .TanuJ..r: t i n l i eu 0. the d:-ttc rr0v·' oucly.otifiJd, anu t~~t t~crc uould 110~ be separater1eetin 1 s of t;~e ....xccutivc 'or rou~.. .i..~c ~ ...·,, s.11ecia.l ucL.tess, but th.:-:.t t~c ...:.axecutiv·} •, OL~ .L, ·1cet on ·anda:_: 1 JanuJ.ry ?.Ot~1 1 bot:1 in t~1c c.l'tc:L"noon a.nd ~venin-, to ..:..ispo::.. lonio.l .urea.u rtclvi sor'r Cor.w.i c -.:.ce, 2 St~1 i: ove -.1ber ­,,.c:c, 43)4t'' ·:eetinc;. • 1e eo -option of .a.>r . Audre:r Ric'-la...."C...!1cl Colo:1el ees-.,illia,c .r .. , vas a.~rovcC . connection •:;i t~1 bot"-t!le 1 :;: .:.te r:lationL".l ttnG. c.. c. ~ ~.1 ure.:1.ux ·-Visor:· Co::tl'1ittcec, i t war :-:.;rcc ·..'--t the ..1.tte~1da~.ce of !:1C:.:l:CJ.':J o: ..-\l..visor:r O"" ttees would be reviev;o-by ", O' ~ ·ittcer conccr:-.ed\ thc!'l ~/ "-1.-.e ,;J!c·Jtivr;, -2 ­ 2 , iiOJl.OLt on i' J~o ;ro.phico.l Tr:>ceo ..= "":C(+3l3'} . •he CoM;"li ttee had befora t:1011 o. report by to.r ·o.rot Colc on ti.e bio--ro.phica.l trnt:tc Lublic cc: b:,r tl1c Soci.::ty. After a S110rt cliscussion, t .... c CO""'J~·IE~ :­ (i ) o.ccepted uith tl1o.nl1 of ouc'1 .:1 :;-u· l i cation . 4. ~§..W....9..:tL~1£.2resent.:'.ti vc on t'1c~ k_o~-~---0.1 _o;-qcll.' Q. -~dvisor·J Co''lni ttee. r te Geno r o.l l.:iocret ..r:r rc portc t~ .....t rs , .Joc:.n Thonpson ~1ad i ndica.t ed thnt chc \1 u .•.vl... c.o continue .:l..s t~c Society's nominee on thifJ ·onLi·ctce. ·.fter .1i.'crenco a.rr...n ......ed by .-'-c l n.rlit::..:."l.ento.ry Group on thi s subject; (iii) t:!1dorsed the su1-gestion for a COl1i'crenee on forei,;n economic IJOlicy, to inclu:::·.c forei l!. poli cy , to b-1 held early i n ··a.rch. "· '~he Co=i ttee ho.d before ther~ o. report by t!'J.e General Secr atary i nd i c.:t.ting the number of po..n)h.ietsvA1ich v,rould to be sold to cover t 11e cost of free distri buti on in :llo.ri ous_ cases , .he cc-•:.r='-L::J : ­ invited :::::arou and ·,voolf to subMit a pc.plico.nts to :>et as intervie\"ling conunittee . 10, J, -4 ­ 9. ::'~;L2Jm.c!... The :ree.surer said t;1e.t a donc.t i on of 25 hc.c been ...... ivcn to t he Laski und , :::fter .J. s:1ort cliscussi on it u:.s o..;recd thnt o. further 15 r;uinc.1e c: ou1d be sent . 10, '£.r:lllsPort Er~.~. 'i'h8 Gene r al Secr ctn.r;/ reported t'.1 .... t o.rr<..~::v:er·:cnts ....-rer~~ now i n hand for t1;_e prc:p::1.rati on b:r t 11C! SocitJty on behalf of t~c Lnbour Party of a broac1s··' t o:1 t:·c::.nsport . ':''!O se a rro.n..;enrJnt s •.tere approved . ll, ct_c_. ':he Gcr:e r .2.l Secrct"'.ry r eported t'r.·~ -~~,c oci~t:r ' s Arts an(l AI1eni ties roup \Vi s~cc". to su1:.!lJi t c. :;-,n:·w~·o.ndu:-1 to ·:inisters on enr.~lin ·; le,.-isln.tion in t~1is IiolG . j_!'J.c Con'!'littce a-rced t~at t}1ir:-i ;ht be o.1~. os··:c .lTr ~ ·v~-c .:;."':lol-.._1 ecretn.ry :c(-+7)lst ·:eetin· :, r.1ee t in_; of the :ZX:::CUc i V: co:::::CT:::::C r:ill be held on ~:o:'l~cct:r, 20th Jn.nun.ry, 19-+7, at 4. )0 _J,r.l, ·.:.t .:;:;:.P., 16 Quee~1 ....\::~ne •s Gate. (.:\ tuff'et supper ·:i ll tc served c:uri.. t~1c nee tin~ . ) 1. L1.bour 1 s Re cord .:1.nd .·J"lc ri can Opini on (3C(•t7)5 . -to be circul:Jted.) 2 . . ..pprova.l oi ==inutes of Previ .lG ·:eeti nr;s: ­ ~xecutive ..-~Ol1nitte~, J6t'h ... ece: ,_-e1~ 1945 (ZC(..\-5) 14th ''t(, . o.ln "'· ci rcul--.tod . l -~ir.:-tnco -Goner 1 2ur}W:JO"" o:.'t-.i ttec, 13t'.1 JanuC'.r-·, 19-1-7 . (:.O'GPC(-+7)lnt 'trl., to cc circulatec•. ) (c) Publi cGtionn C'01::·11 ttcc, ?tl'. J".,nuc.ry 1 19-1-7 . (PC(47) lst :·tfl. , cir"u:ate~ hcro\/it. ·I u: cc'' (d) Colo!li1l u.:ceo.u .·kvisor~· "'o;-.ittcc, l?t~, ece··lber, ) 19..\-6 . (PC~ ( >S)5t';. "t ., circ•tte~tccl 'cTC"Iith . ) 1,;.C( .r. (e) Sc>ools & Soci ::tl "o··.mi tt7)8 -to be . ) 5. :.:i.eo.clcrs 1 :;,.eports on : 11 Stecl11 .:-.nd "Loc,.tion of Industr::,'"'' . St['..te'":'lcnt ".)~~ '":.cner:"'l.l Scc!,c tc..r::,~. 7-.~ppoint:-:lCnt of Reo.ders: Spec0:~ Oy Crecc~ ·~Joncn on .:Jecee1ber 14th, 1945. B. uture Vorl: of the Society : ("-) Sunl!:w.ry of Resenrcl-t (EC ( 47) 3 -a.lrc·cls of t:1e Lo.'Jour P::crt·.• {:JC(45)37 -previ ousl;• ci:Cc• l::tted . l 0,·..'ORT~ ;m;c;c Go: l~r· _l Ce c rctu.ry. :::c(.W) lst lleetinc Conclusi ons of o. r.lOOtint~ of the B;a;CUTIV:i CO::UTTEE hold on l!:ondny , 20th Jnnuo.ry, 19•>7 , nt P . B.P . , lS Queen Annc's , s.w. l. Present : Lr.s~l'lilc . In reply to :'.. q'bcntion fror1 the Ch .....irn:'l.n ~~ to •:;11ct'1Cr the enph.:--..sish.'\d 'JeGt 'be on poli cy or pcroon:ilitfco , fliio.ns s·afcl th:-.t the 1.:'-ttor v:ould not be Hhc.t •.-ro.s expected fron the Society . '~c thou.·'1f t'c:'.t the booY. ':J'l.d better Jc prcclo•·Jino.ntly dor.1crtic .:'.nd i:.tpcri'1..l policy ro.thcr thr1.n forci·n poli cy . hou~h t'-!.ir caul~..-.. not inn rwener:l.l sense be ami ttn.,' p ....,l,~at:;.nc for c::-:".r.tple ~cod :10t be cove reel in dct':' . obdon t'hou ;~1t t~1r'..t the \.nnphndis ,i n the aynopsio before tra Co:!.tittco ·.1:.n too much on the ,.-,orld poci cion of re t <:.~1•. not cnouch on thL: cco!1or.tic, soci.-'.1, e1.LUC".tion::.l , tovm ­pl".nnin~ etc . uopocto of dor.~c.'tic policy. Sto·::drt suc_;eotod tho.t the boo': ohould inoludc "-oho.ptcr on \7hct sort of people P1:1.clo up t, c Labour P".rty :1:1'. H~:"\.t its 1 orc'l.nisnti on Vla.s , It \'1-".B roc.:o nisoU th.:.t t,l.C points put forvmrd by 'illimoo .·.;ero prin"Crily 'c',ooo needed from the Arner~•1.n point of vieu, rtnl~ t~~.:.t it uoulcl be for Sui t '1.ble members of thq ~xecutivc to co~1Eiller \lv:t ou~ht to be included fro!~ the ritioh poi:1, of vion. .;\:ccordint;ly the COi'iJiii?Tll'>:­ n.ppointod n. sub -c0!'1.'"1i ttec to uiocuss Hi th Dnvid \'li llio.!~< 1.nd report to t'1o orJr'.tttcc in cmc couroe 1 the sub -cor:1.-:1i ttcc to conoi st of i · Stc\/nr t , ··:.rJ: Abro.r~o, ~:i lly Hu ~hes . 2, nprov~l of ninutco of ~rcvioun ~cctin··a . (o.) hot ~xccutivo CoPJ."littoc, ihGt'· -oc , -'CC(46)14th 'tt; . In connection ui th ~. to!"'l 1. (o·) -Minutes of Int0rno..ti on[".l _urc:.u .\dvir,or~.. C~nWttcc -the Gcncr~l 2ccrot~.ry roporto.. t!1:->.t-tlic visit to :!orrm.yhnd now boon postponocl until ..pril, ".nl t'1c.t further p;"~.rticul"..rc rlould , o diGcur:scll in cue course by the .illvisory Cm~t.Dittoo . I 27 -2 ­ (b) (soe Iten 3. belou) (c) Publico.ti ons Connittec, 7t' J,m , -PC(47)lot l!t c . ~he minutes GUGCGGtOU postponing publi shinG U bool~ of bi OGraphiies until ·:a.r~a.rct Cola 1 s book \·;as published . ...his w~s ''<~reod . (d) Coloni al l..ure:1.u .··u1vi sory ormi ttcc, 17th Dec .... PC:i: ( 4G) )th -:tt,; ,· l.n connect ion ui th t~1osc minute a , t'l.J Cm:1r.1i tteo npprovec\ in principle the dcopntc' of :1 po.rty or~aiiiscd by the ..-ocicty to vioit l".lCstine 1.nd the ·:iddle, on the ':"..CSUn?ti on t.h:1.t the po..rtywould be free to consult l.'ith o\.r--:'ls '"'.:1c~ Jcrts nli 1-::e . (a) ~c!1ools & Socinl Co::1r:ti. ttee -9th j-.,_n . ­ssc ( -~7 Jlct :tc; ' ...~esc P.linutcs proposed t~:1.t 1 subject to t~1e views of the ~xecutive, n ochool Ghoul(~ be orcn.nised in 1-'Cnn:t.rl-:: . ..fter dscuosion t:110 propos..:\1 wns not, houcvc r , n.p!)rovccl "'~y the ~xe cutivc 1 or the yoa.r19·1-7 . 3, Gcncrnl Secrct o.ryship of the ociety . :_ ~.:..GJ:9J.:1-.z.l lst i't~ , This matte r \T'!.S fully con;;iLlcrcd by -~'le ~xecuti ve "'.Del , o.ftar C":. full .... i scussiorL , t.hC CO~~:I1':C3~ :­ (i)!Oously o.pproved the Vli thdr--.wo.l by the 'ino.nce .:: Genera.l Purposes Cor1nittee of the rccol':'li'londntion proposed 'h:,r th:;.t conni ttce on the occrctn.rya;1i p of t' c Jociet~·; (i i ) o.uthori sec\ o.n nnnounce::e,,t in t''~ f llor1i:1.:; ter::1s to be in'!ierted in the ensuin · insuc of .£ a.n :Jevm : 11 I'osworth :ronck, J.:mcr:_,_l •-ccrot .ry of the ·::i""'..bia.n Society, hnn J.,Oun~..~ it :-J.CcOGG'"l.ry , for personal ron.!Sons, to rosi_;n '1ir post . In I order to o.saist the ociety in the interval between this resicno.tiou and t;1c :1ppointment of o. successor, ""~r . I:oncl-:: ho.n been _;ood I I~ enouGh to rt.Grce to continue i n hin post fo r n p<:ri od of three rn.onths . · urthc r, the :8xecutive have una.n.imously invi tcccordr. -'C(.,z_ z.. The Co::uni ttcc had before tlte:' o. report by the Gencr·1.1 Sec:r;et-:trj' shoHi n~ t11C n."' .1cs of tl,osc who hc.d not responded tcj tJ· roe reminders to pc:-.y t!1eir nutstripti ons • •"le CO!~UTT3:8 : ­ 'l·reccllto t~1c rcr.1ovo..l of all cx,>ept "rold i lson , ··.P. , s.c. Leslic, .A. Co.r~ic f _2:;£..f.i.i~_::ton) 1 LC"..rolu -""\Vies, '.P. (.i:J..lli.:_l1,9JiJ 1 the ·OHt -~[1.r.l .cr:.L~CG '"'oun• il, the Dc.:~enhnm Lo.bour c.rty (-:_'l.::]-.:cr) , · ur Unmo..n ('ir~) , c:-.n' .:r. ".n :rs . Cho.ndler o'' ldershot (7re.~suraL) . J\ction to be to..lmn by those nnJ"tCd i n brac~-::ctc o..: OYC • • v 7re Comr1i ttec hud before t!' c report by t.11e ~enero.l Secretn.ry i ndion.ti n1· thn.t ~ .t i so..proi nti n,· responsehc.t\ been recciveu to the proposal _previoucly n.uthorised. by the ~xocutivo of "'-" uttor.~pt ro csto.bli oh so~ethin~ in t~1e nature of o. J.Jominions ureau . fte r c. c' art c\iscusoion the cm-'ITTEE: ­ o..~reecl to consic' ln.tcr i n t:-te ~re~r t::c :.}UCstion of h' o. Y/CCl~end confercnc....: on t! is problem. (u) 11 Stecl11 • ~'1c General Secr-~t~r r that t:1c no.nuscript subr:1i ttcl on thi·~ suljoct 11c.<.: been turned do"rm ::.y one of the triO rco.drope sod to include \'lith his speech o. revicion of ~n•nrticlo by hin in .i:-:".binn Q.uartcrly on the Coloni~. 'ivil orvicc . It wns proposed thnt the speech should be pl.tblishetl t n the Coloni nl Controversy series , .·•f ... ~!r .:'.. sl:ort L.iscussion the COiTI!ITTEE :­ o.ppointed Horrnbin no render, n.n'. i nstructo the cncrnl ecret~.ry to sec if rn.ncport rour;c ·.rould consider distribution of this SP'~O.:~ . OG\:03!2·: 1ID:CCK GuEc:·a.l Uccrctn.ry 21st Jrmunry . 1947 au "'1Cetin · of the ~X8C'UTl'lE re -J:T·...·~ will be '1clcl on ··o,-,cb.y, Jrcl ebruar.c, 1947, "t .+ . J' P·'·'· "t t:'e ou:e of Comnonn, ~oo·"l 7 (boo1-::e·! ir. i ll~ -·.1., e:;' r.~ WJ • .'rr1.~!1~·encnts wi ll te t:la.dc for ne:1terG of G'w 'ort..,.,.ittce to '·nve .:inner in t"1e . trD.n ·er:, 1 .L<'il:iL • ~oo:J. ·, :1... ·.:-::.r t.hrou;'1 t:1e teetin; . · .AG lL.A l . 1uturc ork of ~:1c ~ocioty ([') ~ur:u-:tn.ry of ..\cr-c'.r~'~ -,:,(,/)3, ·_·c~t~:.~ ·ir~ul.:" (b) unctions of t'oo ociC't.• -'C (.\31.3 -c.lre ~; • iJ..·ct l:~tc~ . (c) •. e':: "tio.r. csa:·s -'(4r)-~. ·.)..\Le circul::.z.te ... . (J.) I...., ... ur 1 a :.ccoLJ ivc ( ~/ J l, 'llrcu~-~ c:i :r:-c,_ l·~te,.... , (c) utu:"e 'or.l-= 01 the Socict~r --J~' ~!)2 , ;~lremly ~ircul t.eo CO~l''f;C of C:i.:"'Cl~f>SiOll it ',.'_\; SU ~e,..tlhl -l.~','..t C1" }GC I' ') . :-'lOUh, '· C C:::.~K'..Hle~l to i 1cl~ulc c-. >i8 CC •J.l in..:li ·i~.. -l •1 li.... c:~t;: 1 ,!Or.Qj.))l.,r ~o~,r "!nr111i;!:,r; "".t :l nu·1·.-c::.~ 0 ..:. .;ric "!.!, corro:"/.JC:..·h!, i! ~:,ic COl~:Ytr:r -d_ ·l t be :i.n\"i ,;,~ to Cl>:::.r-i l ~l' c''·".ptD:r 12; t. ...,.v c'1 tor ~ . .., v'J.lJ. L,cluuc n.n .l.!l:'l.l. :)i~ o ... .:.:'u _)lc.c,· o.~.. J '-:1.:..' ilJ t!1C '•l l:i.r-.1 ' poll tic l ~:·:.t,;· ; t' c.t c·:~::Jtcr 7. •.1 -11'' -~·cto.r~r }10lic~· :ht.nJ.h. ,; irl.Cl1l"--~~l~ in e',t:..lJter J. , '\f' .~w ;(.;t ......ry 1)•llicy coul· '·13 ·•: ,:•. r [.. j_.,~ ... .r'li.:-:'.~!;!t o.~..· n'.)ci"l :pr ;rcss; ....~1.• t>n.t the · o o~: ou ·' t Go '~e \Tit "~en in ... lr:1 l)Opula.r rt.yl0 to ;ivn ~~10 i·:pr.;r.nion of ..-:.•~yn-~J1ic i11 "l.."ir· countr;:,· r-) p·-.rc·--le: to t~-<-".t o.C t>.o 8\7 J.JCet.l . '.L'1c C0 -·r_.{JZ:­ L1vitcJ. t>c nu' -cor,rlittcc to -.,cot r.·;·.ln, t·'d!l"" into "~CCOU!1t t}1C _pOi!'ltr 1-:"-~~ in vhc •.:~.icc~snilf; I 0 J. thcl .:'.f':jU:;.pti on t'1n.t vl:C • 001.: 3~•rm.l.l~ ":.p:!Je... vO _•e ... ere Of , G;_~y, t'1C ~ 8 1.7 Ru ·)tt1:;llc, ~'.IlL -r>Jcd 'L.,_, t '1i tz_ :y C~HmlLl "be ......_,ue· l~O ·~,r.c rub -co.-::'!i ctoD . -~· --.1:.£._ 2..~~ 0 . -l1C Cm.mti ttel~ conridured n po.·>·'r by .o.. ron :::.:~··. oolf r;~~· crtin· l.hC.t ....:10 OCiCt:·'::; ·:or· !"'1\0UltL Cl.i"'llJri~":'!D.l'il,· t t'JC Cli t•) a~· 1---,C u.::'.".:Dur :novo .O~,t, ..Yl lO."J"in ;·. llUmber 01' r GU-~v ~.,.tiorw . . Ztcr :t lcn ·tl--ty, rsi ·m, the eo--·r·~-1J:C :­ (,:.) n. rued t'-1.t no rccnrd o.l' t' u ·1· J.iccu:::~·.io 1 :,r>o·' ~1J'J0._\r L1 t~1cre minut ~r: ; (ii) invi t~U ~O~Jnon .t.n~-~ :.1-rou to r ,·c 1i t :a 1~r~•.l rc:coluti onn for conrit.lor;.tion ::~t i:. r: .:ex~... ·~actin•; o·· t.'... : \.Cr'J.tivc , t(• t:1e --:e .• l'.".l e1 ...'.1C't t'"~ ~ tho pri·-nc 'Jur.i.:A:·n of t c ;;,-ociet~ vm.r. to c ...~uc-"' ... C t~:c Clit1 ; (iil) _-·roe~, " ~~ 1.·L. t':--:ir ne;-..:t :· .~tl:1"" ,."!oJ 'L>:-.l:--.~IC0 oi pc.pcrn on t}llG ouJjcct r11onlublic<'.tio!ls :'ccrot. -.·-'1.loo t o_,O..cp~7, lt'; lie rcJ.--:.tic:)r 0.1. i"le foci~ty, in 9r0f~r~ ~c~ ·o ·n~int ~t .or~ ~1or-c 'rC1l ~-ecJ':.Jt'l.r: ; (· iii) ',hi lO not "'.ltO·~C'.; ~r 0l}I,OTUil1!' th0 _[l:..'O;J030lS Oi t'-.t~ re .Ol' .l ,;ccr~t·:.r ··.r•u. ot>er r-.c ,... y~..· ... o:t. the rt·-:1'::..' L1 ) .r.::.·:-.:·c..1'li. l(J . of ~~C( +7)2. , ·:-.. .L'J v}F'.t ·c.~1G r,t1Ccil'ic pn."Llic or in to "be '".i;:.od ·;..t in Q"'r:"l .JrOjl~~t ·J~ot:.L~. be· c nrc nor': Oi.. ne,·· •J:cojnctc ...G rt".rt ··"l . (l J •' 0 CoT"! 1· •.1 '"'"'·1'cro t.'·e: ~. lutt~ .. .._·"i.. t::.,1 t"'.l',~ : .r lOUl' rt~ , v:' 'Ol'Ll • .., \0 ocin~~r c~5(;(J o · ''.J...•' •ll ').IU 0.1. (IU.C •JJ.:Oj...:Ct3 -''CiGUl'..~1 t',,_; .ic-1..1 :nr.11 ..,_._ rt) '1'!l'C:!.~:.l :-,n •r.., 1c0 , or ir.i:.ri.'--t'tiol . • ·! •r -.j (: . L~:·i..r, r.t~._"'! ':.i1e ~ Jei"':-tl. •-0c::.·ot·~r..: to ·--~1)1.~-·to c "''-'1111' ~ ~-"-l-'t~· ~-rcc:Li, ..:.o u .ior·::.a.. ~c ~ol-:L.....<~rci.-..1 ... ! 1:--.• '_j_" "..! 1r. ·-~ ; 1 (iiJ in~itc-' tho i!l':'.nc•· ~.nll li.L'~l '~1rot•~\1~ 'o;,,.._li~~l.o...:-:: tr-re·.!. vr w nc-~1 o_,_ .Y•: 1 , .1t eo "'.JL~ o ~·o1·~~'-~ -~o n r hJC:i.Cl.l _ r.~oa...rc' i:or'· !l' tu • o ·1 _. · c.l fuL. thl\i 1:.:r•,j•1~t ; "i, i !V )."l.C•: .:.' i: t0r\-i•:'.ii!i. rJ··~·,ittl)J ~0".) rc::o IJcrct \r d. 1 ~.o0 i'O ...., in t.n.:.c;l •.n i.1. J:i.V~C~ tr·.'l il. C\)ll"i\.1. ·-.j_:, er<~ t-"•.r . ..,.·,i. J • Iure~~o 'l~.i.~~ ~~~ 1'~l::nf~~~~--~ ~-~)~·J~tJ~)~O~~~~t ~-~~-~~r~-~1~~~~:-t~ rj~~~~~· t 'r:y ~.!1r~t : 1:·td on tho i·1~~u a of er·:1,~~ ~_. , :;.· 0.j_ rcul:·.ti n:. to t,'-,o -...ppr0"Pl'i-~~tu -~·uu-t)C o... t'·1e ~ -:.rli""'.. CT_\t-.•1':'. l'nrty , '?l.nd t},:~t l.Oc-lJ.t\·r•(l 1'0olf 1d h i ''1'1Cll" , .I• ..:·u •.., .. ,)~"'; ·1!.' tl-1C ".clvi c;or~. ·::ittc..~ , r.l~l)r:lT:Lur..uthl 1n.blicettion ty ·.t'.rC' :i.;,t r.o n:: to rrr-cc'1de i n t:i. .~.:: ..;.1--.Lc ··acco·.; reo t:r..~. Cu . .,,.r :r.rot Cole .... ,·p::_:wrt.,J . .t !JU lic"'l.tior , tl' irC'lU1.L8 • -~ ~:"'."':;' uf '"··~\3~ 1 rO!.' L;X::U'1p:'..e , t··"~O T'ot;;.,d:::.-.!!. rc!aro +, .....(~ + d Ll vc o: .\ r-~ ,_! .0 _,t . _,_,(j cm·:: ':I s:::Bb: .. ....I.,_'Qt.O. ,Q rn.:blica.ti{~!"l , C'.S ''. .a."-ttu:-0 p:i orit:, "ur iorr..~u in :-~:.."'c"h . -Of '0Rl: !-! "'\O!'C .. '-' ..Or~l ocret-..ry FABIA.. socr:CTY :: 11 D.\Rli~orr.. SJ.i.-C~'l', r ;s·_·~I .. ~ .L:ii.iH; s. 'J . 1. .~ T.'l8Ctin-of the 2DCUTI':'".IJ C01':I.:..J..JE riill be held on ·:ondc.y, 17th "ebru..,ry, 19-~7, ...,t -~ .30 p, l'l, ,,t P. ;,p,, 15 1uee!1 .. tnne 1 s Gate, S.U. 1 . l. embe r shi p of the Col'll'li ttec ­ at[',tC''loJnt by the General <:~ocrcta.ry . (previous reference: EC(47)2nd ectiJY, itc01 l. (iii ).) 2, \'l.te::; of Pay :1.nd the [.ociety 1 £l .c.:n:;.nictr:.t3..on : (c) Rc.tes of Pay -' ne ~7) -~t lCti.J ·, iten 2 , , cil'(:L:.l;.tccl '10rc·.-,i t 1 • (x ~(.~?)P ci rcul tc. '•crc·:it'1 fo· infor~ntionr ir L~~ro l'clevant . ) (;;) £ltr'l.tion of L-'10 ioci{;t./ st.::.te 1cnt '·:~ t c cncr-1.1 t...ccrct.:try . 3, ....·uturc ..'or~< of the Soci ety : h) ark in Hand ­ uUct-c.rv of ,,Crcc.rc: 3L (.1-7)3 , nlrC"tccy ci rcul;·~ed . (prcvioun r:.inutcs of' t~1c ~c , ­·;c(.~7~2nd ontJn·; , iter:1 5., 1.l1·cncly ci rcul..~tcd , i:-.lno relcv~:1t . ) (b) ~unctions of the ~ocicty -;r ~3)33. -.. ro·e<:y ci rcu..~.~ted . (d) ..... o.bour's Se c ond -~.ive '"C.:l.rf' -~l.,(.~?)l . lrC".C!.:r ci rculc.ted , (e) •uture .lork of the oci cty -lC(.1-?)~ . c.lrec.dy ci rcula.ted . (f) .\i OJs of the Societ:r -·;c(4'1)1J. virc''lo.tecl herewi th . -\, r s' Repo r ts : (i) l. i OCUSSion ~ries 0, 2, , 0" LOrd uinlo.teC: herewith. ') .lO~\=._,·~ JDltCK ,_.~,cr.::.l .... ccrctnry e 1r I . ' . of n r.111et1 of 0 e r r , r, • r' 01 on. r • 8 r t 1 r " t e t e e to o 0 r ·ov1 0 1 •ll· " oat. 0 0 -ut) r oi 1 t r t r it r 11 t .too' 0 l <1 r • ort l :­ .ly c t r 36 -2 ­ .A.fter discussion , tl_o Cor~.'liitec rcf('!rrecl t'.cse l'",!)0r:::; to t~10 ·-eoca.rc' 'J..annln · 01-~it.tec , autjoc ... tu 1d
  • 11 vl,ic}, a.rou rni~ht le p·o.Jnred to v1ritc . (i; 'ir-c~:r.~iO!l ;,eri c," o, d. , 1:y l•Ol'-..~. ..Jl!1tLsa~r; '.!.'·e C'o:-:-r~d-ctce , ftcr c. 1-lort iscufiaion , i..vit-oc~ t'·c ...,·.'1~ t 1 lYllora ...... o~·~ --dnclEiuyof V:c ou' stt: .cc 011 -~, . t , _,:ee re·' rs 1 Op:ini o:u::, .n. 't.O .:.:.sJ-: ! ;i 1 L1 l'CVi!'O t'1e pa.'":l):~loc in t~10 li ·ht J"' "t• ." c,:o ,-icr·s. 'ii) Secon• ''r, .LlucntiuL for 1~, by Jo:,, -'10Mpson : ~~he ~"'c .or.t1 u~rct r--r r; 'iL t' ~t •,c r•y ir 11.n o'f' t> ocict--1n LU~"' ;jo:l o-.l.i.ittco '---<.. ~-'lr 1.rc-c role' ~1.:11..~ • ot' ;."'U" r:"!co-..'1e!1ucd t:c ·..f-lictio.• o t',i hllu_,cr· c, o.n,it w:....r:. .~:a: · thi) ·'"'o· ·it ... oc t .. ·,l•!Ci1le: i.1 "t..1CGe circ1 H·t .nccs er .1... j -(,i.JrJol rc:~llC:cs nec·1 1Y. _l)oin..;c,' , .1.' c· (J _"I ~~i: ­ .!J .orc.r, ovcrl:"'~p Ylns!c.. ns i .. J~-it ...~.·t0l' ::1. s' ort di~cur;rion 'to Cu ·r-~ ~: -· inrtr· cteu. v'~c orer~a uc:~0t. ~r~·. to ·:ri to to cott -llio·ct nn,·in ~" t l1o r1 .s, 0.1.' Cou.:..--r-~, free to pU1 ,ii~--·1 ln nonu·cri1:n: nl~f'·.,1.ere , ut ·~1. t t'1L~ ocict.· oulc" )-._e ·n·-~·1arcu .o ,..econcidv~" ~ ~~ qucrtion 01' )U1>lic1.tlon iu 1... rcn ~unt110 1 ti .10 de novo . 1!1o Cor·r•1ittec conr·iJ•.rcd u ro 10rt l~· nne "-1yto c)"i i'f · for ,t: ic.~o.;ae on ~ru )Q;,:~ ~ to 'or "lin.n .. oci etle r: ..... ro .ltcr £<. chart iocu~; i > t o ::1 ·reed t'F:tt s 'Cll :Lr-1>li '_.tio: of the E:xECUT I VE co:~!ITT:ii:E vri ll be hald on Thu r sday , 13th :larch , 19·~7 , at 3. 30 p , m, at ll llartmouth Street . • AG:.lNDA l. Hepresentation on London Labour • :~rty ..Cxecutive -i!:C('47) 18, circulated hereni t:1 . 2. Interview of Cn.ndidc.tes for Post of Gc~v}ral Secretary . -EC( 47)20, circulate~. herewith . ::-'OS\70:.-\T:-~ :~Ol:Cl( Gcner~l ~ecretnry lOth :lar ch , 1947 . ----------------------------------------------~--------­ r-I.· :'"':.CI:STY :: ll .......\,u.---~It=3T I ':'::R, g r.l . -----------------------------------------~--------------­ ·.inutes of a Meetin~ o~ t e -::--::::"'·:::.: ,---. ~Ir.::-:..·s= on 'n.rsdo.;' 13th ··~re:·' 194~' et 3 .JCi r. . t ~l -'.rtrnouth SL·ee~ . 'c·.,::ir), ..V'ie 1, Po.r .:eL , rou, S1ceffi:1 tot., ~r ....ret ~olt?, ra...-, or~.C. ,Youn· , Lewis, :i.a· oon, ·.locn. ut:::l•::.~..;.~· .. , ~u-eo, ..~.~:.1r .i. !"1 ·;do!'l , .-tl r .r.-. :~-.:.e Com~?li ttee cot. ii l_red "' re.,-,o.,..t :cJ...:fin--:ton to r.·1e effect t:1c.t t~H3 ......~ on J'~e ""ivn 'J. J .ittee :1a.d '::l~e four r.or:rino.t i ens " ..J. ... t'b e pl c..:: o '1e ~oci ety' s' o o!'l tl;e .a.~diJ.1 .. our Pa.rtv's .-..xe..::utive. .1..fter a :: or dinC'unuio.l t· c ~cr-J:~-:::i: :­ (i) no:ni.1:1ted. ::effir.·ton ao t!1e ... a o-:-.,--1 o represe.•tc.tiye for th(-: year 1 4,.. 4 ; 1ii) nomn.:ted as dc.c-,tca to t''e ., dor. .U"bour Party Co:1ferenc13 l)n C"Lr c-: ·1 29t:1 . v:· 0?, "...r .:1.ret Gale, i-unord of t}1C -C.h.l'•-1 -o::1Jdr. n"ti nn ~ociet:·) 'l.nd Gi lor . -3.r-~a.rct ,.,ale said .._ ·t Fhc t11ou :1e nrr3.n -e ,ento ~~d best tc l.ll.·~ i!l Gl'l. c L1 Pr..~. ·1 "...rr~-:.n'e!Tle!'.tr: \'lere nece"'r; ...... bct\:cc:. t' c rturo of t'1e present Ge ..era.l ... ~rot, r:r ~Ylc t,' ne wC!:Cra.l ecretnry t;J.::in-u:r: "1-J. i .J ~"!') oint 1CJ.t . ~ 1c , J :'1:.'7~ :­ i nvi tod ·ar-o.rot O~J to '1ct in t• ... i Cl'i: in <..:onjunction '";i th o.,... _d t'· o c:::-0..~.~i , rs; (ii) t' .;..l1;:ed t'1e ~~rct.._r ~ fl') .. E".Jrv.: cos, i.1 p.::.rti CLL...r si ~lt: .uar. . 3. I!1tcrview of rcmclidat or. ..o·r .l -t~ J'Ot.~r-­ --.-;~TIQ;-------.. ­ J., ~ Corunittce ~ad l:C'f .cc t 1.! -.-.)art t e ~ Cr.:ll r'ccrctnr~,r i vi. n .tJ. r­ id tc~ ":'-1 '1-)o.d rec.:Ji ve t re~ r u··o vutc ... ·o ·ers ofthe -;o..-kUc\0-ti vc f..10 ~ d il r: Cwtc .~. t e &v o 53 I=lico..,ta . ...-:_c ,..a :.i .. cc (..0 .1 .. ~~ .:i.l ert' ., licntion i~_,_,J·~..H--'· c" ::­ inatrut:ted ~c c c: ..L e~r.Jt : • tv inYi ... e Ho.u :inf' or inter ·ic • t~· t c. X£\_, tiv.... o., .~c .Ljth ; ii 1 i ....atr".J.~ .c..~. t a .... , r ..1.. c ...-rct •":' t > invi tc "il D~l .d ie ,l:ur • for '~"C -intcr "-VI o inuteo e ~c.: followin· t'~-e l:n-1. .cl o .. i tcrvic (I 01 "re,.. ..~..,t'--. . ... •rR':'. "J. l re !." J. e ~retn.ry 40 I EC(47) 5th :leeting FABI All SOCI ETY :: ll D . .ffir-\OUT:r STfi:l_,T, \VEST:uHSTER, S . W . l. .. mee tin~ of tl1e :JMC.U'.~IV.~ COYJ U:'i'£3E \'lill be he ld on :(onday, 17th Ilarch, 1947, at 4, 30 p.m., at P.iJ.P ., 16 ctueen Anne' s Gate , S.\1 , l. AGBJ:DA l. ).pproval of previ ous mi nutes: {a) last routine meetin~ of t he Bxe cuti ve ­EC(4?)3rd i!eetinc. (already cir•ulated). {b) Research Planning Cor.uni. ttee, 28th :.,ebruary ­HPC(4?) lst lleeting (already ci rculated) -items 2. and 3. (c) Schools and Social Committ ee, 11th >Larch ­SSC(4?)3rd lleetin::; (to be circulated). 2. Czechoslova:;ia: Six Studies in Re constru<>tion -EC (47)2l (circulated herewith) . 3. Sco~e of the 1nsurance Gr oup -EC(4?)19. \circulated herewith) . 4. "Co-operation in Labour Britain" -EC(47) 16 (circulated herewith) . ). Removal of October and ilovember dated Subscribers from t he Society's :rembershi p Reoords ­EC(4?)15. (circulated herewi th) . i 6. Labour Party Annual Confer~nce -st atement by the General Secretary. 7 . Appoi nt ment of Reader s : ::i ddle .Cast Survey . Burma . Jast Africa . 8. Pr oposed Increase in Rates of Subscription ­EC(47)17 . (ci r culate<:: "'erevith) . 9. (at 5. 3(J n.m,) Further interviews for the post of Gene:1.l Secretary: Ei rene Lloyd Jones (5.30) Hu-;h '.'lalker ( 5. 50) 'carjorie Green ( 5, 10) -SC(47)20 , Annex II, i s r:le' nt . BOf\'.'0!\Tic( J!Ol!CK llth !'arch, 1947. Genaral Secretary 4t EC(47)5th HeetinG :i'ABI All SOCI:::TY : : ll DAR:::IOUTH STRSET, \{.:;;ST:UNST:C:R, S .17. l. ---------~--~--~-----~------------------------------------ Conclusi one of a meetinG of the :::;.::;::cuTI\8 co;:r_TTEE held on Uonday, ·17th l.!c.rch, 1947, at P.Il.P., 16 Q,ueen Anne's Gate , S.W. l . at 4.30 p.m. €!.:;sent L (Chair), Parker,-Barou, Davies, HuGhes, ·Sroith, Abrnms , Gray, Diatlond , S:coffinc ton, Farin:;don, Robson, Woo lf, Yount;, Wi lson, :!ar t;aret Cole, i:oncl<. SP2~ Durbin, Horro.bin . §:to.ff Jolley . l. ·W!..?Val of previous minutes . a) Be search Planninl'" Committee -RPC( 47) lst :!ej>tin~ • .:i In connection wi th item 2 -EC(47)13-the COl!l.liTTEE: ­c.ccepted the proposed outline by Dr . Robson for t':1e future nork of the Society, subj act to the substitu­ tion of 11 V.:LriG"U.J.rd 11 for 11 elite 11 • H) In rc[prd to Labour's Reccrda-rl Americc.n Opinion ­RPC(47) l, the COHHITTEE:-invited Abr1l.!S to discuss with Simon Sehuster the publication of the v1ork , o.nd invited the Honorary Secretary to convene a meetingof t':1e proposed authors before the work was started . b) Schools and Socials Co!!l!'!iJ<.tee ~ SSC( 47) 3rd i.le~.:ti.!l!:.. i) In recard to the Reception to the Deler,c.tes of t:1e Supremo Soviet, the CCJHITTEE: -invited the HonorarySecretary to arr"-nce the preparati on of sets of l'ecent publications for e" deleeate, includinG those on Russia., if o.vailable; and to prepare n short summary of such publications and Dr. Dnrou to arrange to reproduce i n Russi an for the benefit of the deleGatee; and to i nvite Jim Gri ffiths and Creech Jones to the r~ception and to i nvesti Gate the possi bi lity of o. loud speaker being inste~lled at Heal's. ii) In reGard to the Annual Gcn~ral Jieetin,~ and the followinr; reception, the CO:CUTT;::::::-approved the use of the Conway Hall forth~ former and invited the Fi nance and General Purposes Committee to rev!.ev \lh<:~t arrancementa should be made far the eveninG reception. 2 · Q.z_e_c_h_q_s lavaki a: S~]( Studies in !leconstruill_g_n. ..-_p_cl..421.£+..,_ .The Committee considered a r eport by Anne \lhytc saying th t :Crncst Dc..vies, o..s Executive reader, \"lishcd to omit the chapter by Shoi la Gr D: -approved publi eo.ti on . SE CE THE COJ'GU':'?EE 1!E;r Oll l!ONDAY T E SOVIET DELEGATES ciAVE CAllCELLED ALL EXCEP'_' OFFICIAL FU;IC'i!OllS, AliD 'i' IS -UllC1'I 0!: IS T}IEREFORE c:OW OFF . I ' • I I I •I I I -2 ­ J. Scope 2L tho Insuruncc Group -EC(4? ) 19. The Committee considered su,cestions by the Generul Secrot..ry us to membership of the Group r.nd the short. synopsis by Jean Thompson on the scope. of the Vlork. ,Ster r. short discussion, 'the COB].O:TTSE:­ i) :ccreed th.:ct the ~nitio.l p'oup should include Bc.rno.,Jor.n Cln.rlcc, Chc.:rles Fletcher Cookc, Pr.r ,l Group t o rcviCYI. t,hoi;r member~:. ship ".nd terms of :rcfcrcnco o.nd t.o :report ll in respe ct of contributors to the ,-mrlc. The CO:,liUTTDE:­ i) c.crccd tho.t Dr. Bnrou mi ;ht offer a, tota,l of ,~40 to individuetl contributors to the proposed vork; ii) invitod the Finance ::.nd Gcnero.l Purp0se~ Cor.'U!li ttce to prcpro-tllirds m:jori ty in f::.vour of ono ii) of the co..ndi dnt cs y;o.s desirable; iii) on n shovl of ho.nds , Fi lson received 7 votes, :.nd FJ,entur~h 5; iv) invited Lo.sJ:.i, P[l.rker, :Jto.:..·~~;c.ret Cole .,.nd YounG J.jO intervievr :I!'ienburc;h n.s ooon a.s possi ble; v) if o. mOtjority of them fg (already circulntod) Item 7 -· Sir,uo.turcs on cheques 1.pproval of Hinut s of nthvr CoJlllni-~to1'1::; : (a) Colonial Bl.l.r .....r.u -Fr::B. (17) 3rd me t i ng (alre:ady ch·cul~tcd) (b) Colonial B rcau FCB . }•~.(17) 1th m:ctL>;; (·oir oul!'tcd harci.ith) (c) Int~..;rn~tioHal f\1rc.:au-,'C, ("'.::7) 4th m... t i.1 p; (circul tcd herewith) (d) Loco.l <:::.ockti(.;C 8.i'td SochJ :ist Propag.:L1da Committee -LSC (',7) 3rd rooeti·:v, (cl:·culotcd he>' ,v,ith) (c) Public,.tioqs Commi.tto ( ''. (1?) ·lth mcotbr, (circul tod h re> ith) 1 it~l1'1timl of G~.ooffroy ilam' Annual &.port -draft c'!>Cloccd J.;C ( '!7) 23) 6 Autumn Lectures -Subj ·t. (S·J~ ··~...::d thut n au~ -coJ!li•itt(..c .;hould bu appointed to •·•or!: out de 1l:; of th.... pr•op·a.mmr~), Pos~iblc i11Cr Jl.SO of rat, s oi' ::n··~·~... ::.ption .. .ZC (47) 17 (,dy circul tLd) Inturno.l \dmini :;trati on of th0 'Y -~C. (,17) 22 vis .d -(nlrcndy circul'\tod) 9 AppointJ'Il(')nt of r Letd(;rs : (a) tkform of th.... High• r C~,· tl S rvico by Ch·il S0rvico Grou? (b) To\·nrds a N'ltioaal "'{';L.::; .1.01 icy by Bc..r:.1nrd Arm.:;tro••g (c) A Policy for the Uni crsitic" by Leo PlL t•b; E.C. (lt-7) 6th meeting. Executive Cammittee meeting, Wondl.y 28th Pril, l9lt.7, at 4o}O p.m. AlliJITION TO AC~ Item } A.pprovo.l of J.!inutea of other Committees ( f) l:conanica and Industrial COI!lllittee J.!iDUtea A.pril 194.7 henwith i.NilH<,'\V FILSON. Genezal Secretary. 26.Jt,.Jt,7. 45 ll , C, (47) 6th meeting I'ABL\ll SOCI ;::Ty ::: ll DAi1'l';!OUTH STM:JT \T,~S'lJU!lS'i ~R LOJDOll S W 1 Conclusi ons of a mP~tinr of the EX~CUTI'/2 CO:::rTTi~3 held on .Ionday, 28th Apri 1, 1')47, in the House of Commons at 4. JO pm, P~:Parker (Chai r) , AbrDJns , l.lo.rco.ret Cole , Davi os , Di amond , i''o.ri n::;don , Garden Walker , Gray , Hi ko.r , Robson , Skeffi ngton , Smith , Steuo.rt , li'i lson . ~.Q.:..i...!2..§...;_, Tiarou, Durbi n, Horra~ in, Hu~hes 1 Honck , Woolf , _1 APPROVAL OF E . C. -il iUTC::S (4?) 5th iffiETillG W,LD On 17th iiAnCi~ -----­ l.~inutcs approvJd . U.~TL.§. bl,bour Party ' s Annual Confc:z:£!!Q.Q. I !.i \'ID.S proposed by I , i'ii karU.o , seconded by .u . cs and a rJI}d thc.t (a) the resoluti on appointi n.· tho dole-;o.t,o should be res­ cinded and that thv now G~.Jn.Jrul Sccr0to..ry should bo the Soci 0ty 1 s . (b) t he Gonoro.l Se creto.ry should allot the romainint; r ooms booked for the Socioty at ;:Iar ;ate , 2 @llUTES OF TH3 ~'.G.P,_C . (47) 5th , 6th D.Qr.d De cember 4 ond 11 , It was <>gre~d chat the booki ng should be confirmed . ld on (ii) The suggested list of lectures and speail Secretary ld should recast the progr ammG in <>ccordance l'li th ·the dis­cussi on, circulate tl2e nevt proposals to the members of the E, C. and, if futther critici sms were made, refer the be ma·~ter to the .'.G.P.C. (b) I_t~m..A·. ~_Prq_visio_rjf!.l Rey:~Jl.@....d.ilJ<.Q..U_n_t ::.]Q,P.Q__ill~ The c{on. Tre..,surer reported that the "udi t 0d Balance Shee t hfXl just arrived. ;: t was agreed that the FG~C should be aslt pr cferenci al rJ.tes ( 6d per year) . (a) I,teJ!l__l_O__...__Q_o_lopi_f),l_ _B_\!r_~@.Y.E.ll..l_i_<;,Jle_~ti.nE.s.!... . ..pproved , ll. 51 '" 3. !@njl_tes of Oth_e_r Cozmn.i_tt_ees_._ The ·anutcs of the follo>d ng mee-cin:-;e were approved: ­ (a) c;_o).orl..a.:h....£.!!.X..Gau -.I!'CE__(A:zL4Jill.....m~c_lin...,__llcld on 22~ (b) Co]..QJl_i,_§.l,_ Eu£.S'_a_u _-_ _,_Q_il_._.S!E_Q._L42l51;,>LTecliJD.. )l_e).d on~l'!.Y.!:.. (c) L.gc;:,_l__S_oQi.'Lti_e_s_C:Q.ll!!l!.:U.t_eE!.__-~§.C l4Z.L4th'~c ti)1G. M).d_ Q.n__ l_Q._.0),_ t (d) 1 tom 1. :et vmo a;1reed ·l..h....... t t .e 11 Reform of lth ·i ~her Ci vil Service" shoulu be published in -uly lf possible . [ 5. (c) S_c"l0_2.,~..s__a_n.d So___)1c ld QLl.. 7.__a.x,•. The General Secretary reported that the charGe v1ould ;oo\1 be B34 • I .J.he General Secretary reported tho.t booJ-.:inGS ho.d not ~;one very well as yet . ( f) l}J:i-c r._na t i Q.!l'!:.L..~l~.J::.e_q,_u___ .TI.B .• JI,Q. {ill .itl:!. l!E!._c~"l..nll. j'l_e_l~L.Q.!l l.Z.. 'p;y_,_ (g) He_a_c,._rch...RJ.\l>min 7;·cg_~intr M l!ll. I' Q_n_l3 '!ay ._ 11 I , Item 3 •. 'i!.2LJi.of the Home ReseC::.aaart. -cssp.~-..Q.,_ J.ill~ It was agreed that a Sub-Committee con si sti nr; of , \loolf, I Abrans -:tnd Gray should drew up proposals for n ne·' voll.une of Fabian 2seo.ys o.ncl tha·c mambers of the E ..C. shoul<.l be invi ted to send i: sugGGStions. 9. ~eJ!I!l.YP.J.....of Decembe_r..._ Janu_ar.x,~n_d_ j'ebruo.ry dated _oe_u_bs_qi~ tr_QJ!Lj;)1.__SQ..c i ety_]g_mber_shi p ..!le_q_or<\._'l_.::.....J..,_Q.,_lizi -~ (a) It was ""'reed chat th no.mJe should be removed fron the ne cords exc.Jpt in the followiw; cases: ­ 10 A..11nex Mrs . . . R. Do.viee to be appr~ached ~Y Davice " . Delar(ly, li.P. Hu-::;hes , E. Levy, H. 'P , Huc;hes . Venkattasubbi ach Parker , r1), lC)d ,on ,. ~' ,, 31 .P., lf, jted ne 'lrs . :!. Po.lmer ., . Schercr t~ ~e appr~o.ched ~y Da.vics . Fo.rin-don, J. . P . i~arly Allcn YounG H. Croft Pn.r~-:cr . Gro.y , Younr'! . R. A. Pestett &e , So ere to.ry , Annex III lli ss ll. l!clCo.y'rs . Jlo.nse 11 c. '.iil.~.i~n:Jo:.~llis address to be checked •. to be a.ppr on.ched by Fnrint•:don . 11 11 Younc . (b) It r1~.-.s aGreed that i n future l i sts of members uho vera to be struc!t off sl,.,nuld be .::.ccompanicd by a s\.c.t.Jr.lont of the nuubcrs of now n.~mbers \lhO ho.d joined th~ Society , 6, (a) It wc.s a::;reed tho.t the Cho.irman shou l d be ask:d to move the .. _nnua.l i.eyo rt . (b) It \IO.S n ·reed chat Robs on• s summary of ,he Society's role should be !)Ut fonlard cy the E . c. for cndorsem~m by the A.G,M. c.nd tho.t copies o:f the ncsoJ.rch P ro.:;rnmmc should be ':'.vn.ila.blu lor ...hose at ....endinc. (c) It 'as aGreed thac the rcYJcral Secretary shou'd check the ~·inutes of th .. G.:L rognrdi nr-; Ivor -,.on :t{;U in o:.:der tho.t the , C. oh0uld b~ to carry out o.nypromi ses the· m~de . (d) It r1... s noted \.hat the ·Cc.Jption was pla.nn.Jcl. merely as a function uher~ m.Jmbcrs of the Soci ety coul(l meet members of thd ·Lc .. and th~t mcmbors of the ,c. should ·chercforc no.ko ovcry effort ·G o b.J present . I t ,-,o.s n.c~rccd (a) ·cho.t the ::.ndi o.n Affairs ~c·oup should be dissolved , (b) that ndian Affairs should bceomd the r~sponsibility of tho .. ntcrno.tional ur0n.u . (c) tlvt Chris Bo~·d ;;hould b-e th 'nkcd f~r th -;10 rl· he h;-.d ., done nnd should oa eo-c " Jn to th~ FI B Jrecd tho.t a 13roup should not be set up to propcrc cvi dc~cc for prcscntat~on. It w.:-.s a3reod to r.unet in P.~.. P. 1 unluss th(!re '"' s special business i n the OUSD . ,\l:ID!e I 1'ILSOl1 . ··~ 2_.1._,_12.~·1.• . Gcncr~l ccrctary . 53 :,ous::: eo·-:o.;s. o~ E . C. (47) 8th ::eeti n· Supplcncntary ,~;\ ·c:1da. 11 , JOAi1_ 10U'1'{ s,·cc7, L;. J;O!l,S .':i . l . -----··---··----··-----------·-··---·--··-----------.. ····---------­ The ncctinr; vtill ta'·:r place r.t 4. 30 p .. "'l. O!, :~onrl::.y, 15th June in .'ouoc of Coc"·ton84 Ccucuttec 1\oom 13 . ( lloo~:ecl in the of John Pc.r·<:cr ) Thi s c:12.2·. :e hc.s "cen ·mclc ~\C the busi ness in tlte ;ouac nay involve a nu:7t" of divisions . SUPf' r\GE1!DA _ otc : ~tens 2, 3d c.nd 5 110re i ncluJec'i. .in t'1c \~Jn~o. circula.teu.. on 6th Ju~1e . RclG'!O.nt po.)crs ~-r~ no·.-; a.ttachcd . I t ems 3(e), 3(f) o.:-;A 6 1.rc new itc::s·. 2 . ':inut cs of ~.G.P.C . (47) 9th :ect i n-nou o.cto.ched . Item 2 -,.utunn Lectures -,C(47) 27 -.lrco.dycirculc.tccl . I te;;l 3 -Annual Gen..;ro.l ·reeti n-. Eli ~ ibility for Of;i ce (Second P~p~r) EC ',7) 28 o.lrco.lly circulo.tc7-.'fl -. . P.C. (t,7)1S(rcvi sed) now atta.C:"leO. . Itcl'l 6 -D:cte of _.G. P.C. .C. tocti,.,-in July. 3(d) ·:;.nutos of P.L.G.C. (47) lst.·;cctinc -no·:r o.tto.chcd . llew 3(c) ;i nutes of Publi c::ttions Col'lJili tteo >7) 7·":' r.tce tinr, i tCJ~. he l d on 11th Ju!lc -''ttr.C:tcd . Ite m 2 -Ti::Un-of Pu'.:.lications . I teM ){a) -Rcforr:l of th11 ~~ -:1cT Civil orvicc . Je\1 3(f) Intcrno.ti o"~l 3ure~u fro ·rcss ~cport F . I. B(47)22 iten (in lieu of ninu·cas, --::.o no r:1.1ctin!-; \!2-S hc_d.)ItJm 5 -Conference a fer -ure .1.u -:7)32 o.lso attached , Andrew ~ i lson General ecrct~ry. 12th June 1947 . ..._ , ) i ' •. ·r. ~~ J r. ) ~c (47) B~h -~eting . 11, . J.l. EXECU'l'IVE C0"11ITTEE . , :' neeti ng :;i ~l be 11eld at .4..3!L2..J:!.,_~!D.n .. nrnan . enero.l,c;>.uld otl·er- G-: C re0a.rdi n ·· )p· ovad . should so.y that to pr..;!'....:m.. , it i a.:;..·Jo ,ould be s'1ou l t: novo, e) i' ! . ... a) Q; :b) 1,£ !c) p~ !t er s:· l) ., ·...;.: :, Ill. r, '· :re rary !r­ at 56 -2 ­ Ruse2.rc~1 Pro.:;r amm.e of the Socioty: -i t Vln.s a -reed tho.t the /r/Secretary should int roduc.c t!:!is when s~conc' .ne; th~ resolution on the ..ims of the Soci et y . . -the r ..:!co:mr.J..Jndation ·ch.J.t ..;s r ... c ivc th0 u ots c.p):.rcvcoJ. . _h..; a l sc·orctd.ry appJaled for a -;cod. attc nda.nce fo llowi n; proni sad to J0 preoent: JJa·'i·..: s, n.r~:cr , ""OU~1~~~ s::.Jffingto !l, Sr.ti.t~ , St.Jv/nrt, u 'h..:!s , :J:; . (c) hw-1 4. 'l'r.,;_~~rQJ''!!..~',_ (i) J.t u s r.1ov.~d by es, seco:rded by ·i ka.rdo ·~nd rosolv.Jd to o.ut~1ori so the ·rrustaas to furni si1 an underto.~-:L1; t o t'!',c \Vvstdi.1st0r .:.n~: to c~1nrGo the D.J .ds of 11, .u~r·~nou:L:1 Dtrcet if c~llad upo_ to do so durin~ t a curr~ncy of t~o ovord~~ft . (ii) It H.:l.s r.lOV.Jd by Da.v i..:::s, S..JCO.,..~.Jd by You..Ylr; .::tnd rc soJ ·.-eel -...·,ut r:i ~~:J..rl_:o Sl10Uld rcpl;.;:.c-3 c.s 0. .Lrustee of ll, -.rt··lOuth St • . (d) It.m 5. ;.ll.."'et l 9.Q-4!i -.. GPC(47)16 •levi.scd . ( 1) Tho ·~u. et vtns approvod . ( H ) It wc.s n -reed that t:1o ne·:; ;c shoul d b~ r eco·1 10:1cle·:l to o.ppoint c.n o..:~ hoc ..:e to consi der n~_ns of i! :1 nenbers"·i p. (iii ). It •::c.s ~."re ,d thc.t t ha new "C should b0 rccorr.J~ndc·' to study ch.J positi o'1 of th'C Loc .. l Soci.Jti~s . (i v)' T11 ·:):::-ocp·ctiv-3 l,rc :surer st tcd e liuo.rtcr ,,_~: \"lould prose.1t o. vc:.ri ...t i on sto.tan.Jnt sho·ai :'l how fc.r th ~ udgoJt "'1<--...c.l b !!l o. corract prophecy. (v) T"'1J p::.·osp'""ctivo s~,.c.t.;d ....hat o. now sys·Com of .. oo)-:S110p o.ccou~/~inG would be 1 nt r od.uccd . "'10 FGPC shoul d no~t o :1 ·:and 7th July , t·'.0 llC s:1oul cl ::1cet o .. · ::Jd/or th0 Lord Presi dent of the Counci l should bo o.s1wd to r occive c, a dG~')u-cq.tion; , tho.t thJ dcpuco.t i vtl should consist of Eobson,, :•ra. Giff c..rd, Soith c.nd Well s ; t ,1n.t a. precis should ba . m2:.dc of th.J prunphlet ; o.nd ·eh ~t ·~one~-:: should be \"i_.rnly tho.n_<-Jd f')r 11is offer to defr ,y the cost . 57 -3 ­ ItJ --~2..!_9~Yil~~QLY.if,~, ~ -~·:1c cJ~~o of t!10 Pu'!::llicc.tio:1s Cof.'l.lli tt.:!c v1~.s o.pp1~ov2d . (f) Rcc~:i V-.:1.1 , : 11 I re:::d th~t t'"C nn;·,lt"'s li rt.... d s31ould OJ 1~..::: 1, v..::c1 .J.xcept i !*. t' ' iollo\7L1' c,_"'..S !S:­ ~ .... 5 0 .1t0:.1 P.:::-~--::vr to wri cc . 0 , ..... l'-~:1 "'u ~~1~s ~.a eo :.t et. o::.··-~Jlon -2-rL. ·do~1 to L.1or~·.1 offic.J o.... · ::..s .:t.d".r..::ss . :\· .s··cliffe ~u _,_~Js to an )I'0-1.c'· L~st.c1· ··ctc"1L1so:1, -' ~ i .. ..:-e S...::cl-ct .ry to GiscoYc:.· i.!. -:~.''li s is ...rt'1ur D.. Jy:.~ s . 2-encr ,l S .cretc.ry to urit~J . l.,D,<;~..,'1;j.~.. •~ jl: . :cL~o , Sut·~,;:,:l:-:.nd (or ··ar~lby) n( L02 {or r, . ~;. . 3rown) . :~~~)._c)....,Jf'.)._ ,-.[1-~_J..':-:.:;:;__i.ll_§Ii~ J0~:1 Cop.'l--,_:cl , . : . T~1o:·1n:_, (t o J..:: shortened') (reserves C.'"'.ll.:_-,_ ,,, --.n ;-.nd C" }Ot .r) I ' (c\ !'ne:·_ic_ ~_s__Q.'ro-;:reG s M ._ ...\c • .9.ti_r.,.z~....~J. of ~-o ~.. . ro ... sureL,._, ·... :;.c c·~i~l.'ffi.J.::l p aid a ·:1.::.r:.1 tr.:.uut.J to ~l'1il D.;.vi..::s o.s t~11s W':'..s is l...ct ~C na ti:1· .fter -V.Jr.: lo:1r; nd st~cc ssful r ...1cor l ~s .:. 1 ·.,·.,Jr c..;· a.s ... r.!_sur0r . •DR \1 ~'ILSO:.• .' .o.... o. EC( 47) 9th :;eetina. FABLJ! SOCI"""~TY ll1 DARTJ!OUT!i ST~T, S, i"/, 1, A neetin-of the JGi:CUTI 1lill COifiUTTE..l uill be held at approximately 4.30 p.n, on Saturday, 28tr. June, in the Conway Hall durinG the tea i ntorval of the "-nnual General Hoetin_:; , AGENDA i . Election of (a) Cl1o.i rr.1an • . (b) Vice ~airman . (c) Honorary Secretary. (d) ;,s,,::. , _..u'; '1onorary ·rr~asurel\. 2 . Cc -options to t~H~ :bxccuti vc Cor.uni ttce . 3 . Solectionof Finance and General Purposes Comnittoe • . 4 . Any Other Eusi ne ss .. ,JlDRE'.I FILSO~. June 2 3, 1.2.47_,_ G::l:tm.AL SZCRETARY . Notes: FGPC Honclcy 7th July 4.30 p , m. EC !!ond'ly 14th Jul•r 11..30 p , rn , (b) I t11inl:: n~rnbers of the i!:C should lmov: t 11at I o.n planni !1(' to take a 'holi day fron \lednesday 16tr July until Sc.turd".y 26th July. John P.':1.r !:.J:..: hn.s o.~-;rccd ·~,o 2-s Gcncrnl Sccrctnry i~ my abs Jncc . ANDRE'il FI LSOi:. 59 EC( -~7 ) 9t h l!eetinc. All SOCIETY 11, DARTHOUTH S'l'm:ET, S•.• 1. 'tinutes of o. l!eeti n,~ of the EJGlCU·r~ y, CO"TIUT'£::<:2 held o.t 4.JO p.m. on 28t 11 June in th~ Co!T;my :all, duri l1(; the tea i nt erval of the .G, ··• Present: Parker, :Un.rou, ~·u "11CB, ' i !-to Chair . s~ condcd and clcct Jd un:::.nimously :­ Los ki. Pa r ker. ~:J..rgn.ret Col: . method of ,ivi!lG a l ocus in eff~Jct b~J .-tssis ·i:.c:.nt '!-io!loro.ryt 1 t wo.s c.~; reed tho..t he shoul P. be should oc i !'lvi ted t o EC ltc .:;~in-.s undar discu ssio!l and should et o.s ·~i 1-::a.rdo's ssi st.:-:...'11t . the n numc:J 0.1. po r cons who I!li{;ht . ( C(47)33) c >nsist~d of: .c Who '•nd rot be en e l e cted (i.e . 1 GorUo n ·n.l:-::c~ , Lr o.y, l{orr . , C:t!ldi <.lo.t t.Ja at the .8Jcct.ion. i .c. ··."lt·JS, St ewo.r t , 7oor-.; l Reo , Lo -:ce, , Cool-:: , l .::L!lt • t h·:'.d boon informo.lly su ·"":cetcd by .L . --ec.lo~; :'r of c esor l o.n A.J. :arown; 'rOd Lee, !~.P. or or somt.: other '1' ·r. ·~.r .; t '\r ){ ~urr1.y ; H ounc Lecturer neti ·t:.ut i ons11 ; 11 i1. youngof ociolo:y11 ; 11A loading ~·oci cti ;S ·e .. i ·n:'-1 Cor.u:d"tee . " .. oolf ·''' '!l, furt her members ant! to lo ve t o be f lled at the .cC J.leeti.•..; of ). (a) (b) (c) (d) 6, flO -2 ­ · (d) The follovlil1£l vmra proposed for .the two vc.c0ncics: .. -Jro.rns, Dio.nond , "fordon \la.lkcr, Gr o.y , Eircn~ :r,loyd Jonos, St c.r!r ·lurrey 1 St 2wart. _ vo·Gc rtn.e to.kan und it wo.s o.r;rced to eo-opt Crc.y c.nd Stc\·ta.rt. 5. ~-\~ction of ~.G.P.C. (o.) It vets etr;reed t'wt the FGPC should consist of the ""onoro.ryOf""iccr s (Letslrot Cole "lnd " ".rkcr) plus five othor m.3mbers. (b) It nets a..~reed th:1t Gosm<:>n should ~,cone of t:1e f ive. (c) It w<:>s a,~reed to fill t rto of the rern<:>i ni nr, four pl<::ca s at th is rlCeti l1/l <:>ncl ·to l ccs to be dlLd at t he C ' !cc t i ne; of. 1-~th J uly. ousl:-:­ (d) For t,,csc t'f/0 pla.cos fou;.." n::unes wcr0 propos~d -::'.:trou , ·ruGhcs , -~O !;clr .:tnd Skoffi!l ~ton . Bo.rou o.nd lfonck wi -~lldrc .. their nm.1cs .:-:.nd nUt~'1<3S '"1. !1d S!:cffin,~t 0!1 YICTC therefore Cl.Jct~d . 6. C'i:r_gul::>tion of tho Golle>ncz_2:'.rQ.ll.P..~tus of f..Q.r..t:1£.Qm;J.n,~ book~ Q..t_.Q.J:L Co l o , l'he Gen8ro.l Secreto.r y report ed th<:>t ho h <::d been <:>sked by us Gollnncz t o circul0te wi th ~'abi <:>n Hews a prospectus ofyl .,.D.II. Cola's forthcorninc: "Intclliaent "o.n's Gui de to the )ll be Post-l!nr ':iorld. '' !le ·st--..tod that he ho.d refused severo.l ·s sirni l 0r o.ppli c0tions, but <:>a this wo.s the worlc of the l a.te ChC'.i rmc.n 11~ o.skcd the ~C for ;ui do.ncc . :_t was n.creed t~1n.t th~ proopectus coult Goll o.ncz met any c.d ~:itiona.l costs i ncurred 1-y the Society , i ,C, ·r~ti~ , rer L 1l :... e \. er; lea :~_13 I.l, :.'.~ ~e_r::a ___a, la) (b) 62 ~c( 47) ·Q,h deeting. -----------~--------------------------------------------------­ NO ~~ UuE Vl· ..... uivL. n.... 5. The G1eetin' of t e J:::J-.. Gi ~:,.v .... l.l.t.i.:t:'l''.r _:c \ill no·. tc ke pl ce TH Hdiv OF~C(,!,i. c S, 9_"-~·:·•i!!'.~!--"Ov: ..lJ. ( "Jocked for .:'ohn Par ke r ) Lf."3 ·a--:m. 'o'":(1. L ond :j ,· 14 va ·.>. -J . ul.u.. .:::'.:...; • : T....' ~• l .1 D • ------. -. ------. -. :·~.em 9. o~~ice ork Q~ V tura ys . '-"i_n_u_t_e ___of__J?a__ l_i_a_n _I_n_t e_r_n_<:__t_ion"l.•ur n u -t'Lf__C;(47)6t: !..eet i~g ---------ra1uchedT. · · · -­em "1' .'1i ...·n Deleu t it.n to • < ly . 74· ·em 77· Or "_, ll -t i o;. of C··ro ,;..'f;J1C9 S a!'lc eetir:ts • etir. ). lZ . ::_e_moy_l o_f__..;>_r_il_D_:_!;_!!_d_-E-_bs_c~j_._J.e:r_~ -~C(47 ) 7 ( attcched ). ~ 1~. ~ __d~!.?.:. (a) L•~ ders .... eports. ,, .. · eric 1 ... t:olonie-1 i'c~ic~ . 11 ed). (b) -ewder· t o be a~~ointed •. rti•s n d Politics in ~· b vid i.lli'"ft1S . r.. . EC(47)10th r.coting. ----------·-----------------------------------------------------· FAB L~ho had urged ttmt tbe FGPC shoulo M1nu be ke pt s mall a nd confined prir-,a rily to f inanc 1a l matters . !to It VJOs hov1ov. r ngrc~d thot the FGPC should a lso net It W as the Gene m l Purposes Comnittc: and thn t t t1c tv1 0 rcmn 1nin.:; vnc~nc1c s sho uld bo filled . ii) It was ;rc~d to .dd c" l:'OU ;-,:l Dio.mond • . ,ccc ptcd cs n true l"\; cord . 4. Appo1nt mont of Comm1ttcc 194?-48. ::lC(17).35 ~' EC(4_7j~. It was ngrcud n) th:>t the four now '" cooptcd ot the "' tin~ shou ld be asked which committc.oo th0y 1Nould like ......, t o join . b) thc.t M~rt:;nrc t Cola n!·ould as Honor.:r·r So crct 0ryl"Lc ..... ivc p~p..:; rs of ll Comr, it tcrs , C'\-•Jn i f not f orr1" lly o t!lG nbe r • c) th· t ti1.. cx1stil16 eo lttcoo be r~"ppo int d w 1 th t ht fo llowinft changes :­ i) Rosoo rc h Pl"~~ing "dd Jny J.i) Economic & IndustrL l OcTo to ~~~ l\_;r r .: t Col..._, ,R.w.B.Cl rkc , L.J .Edwords , 1'/ .B.Roddc•w c.y . 1il) Politico l & Locn l Govo r nnc nt add Park" r -3 ­ ii) It was agr eed tha t Vloolf, Parker and snno Whyte should draw up the list of subjec ts to be studied, working on the following basis :-Interna tiona 1 Problems ; The Po l it iea 1 Scone ; The Civ il Se rvice and Local Gover nment; The Ulgacy of Fascism; Economic,Fine.ncin l a rd Industrial Problems (inc l uding Trade Unionism and Cooperation); Food ll'nd Agriculture a nd a general assay by Woolf. iii) It was agreed that Parker should lead tho do loga t ion, that Anno ';./hyto should be Se era tary e.nd that Woolf, Porker arrl Anno '.'.'hyto should select the delegr tion on tho bnsis of the names s uggo s tod by Woo lf. 10. Minutes of' Colonial Bureau -CBAC (47) 6th MectLg. Approved . ll, Minutes of Publications Committee -PC(47) 8th Meet ing . Approved 12. Removal of April dated Subscribers -EC(47)37 It was agr eed tha t a 11 except the following should be r o moved from t he r e cords:­ 42/B Andc rson to bo approached by Monck. , 11 \1 11 Crabb Colonic. 1 Burcnu 11 11 Wilson 21/-Begnari Barou Bu tch(')r Pa rka r a 10/6 Doilington M. I.Cola Low cock JolleyDr .P.Rusholmo Parker (via its M. P.) 13 , Readers of Pamphle ts, a) Roports from Readers . i) tArnorlcais Colon1al Policy' -Reports favourable. Pa mphlets to be pub lishod , if' poss i ble without t l1o nomo of tho American Author. ii) 'Towar ds a Na t wna 1 Wagos Reports unfavour-Policy' able . Pamphlet·rejected. b) Readers appointed. t Parties and Po htics in u.s .A. Lask i , Spry, Rose rvo E.Dnv1ce . 14. Prospective Parliamentary Cnrdidatcs . The Genera 1 Bocrctory reported on correspondonce ha had had . with a mcmbor who hnd be an pr ossing for the E.c. to mako rc co11111enda tions for the L.P. pancl of Prospect ive Parliamentary ca rrl idates , It we.s agreed to endorse the answe r g1von by the General Secretary that the E.. c could not mnko nny such r ocorrmonde. t 1ons. And r ow Fils on G: nc ral Socr-..tury. NEXT MCC:TIIIG: 4030 p,m,Monno:; 15th September. 9, ?Atl!.ll llth 66 EC(47) llth Ueeting , ry ' --····---·--··~-------------------------------------------------------­ FABI AN SOCIETY ::;: ::: ll, DART!AOUTH f TREET, LONDON , S.IV. 1. ~S ~-•~---r-r~-----------------------------------------------------------­ E]M:JITIVE CQ£1111B. 4,JO ~-~151b_?~~~~b~r_jp P.E.P. S~~!' n:J:&FY. J:.f!.f nda 6,;llL.§.Qcis.t,y -EC( 47)38 already circulated 7. FG~,L,ll_t.):J__Meeti.!J.G -l.otes i r. lieu of minutes (attached) 1 8. ~~~}~ -FGPC(47) 19 (attached) 9. R~ ader.§_J>f_Pamph]&t§ -EC ( 47) 39 10, Report by General S8cr e tary 11,. Minyj,~Jl• .Pf...l'.ll.9.1.i.s:!'j;J.QPJL _9_omEJ _t_tM . -PC ( 47) 9tJ1•;,~~~iQ~~:t"•ttached) 1.: 12, lllllJ"Jl.!'.Uo.v.!ll..Jll!r.!La y • The Advisory Coru"'littee i s "l0•Jti ng: at ll a.m. on :ronday 15th September and may submit a special report to the E. C. r·blco be out llth September 194.7. Andrew Filson or· General Secretary. our- Jt' 3crVO r.• had · 67 ill(J.7) llth Meeting . A. Ll6etine vrill bu held at 4-·30 p .ru. on Monday 15th Sc.1>to1.tbcr in P . E.. P , A, GJ;N~_\ 1. Minutes vf last ;;tectin -EC(4t) lOth tin:: alrca~.t:stf;d pussibilitic.:s:­(o.) Intcn1o.tiono.l ~ununic P~blt.:J s (b) Cc...J.•onwe.atth (c) M:.chim:r-.r uf Cc..utrol G-<..vcrrunent (J) S....Le aspects uf 1'ro.dc U.d.uniso . 2 . Minutes qf Ecunur;ric & I1 lusttirll._GJ.a,i.o;l,ttce , 2nd l•i.c.Ltint (!lched) 3• Minutes Cif l<"'Ct:..·rs. 1rhcrt:.. is one v \Cancy L.n the ~.u. if' it is wished t< cuo.:.'t either. 6. Ji. sup.,:>h::ment~ry A.c..;..nc1" v;ill ft1lll·l' •rith the J...!.nutcs -..;f the i'"' •l:•P.~. .. r 8th S"-Jtl:tibcr, the L...1.nutcs c.f th<..: Pu.lJlications c.. Jili;Littce ut' lOth S<.:-ltC· lbL:r, n. p::!.pt;r vn rvadors .. )f pal.iphlets and n l i st of rM;:nbers vkto hrve nt,t p".id their subsc,...:ipti..:ms. 8th Septe>•lber 1947 A...dreu Filson ,,,,ncrol Sccret".ry. t.pc:.,. .. I I ], EC(47)llth Meeting, HEIAli fOCHTY lJ., D,;it'!'!.IOUTH STREET, WEST'IIllS'fER SWl. tEnutes of a "cetin£ of the ';:JCECUI I VE CO:M:IIITTEE held on Monda~r, 15~h ueptombcr at 4.30p.m. :..n P.E.P. Pr~..o::::nt: (Cila:i_r) , 1::n ou, Callaghan, '1ar garet . Cole, D·~runond, Gray , orr 'oin, Jay, ~onck , Parker, Woolf, Young and {l:y i~vltc.tio~) Gossman . St;·f..:-: Filson, Jolley, .t\nnr:. v~11y-~e. Apo].f't7l.t~s : A'tlrr.tns, Durbtn, :~,ari ~don, l{ughes , Eirene L .. -~· f' I Ci.cbsor., s:,_ ff:! .1gt 11; . f· tewa.rt. Jones , a) thut th:" 1-on. '!raar•trcr sho•tlr be autho:cired to take such st,·_-ps a.e:: we;."'£: neccssn~:· to meet the immediate cor; · :..mi..::. s of t.l:e So0l t::ty ~ (-~~ that the 1• . G.P. C. should Ge i.ubtructed to work out and !'Jp::"~r't t0 the rpxt IDP.etiL:' :1. plan for incre~! ·~embers 1 r.ul~Gcl'!. ·..:..~o: son t'-1e unde rs'~at.~.ding that (i) the ~.C . vrc ld J ·~~ tn ~~£ ~ •· er~As co7e~~d by subscri ptions : '.1) tl"..:.. F . r. ·rould 1~1·0 ..... --:.: .•~:-ease i r. subscriptions ~0 t·... -~ c"ff,;c·~ frcrn ciam.•:.n·:;.· J.: +8 . (c) tha~ the .t<·.G. P.C. s~1ouJ.J. t" consi der how administration PXp..::"f'0::i COllltl be C~creUSU! (f) t~·-~ ef~~~ts should be a~~ o secur~ donationg, etc. f::· om ·; Unt O:.s . (, ) tlu.. t n !"eport c.n th.a fin3.L-:~t::~1 1.-:ra"lr:ze;ncnts regarding t he IrsUlclrc:-: p:-ajdrt s:-:oulJ. be subni tted to the next I' .C. 1 3. .! r~'.+~. ~-9f ~~tiJ ~j~_o_n?::~:._g s _ _?._n,9._lpn"'~·-r_i_§.J__Q_o_mrr:j_ttP.,.L-EIC ( 47) 2nd Meeti ng.It :n 2.c It 1as o.:s~·se.-: -tho:a.t. Tjr . W. Scott--.Zl::...;.ot, ,.LP. should be asked t let :': r '3::i "uc pllbl~ S}1C·d by -;:.:1::: Soci ety . Approved. 5, ·•i nutes of_~\!b~i cations_Q.Q.!!l!!!Htee -PC(47)9th l.!e e ting, Item 2(a) "Fu~u.r.,:___gf the_]l!l.Lversiti.!'~ It was agreed that, .as the pamphlat was shorter than antici pated by the 'ublications Committee, it should be pri ced at 1/-and i ssued to 21/-member s . The recornr:tendations re g ard i ng the '.~embership Meeti g wera adopted. The Chairman agread to askWorg~n Phillips for a ape c ial message which cot.O.d be read out to the '!eeti ng . 8. Chairman of Schpols ar.d Soci als Commi~ I t was agreed to invite ''argaret ·:ates to accept the Chairmanshi p of the Schools and "ocials Committee and to be eo me a eo -opted member of the ..~ .C . I t was agreed that the subj et of the Conference should be "The !~achinery of Centr:.. l Government11 and that the Chairman , Monck and the General Se ere t r y should draw up a programme . 10 . Fabi~_y~_J2rv Debates -£GPC(47)19 . I t was agreed ,(a) that the subjects and speakers should be : "Have the Tori§s a Policy? 11 -Hale v . Hogg. 11 ~F1nance -Callaghan v . Eccles. 11 Freddom11 -.loot v. ''olli s. 11 :b ood 11 -Castle v. Grant .. (b) that Callachan ani the Ge neral Se cretary should settle the t i tles of the debates. (c) that each pair of speakers should be asked toagree on time limi ts of speeches, etc . ·(d) that se lection of Chairme n should be postponed to a later meeting . Parker reportedthat the Itali ans had not so far agre ed to pay · t r ave 111 ng expenses to and from Italy a n1 sugg stDd that exp<· nse s should be p" id by the Loci,, ty and be recovcrod fro m royalti es. I t W&s, how~vr r, agreed(a) that the Society couldnot t a ke tlie risk (b) that if all '!lembers of t!1e Delefation were wi llinf t opay for t heir own fares the sod~ty should pay"-=le "byte's fare ( c) t '•a t the ve r.ture would not be wort h while 1f the size of the party was deoreae~d (d) that Parker shoul·' inform the Italians that the cociety could oot embark on tht., C'X ped i tinn u nl • ES tl'';.e coste of trav~ lwere met for us. (a (bJ (c) (d) 70 -3 ­ 12. F9~Q§JP_2f_E~~pleJ&_-~c(47)39 . (a) Change s of Readers . It was agreed to approve th·' ac'tion of the Ge:.eral Secretary in r~placi ng aringd)n (absent in U.S.A.) by oloolf as reader of "Kenya" and )3,tewart (absent in South Ameri ca) by Skeffington as reader of "Futura of the tlniver citias . ·· 1, le ) t It was agreed to approve the action of the Gene ral Secretar.y ir, asking Cr ay, and 'arearet Cole to road t• , Vv'.G. ~1ackay ' s '\:6ri tai n's Ecor~omi c Future. 11 (c) _&_agers• neports. ( i ) "Kenya" : approv d by both re~dcrs andse r.t to tbc printers . (ii) "Future of .he Universities": ap;Jroved by both readers su1ject to many amendmer,t s ,re·.rised and sent to the printer. . (iii) "Incentives· : criticised by the three readers and now returned to the Group for re visi on and r~wr it ir.r.~~ , (i v) ~~" .1'un i cipal Jncome 'I'ax in fweden11 : as one favourable anci or!e unfavourable r P.por t has been re ce i v-'d i t was agrec;d to af;.k Lady Si mot1 to re vi ee he r uaper and to send tl-}e re vi sad ver r-:ion to .._ rinl ey homas for r.:>adi n (v) ''Dritain's -conomic ~uture'' : rejected by both rea~ers . (vi) "Co-oper ation inl.abour itain : .t'arou reported on '-'is negoti:..ti ons ·.dth . I t \Vas agre ed to sa!iction publication provided that certain alte rJ.t ~or,s wa roe made after di scussions betwe en Gray and Jay . (a ) "1";,·enty Ye ars On" by iotephen Taylor: ( i ) 'lartaret Cole and ( ii ) \!onck . (b) ''Labour:lovements i n Lati n Amer i ca": ( i ) \1oolf ( ii ) J:umphri es or Tr end. Woolf report~d tl:!l.e vi ews of the In ern tional bureau advi sory Com"lit t~e . It was agreed (a) that the pamphle t should be pc·bl i shpd i n rovf'mbe r (b) thc.t ·ronck and Woolf shoul d di Ecus s certai n mod ificatio~s deeirad ty "'onck (c) that othf'r members of the FI BAC Ehould 'ba asked to send t heir sugge tions t·o Vioolf (d) thL t l':we r shoul d be asked to write (i ) ar. apo ndix or fai li ng that (ii) a ri val pamphlot for publication inDecember sucject to the ~ IBAC ap roviug its quality. 71 -4.­ 14. 11 Fa cte fQL§.Q.£1.§-lill.§..:.~ It woe agre ed that Gr ay should be asked to t ake over c.nd complete t he ne w editi on beean by abrams . ANDREW .i'ILSON . ~mber 17 194.2._,_ MO!iDAY, 20TH OCTOBER 4.30 i n P. E.P. 72 EC(47)12th lleeting , FABIAN SOCIETY : : 11, DARTMOUTH STREET, S.W.l. nd EX@CUTIVE COMMITT~. A meeti ng will take p l ace a t 4.30 p .m. on ·•onday, 20t h October in the House of Commons , The room nber will be announced when the hgen:ia and re levant Papers are circulated next week. _,. ANDREW FILSO!l. GENERAL SECRETARY. October 8 t h , 1947. 73 ;;, C. ( 47) l~th '.eeting . ·-------------------------------------------------------~-------------­ ....OTE: CI DtiEY ;•mEE w11l te crema te -' at 3 P. rn. on Erirlay, Octotcr 17th at '."lokil1f Cr em:;torium. cJ.r . (~7) 8U1 ···eet.lll£.._-at tcched. I tem 52( a ) require• approv•:l. I tem 5-(c) to te r.nted . 7. .:..r.i-.D.Y~-.9! So_cjal ervi e· z an .JJ..QJJ..U£..9__C9m!ni ttee ( 4?) 2nd ~~iD~-attachad . 8 • MJ.!!!!.lil> of 'ilc o r.omi.£.L9i:!!Ll.f£l.)I.,J;.rj.f!]._J;amrrcij;,j;9J!...J.;t7)_j_!).fl.)le~~i.!L_­attached . J .j. Si! 14. ll. lJ, ~ t:.E 2'1 ., ~ tte li} if 74 l -2 ­ I 9. .:.'.!lll!~.:'l.§.__..9Ll-£!.£!'-l ·s~_tg.§ ..9.!!.!!l!!l.B.!~...J.of2l_~;.l!_ :;g.Q.!.!.!.l.c...­at tachPd . 10 . .:_:j,rute ' of Inte r .Lureau .b..£:_,_J.:J:2l _.(lj;p_:Jg!LtJJ:l::_ ­ a t tached . Item 95(1:>) ·requires a deciEinn. (a) ,,ppo i ntme r.t of Ch:>i rmer,, 'ar are t ate. h"" declined the invitc...t i on. I su. ~est 1 :art aret Room . (t) .~ppo intmant of Commi ttee for 1947-48 . 1he retirin0 mcm­ t er t ­ !\~rs . D. ..rchi~..-ald, _ L::.r~co-;,'h i t.J, L. J . Callal hun, .,, . I. Colc, },ynd al "'v5.n:.... , .. f' . Hut.·h·'s, ~r . Bumphreys , :an Mikardo, H. nc , St .....rk urra~·, John Parker, Zena Parker, '-!:a.r t aret f\00!11. ·,&rltaDt)t -c:.tt1S , 1 12. l :j.4, Jnour o.nce Gr oup -'<:C(4.z.lj.5.._ -1 !lemtarshi p " eeti n of_Wl:L.f£U?.!elll.:;;~.::.GJE1.1.£...;: a t tcched . R~port circulated f0r informatior. ar:d i :. memler~ of the --.c. wish to rnak•., a r.y spF:cial C"l'!1T'18!1ts . The Chairman has asked if the ~ .C . could meet at 4 p.m, on the third We dne of "ach r.101~th. \','ill ar:y mem"Ler who i s likely to ..c aceent trom this me,,t i n,_ of the E.C . let me know if he can or car.tlot m&naf.'e thls sug~::ested time? r>llDREVI ,, ILSOl; . .Qstp' 15th . 13..41_.._ IO TE: The ~~ inutes of this 'leeti flt will l.c circulated with the A€"Bnda for the m~xt me etil'lf. (Hitherto ,.inutes have teen i ssu:=>d ehortly after the ·~cetinc in i on) . l ~;:....: I .~ I 75 FABIAN SOCIETY ll, DARTMOUTII STREET , S. EXECUTIVE CQI,ii.ITTE:; . Minutes of a M9e ting of the Exocutivo Committee held at 4.30 p.m. on Monday, 20th October, in the Ho use of Commons . Prosent: Parker (Chair) , hbramo, Diemond , Horr~bin, Hughes , Eirono Jonos , I.owis , Mon,k, r.Hkordo , Robson , Sko ff ington and (by inv i~~ t ion) Goss man. 3 taff: F1lson, Annc Whyto , Apolo.::;ios : Laski , B:J.rou , Calla~han, "'rgnrct Co la , Durbin , Gray , Faringdon , Ja.v , 8t(···,rt, .,.oung , ···oolf. l. Mi nutes of E.c. (47) 12th Mooti_~ Approvod . I tom 10. It was reported that Ca llaghan had had to withdraw from tho Fimnce Dobe.te , It wns ~greed tho• 'i.lo Go:o­cral Socrot~ry ehould invito Ja~r and Crosthwnitc -Zyro Uftd failing them that he should have authorlt·• to choose an alturnatlVo oubjcct and pa1r of opookors . 2 , Minutes of tho Schools ~nd Socl"l Committee -SSC(47)6th !bohng . (a) ~in En!E~2~~ It was agreed that DnrtirJGton and Pasturn Wood should each bu (provlsiorally) bo• kod for 3 weeks . (b) School in Denmark -1947 . It was a(l r oed that when the fina 1 accounts wo r e nval l ab lc a full ropc.rt on tho v·nturo should bo submitted to tho E . c . (c) ' _2ontinonta l Scho, 1 in 1~ It was agreed that t'1•. passibility of anc-th,r Con­tinontol SUmilY' r Schoo l •houln "'' ennsHnrnd Jf nnyExcha~c A:_crvomcnts arc concluded with l.v .• ~ 10nta l countri. s . ~l:£ollan~Socwl Committc -1942._-~ It Vl'l.:J qgrocd thPt (n) 1 :Arr-~·rot Ro;m :Jbou l d txJ lnvlt·..:. d tr h~ !Jh' 1rJ11:"'1 :. ' ,e 1€ 'D~?s, osc 6th shculd n· ny;zl _l 76 -2 ­ (b) The cx1st1:1;3 C<·t'loJ.ttoa ::tw ld .bL· ro -"pp. intcd ~x­ ccpt f· r J'ikcrclo ( r s 1.f'"ricd) , Ca ll··:3h n ( nc,w a Lin­ lst, r) nnd Hur.phri..,.s ( 1 ~ Bir nin:)tr-l"J) . (c) 'n .oppr pr1otc ner1 1' of the Lobour P"rty St"ff shoulcl "t::Xl inv1t:.d t'' jt 1n the Cvm:litt( 0 . (cl) the C· m.itt oh u1, h:v, pollvr to co-;pt throe addit­ h·l'"~ l .t~. ·o'!: ru . V'1C.'1 1C on T.' . C. ----·---­ .lt \' :1s <'\...~reed trj t ~.• l' rot Rr•o,1 should to i nvitod to join t he :::.c. if she ".cc pt cl t'll Ch lr:" 1ohip of tho s.s. 5. ne '-•crs[,lp 3u:·.sript"~.L•ns .... C(4 7)46 . (n) to tl!~prr,vc the follow :C~---l~Cr 1S· r·c ~rond.d by the I'. r; . P. c .:­ 10/G t<, 21/~, 21/-t•) 30/-, 42/-t 50/-('nth" ut r1:'hts t opt for the ur ux), 42/': to 60/-(w1thl\uron ux Le lbL ro hJ.p 1no ~u led) , C' 1L ni" 1 "urc · u 10/cl to 2C/-"ncl TroLrn t1. nnl "ur nu 7/6 t 15/-. (b) not. to "f-Pr v the propos'l1 th"t there ch'Oult1 b0 a n-r1 c" c .:ory t 5/-(or 7/6) opo'1 tc' o11 pp1ic~nts !'nd nt 1t 1111[' t; hor:1 to Fc•·d" n }1mls P..l v. 1 (c) to r,;..t~J. " student c· t1; ry "'s :lofin. d in tJ.n t.Xlnt -Ln"' Rnl._,-11 , cut V.'ltl-th,. sub::;cripti~n r"':lnuc· fror:1 5/~ t '> 10/-n _:l Vll t il t: llr.. 1 t:-t 1c th . t ~ n1 J·lb r c n r-n""'i 1 1:1 th! stu·l nt c'"'t.~, ry f r net mrrc thnn 3 :; "\rs fr1 rn tl:c dr:~t.. i' jc in in[; . (d) to "PPrvve tile pr P•·s>•1 rh t n S"lccw1 G nor"1 Loct­ ln-: conv n~ d f 1r 22 Kl 0VLr.'~-r , l9,l7 . (c ) to instruct tC!c Gcr. r•· 1 s. er, t1ry to "tee rxl the Ro­ s··lutinn subr1i~tcd rct_;...,Nlin,:· tho new Rulocll , so rs to incorporrtc thl dLc;-:i.;•icns Of p r"'::; ~~ -C ~l-·t•VC • (f) tL• "·land the S corxJ R.... D ·luti· n s0 tr rc."':d '"rh·t the new 'lu1c 11 'ncrnt in J•:sp·"ct f ~11 sub ­scrlptl:...>:ls f"'llln.:.:: -lu.._ .1 or ftcr lst J..,~ u"r.v , 1948 . tt appo1nt 'lk..... rdu t r...vo,.; tllC Res lut10ns nd to instruct be Gc n ro 1 Seer t ry t: find 1 spc "k~r to ecconrl thun frun th flJ." r . (h ) t(> "pprove tbc '1Exp1'1n"t<·r;r Cnou1a r' Pr0\'1dcd th"t ( 1) t 1u pcnu1timnte p•r ~r·>ph W".9 a!llOn'lcd ·{'i1) 3 rcf r _ nco v~~s r.1 :do tt; t,·,_; LXprtnslon nf sorvic·:s r.;nd ... oroc 1 0vor roc0 nt yuors [!nd ( iii) the n0t1cJ con­ vonirt; the s.G.M. wcs printccJ C>n tho 'bnck . 77 l_ ..~..-~· -3 ­ ( i) to se--d '"'Ut tc Purc'"'ux ~ omb rs "s soon n~ po::>siblo '"'ftcr the S.G.M. nn ann l1'1C.·r.:J·..:nt r ognrcii1g the incrc~sc in u.ur 'JUX subscr:...pt1 ·ns . '• Froc Issue 'f P'"!.mpbl ts . (n) It W"s ncrrc d NOT t 'ppr vo the F.G.P.c . r comnl<.!nd­ atlon th..,t th Colnninl "nd Intcrrr:ti n'll Bur ·'1Llx C!lch De l initnd tu thl. free circul"tlor nf 1ly3 pornphl ts p r Y(;'.1r t fil.mbct•s . · (b) It W':'.s ..,2,rc :d t\,.1 r v1...,n t!1 qn ·s ti n )f b., 1tin~ tl1e free 1ssu·. 'f pompblc to cftcr ( i) co;•t·• rn i!1V· s tin: t 11 ·ns 11<'1d be: en c ·r.~r le tvd L re": ·'1rd t:0 tllo profits ".nd ksses vf the l st 18 mc>nth." ( il) rt W''.s possl~;.lc tt stJ"' tht f ~' ff('r~t 1f tho in­er a se i~1 Lcmt:crn ' S 1Jbscr1pt 1 ns . :,c norn1os 1n .clmirnstr·ti n . It '.'1"3 'greed ty t the Chi f Cl rk "od , -·.,~"hip Dope rtmcnts shuuld be comblil· d and tl• rc>ll­ ,, L~wing fl;j\'J (.!Jt'lbllshmcnt !:[~ lc1 bo ·':lpprc·v (i) Chi f clerk rn c:horc:· <>f bnth DC'pertmonts (£5 .10.0) . (ii) Schools Sccr·t~ry(C1 .1~ .6), Pnrt-"'i·n.o Clcrico l ass is tr' nt 11 n:1 .Juol\ r . (iii) '·l•'mb:rohip So-wen l Soci•otr••s Dopertm< nt shculd be roduecd by • n< p~rt­t inn cloric"l assistant . Tho ch:li.t;r '>'luuld rl'lg 2 s{''vlng nf ab·,ut £117 r• ~or. (c) It V/, s ~r;rcod th t tho 'l. nornrv Trcosur r oh uld pro-P'ro ~ stc·.t. n·nt showing th c• sts of tLo ~ni,, act­ivities Of tir Soci ty sn tilct the E.c. 0, nld d is- cuss pri r it1cs fcr r ductv 1s if it h;,.c .rr' n;~ccssf.lry t o make further cuts , Noxt r.:e..'.:.!_r~ It wns ~gre ;d t h0ld ~ Sp· ClCl M0otr;,g ot 4 .30 J . m. ~ n V/, doosd.,y, 5th f\·lvr-r-.,rrT" tr rn!1s clnr t'::·1-r '7' ind('r f th:"' .\t'cr,d~ . ~?-~1_9_42!_ r f"!O ~-· ib!c tcrrl ­ux \.10 1\ in.. ip ~; rwl T 'r• rt­ 1f;2r• pro-et­. s- SE ry f th: y. E.c. (47) lj th I:Seting . tA IAN SOClTTY 11, DAHTMOUTH ST ., S .V1 .l. EXLCUTIVE CO!IT. ITTEE • A ~:eating will ·oe hold at 4. 30 p.m. on Wednesday, 5th Fovembor in the House of Conrnons, Room T3'\Dooked lJy John Parker) , AGEI!DA. l. r!inutos of E . c . (47) Jl.th_Le tl!:l1._-att~chod . NO'£ : all tho Minutes on'! l'ap0r" montionj in the followingitems (excopt for tho '.linutcs of ha Publlcations Committee It.. m 16) "'era eircul·· tod ~or the las t mo ;ting . Pli... 1s0 b1·1n~ your C' O :tus v.. ith you . 2. Minutus of F. G. P.C. (47) l~th ''out~­ Itums 10 and ll roquirc a. vrova l. It. ms 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 and 9a to be no tod . Itom 3 duc lt with hst mootln;> . 3 . l.'inutos of F.G . P . c . (47) 13 th J':orting . Item 9 to bo discussed . Itoms 4, 5, G(a) and 6(0) , 7 a~ 8 dea lt vnth l>st moot ing . 1 -r.:inutos of Co lonial Bur au A.c. (47) 8th Meeting . Item 52(a) -as this itom "s not roach•'d nt the lost E. G. I told the Bur au t0 procood vnth tho co -optwns . Item 52(c) -thu Buroau Advisory Committ.o is now uncortain :::!~)out the of thjs chongu • ) . I.. inutos of social Scr :ices a ld Ar·.cnlti·os Cormnittoo ( ~7) 2nd Mocbng . 3. I.:i!'mtes of Ecor.om1cs and Industrial Committee (47) 3rd ::c.t ing . l<:inutcs of Loca l Socic tics Com,rittoo (47) 8 th 'looting . I (P .T.O. \ d 79 a. 9, 10. 11 . 12 . ...,.. J.:! , 14. 15 . -2 ­ !l inutes of Intern~tiona1 Buro~u .c. (47) 8th !'eating . Itom 95( b). As thls itom v • not ro chod t t 10 l's t meotll'(; I h>d eo oct on !Johali of tho E. C. and docldod no'!'; to approve th. prorosa l for a recaption . Pamnhlots -Octobo r 1947.-.0(47)13 . 11 (b) 11 Brit3in's FooCI Short ·~a : ':lOok ll:l J>< ,_ Blitz . Road ­orn suggested h.~rk Jtb• .~ nd Ch•• rlJs S, ith . ( c) "Inco;,tivos 1n .ndustr·•' . rcv1ood '"''ll"hl,t bv Group . Rc3dors sugc;ootr d: Elr l Jonos "nd -Un. Innur~n~~ Gr oup_-EC(47)45 . l'Lml:<•ro'np l'cotlTJ;; of 27tl1 q~rot;"mbcr-J<:C\47''Q · -·.-c-~--.--------------­ ... Ifd·1:urt clrcul.1tod .or .Lni'<.,rn/ltion 21:d i. c lSu mombors of tho r d"' . \'J 1s h to mnko o. ny spo c i" 1 comrront s. ~~..r:lgn'"'t.L.",x; frum th· ~ .c. r-=--' . . ' . _,,_----­ (ol lhchaol Stownrt 11as roo 1.3nod . (b Jack Grny has offcr<>d t0 r s1gn o• ing to ~bsoncc obroad . Doy -and T1mc of t1ng. The Ch.o irma n h" s skod if tJ;, E.c . co<~ll m~ot ~t 1 p.m. on tho third Wud no sda y of oor.l1 munth . Will ny roc.mbol' who is 1 ik ly to be .ob sent fr~)m this lllOL·tirc o.r:-ttlo E .c. 1 t rrrJ know if h. con or cannot m· nog. th 10 s ugs.:· t··d t1m0? NEW ITEl.:S . Go rural s, crot"ry__: Th(• t, r mo of my 1ppointmc,t v1,r_ tt1at •' sh•uld h<' 9Ubj to r vi.wo tt• ndC'fP 0f''Jl.XIDC'""'+-'~-: . ih.. s l.X nunths .._ rrlod on a th Ort~·b r. Mlnut, s of Publlc .tLns ~~i_tt_ ,__-PC(47) 1.0 Iter. 2 -Firr nco . ~~n 1tcm 1 f crnnlucr-'lhl. J.rrcort'1nc ) • ~;; soc ··p·-· at; eom< sta: N!nt (a) (b) le) Spo P'lll the 'a) Ib) t c. for P~ad­ rsof t. p.-.on ho is 'TJ know ). EC (47) 13th Meeting, FABIAN SOCIETY l l , DARTMOUTH ST ., WESTMINSTER , S .W .1. EXECUT IVE COMMrJ'TEE. Minutes of a Moot ing of the Executive Comm ittee he l d at 4 .30 p.m. on Wednesday, 5th Novembe r 1n the House of Commons . Present: : I.aski (Chair), Barou, Di::o.nond , Faringdon, Eirene J•ms, Jay, lewis, Mikardo, Monck, Par ker, Robson, Skeffing ton. staff: Filson. ApO logi cs: Abrams, Calla.<>han, Durbin, Margaret Cola, Hughes , Horrabin, l.~argaret Roan, Woolf , Young. l . Minu tes of EC(47) 12t h Meet ing . (a) Item 3 - Schoo le and Socia l Committee . It was reported that Margaro t Room had accepted the the invitation to be Chairman of tho s.s .c. and a member of the E.c. (b) Item 7(a) -Administrative Changes . It VtGs agreed to confirt.t the de cision that t he empl oy­ment of the Chief Cle rk, Stuart Scott, should bo terminat­ed on lst December. (c) Item 7(c) -Further Economics . A d is cussion vto.s initiated ·out was adjourned until a detailed statement by the Tr easurer was nvailablo . Spacia l Genera l Mee t i ng of 22nd Novembe r. In this discussion cons idcratiun was a l so ~iven to Monck's pape r on "The Link between Finance and Status (FGPC(47)25) and tho Report on tho Members t Meet i ng Of 27th Scpt cmbor (EC(47)42) . (a) It was agreed thdt Mikardo should movo tho resol utions . The General Secretary reported that Hugh Jonkins had agreed to so cond fr om tho floor. (b) The Chairman agreed to follow with" spooch from the Chair describing the !Unctions and futuro tasks of tho Society. (c) '"'n agrood that efforts should bo made to secure pub-liq tty for tho Chairman's speech through Ki ngsloy Martin, Kimc!\0, Cud lipp and Eirono Jonos (Manchester Gucrd ian) • (d) Sea item 3 (b) below . -2 ­ s:Wnciy wabb , It was agreed (a) tha t a lottar of condolence should bo sent on behalf of the E.C. to Barbora Dr::tke, who would be asked to convoytho message to his rolativos . (b) that a formal resolution be drafted by the officers and submitted to tho Spacial Gonoral Mooting of 22nd November. ~ Susan Lawronco . ~ It wos cgrood (a) that a la tter of condolence should bo sent on bohalf of the E.c. to the rcl qtlVos of Susan Lawrence. Oo (b) that Faringdcn shou ld wr ite a Momo ir for Fabiiin News . ~ (c)) tha t Clnra Rackham (falling hor , Pethwick Lawrence or Stansgatc)' should c ~skod to write an a rticle on hor for Fab i'an Qu;;rtorly . 1, Un Mlinuto s of FGPC( 47) 12th 11oo t ing . in r bo (a) Item 10 -Honorary Lifo Membership of the Society;_ It wa's agrood that Doughs Co l a ond Emi~ Davios should Min bo offe red Honorary Life lfiomhorship of tho Socie t y . Iton It w~s ag reed t ha t the ex gratia payment shou ld bo th ut tho va luo of chang ing the namo of "Empire 11 t) t0 11 Co l onin l Commo nt 11 • lhalf of convoy -3 ­ rs am Novoooor Minutes of Soci.a 1 Scrvic and ''"'cnit ios Cor.1mittoo (47) 2nd 1 8 . It.oo ting.Noted , g, Minutes of Economics and Industrial Committee (4?) 3rd Meeting. No tod , · Minutes of Local Sociotios Committee (4?) 8th Mo~ Nows , 10 Noted , nco or n hor for 11. !liinutos of International Bureau (AC)(4?) 8th Mooting . It was agreed t o approve the act ion of the Gonor11l Socrotnryin doe id i ng that t he recaption to Dominion Loade rs should no t be halo . '1~ Los should 12. Minutes of Publications Committee -PC(4?)10th Meeting . ty . Item 2 -Finance . In view of the need (a) to givo pamphlets o higher priceild bo than in tho pas t and (b) to mninta in a r cv.s on3blo flow of 1 roquost pamphlets to the d ifforont categories of 1"ombership, it was agreed to authorise tho General Socrot~ry to rnko except ions to the r ule about the distributi--·'I' p~.uphlots so that a .g. " pamphlet cvuld uo pricer' at 1/-ins toad of 6d but coul cl still bo sont froo to l0/6d members . ~ Pamphlets -Octobe r 1947-EC(4?)·'3 , roPC (a) Roadol"S" Appo intod " -• •· .ub "Films" : Diamond and Goorgo Archibald . "Incentives in Industry":-Eirono Jonos and Aplin. 0 loctod c " Brita i n ' s Food Sho rtage" (book) : -Abrnr.1s ml Charles Smith . In tho case of "Britain's Food Shortap:c " it wqs agreed (i) that t ho Roaolors should bo asked t o cklct on the Houso of lords had boon complo tcd they should bo published without doby . It was agreed th3t R.S .w. Pollard 1s scctkn on "Tho Record of the llouso of Lords" and He.rdie ' s "con­stitutional Conflict" should be printed with an additic>ne.l so et ion by H.J . Laski on the Composition, ctc ., of tho House of Lords . Remova l of June -datod subscribers -EC(47)44 . It was agreed thnt the Gap rnl Secretary should have author­ity to r cm•vc the mQI;,bors mr, d from the r•cords of tho Society wit h the exception ofT . Dribcrg , who would bo approached byMikardo . Insurance Gr0up -EC(47)45 , It wns agreed (a) that Joan Thvmpson should be asked if she would agree to comploto c.s much r·f her rcp.rt as p~ssiblc by 31st Do­cambe r and then a ccept u retaining fco until tho results of for0.ign inquiries justified n rcsumpticn of her full-time employment . (b) that tho General Sccrcto"'' should "Sk tho L"b~ur Pa rty to state tho fnrrn in wb"icb they would like the report pro-so ntod o. nd to allow the S·· c ic ty k have publico t ion rights . Membership McotirJg of 27th September -EC(47)42 , It was agreed th3t the o'ctni.lcd suggostirns by members should bo rc.fcrrod to the F.G.P.c. E.c .-Rcsignntions and Co-optinns . (a) The Committoo accepted ~ith regret tho l;'Osignation c f Michno l Stcwnrt following his nppo intmo-nt t' tho G0vcrn­ mont . (b). The Committee ace ptccl w~th regret t he offer cf Jack Grc.y to resign in view C·f his six-lrlOi1th nbscnco abroad . JC'hr,l.Strachoy . (d) It wns ngrcod t" co-cpt T.. G·)ssman. (o) It wcs agreed to lc~vc one v"cancy and to note i f a nyone at the s .G.M. of 22nd November showccl himse l f to bo an obvi--us c~rrli.dato . !So ~ la) Ib) le) -5 ­ 18 , h) t hole' n ~A>ot1ng 4 .30 p •• n oclnot , , 9 6th N vcnbn:l •, 15th D•cc!'bor . (c) tc h~~ mc,tings t 1 . vO 1 t110 fourtl'l";oclns nycf en eh me rth fr• J• u r 1348 vnV;az-ls . U, Gon rnl socrot r • llt !'· S:cl tJ ICJ by Th~ nppo i n t r:1• nt 1 l b of six months . It w a n mncl £:r I t subj et to rovi. w nt tho confirt'l t>x: PP< intrnont . AND RE~ I' LS o•· . one! GEF R'· S' CR!:TARY , EC(47) 14th Mee t irg . FABIAN SOCIETY 11, DARTMOUTH STREET, S.W.l, EXECUTNE COMMITTEE . A mootlJl> of the Executive Committee will t ake pl ace . at 4.30 p.m. on Wednesday, 26th Novenbor in tho House of Commons, Room 6 (booked by Jo hn Parker ) . AGENDA It was 'decided tha t this meeting should be devoted t o a dis ­cussion of the Finances of the Society on tho basis of the Mikard_O:-:_ ____ Gossman Report ( Iten 8 bo low), but I hope it will bo pa ssible to di spose of Items '1-7 beforehanl . 1. Minutes of EC(47) 13th rr.ooting (attached) . General Secretary to report on miscellaneous point s ar ising . 2. Ronoval of July and August dated Subocribers -EC(47)47(attachod) . ~~Executive Committee of the Labour Pal'ty . I ha 10 reco ived a lettor from tho Secretary of the Haldano society , who refers to the fact that the R.A. c . s . has 1n prac t ice a lwe.ys nominated the reprosontat ive of Division II of tho Pa rtyand he asks I'Jhether the Socloty VIOUld lot him know ''whotho r thoywould favour inviting the Royal 1\rsonal Co -operative Society to dis-d is cuss the matter with roprosontativus of tho fivo bad ios i n Division II wlth a viev• to soo1rg whethor an amicab l e agr oelfloilt could not bo arrived at l!horoby onco 1n ovary fow years at leas t the Roye.l Arsenal Co -Opcl'"tive Society allowed a nomination of ono of tho other five bodies to be elected, or alternative l y an amonl ­mont of tho Constltution whleh would limit Division II to· profess • iona 1 and ot:·wr bad Jos affilioted to the Part•r and constitute some separate a r rangement for the Royal Arsena l Co~opora tivo Societ y." May I have instructions plonso? Eastor School. The s .s.c . has rocomrc.ondod th· t t he Easter Schoo l be dovot­od to tho study of soma particular aspect of economics . r.lav this bo approvod in principle so th"t a detailed 10rogrqr.~mo c'n bo worked out through the Horn Resonrch Dop~rtt r.t? Minutes of tho FGPC(47) 14th r.:oot1ng -a t tochod . Iter.~ l (d) to bo approved , Ite "'~ 3, 4, 6 a nl 7 to bo noted • (a) (b) (c) (d) (Noto·thoy 4,zo p, p, \ 5 , Mi nutes of tho Publications Committoo -PC(47) llth Meeting (A ttached) , lace Item 6(d) to be 3pprovcd . Connom , 7 . To Ro co ivv Minutes of (a) Co lonic 1 Pur cau !>dvisory Comm1t too (47) 9th Mee ting (a tttachod) (b) Intcrmti ·nnl BuroauAdvisory Comm ittoo (17) 9th Moo ting - (atta ched) , dis- (c) Po litic·ll and Loc~l Govornncnt Com11it tco (47) 2nd Meeting - kardo­to dlSr; (d ) Loco 1 Societies Comnittoo (47) 9~b !.1cotinp; - (a ttached ) , (attached) , (Nota : I have • ithhcld the , inuto" they will l ead to uiscus" lorn). of the SSC(47)7th Mee ting a s nts Financou of the Soci• ty hy l ikordo and Gossman (alr eady circulated) . attached) . ANDREW FILSON . GENERAL SECRETARY. !!;) Halda~ practice Party .er thoJ Povombor ?.Oth, 1947 • Uy to'~ s ln J !OCI'Ilfit t least !on of on an arr.ool · NEXT l!EETHJJS . 0 profoss· tuto sc't '-ng of tho JlePJ r a nd in co ns oquo nco ce rtain figuros in Appond1x I could be altered:­ penultimate item: f r .Cl060 rved £560. t ot a l: f <'r £?62? road £?12? . deficit: for £2215 rc.d £1?15. (b) Mi kardo st· thot cts o rosult of further discussic,ns ho could nrooify tho picture drcwn for tho 6 m nths Oct­ober 194?-Marcll 1948 (para 11 er tho paper) . £ Plus: D.3 ,_T . : 300 D.S .. T.,vcra.blo Inc~·rno T'-lx~ ?00 Co nfe r ncc s, at e : lOO Roya ltLs: 200Subs c.r>pt ens: 1300 £2600. £ Don-'1 tlons: ?00 SclF ·uls: 50 sta ff: lOO Pr inting: lOO £ 1150 -Thcroforc tho dof l cit for t he second six mo nths w ~ uld be £1?15 lo ss £2600 plus £1150, 1.o. £265. Thor• foro tho total de ficit for 1947-48 We uld bo £1?15 plus £265 i. • £1980 a nd tho bst >m~ tod dof >c it on the trading acc­ount would bo £1980 plus £228 brullght forwa rd for 1946-4? >.o . a total of £2~08 ot 31st Mnrch, 1948. (c) In estun?ting the figuros fur 1948-49 Mikardo suggested: ( 1) that tho likely incronso in ro•1onuo duo to the ra ising of subscriptions would probably bo balancn.d b'l the nood to increase sala ries . ( 11) that Summer Scho0ls >t1d s m rthor items snould yield an incrJrscd rcvo nuo of say £500. ( 11i) that oven if d na tions wo r o substa ntia l any bala nce o n £2,000 sh• uld bo p ut in a d r nations Eq ua l isat­ ion FUn::J, i .o . tho spondAblo ro,ronuo fr0 rn Dr n­ nt l lns wo:' ld be down £790. ( iv) th.t ne hP-'s of holp from tho Sidnoy Wobb estate shc.uld be ontortainod frr 1948 -49, Thoroforo it was reasona ble t <' IJStlmato an incroescd do ficit of £?90 loss £500, i.o. £290 and tho deficit for 1948-49 would thcrof ho £2270, (d) Those ust>JMtos mado by Mik rdo (sub p "as a-c) wore in g..:.;nL rnl accoptcd by t h"~ C'Jmmit t oc thnugh soma members had rcso rvat10ns rn p:"'crticulc.p dcta1ls. 9, CO all' by !Ub b] by lo. Corn to lt ll, (b) 1 Do eo -..., ne: st~.: bncd ld 90 -4 ­ (c) P'·ra 13 of the M1kardo-G<>ssman paper was disputed and it was agreed that objections by members of the Committee or staff should be t akon to Mikard o or Gossman and then bed is cussed by the F.G.P.c . 9, Cons iderat'Yon of Economies . It was moved that the F.v .P. C. be asked to consider and report howthe Sect ty could cut ex penditure in 1948-49 by £2 ,000. It was 'moved as an amon:lment that the ftgure £1,000 bo substituted fo r t he fl(;Uro £2 ,000 . The motion as ame n:led was put to tho vote and nega tived by 6 votes to 4 • The original motion was put to the vote a n:J negatived by 8 votes to 4. 10. Commit too to cons id r methods of incroas ing r Jvonuo. It was agr eed (a) tho t an ad hoc Commi t tee bo appo i nted to consid or and r eport su3gos tions fer tncroasiq; r ovonuo (b) t hl\:: it should constst of Dorothy Archiba ld, Bnrou, Callaghan, Diamond,Gossman, H)lghos, Eirano Jonos, Miknrdo, Monck, Margarot Room, Skaffingt8'n, flus t ho Officers ox oftricio (Laski, Pa rker, Mar­garot Col•6') c) that it should have tho r ight to eo-opt and (d) that 'its first movting should boat 5.0 p.m. on !londoy, Docembo r, 11. Roferonco to F.G.P.c . It was agreed that tho F.G.P. c. should bo asked (a) to c l eer up para 13' of the M1kardo-Goo sma n Paper (sac B(c) above) . {b) to work out aomo system of budgotsry control. ANDREV/ FILsON. G:3:NERA L SECRETARY . 'I EC(47) 15th Moo ting: Agon:la EXECU'l'IVE COM!.1ITTEE . A tcecting will bo ho ld 1t 4. 30 p, m. on M')nde.y , 15th Docombo r i n the H use ~f Comm~ns , Conrnitteo Ro,m 13, bo l· k on Hos ing: pnrt fthepr·psedb kedited by Abr" t:Js r.1ny 6" i'i\ffi'lished sepcrcto l y and will require readers . In tl1o sumMe r the -E . C. npp: int: d Diom nd ' nd L·-rd Sim n os ,r ondc ro f::r tho b"> k, if the b k h"-d been c mplcted , l' r t he sopc r c to p"rts I su··g ot Dint:J nd or Hug he s & .Toan C po lnnd • (c) Dem~crcck i n the Re ilw" ys : t:Jn nuscript ffored b y F'.V. P1c st ck, cx-N. O.R., ox-W.E.A. Sch'llnr at Oxf rd, n·w J.Ss is t ent Secrett\ry Oxf rd B ord r f Extra Mural Stud Ls. Rende rs suggested (by myself) Young rnl Chnmpi 'n . No t uro ~f E • C • Age nd n • It lS ge ncrnlly eg:rocd th~ t tile E.c . Agondos nro t ;­full and t l1~ t b m"n:J pnp-.. rs c.rc circulctod -but what con be cut ut? -3 ­ Is it still desired th t r:inutJS of ~ ll Ce>r.tnitt ~s sh uld bo circul tcd r w Jld it be r-ss ible. r.lCr·, l y (n) t rol rt urgent p ints requiring a dccisi n r pub l icity and (b t circul'!to ['; t , s~J· , qu"'rtcrl:; 1,1torv., ls rep ts n the..: H me Re ­ sea rch, tho Buro~ux , L c".l S cl. tics , Scl1 ls ( this tnight give " ,,, ro intelligible picture •f 'otiviti o ~nd pr blcms) . r..rc to r.1e>.ny lt1cr r".ril-::-clrcul tod? IfS""' , which rocont nos have boon supcrflu us? \Mill m. bars f tho ':.C. be c n tr.nt with vcrb'"'l st~tomcnts '"'nd re rts? "NDRE\ F ILsO N. GENERAL SJ:CRE T~ccts together with plans for bn lancin;; tl1o bu~got . 10,000 Momborship Committvo_:_ It was agro .-d thu t an nd IDc Comr1 1ttoo sho uld bo sot up to investigate and ro'p"·r~ 01: t bo poss ib1lity 0f incross ing· tho Mombor ship to (say) 10,000 "so th~ t rogul.r inc mv nnd expand ituro c0 uld bo bo.l­nncod end that the C·or. Wook , :11r. & 1:rs · 11 21/-H irs oh 11 Miknrd • L' n'l ·n T .c. F ils0n t~ ask i•pl1n. l0/6d He ll 11 Mikard • Lcw in. J <>lloy. P1cki os. La ski. Minutes nf RPC( 47) 3rd Moo t ing . (a) Itom 2(a) : W rk of tho H •.Je RosoArch Department. It Vie s agr ood ttl". t LIK ne" pr cod uro s hculd bo appr~vod nn tho.undo rstaroing "hot v luntoors f r Group soar torial W'rk stv·uld 'be care fully vct toC: and that now Gr ups sh')Uld e>t bo l aunch0d w ithr~ut an as~ 1.Jranco ..,f pr per se creta rial ass istA.nco r bo ing av~ ilnb la • · (b). Item 2(b) ii: Co~r pti ns t,., RPC. It W".s agrood that Flotchor aro G""dman sh·uld bo invited to join the RPC. (c)' It om 3(e) i : "Sr cialism and Dam cr nc;r''. It v10s .ro.p· rtod eh t L''Ski v:as soo i ng Lindsay and· the t Lnski had pr vis i nall;l • fforod b v1r1to tho pamphlet if Lind~ say withdr,ew . It we:; ag!'ood t accept this offer if Lnski ce> ulo still find th0 t.cmo but ~thorwiso t~ esk Stophon Taylor k write t ho pamph!·"l Itom 7: Rop")rt n S.A :1C.:l' St. n1 ln Denma rk . Tho rop~rt was recolV·>Cl subject t a fina,noial stetomont boil!llg submitted hter whon l'igu os wore available. It was agrood tho.t no p .rcigl' Sumr 1r ~~h 1 sh uld bo held i.n 19413..!_ a .~ (a) (b) (c) (d) lbc (a) (b) (c) (d) Q, Root' (c) (b) (c) -3 ... ludgotA.Q . ~, ''lth B. (a) Item 113 : Visit tr> N·•rway . Ccl1l!l1t too ( 17) lOth . to ''11 Pr · j "c t a PPI"•votl the Bureau . n tllo und ors to rr:ling t ho t n o••s t fo ll •bersh1p'till. (b) Itom 114: Momborsl1ip f the C •11lll ittoo , 11th It wns agrood thq t tha Gonorr 1 Sooro t ary sh ; uld to [)(•roon Wo r r i nor n bol>nlf of tho Exocutivo nnd as k r e c >nr ir'o r ho r d oc is i n . write he r t 0 (c) Item 115: Russi~n Ec •n'mic P liey in Ellstorn Bur po . 1scrl~m BR r u pr mlsod ass is to ncu . o~copt (d) Item 118: Lectures"-~·-Dmioh Sunr•·Jr Sch 1. It we.s ogrood th!lt Jlughos nml '•nno \'lhyto discuss the uso t bo 1 oc'o >f thos • loctui'('s . sh >U l <1 further q. The f ll')W i ng Minutes woro nut< <1: (a) C 1 >nin l Buroau -FCE(17) lOtb Mout' 18 · (b) Colr•nial Bureau -FC (47)11th Mooting. (c) L•· eo 1 S'>c b tics c-mm ittoo -LSC( 47) 11th l~oo t ing . (d) Public~tions C mnitteo -PC(l7) 12th Moot1ng . \ 10. Roac~ors , f Pamph l o ts. ( e ) Ma nagomo nt: Mikeru ~rr:l 11 nck. vod 1 w· rk (b) Do m crncy n the Ro ilw" ys : Y ung lh' Champ i n, (on tho urv'or­ ;bo standing that thoro might bo o p·licy ann· unool1'•nt by the Br1t1s tenco ' Trrnop~rt Col1l!lias i n wh1ch w ul' moko it n t wo rthwhilrJ t , publl.n tho pamphlc t ~ • (c) Handb0·•k 0n H •us ing . It wes 1e;roo<' that ( i) tho pr,j oct ·f the bo.)k sh0ulrl bo Cr< ppocl ( ii) Hughus shnuld rowrito tho chapter r·n Diract Lab ur f r· public'lt n in tho March O.u1rtorly ( 1ii)Hughos sh, ultl ask B won t rv,iso his cl1aptor f r publicoti n the June Quarterly. h!t ll, Nn turo • ~ E .c . ..go n:lc . t lnl· l It WOs agreed that the 'inutos f Dologato . Intor ------.; '·NDREW FILSOt! . GENER.·L SECRET.,RY. CO!isid NOTES . 4 .30 P • o. Vlocln_sday , 25th Fobru~ry . f ·•ll1VJin.:; Comnittoos havo been hold sinco tho last n t buun circulntvd in ncc rdcnco with tho docisi I: c r nr"')r.1ics , S'"~clal Services , Intornati "~nal Burea u, ( tw1cc) , L' cal S ciot ios and Fublicati ns • EC(48) l s t Meeting : ~.lNUTES. BJID:, , __ ---____ ---------_-------------------------_-_---__________.. ____ ·-....•.. JIAN SOClETY ' . 11, DARTMOUTH STREET, s ,W.l, s.w.l 0 .--------------------------------·-----------------------------------­ --............ EJQ':CUTIVE COMMITTEE , Minutes of a Meetlng held !lt 4.30 p.m . on Weolnesday, 28th January, 1948 1 in tho Houoo of COI!ll1'0 ns . Present: Pr1rker (Cbnir), Cnllaghnn, Margaret Cola, Diamond, Farin13don, GosJman, Hushes, Eireno Jones, Mikardo, Monck 1 Margare t RPom, Skeff ington, Young. Staff: F'lbon, Rita tindon, Jolloy, Margarot Locko , Mar­ jor io Nicholson, Anna Whyto . Apologies : Lnski, Abr<:~ma, Ba rou, HorrdJin, Woolf. ~.2.!'.....12.~( 47) 1-~-~-~-~nJ..::L lnt;_•_ ), (a) ~c:_!-al Dl'ivo by :vfombon lf' tho E.c; , ( ltom 4) . ottochod), Tho Gono, ljos1•o t~ry gavo a progress r o port. It vw o agrood tba t t:10 offiooJ•s shoulc. wr ito to the members who hnd not so far c~··opo:·~ <;od, (b) £?:~]2!_iono t<_:. rt -~_:_C:..:. (.':L.,., 6( b)) • Thq Gonc~.dv_isoyy Committoo (Item 8( b)), Tho Gonora l So~··nta:ry reported tho t DorCO!l Wa rr inor had not change ·· hor ;.. ).m; • .!!'~.£E_':~1?na_l_!l~~~-'::.• l'E.P..?.~~ -, I.B .( 48) 4·• Approved , r; !J , ( 48) 1' y. It was agrood t' tll. Ad;lsn•y C:>mm ittoe should bo asked to consider tho possibility Oj~ a ~cok on "Education in tho Oolonios"• except for tho stated:­ ._. .. ea togory 42B 42/­ 21/ ­ l0/6d . (b) It S tatomont 5. Summer Sc hools. (a) Delish o3choo l 1947, Tho General So-rotary reported that no cha rgo had boon made for pl aces not usod so that tho School wuul:l show a all£ profit, ( b) Darting ton Prices 1948 , · Tho · Genera 1 Soc:>o tar y r opor t od that Da rtlng ton prices would bo up. 10/-• por stt.'dont por wook. It was agrood ( i) to cance l tho booking f or ~ho t hird wook ( 14th-2 1st ••UgU.o o' ( 11) to add tho • J/~ to c tuJonts foes. (c) FQ.roign Summer School 1~-EC(48)5 , It v1as agrood that further inquiries chc::.l~ bo r.ndo, that tho s .s .c . should bo authorised to tako a doc io~,on subjoct to ra tification by tho F.G.P.c ., that details shc-uld bo ann­ounced at tho s amo t imo ao do ta ils of tho homo S ummor Schools a !ll the t tho Int~rna tlc-na 1 Buroa u should be cons u. tod in tho from ing of the progra mmo , (d) Homo SUmmer S~~?2.~~-!_ro_g!~ It was agrooo ·';ho t ono wo ok should bo ~ -'C"•d oo tho subject "Labour's Domostic Progra mmo for 1950 6. Publica tions Report ~·r:•_l9"8 -EC(48l3 • (a) ~eodors ' Reports . ~ i) Brita into FooJ Shortage ( Itom 2(a)) • It was o rch1b;ikl if tho l a ttor n.wulu. bl J.n .H.morica . (c) _!pournl'·'o n:"o~r_ (Item 4) , ~t. s agrood to dofor conoldor t10.-, "f sui .aula roadors, olo ,._ rhol!l _hoccd boa l~wyor . (d ) (a) To pi~' l 4 ... _~_!_?_. (Itom 11) • H ·as n;;rood ( i) tc ask tho Mombors ip C"Jmm ittoo to ropo~t '> o'-Jr or possible subj)cts, \lritors, loneth and cir-Clll •.0-01 ouch tr>cts . ( 11) to authorise tho M.c . to publish a tr c•. b~.·or<> th) ne:~~"1_:~o_El:"''.'!'.':JO for l95G. (I tem l6(b)). !lc,1ory d to R. r . c . with approvo.l in principle . "'rt•a 'Dn Publ l-,ations' n •r•tp Cc'T!1ttoc ~-~allot l:oc.•~-­ _.tuo :::ornpnl<'n Council l4Blbt ~oot!E6~ ~o ••o r•rovo tho wirxling-up Of "he Kovontro Comittoo •JVOJ' 'lf r sror.sibility to tho rlry•l;c.d OVOniiJ ExOCUtivo IIJJ ~ 4 ­ Minutes of tho F.G.P.C. (47)16th Mooting. (a) Fabian Qunrtorly and Fabian Nows . (Item 3), It was agrood to dofor a decision "ntil dummios woro available and tha t Michnol Midd loton shoulc bo consulted , (b) To a Party for Staff ( Itom 4) . It was agrood that tho Staff should bo i.~vitod t o a tea-party boforo tho noxt mee ting of tho E.G. (25th Februa ry) and that tho Cfficdrs should arrange it , Minutes of tho F.G . P.C.(48)lst Mooting . (a) ~lRopor~ ( Itom 3). It was agrood that a special mJoting of tho E.G. should b hold in mid -:•pr i '. to cons idor tho i.nnuc l "Rryp, r t. (b) Annual General 1'eet~.'2ll (Item 4), It was ag!'aed 10t to approve the """~"'"'"ndation that ther should be a tv•o-d :; ,.(),i,,, this year .....:. ~nstoad to test t he feel­ IJ!r 3(ings of members as to I'Jhether they ·.voulc Eko a two--day A.G.M. or a ros id ant ial conference or no chan~. (c) staff Sick Loavo-s .... (48\J. (Itom 5) , r.pprovoj' (d) Circularo ar.c Monthly Despatch. It was agrood to mako an oxcoption (which woul d no t con­stitute a procodont) in tl1o case of tho spacial quarterl y documon iss uod by tho N.p .c. Momborship a: tho E.c. (a) It was ropor·tud that Robson had confl~mod his rosignetionbut would continua oo ac t ss Chairmon ~f tho P.L.G.C . (b) It was reported t ha t l•rthur Low is had r os ignod on t! up his appointmo'lt 110 l"rofosso:• of Econo'"'"" in Uanchos tor Un­iversity. It was agrood thrt~ G>ngratul~t >:o-• moss ago sh0uld bo sont to him . (c) It was ro par tod tha,t Lask i had not yt t hod an answe r from Inman rcg!lrding tho invitation to join tho E.G. (d) It was · ~ n<' to fill tho vacon··tos oxis ting . Day and Time of_]'_~u~_o -~-a ti.!:C:~·­ It wos reported that Vlcolf ccull not "'(lna.:;c ····Jdnosdays and might have to ros ign . It was agrood that tho l}onor l ~ocrotary sC!ctJld e.pprooch Laski and find out if any d":r othoJ• ohor. Vlodnosdcy v•ould bo ouitablo. 102 -5 ­ 14 . ~.2!2_~.~'!..'-:.~~L:.__ Itom3 en ;,gorrla r ofo:crod ~o F.G.P.c . 15, ~~Parly~:Conforonco . Itomo on l.gonda roforroo to F.G.P.c, Lo NDRE\V FILSON • GENER..L SECREThRY. tiJgt;: 1 t~9 ~e9 rnnuary 30th. ~­ r .-•• 3.:!. 0' EC( 48)2nd !,•oo ting : AGENDA . cl, DARTMOillH STREET, S .W.J . • ·------·------------------------------------------------------------.... EXECUTIVE COMI.1_!_~­ ·-­ t Thorc "ill bo a moot ing at L QQ__p . m. 0n Wodnosdo.r, 25th February, 1948, in tho Houso-0f0oiiim,ns Committoo RJoo 6, bockod by Par ker , ~~!!..._~_:.__ ~~~~EC( 48) ls t Mo£,1e_!:!li._~~chod) • Mottors " r iso ·n items l(o) , l (c, 5(c) , l O(o) and 13 . ~~l of Nrvombor-datcd Subscr ibers _-EC( :e) 6 (o t tachod ) , !:.')~_:'~·o tias Rop >r t -LSC(48) l (attnchod) . ~-chc,rls , Confa!'()ncos , Mootings -EC(48)9 (attached) , j_ ~:{ ·• ~)~?...~]l~­ Sh•Juld faro and/ or oxponsos ::>f Socrot'ry (~nno Whyto) bo paid? J:'inut~_£ FGPC(48)2nd Mooting -(attochod), Items 2(a) and 3(a). 8 ]',l_~'!_~t:_a_,__ L.E_q_P_G_(_4_8)3rd Mouth1g (attochod), -~ny Othor Bus inoss . ANDREW FIIBo~r . .............. ~~f\N l. 2, : AG~l])A ~~:-;:\;~ dnosd, Cotn!tt;, ) and 13, lcbod), 'Nbyto) l 104 EC( 48)2nd Meeting : MI NUTES. .. Y/njiAN SOCIETY 11, DARTIIOUTH STREET, S.W.l. EXECUTIVE COMM ITTEE . Minutos of a Meeting held at 5 .o p.m. on Wednesday,25th February, in the House of Commons . Prr;sent : Parker (Cho ir) , Barou, Diamond, Fa ringdon, Gossman , Ma r gar e t Room, Skeffingt on , Eir1no Wh i to , Young , Sta ff: Filson, Dorothy Fox , Rite Hindon , Jollo y , Ma rjorie Nicholso n, Anno Whyto . ilpologios : Ca llaghan, !.largaret Cola, Horrabin, Mikardo, If!onck, Wool f . 1. Mi nut e s of EC(48) l st !.looting . (a) SJDI)cia l Drivo by Memburs of t ho EC -Item l (a) . Parker report ed ho would be I'Jri ting to ind iv- id ua l members of tho EC. (b) "socialism and Democracy''-Item l( c) , Tho General Socro tary roportod ho had not yot h~ard whothor Laski had re ceived an answer from Lindsay. (c) Fabian Quarte rly and Fabian Nows -Item lO(a) . Referred to FG Pc , 2, Rorro.val of }Tovomber-da tcd Subscribers -EC(48) 6. ea tegnr y: Nemo : To bo Approached by: 42B Bens on . Ri ta Hindon ." Donnolly. Eirsno Wh i to . Grundy . Parker. Harr is on . Pa rke r. Ho igh-l.lorga n. Pa rker . Mallinson . Pa rker . RO'' • I. mombo r of the Staff, Me tthowson . Ma rgaro t Room . Noble . Eirono Wh ita , S ilvo rman . P rkor . S ingt cn . Pa rker. WlsO • Fllson . 10/ ed . Horron . Parkr::r. -2 ­ 3.· L .S ·C. Report -LSC(48) 1. Ro cc ivod . 4. Schools, Conforoncos , Mootings 1947-48 -EC(48)9 , (a) summer schools 1947 -Itom 2(a) , It was reported tha t the profit on Donmark would bo £200 instead of £100, as tho provi us accountant hlld ont­orod ono i tom of expand ituro in two place s. Bus cot Park Ccnforoncm -Itom 4(d) i. It was agreed that n·orma lly gucs ts should be charged th~ught exceptions could be made , ospocia l ly when a Confor on< was a bus ll10ss c,:;mposod of volunteer workers for the s ccicty . Meetings-Itom 5(d). It was agrc d that for lectures and debates the pract· ico of two prices should bo approv,d and that tho lowor cm should bo (say) l/6d . Financia l summary -Item 7 . As a conscquc nco of sub-opara (a) above tho prcfita in tho third c lumn should bo amondod £546 ins toad of £446 and £908 instead of £808 . t o Norway . It 'Ins agrood that as tho I talian expedition had f'allon through tho Sac io ty s h uld ins toad pay the faro and ex po nsc s •· f Why to, in the Norway Expod itbn up tn £35, Plans for Rcscerch and Publicnti .1s -EC(48)7 , \'lark on Programme for 1950 -Ita m 2. ( i) It was. agreed that tho Elm Grant ·Trust sh~ulrl ''c askod for A gr ant t · subsidise w rk ~n '1Sacial is t Philos ophy of Educati·n11 (a syn-psis wes circul­ated at the Mooting) and that if a gr ant was rJ­co ived tho F.G.P.C. should be omp0worod t 1 0ngor,;o a Roso 'rch Assistant . · I ii) It was agreed that the E;lm Grant Trust sh. uld also bo asked tc give o subsidy for wcrk -n . 11Intcgra ti n f Col-·nial 3nd Econ'm ic P)l lcios 11 • It wcs rcp•rtcd th3t arrangeme nts had boon madu to start worl· .n '1P1J licy f 0r Lo isuro 11, 11HoUso.­ 'ilivcs' Charter" and "Policy for Agriculturo 11 ~nd author had boon fcund fer 11 N3ti nalisati n o f tho Build i ng Indus try" • (b (c (<) (o) ?. Puo (n) (b) 106 -3 ~ (b) Fabian Futures -Item 3 . It ,., as agreed to approve the series except for the pamphlets "The Jews" and "The Neg ro", which should be referred back to the R. P.c . (c)· Biograph ies of Livirg Leaders -Item 4 . It was reported that Foot q nd Webb were unw illi>1g to write, that Mallalieu would write •t a la ter date and that Wyatt would write o nly one (instead of four) profilos . It was agreed that priority sh0u ld be given to findng ld an author for the set on Foroi3n Affairs (Eirene White pro­ qd ,nt· misi·ng to help with the search for an author) , (d) Topica l Pamphlets -Item 6 . It was agreed t ha t· the ~Jembersh lp Committee should Ehorgod bo asked to reconsider their p l ans for a pamphle t on the 0n f:rom Iron and Stee l I ndus try. the (c) Laymen Fw aders for Pamph lets -I tem B(c) , It was agroud tha t i n futuro , when time perm ittod, an additional layman reader should be appointed to report wet• on obscur ities and osotorioisms and tha t such reade rs or ~re should be found by t he Off ice Stoff , 7. Publioatlons -February 1948 -EC(48)8 ; fits (a) Ro adu rs ' Reports. ' 4'6 ( i) "Industr ia l Democracy on the Ra ilways 11 : it wa s agreed to ro jo c t th is . ( 11) 11 Incontivos 11 : it was agreed to sqbm1 t tpis to a layman reader . u·n s f (b) Reade rs Appointed. Ti tle: Renders , ( 1) "Programme for 19~011 : Young and Hughos • ( ii) "Coo ting and Accountingin a Sac ia 1 isod Indus try: J.~. Moado and Go ssman . ( iii) "Towards a Na tiona 1 1Vagos Policy": M. I . Cola and Ben Rob- list !· 0rts . ( iv) " Fore i gn Economic Policy11 : Durb in (or Joy) and Dougl as Colo. (v) 11 Russ i e.n Economic Po 1 icy in Ea stern Europe": Woolf, Barou, Dorecn 1n.ra rrincr, Ros tas • (vi) "a .B.C. 11 (by Robs on): Ma rga rot Room and A.N. OTHER · (vii) "Insurance Roport11 : Diamond , Chorloy, Jo:>n Cla rko . i_ 4 ­ i ABLI 8 , Gr paro a Mom~randum n "H· w a Gr o up sho uld W~rk" . 9, Uinutos ,f F.G.P.C. (48)2nd Mooting. ('a) Ros luti n of S.M.A, f r London Labo ur Pa rty Conf~­ ltom 2( a) . umondmont suggostod by F.~ .P.c . was appr vod . (b) Llb ur Pa rty ••nnua l Cc nforonco -Itom 3( a) , It was agrood that tho Gonoral Socrotary sh, uld bo tho Do lega to. l, lO o Minutes of F.G.P.C.\ 4B)3rd Mooting. 2. Rece ivod, 3, ll, co-opti;ns t~ E.c . 4, It was agreed t., co-~pt Gray and J.llan Fland ors, s. I•NDRE\'1 FILSON • 6. GENERJ.L SECRCT!,RY. 28th , 1948 . Marc t08 EC(48)3rd Meeting : AGENDA. ~----~-------------------------------------------------------------­ FABIAN SOCJETY 11, DARTMOUTH STREET, S.W.l. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. A Meeting will take pl ace at 4.30 p.m. on Wednesday,24th March, 1948, in the Ho use of Commons , Committee Rooml5 booked by John Par ker. AGENDA Note. t ho Main Bus inoss is Item 5. l, Minutes of EC(48)2nd Moo ting (attached) , 2. Publications, March 1948 -EC(48) 10 (attached), 3, Removal of Decomber-.datod Subscribers -EC(48)9 (to follow). 4 . Homo Research Department -HR(48)l (a t tached), 5. Minutes of FGPC(48)4th Meeting submitting Preliminary Budge t for 1948-49 ~(to fo llow). 6 . Any Othor Business . l ial ism and Democr acy" -itotn l(b) , It was ·agrood thet as Laski wns n·w in Amoric~ ,the yoncrlll Socrrtnry sh--uld appr,ach Lindsay. (b) El mgrant Tr ust -itJm 6(a), It wos rop·)rtod ( 1) the. t tho Trust had q llottod the SJc 1 ty £15 that the F.G.P.C. hod onge.ged J:oan-·Th mpoon for a yonr to •:10rk 3/4 timo f r £300 nnd thllt n furthor £50. w uld be spont on rosoe.rch work in connect­ion with this pr-joct. ( 11) that the Trust wns unablo t subs id iso tho w rlt C>n tho Intogr"ti n f ur Cc l onin l " nd Ecnn-m lc i'n 1 ic ios • (c ) Lond an Lab ur ;ort y C·• nforonco (item 9(a) • It we s ro v r t od tha t tho ;.mo nd mo nt had boon rulod out of rdJr . (d) C ·-pt1 ns t~ the J;. c. -item 11. It wqs r p··rt~d that Fl Rndo rs qnd Gra y had ~ cco ptJd tho invito t i ns . (a) Ro adors' Ropcrts . 1 ( i ) Mikardo -" No"ung) rav urablo. i.'amphlot bring printod . ( ii) Gr up -"Incontivos " : b yman roado r vary unfa V"' n uroblo. ;:amphlJ t r o j e ctod and subjec t r: t'crr~d t·: E. r.c. ( 111) ----------------~--~--~~ -2 ­ Gr up -" :amgomorrt by C nsont11 : RoPdors -If. nck rav-uring publ1co t1 n , h:1knrd cr 1t1CI' l . '1mphl t roforrod t M0rg~rct C la. ( 1v) Gr up -11 F1lt:l9'' . R oda rs (Diam·nd a~ ~ la ) fev uring publ1catbn after certain rcvl.Si ns • • nmphlot t· be published eftor rJv~si n • • r1co t " bo decided ~ftor nog t1•ti ns with Elvin f • • C.T. (b) Ro~dcrs ··PJ)01ntod . ~-­ Title Ro11dors Su ostod ( 1) M<>rj,ricNich l s n 11 C,mn unAl c r b loms tho CJ l nios" . in Fa ringd n •nd S""l rons ,...,n . ( 11) Mrs . Bin-y n . 11 S o Hfr1ca u.!l.o. 11 bof ro Hr rro bin nnd Eir no \'!hita . ( 11i) Vrri us 11 Futur f Ex-Ital1an vo l f Docombor-do load Subscl'ib~ -EC(48) 9. Names lis tod t bo r ur' vad oxcap; :­ea toer r;z: N~mo '!'" bo "EPr oohod bz ~2B Ficnburgh ~11· n. Livorm~n R" m. Tn rra nt M1k rdn • 21/-C kor D-r thy F XG-dm1n Rn mHorry Gw YTl" th I rg""n . Samuols !ll rkor . l0/61 Green Syb1l , rimkt1• !'a ld rur.1 M1k· rd Minns R· ;'npo "'· Syb l ~rinsky. S/­ Sc~ultz !"rkor . ~· rch Dop•rtmont -,HRi4B) l . R c iv d • s. (I (b (c (d Ro b) H 112 -3 ­ 5 , M.inutos of FGI'C(48)4th Moo ting . (a) !'r e l imin'1 r y Bud go t. I. Sec Ita m 7 bobw. ''o1nt:t • Y. :ck (b) amorrlmont t· Rulo 11 -Ita m 9, Doformd t ill Spocw l Meeting ~f 14 th ..pril. la)\ ns, 6-Momborsh1p 1947-48 -llC(48) 11. ·'loo \n f Roco ivod . ?. ~oliminary Budgot 1948-4~-FG• C(48)6. ( o ) Mikardv introduced tho Budget . ;orkor s p ko on tho ~ D.S -T. , Gossm~n on the Rovonuo C1mp'.ign C' uncil alihd '"'!'! and M"rgarot Cola .n tho Sidnoy r:abb "lill. ns·"· (b) The pr inc iplos 'f t ho Budget worJ oppr nvod with M· nck .n anJ adding his view tho. t thoro sh uld 12 l s 1 bo a p -litica 1 l'lhltc . assossmont f tho ··bjJcts arrl functi•·ns 0f tbo S">ct ty. n ond (c) It wo.s r~ p">rted tbot certain friends of tho Cobnial Bureau might be willing to raise funds tn moot the o st gc ' of the salary rf the HSSistant Secretary ~f the Bur oRU . It was agreed that the sum required sh·uld bo put at anl £400 1n "> rdor t C' moot tho 'Jnc0sts e.s wall as tho basic ·la. s a l a r y, and thnt nogot i o.ti·ns sh~ uld bo loft t0 tho F.G. ?.C . (d) It VJO.s agreed thot the •ff iccrs sh•uld rruot the Staff, ~~ oxplnin the p0siti n ~nd hear their views . (c) It w1s ogrood that the Budget sh uld bo eccoptcd , thet tho F.G.?,c. sh uld be authc.risod t · take any nocos srry actbn and that thJ p:;sitLn sh u:hd bo reviewable she uld tho ro be e.ny change in the fin~ ncos ·1f tho S. cioty •;r of any porticuler dopo.rtm Jnt r sh0uld altorne.tivo c ursos c f e.cti n bo sugge sted. • 8. ~!::£_Compa ign c~unc11.:_ (a) May Time Ba 11 0 n May 6th. ,, 11 mombors cf the E. C. wore ~skod tn attend . (b) GardJn ?arty. It wns agro d t hnt tho Officors w >Uld appMa ch the irime liiinist• r if n suitable plor J f c•r the porty was f• und . 9, H me Research Secretar y. It we.s rcp·,rtod th~ t Loo Jolley mi ght bo app0intod Res earch Sc crotnry of ... s.s .r; .T. It wes c.grood t hat ho should be roplo.cod by an Assistant General Socrete.ry at tho rate £450-500. -4 ­ 1o. Day n n:J Time of Fururo Mootir!8~ It wos agrood to co ntinua t · moot at -4".30 p,m. on Wo dnosdays. I • .NDREW FlLSON, GENERaL SECRETI~RY. J ............... F.lBL.N S ............... 2, ;, -----~---------.--------------------------------­ I < -0-) lr EC(48)4th Moeting: ,_GEND... ~----------------------------------------------------------------------~ Fl\BI/.N SOCI:'TY ll,D••RT!!OUTH STREET, S. W.l. -----------~-----------------------------------------------------------· EECUTIVE COMMITTEE • .. Mooting will bo hold at 4.3() p, m, oo Wodnosday, 14th ..pril, 1948, in tho Ho uso of l:ommons Co mmit too RJom 11 bo~kod by John ?qrke r. nGENDi. 1, Mi nutJs ~f I:C(48)3rd Mooting -att a ched . 2, Dre.ft ..nnua 1 Ropor t -1947-48 -EC( 48) 12 -a ttechod. 3, Ros ~ lutions for : •• G. M.-EC(48) 13 -a t tnchod . 4 /,ny Other Bus inoss . i.NDREVI FILSON. G:lNER•. L SEORET.oRY . r LE" S E RE lfl EM BE R 4.30 p.m. Wednosda y ••pril 28th E.C. 7 .oo p. m. _Thursday May 6th M!ly Ti mo Ba l l , 2, 30 p.m. sa turday June 26th .\.G. M. s .oo p.m. Saturday J une 26th , •• o.M. Ro copt i 'n. lr-­ - la -­ I I •I EC(48)4th !.!eating : MI NU'mll· FABIA~' SOCIETY 11, D.RTMOUTH STREET, S.W.lo EJCCUTIVE COMM I TTEr; l!inutes Of a f1eeting he ld a t 4 ;':() p omo on 5. Wednesday, 14th April, 1948, in the House of Commons . Present: Pa rke r (Chair) 1 Barou, Margaret Cole Di amond, Faringdon, Fl anders, Gossman, Horrabin, Monck, fvrargarot Room, Eiz:eno Wh ito , Yo ung . Apolog1os: Abrams, Laski, Callaghan1 Hugha~, M1ka rdo, Skoffingtan, woolf . staff: Filson and (axcept for itom 6) Dorothy Fox, Margarat HayvJard , Rita Hindon and Jo lloy. l. Mi n utes of EC(48)3rd IHnutos . (a) L<'ndon Labour Party Conforonco ~ I tem l( <>), It was roportad that tho S .M.A. Raoo lution red boon passed . (c) Roadors of" Futuro of Ex-Italian Colonies" ~ It:cm 2-(b)( 111' It was agrood to roplaco Gr oonidgo by Loona rd woolfo 2. Roadors of "Facts For Socialists". It was agrood to appoint Uargarot Cola 1 Gray and Hughas r instead of Gray, Barna, Kaldor and Lowis, who had boon appo1ntod in 1946. ?!a Draft 'Annual Roport. ~ !:C( 48)12 . It wes agraod (a) that t ha rrain body of tho Report should ba approved subject to certain revisions . (b) that Margar ot Cola should dra t an introduction and con­clusion for approval at th' next meeting of tho E.C. Lot tor from B"swerth Honck. -EC( 48) 14. This la ttor frr>m M nck was circulated a t t ho maating as ho was unable to bo present untll tha and f tho maot1ng . (a) scmo of the datallad points I"JOro incor pcratod . (b) In regard to tho gonor~l points i t was agraod ( i) that n0 r,.1nor 1ty Raport could bo al lCW0d• ( ii) that t4onck 1 Y~ung and Filson sh~ ulcl submit tc . tho noxt mootin of tha E.c . a Quastionnairo whlch 116 ............. l,W,l, I' ) .............. - z----· I I' if apQrovod, c uld be s ent t 0 mombors ot,• l June and be usod as a basis f r•r discussion at the A.G.M 1 5, nosrluti:;ns for A.G.M.-EC(48)13 and F.G.P.C.(4B)4. It was agro od (a) to appr0vo the now Rulo ll'sugg9stod il) FGPC(48)4• (b) to submi~ no other rosc luti,n, unloss ono arose out of fmgton, the discussion on ttlc Questio:>nnairo (para S(b)ii abovo). 6. !lc'o:>r:omy Guts -Altornativc Su~-FGPC(.48)5. (a) It was agrood to approve the rocommondatbns made in regard t o tho H mo Rason rch Department (para 2), tho Colonial Bureau (para 3) and tho Assistant General Sac-re ta ry ( pe.ra 5) • (b) It was agrood that Gossman and Filsori should investigatethe Turnoll schema of re-organisation with a view to iricroas ing staff salaries . ion red ANDREW FIL8 ON. 2(b)( Ill GENERAL SECRETARY. __P_L ~ A.~S~E~~~E~~M~B~E~R~ R~E_M· Thursday 6tb May: MAYTDlE BALL. Hugbos appointod Wednesday 26th May: E,C , Wodnosday 23rd June : ~ .c. sa turday 26th June: A.G.M. (2.30 p.m.) Recaption in tho evening. vo;; T, s .•··.1. ------------------------------------------------------------------· EC( 48 ) 5t~ '.loo t ins: --GENDa r;x:::CUTIVE C ot~l' IT'ill": A r.:eeting •.,ill be h old a t 4 ·3 0 p . m. on "'ednesd ay, 28th pril , 1948 , 1.n the [ous.J of Comnons , Committee Room 11, booko( by J o hn Pa r ke r . BL-.1' SOC .....--­ l. J.:inutos of JiG E I D i.----­---­EC(48)4t!1 !.'eating -a t tach.d . ~ndance: 2 . Colonial Burcou Qu. rtc" l y Report FCB(48)9 -a t tached . ff: Intormtion' l Rur vau Qu rtcrly Repor t -tc fo llorJ . lo~ias: ~ . ~-port on Publicat i cns 1046-48 -FCR( 43) 19 .-ott3chcd 5 . Re 1dJ rn o f !'n nphlc ts . (a) Repor t s o f Rod rs . ( i) hamgorJc nt b;• Co nsc nt -rov isod by ~'O rg • r•c· ina tLn of Ivor r.;onta~u for ;c -LG( ­18) 15 --' .l.r >i• cl":f­·~rculo tod HllB -.C(1.8) 16 -a t to c 11 d . lO. ll . ~ l d bo intorv1od by tho Sub-Committov plus ~:ar::arot Cola and Durbin. ~. It was agrood tha t tho subject s hou l d bo "Pro~rammo for 1950" a rrl tha t o detailed pl an should bo drawn up by Mikardo~ Yo ung nnd Skoffing­to bo cc ,,sultod . Bur eau Quar terl y Report -FCB;48)9 . agrood that full-timo Colonial students, whor ovor rosidont,subscr i be a t half-rates . A vorbal addition was mado to tho Roport regard in:> roe nt Buroau in tho pr oss. Intornatl: nal Bureau Quartorly Report -FI B(48)22. Roco ivod . Repo rt from Public•t bns Committee -PC(48)19. agrood t ha t Won lf, Eirono 1.' hito, l!ika r do or Gos sman a nd should bo asked t· attend a mooting of tha Publicatir,n• in order tn oxamino this Rop•.>rt and make rocommondat1-·ns F·G·P.C • 1j 9 Readers of Pamphl e ts. (a) Roadors' Reports: (· i) Mana;:;oliXln t by Consont -r ovisod am sont tottbo printe rs. ( ii) unal Proble ms -approved and se nt to tho pr in tors • ( iii) Towards a }lational Wagos Policy -roadors in bel­anco unfavourable. Pamphlo t rojoctod . (iv) Foroign Economic Pol icy -roadors favourable pro­vJ.dod soma rev is lons a ro m!rlo . Publ ica tion approvod. ( v) S0uth Africa -Bur oou staff r epo rted Mss no t goodcn•Jugh t o go to roadors. Pamphlot rojo ctcd. (vi) B.B.C ·-Rordcr roportad· tho approach vws out of data . Pamphlet rojoctod . (b) Rcedors "P!X' intod . Natianal Wa3os Policy -(Birmingham Fabian S0cioty}.Roadors appoint ed: Mikar do and Fl anders, ( i) ( ii) Report 0n No:t'vay -Woolf or Margarot Cola and In­ 7 . Annua l Report-Introduction and Conclusi• n . -Draft by Margarot Cola -EC(48)17. -C0mrrcn ts by M<. nck -EC( 48) 19 ( C ireuln tcd o t the Moc t ing) • Dra ft appr"vod subjo et tD rcvisi·ns v1hich Margo rot Cola (a) wv nld rrako in the light of tho d iscussi· ns on tho two do ClNEmt J . It v1as agr eed that if M• nck still did nnt wish to ei(;tl (b) tho ~ovisod ropcrt tho following sontonco sh uld bo add-ad "Ono n tr their mambo rs • ~ uat ~ fer tho bra mit end str 120 -3 ­ bel­ rrc- PProvod good , Of ·e~ty), (n t Ic!cti•S 9. lp · Wminati~n of Ivor M· nta~ -EC(48) 15. It was agrood trot rr acti'ln be taken •and that. too s tt­ue ti n bo oxple inod t"> M'rge n Ph illips • It was rop~r tod the t M·mck roc:>mtrendod the E ·C· t o submit Lr discusst•m , with:ut cndorsomont, tw" res >l uti•ns (a) ropeel1ngthe solf-donying 0rdinance (b) turning l"cal so cieties int" bra nches . It was egrocd thv.t" such r~s~luti-ns sh~uld bv sub­mitted . u. Timo Tetle fror c:.c. -::;c( 48)16. It was agreed that t ho and sh.uld if neccssnry go n s hr U ld bo ha ld • .• G.M. sh uld stort at 2 . 15 p .m. till 7 p.m. and that tho R..coptirm JINDRV/1 FIISON, GEIIER·•L SECR .T .• RY· I;C( 48) 6th llou 'oi n:; . :.GI:l'D i • . ----------------------------------------------------------·----­ 11 , D« RTI10UTH STRI:~TI' , ~::,1, --------------------------------------------------------------·­ I• r.1octin will bCJ h· ld at 4.30 p .~J . on 1·.'odnosday 26th May, 1948; in tho .ouse of Cer.rnons Ce rnr.littee Reor.1 1 7 booked by J ohn Par ker . 1 ,, G J :::.._:i:.:_ N..cDl __ 1. if.inutos of :-:C(48)5th 1.leet i JU . 2. Report of Local Socio tios Dopartrnont, 3 . Rc:1ort on Sc hor.J ls , Conforoncos , !~ootin0s . 4 , Roport on Books hop , 5, Ronoval of JanuAry-datod subscribers. 6. Minutes of F.G.P.C.(48)5th lloo tin[l. 7, A.G.M. -Prcgr anr.10, Spoakors and Tinota blo • a. .. utunn Locturos 1948 . 9, Any Otho r Bus inoss . Papors will follow. Ow111(; to '''hltsun thoy rray not roach ycu till •ruosd ay, 25th Ma:•· ·•PDR-:'/ FILSON, GEl'J :!AL S:C::C1":T.•RY. Mc.y 13th , 1948 , staff: .,ro to gi (;) (b) (a) ;~~~~t~~~-~~~~-~&~--~~~· FAB rtN SOCIETf 11, C:ART''CiJc'H STREET, s.w.l. EX-:CUTIVl': CO!'' ITTEL Mi nutes of u !Ieo tine hold at 4.30 p.m. on Wednesday,26th May 1n the House of Commons , ....... Pro::;,ent : Pnrkor (Choir), Ninr(l!lret Cola, Diamond , Fnringdon, Gossman, Gray, HU(lhos, llikardo, Monck, llkeffington ...... I:irono "'hito, Young • S tUff: Filson, Do"•othy Fox . Apo l og i es: oarou, Durbin, l%irgarot Room . ?, 1. !1, inu to~f._~{_~~~ootlno;. (e) HonJG Research Socrot.:try .-it· m 1 , It was ag~·ood th11 full timo students -not morol y Co lonia l Students -ohculd bu ont1• ad to join tho Burouu a t half ra to . It ' Race ivod . 3 . Schools, Confcroncos~_l~o.2_~_!:nr·o -Qua_rt... rly_~port-SSC( 18) 18 • ..s ummo r Schoo_!:' __ -aor.1 4. It was r eported tl1a i; Bookings wore r Jcsonabl y sa t i sfn.c tor y fo r tho Engl ish :::ummor Schoo l s but very bad for tho DLttch S chool 4. Bookshop Report . Roco iv ;d . s. ~('f Jonuar:r-do._tod_nutscrlbors -rrf ~~~;22~ .l ( n) Tho fo llOIV ing to bJ "rpr·, chcd: by: 10/ 6d Jnkscl). Gr::ty . Loo, ?..trk:Jr . !.lickloll right, 11 ?t s to 11-"!ugh<'s . V-i ... Lcr. ?~rkor . Drysdn lo. Eir· oo 1''h1to . Kuczyn31:i. ':n rt~'! rot C"~ L... • . U<-rt Co l a , Eire no '·'.'h i to , .Oc-4•2 (b) and It was r eported that a lassos would bo given to full statement of gain0the nozt E.C, .20·4-41 (d) ( 1) It wao reported that the Staff he.d acceptedpoints (b), ~cl _,d (c) but 'ls.' bo Resu lts of P stol 13.\ll•t. c \~:cul"" t•ld r1t Apprnval 0f Timc -'fablo. mooting. unnuul Rop1 rt .. M !ka:-j""' r.l')VC , Go ss man wind up, A pp• intmont of ·•Ud itr rs . Mikard"'~ r. 70 .. /\mondrront t Rule 4 . Chn irr;an t· m· vo & rorly New Rule 11. Mu rgR rot Cn l a t ., m'"'vc, P•rkor t· reply 1'24 Tine: ~m_.____ Spanker~ . 4 .00~4 . 20 Ros ,., l uti 1n 'ln Co -optod Mombors Skoffingto n tr> fn llow mov.1r and sac nd 1r and ask l ~ · bo roforrod t" E. C. f~r discussbn nt Buscn t. Hugh:ls t ·, reply if nocoss -· ary . 4 . 20-4 . 40 Raso l utl n on M. P. Members Eirono White t ·· repl y . 4 . 40~5 . 20 To" Into r11n 1. 5 . 20-6 .30 Discussi"n ·1n Futuro of the s ncioty . Chnirtnlln t open d is,­cussim, llugh·oll t ,· wind up ~-· (d) It was agreed the. t if pnss iblo thorJ sh u'ld bo dnnc ing nnd drink 't tho Reception . 9. Autumn Lectures 1948 -~C( 48)21. (a ) The fol l.w ing progro.l;;r,Jb was apprnvod , The Cha llo1130 •;f 1950 Da lt n. Next stops in Nat1. nalina ti n · '1o so rvo M ikard , • Publ ic C')ntr l and ?riva t o Rosorvos iJ ie.m nd , En to rprino . Crnsl o nil 1 L6iv 1a • Lndy Sim ·n· Eirow "'h1t o , Mar­g"rot Horb13on . Titl e t~ bo ch• son by spoakor. Lq"kL f, lecture t c0v0r the bos ic pr·bl ms ~nd pr i­ncipl es 1f socurinc; fr_andship botwoon ·•mer­ icons , Rus s inns and ur­so l voa. Titl e tc bo cho,on by speaker . Y ung. subj:l et -activo dom"cracy . (h) It w.• s ncrood that too l ectures if suitable and c noistont with the r'lst f · ·Jr pr••granr.1o sh ulrl bo published as pemph l ots , not as o b~""k" 0, r::v~~~!_o_ bo s ubm1ttod t_, Boa rd Jf Trade Committee_~ It was :rap• rtod tnnttho B•ard ,f Trodo had r skod thoS ciotytr submi t ovidonc. t a C mmittoo 1nquiring int· RosO.:.o Price Main-t .nc.nco ,that a mor:cbor f t '1c l d Distributi n Gr up hod propn.rod n momr>randum, tho.t it had boon r ad o.nd nppr VJd bJ D uglas Jay and p ... . Cob\) and th~t Cobb VI" S pr upar;d t proor.nt it n boholr or too e ci~ty . It wos agrood t ' nl l ?W tho 'lVidcnco t bo prosont.od. -4 ­ 11. Re•.ders -·r Panph1ets. (a) Nati nalisati n ')f t he Bu ild ing Industry . Rcr-.rt c. received fr n Q .1) ·H · C· ·la , wh' fav • ured pub- lic".ti n nfto r d rastic rov1s1 n aoo Abrans , who WP.S sovorr l y critical. It W~'~s nr;ro·.;d t :-> ask D19rn"nd t .., a ct .'J. s a th1:ro .r o-:J.d or . (b) :x-Ita1ian C0 1on ies . It wa s agreed that if the reoders (Foringd·n an~ \i'o 1f) d isogrcod it sh u1d be submitted t Bireno White , 12 . Rovcnuo C~·paign C~~ It w•s oed th~t inquirieo sh· u1d bo pursued r;garding o drink 1iconco , 13 . Day f lt.ooting , It was ogrood that tho noxt E . G. sh ·u1d bo asked t ') roc')nsidor whether meet i ngs sh uld be ho l d on M-ndOJS or l''cdnosday6 • , FILSQJ! . Gi.lNEfu,L S2CRET..:1Y . ,J!L.N S ............. 23rd Perkc ROIOCV' EC(48)7th Mootinu: .. ,J;ND... ll, D .. R . OU'"H STREZT, S.'V.l. EXECU'l'Ivr; COMI·' ITTEE d:r, .. Meeting will take pl ace 't 4a:l p.m. on Vodnosday, 23rd June in the House of Commons , Cornrnittoo Room 6 booked by Parker . 1 •• G END" 1 . Minutes of -:c( 48) 6th !Jo oil; 1ng -at taoh"cJ . 2 . Minutes of FGPC(48)6th Mootinu -a ttaohud . 3 . Minutes of RPC( 48) 2nd Meeting -attached . ~s!~ J 4 . Now Series of Discuss ion Pnmphlo ts -EC( 48)2:S -attached. 5. Publications June 1948-EC(48)24 -'tt, ohod , 6. Roorc~nisation of FGPC -EC(48)25 -attached . 7 . SchocJo for org'lnioin1 discuss lons on .ro<'r ' mrno for 1050 (to follow) 1, Romov"l of Fobruary-dotod Subscribers (to fo lloo). Membership Roe rds (to follow) O. ;\ .Q.M. .,NIJRJ::'I FTISON . ;no 16th, 19413 , 127 EC( 48) 7th Meeting. ?1-.Ell•N S O::IETY 11, D .• RTMOUTH STREET, s.w.l, ·---~· --· ~---------· ··-------·-________________,.....______________________ 4. ~~ ~·) ~:'.ECUTIVE __ CO!>Ibli TI'EE •___ ''inutos of a Meeting hold on •·Jeell11lsday, J une 23!-d ·a t 4 .30 p ,m • ln tho Hu use of Comr:ions . b) Presvnt : Laski ( Cha ir l, ~iar arct Cols, Farinedon Gossi!Bn, Gr ay, Hushes , Mlkardo , l'i~onck, Ma:r.3arot Room, Skef fi rt?;ton, Ein~no c) White , Young . Apologioo: Barou, Durb1 ., Flanders , 1Ior·rebin, Parker . Staff: Filson, ChEpllan, l>iarjoric l'icholson, Anno \'ibyte. 15, 'lnutz:s e) 1·:1nutc3 O! ~':,(~8) 'it_t::_!.:c~g,_: (a ) HorJc Rc_soa_rch__Soc_r~~a!:.Y. -1tor.o l( a) b)had ap pc ~oo uuna ld Chap man . J' ~·-VJ&c r_p:.. t.;d that tho I nt e rview ing Cotnn ittoo (b) ~u_t_~_h__S~o·:>_l.-~ -i tom 3, It was "·o 1~c~·tod tha t ow 111['; to l a ck of bookings tho Dutch :::c':lo~l had been caroo l lo d , This acti~n w.s confir mo (c) :·~u_t;.,_r3_1! Lc_~tU_£~_s_ -itam £' . It wes rorortod that Co l a had re flll ad , that M1ka1 c) had taken h>s pl ace, thl'.t Diar.ond had taken Mikardo's plaoo a th .. other l ccturars had "ccopt:d . (d) !Tatio:Jalis~hcn 'Jf th0 Bc•ild>n~ _:r:nd ~_tEL_-item ll(a) , T'1o Gonoral Secretar y reported t ha t he had asked Joan Cope lnnd t:> take D 1amond 1 s pls eo as third reader sineo Di:.,.mond \>Ins ovcr:JU"'l ._··. Tho act~on WPS ap proved , D:Jnr·t1vns . (a) Th· Clmirmlln rope>rtod that ha had rocelVod a donat ion of £75 fro n an i>t:'lCl'-....:an und ha r1e.~ w.nnml y thanked . (b) it \'f.~' 1. l"O"''::. ' :0l1't t!1J .ore Hc.ll Tr us t ll ould bo g iving tho s oc'i, ty .c250 . ~-~ntit~ cf F.G.?.C .( 4e) 6th _!Foot in:;. Sta R'c ivod . 12R -2 ­ ........... Homo Rcsearet1 Dep~rtmont . (a) The Gencrol Socrotary reported that ha had mt submi tted tho ((u2rtorl y Report which was duo from the Homo Rosoe. r ch Dope rt-r.lent as the rol evcnt information w·s conta imd in the Resee.rch Pbmn ng Committoo Iliinutes . (b) Tho :c .c . a::;rood to thank iers . "'a tson who has l oft the Soe:lc t y after five ·ser vice for hor long ar.d loyal ''0 rk. Illne (cl t he :c .c. agreed to thank Miss Hine ond Miss Seville for the vary he rd ail e ff i cient wo r k thoy he. d don.'1 \'lhon the simultm:ous dop..".rturos of Leo Jolloy, Margorot Locke am Mrs. W~tson hod loft the Department in a potont1olly difficult position. (a) Politics as a Profess ion -itam 1( b). Laski roportod that he did :1c t "''•t a rosonrch stud ant . (b) vol ume of New Fabian :S:s says -item 2( a) 1. ltt~o ( i) Laski outlined a sohomo, a synopsis .of which ha pr·misod for tho July E . c . ( ii) Laski olso outlined an alternative schema for P. history of English political thought since 1900 and "-n assessment of tho Fabian Contribution. This V~ould bo a l ong terr.1 projoct fo r nn ind ~vidta 1 author . It vws agreed to consider th1s al terna­tive at o la tor date . (c) Pr iorit)· for Pamphlets sea ling with 1950 -item 2( b~, 1( cc) • It w~s agreed that the instr uct1on tha t "pric l:'ityshould be given to proje cts connected with tho propa retions for Labour ' s 1950 Progr~Mmc'' should Wly t" tho Colonial Btroau project on 11inte::;ra tion of Col onial and !::conomic Polic10s" but should not apply to tho other work of ti·o c.B. la~] to the wo rk of the I.B. (d) l~SS of F.sseys ~ Lowis and Dur~ It WPS "grood tt1a t r oado rs s ho uld bo cwo 1ntod: for L·n is on Pr iv11tc Enterprise: Rc,dors Young, Grn y, I ;nck, who w~ c. b askod t o re port on h JVI tbc Society shr.uld offe r for the MSS · ( ii) for Durbin )n Publ ic Enterprise: Roadors !Aikar do, !::ireno White, Low is. e) Statement for A .G .M·-item 2( c) It was agteed t h8 t a full st atement of work on hand shoul d ba submitted to the A.G.M, with a mark against those which were uncerta in projects. 9. (a) 129 ~ 6. NeVI Series of Diso.uss ion ?amphlets -EC(48)23. (a) .It was agreed to approve the schomo in principl e , to call series 11Tho Cha l longo of 1950 11 , aDd to appo int a 3Ub-cot -, .cons 1sting of La ski, Margavot Cola, Faringdon and Monok t so ttlo do t ails . (b) It was agrood to approve provJ.s ionalJ_y .tile fbllowing tor consideration of tbe sub~~omni 1ttoe :­ ·conso,l_idation or ~xtention . probably G.D. c. Lang . Socia lism·.and the'Midd'le Cl asses . Hughes. Democracy and the Common l.!tn. Young, Wo ko r ~' Contral. Eironc '/lhito (in ld.o u of Ind ustria l Democracy) Chaxlo s Sm 1th (c) It Vla s 'l{;ro ed to refe r the fo llowi ng t o t he sub-Gommittoo Our Stond!!rd of Living . Fi namco . (, Can we be no utra l? c) PI (d) It was agre ed to reje ct the following: - Probloms of Na tiona l i sed Ind ustries (inview of t he proposa l to consider Durbinl ra 10 The Cha llenge of 19 50 . After F9rs ha ll Aid. 11 j,rtha fo 7 . Mobilising of Fabians for P~lie ·• P ·opa ration -EC(48)26 . (a) It was agreed that this scheme should be approved· on tht stand iOG that the Staff of t ha Soci-:ty was. not respons i' illervicing the Local Socioties or collating their answer: (b) Skeffington qndortook to be responsible for dealing witl schema provided ha hnd clerica l assistance, which L"skin,ha would he l p to provide . (c) It was agreed that Youn3 should be.ct;~l1od on to S.POik o schomo attbo;,.G .!1 . 12 . 8. Colon~Buretlu l~e~ ting add res s?d__~Y br . CroJch Jonos . Ma rjor ie !J icholso n re po r ted on the disturbances which o l3 • It W9s agreed that ne. acti.:>n soould be taken.• .) Publications ~ ~C(48)24. (a) ~do rs Reports . 4 ­ ( 1) Ex-Italian Colonies. Reade rs favourable. pamphlo · bo ing printed. ::all •cot ( 11) Rus s ia n Economic Po 1­Roadors favourable• pamphlo· ek 1 ich in Eastern Zuropc. bo ing pr intod. ( iii) F"cts for Socialists : Bo i ng rev isod in the lightof r oadors suggestions. ( lr ) Na tion1! lisqt ion of Jean Cope land (third road or) Bt' ild ln(l : I'€ • unfnvoure.blo: pamph l et ro­j octod. Roe ors Appointed • ito ( ) Porn phlo t Bondo:rs • ( 1) \'!0st Indian Panorama Fa ringdon 1 Grocnidgo and Olive Cruchloy. ' ( 11) Ed uca tion i n 'tho Hugho s n nd Sk innard • Colonies . too ( 111) Wages Po licy (Birm-David Glass ln place et: in[>han Fe.biEln Society) Flande rs. ( iv) F:1cts for ::;ocialists Barnn as e.dd it iona l reador. (c) Pnmphle!._£!~ It we.s agrood not to publish "Pr oportional Rop­ rosontativn ." inI 10 ;'omova l of Fobrua ry-da tod Subscribers :-EC(48)28. It was agreed toot the members lis tod s hr uld bo removed except .o r t he folldw in.3 :­ _ ca toso::z Nnmo To bo /,pproachod by1 Mnyo ,. 411 ~3 Gray . Oxforil Univors 1t y Filson ,Tutor 11o l Cl ·,ssos,Ctto . i'h,. l :".!"' Hushes . s.ndols on . Room. Monborsoip Roc_o_rnise.tion of F.G.P.c. -EC(48)25. It W1S agro d to rofor th is to the now r.; . c . ,,NJ) REI"/ F lLS ON. GENER.• L SECRETARY. T_U!J.<)., 30t • l94A. MINVI~S oF l'rNNvA L (r!£N.:f!.P.I.­2~~ .JVN~ tq 1t-~ '"q- I too .. •G.I' PI'df t: Apol !os: 'l .. ~ (a) (b) (cl (d) n< 2 . Co•oPtb]! I ' nd oo de: 3. .o.?.c. It >end lng tb inanco eo It cle, Goss 4· uturo Moo n) th 2 'j -· b) to fo :CC( 48) 8th !looting : MINurEs . '~-·------------------------------­ :~::~~_~~~.:::::________ --------________ ~: =~-~~~::~~="=-~~~:~_~~~~ =~__ -----­ 6--) ::'JCEC UTIVE Mi,nutcs of a (!Ootlng hold d urin~ the tea interva l o f the ..•G.M. in the Caxton Hall on Sr.turday, 26 June, 1948. hJscnt: Perkor (Chair), Dorothy l•rchibeld, Margarct Cola, Hughos, Mikardo, M~nck, Mnrgnrot Roor.1, Skcffington, Young. Laski, .,lbu, &.ro u. 'l. Elcct1~n of Officers . It was agrood to o le c t : (a) a s Cha'irman ( to npor:ory) -L~sk i , nho had agreed to ac t tomp­oro. liJ; y. (b) as Vico-Chair~nn . -P"'-rkor . (c) ns Honorary secretary Margnrot Cola . I t wo.s agr eed (d) not to ol oct on I. 3istant Honorary Treas urer . It was agreed to eo-opt Gossman, Gr ay, Eironc ,.lhito and ''loo l f and to defer fUrther ca• options tc> a fU l l meeting ~ f the E.c . 3. F.G~Q.:._ It v1as agrood to app int a provisbnal F.G.P.c . (with full pcwcr: pending tho cmsi6cra t1cn of tho proposal to have two Committ orys -a Finance Committee and a Gener al Purposes Committ ee. It we.s agreed tc; e.ppJint Mikordo ( Chairnan), Bnr?u, llorgarct I Gossm!! n, Hus hes' Lr.slel, Porker md Skoffington. Futuro Moot ings • It wes [l,e; rc od : (a) that the r·oxt meeting slruld be hold ot 5.0 p.(!. 'n M nd~y, 26 July. (b) to C" ns idor ·.goin at t l1c next f!leCting e sc ttlod day o.nd til'10 f or future noo tin-;s • June 27th, 1948 . :::C(48)9th ·~o-ting : ..GEl ... F..BL. SOC I!r:i'Y ll, :!..tlT' OUTH 3Tro:::T , S .'.'1 .1. ~CUTIV:: CO:ll!IT~ .. ~or.ting will tc.ko place at 5.00 P•"'• on Monday, July 26th in tho Ho us a of Coon0ns , Cor:tmttoo Rooc 1 booked by John I'!Irk r, .. G EN;; . l. !Hnutos of r:C(48) 7th Llooting ( Juno 23rd) -a t tached , rota: Itoc 13: Roor""nis~tion of F.G.!'.C. 2. ~·tnutos of ::c(48)8th !!ootinr (June 26th) -at tocood. Nota: Itoc 3: ••ppointmont of F.G.r.c. Itor1 4( b): Dn to ond Tir:tc of Futuro Moot i ngs • ...G.! • 1948 -r:c( 48) 32 -a ttachod . 4. Rule 4 -Next Stops , 5. Rat:loval of l!arch-datod Subscribers -EC( 48)36.-a ttachod. 6. ..ppointmont of C.)tlrlitto.;s for 1948-19-EC( 48)34 -att"cOOd • ?. l'inutos of F.G.P.C.(48)8th l~e tin:< -to fol low. 8. F·C .a. Quertcrly Report -FCB(18) 12 -attached . 9. F.I.B . .~rt0rl .. Report -FIB(48) 35 -attach'Jd o 10 . !Hscuss in Series -The Challenge of 1950-EC( .1! )35 -et tache 11 . Fabinn Zssn ·s -Now Volu:'le -ZC(48)33 -attached • 12. .atrp 1lots -July 19·>8 -!:C(18)37 -atte.cood . 13 . ~~er Business • 2'" F () . OE :E L S .;cm; R'l . ___O.;...L.;.;h:.:~J-4~ Jloo1C~s: "1., (a) (b) (b) (cl [""··--­ \, h .......... a. EC( 48)9th !looting: MINUTES· ~ii.~-;~;1;;~·--·------------------------ii~·~~;;~~-;;-~;-w-i-­ ------------------------------------------------------------------~· I:XECUTI\C COiil.! ITTm Minutes of n nnotitJG luld et 5,0 p,n. on l!onday, July 26th 1948 1 in tho House of Cannons . to nd e.nce : Parker (Chair), ·•l lou, Dorothy ..rchibald 1 l.!nrgaro t Cola , Durb i n, Far •ngdon, Or a_, , Hughos , Mikardo, Ma rgarot Room , Skoff m:-;ton , ::: n one \:hito, Woo lf, Young . Filson, Cbapnan, Herris, l!larjor io Nicholson, (·•nne l"!hyto , .,log ies : Ba:rou 1 . t!inutos of EC(48)?ti1 !.!eot1ng . ~~nization of F.G.P.C. It was r oportod tbat rP ono of tho F.G.P.c. now wanted press tho suc;gost>on end 1t VJr.s oc;rood that no furt l1or action tako n , Minutes of B.C .(48)8th Mo0ti~ ( a) Co-optlOns ( lton 2) • It >~n s ogrood :­ ( i) to eo-opt Dianond . ( ii) to dofor further co-opti·,ns till tho next root1ng . ( iii ) to asl: rxr.'co rs to oond in s uggcs t ions to t ho r c.l Socrct'.rJ bofora t ho next nooting . ( iv) to 1nv ita Horrab in to at tend 1s e visitor who n the Colon LOl Bureau ruports cane up fo r cons idoration• (b) Futuro l!oc t'in,:'s -1ten 4 · It wns c ro Jd tbat c1ootings s~1ould bo hold t p . n . on tbo fourth LlondaJ of aP eh nonth• . , .Q.M. • !';C(48)32 . ( s ) Tho J!inutos of ..GJ.! 1948 . , e. ttae~; The Mi nutes woro approved oxaopt t a t in para t ho ponul timeto p. N•Gr!!fh la st word 'lost' should bo ' not carr10d ' • ~b) Da to of next ..m< • It w~s n:;rood tt:at tho nat ter s hould bo c0nsido rod a t t ho next rootinc; ~nd that noan,hilo t ho ..ud itors bo asked if t'JOy wou l 4 bo inconvon10ncod by h!l 'Iing tho ancial yea r ~ndinG in Docor.1bor . it was agrood t!1et Rules Rovis i'lrl Con ittoo sr,ould sot up and si nul~ en ns is t of lluchas ( Convc nor), !Hkardo and Sko ffirt;t n . (c) -2 ~ Minutes of F.G.P.C .(48)7th Mo o~ (a) Joint Consultntlvo Connittoo-ito11 l. ·It ,.,.s a::rcod that !f.arge.rot Cola sho~ld bo Chairman of tho I:-C . roprcsonta tivJs • (b) MeMbership of tho Society -item 3 . The r ccoMr.Jon:lations of tho F.G . P·C• wcr o not acco}:t Jd . It was ar;rood:- Ul to dofor octic' n until tho report of tho Rules Re- vis ion Ca ::n:littco ( soo item 3( b) abovo), ( ii) tn tbo moamhilo to consldoro oa0h application far D.Jmbo roship on its rm rits in t he light of Rula 4 , ( iii) to endor-se tho policy purosuod by tho L.s.o, ove r-t ho pest 5 yoaros and to au t horise its con­ tinuction . In connocti'>n "ith thls item a lo ttor fr-om Boronnro Shaw and tbo 0112 irunn's reply wore r-oad out to tho ncoting, (c) ~.!:_c:~1ons Comr1ittoo Spoicla Mooti~ -itor1 4 • It Wcccpt any s uch sr:rnngor.Jo nt. (d) Quar-terly Reconciliation Statement -FGPC(48) l2 itom 5. It VIas ngroood that tho F.G. P.C. should bo asked ( i) to soo if i t co uld find any obv1ous VJ Or>king savings. ( i i) after-t ho Second C::.ue rotorol y R conciliet1on Statement in oorol y Octobor to consider wbo t ho ro tho Budgetshould bo rcv:s ad in t ho l iGht of a ll considerations includ :_-,g the nocd to ra ise wa os . (o) \Vagos -<•nnual Incror.Jonts -FGPC( 48) 10-iteM 5 • ..pprovod. (f) Saturday Mornings -FGPC(48)ll-iton 7. It wr.s agreed thet tho schom should bo trlod out for t hroco r.Jont hs . (g) Signatures on Choqu~ -itom.8 . It was agrood tha t H.D. Hughos, M.P. a rd [, . Skoff­ington, I!.P. should be authorised to sign choquos in tho ne t1o of the Soc iot:,r . (h) Gompl::2,~!".MI'...:.....~~ -iton 9. It was agreed that tho acti n te.kon by tho General Socrot'roy ohuul d be approved . eo; 5f.. r •PP' - (a} (b) (c) (d) (o) Coli ~ J Ropo 0, Disc nho l, ~ o Cha tr:a lcs Ro · Ion frlt~· sl1~Clld bo g iven to r onovo tho nonbors llstod ox copt in the followi ng cesos :­ category: N::tr:JO : to bo .1opro c.chod by: 1~/ 6 Fothorgill Roon , Jo3o r. Hughcs. VIa lkcr. Parke r , Bannis to r . 11 Elvin . 6, ;,ppointoont of Co mm ittoos -EC( 48) 34 , F,G,P.c. -1947-48 Cou;" ittoo loss Diano.nd. to~o loss 'lilkos, plus Hug hos, :r:1!7ll'Ynd, I>.P., J . rtankin,lr.'l'",, c.•··. numploton, M,P, F .Da llo y and t ho Ro v , H • Ho ppo r • (c) I.B.A .c. -1947-48 Cornnittoo loss Bra ilsford, Gordon Walker, Grrril~s "nd Zillincus . ---­ (d) L.s .c. -1917-48 Go 1r.1it tou loss Joan Bourno and Gr ay pl us Mar .:;aro t Roan and D. ul gor .-----­ ( o) '.,, Colonial Bureau ­Report FCB( 48) 12 . Roco 1vod . a. Intarnnt L nn l :Our cou ~aport_-FIB( 46) 35 . Re cc ivod. 9 . Reports of t ho 'IW o Suroaux . Ir VIas agrood t l1at t:10so should 1n futuro bo subnittod at s lX nonthl :,· in t orvals • 10, Di scuss1on Sorios 11Tho Challon,_w d' 195011 -EC(48)35, Subjects ~pprovad . ~cnora l Socrotnry to dacido on oQthors whore altor na.t1vcs r.•::.:ro s :.c. cstod • ll. FObian =:ssays -lonal r·a~os Policy'' by Birni ng!1an Fabian Soc­. iot~· -thi rd r.ador Dr . Glqss vary unfnvour ablo. Panphlo t not to bo publ is l1od. 11Cosl Board '' by G.D .H. Cola -public~ tlon approved . 11Br it a1n1s Food Shorta13o 11 (rovisod) by 3litz. Charles Suith var y fovouro'olo . :t-amphlot to bo sent to Gear go B 1s hop. "Pl•::tbl.aus of tho Private Sector" by •. rthur Lowis. 11 I·roblons of t ho Publlc So ct0r 11 by Even Durbi n. In via\'/ of tho repc·ts it \'/P.s ogrood that Lowis should be e.slr>itt oo Roan booked by i1r thur Sko ffi n.:; ton. _ .._G E F D I~ 1. ll!inutos of EC( 48) 9 t l1 I o · tin~ '( a ttaclled)., 2. Matt ers aris; out of of t:.e Minu tes Of the July Moct1nc; ­----EC( 48) 40 (a ttacliOcfl. 3. Se£E!l_ta ry's n0port 0:1 ' locollai1o ooo Mottor· -paper to follow. -[ 4 . Oo n,.>os ition of t l1o 1': .c. -l "t t er ulrcady sent . 5. Publicat10ns Soptc•.:bor 1948 -":0(48)38 (a ttac 'x>d). 6. Fabian Eseays -i'e" Volur•ol_-1':0( 48)39 .. (attac lYd}, 7 . Rosoarcb ?lanf!.i'l.~ Co•..!!...J1.t:.J..'L -RPC( 48)4 (a ttached), 8. Rul es Rov1olonOomnittoo -Ropurt to follo•:1 . 9. ~£· -Ui nu tos t o follcw . 10. Sur>nor Schoo ls ~949_-Report to fol l ow . u . Ronoval of l.!arct: .~E.'2_:·[!:11 cla tod s ubs cr ibers -to ' follnittoos have .o t. "}!D RJj'W FILS ON. Soptonbor 17t , 1948, C·I:l!ER"L S::lOREl'irk.e. , Y0u:1. ·• Larl{i, !-.: i 1<.Ctrdo , 1 •. I.: iputes of E.C. (48 ) gth nlGbtin · (a) Ite,, ]b. Dat~ OJ.' ne:ct A. G. l'. It cas of the agrcuL1 i"hat in 8Ccorl~cmce ··ith th'-' n ishes audito1·a th~ finaDciill ~·car should end in JUile cmcl the A.G. i'.. ·okc ~Jlace j_n·ci dnte to be recoin. ·6ndcd IJy "t116 0en.~.,r8l 0ccret.·irY ( pr obablyin Octobe1·) ' ·I ~­ rl (b) Ite1. 4(c) Publ_ic -~,ccial Tr~veller As Goll~~cz c~id tl1e bocicrty could not use their trC"tvellerr:.: if it also used :~ r;l.ecifll trevf3ller, it '>-188 B3ruc;d to ':lb8n tOll th ... proposc.l.. · 2. !letters al'ising out 01' th6 ~ccretcl'V ' s R~ )Ort -EC)48 )42 (a) Dvan Durb:irn · s. It 1:18 s 8f£r eu d - (i) th~t a pccoluti.>n of sY•liC~thy sholllcl be fi..•om the -'"'XGCU t i vc to Mrs . Dut'bin sebt (ii)thet thu Socivty 8hould done tc £2 5 to the moat cuitablu fund (i. e . the PerliemcntnryLabouP Party 'und or thv L:dmonton Fund) and invi tt... raemb.... rR through Fabian lifm1s to subscr ibe to t hG !'un u. ~ ? (iii)thet no L[JGciel :..emoPiol ~ublic··tion or s cholE'Irship should be.. 8t"Jprovod. (b) >!orJ.:\lJ.i'tions of .?otent i al p,rliomcntary Cendidates It was agreed - (i) t~·t the ~xccutivc ahould recerv6 t he make nominntions in oxcc:tiona l cases r ight to ( ii ) thAt the Genc!'~l ci~crctary slloc;ld find out fro~ each opplicant why ho or she had no other opportunity for n o; ination before the .:'\~~?licAtion Has conoidc1red by the E . C. 140 >linutes ~---­ .. _ 1.), (i) thst the R.C.C. should be >Jound up ond the r.t...olnb~..-rs thanked for tht'j hel-9 they h.:~d eiven . ( i i) thflt El boolcing shuuld be !IDcle f or a d:'nce on soi:1C Jatni."'d:ly in 1949 and t hEJ t 8 cornrnittoc should be Gur•>JOncd ~d hoc to .~3ka the necess8ry,:1r·rsngcru;n ~s.. GosnntFl·n u:..Hiortoo1,· to b6 the C011V6l10I' Of 8 1_H;h 3 CO: !.l·,i tt60 . 3· ComPosition of hu E.c. ~io , (a) Ch" irms·% 11 ip Dcf'ePrcd till next r:lvGting. It u~s ~greed t o invite CroslanJ, to find out if Ritchie C~ldur or Prrmcis .lillioms i'1 0uld bo nilling" "ishea to serve to ooDsid6r further cooptions at tho nex t A end in meet in,i. • to be •obebly 4. liGsesr·ch Plannin ·-· Gommittce ·RPC(48)4 It W('IS egreed (a) that the ilPC,L:IC, PLGC snd SRC shoulcl b" sbol i shcd se ~heir (o) that· a no•.1 Hone .eptombcr 1948 -EC(48)38Fobi 0n bosays :li6\l Volune? -::C(48)39Ru1ec Revision Cot"•ittcG -ZC(48 )42Surro ;er Schools 1948 Schools Cor.l,!ittce 1948 -9 NDTIEW !'ILSON 28t h Septeobcr 1948 G~nsrBl ~ecretary 141 EC(48 )llth !;,eetinJ Agenda ------------------------------·------------------------------ FABihcl 60CIETY 11, DA'lTJOJT!l STRK:T, S. \V.l. Pr St A "'oetin:; will b~ hold at 4· 30 p. m. on loonday 4th Octob~r in thu dinino:; room of P.E.P. ­ 16, Queen Anne 1 s Gate . Noto: the p~por~ for iterm 4.5 & 6 ~~er<.. issu6d for th~ l8&t 0c ting. PlGase brinG yourcopios '.11th you .. AGDI''DA 1. Minutes of EC(43) l Oth ,,.,etinr; -8ttached 2. :3ocr~t8r,r's Report -EC (48 )4,6 att ached 3· Com_.osition of th<-Rcno8r·ch ConuoittGG -EC(48 )47 at.t8chcd # l~ . Publicatio·Js :c!Jtc:.\bor 1943 -EC(41l)33 all'~acly isGued 5. Pabian ED3ays: ;-!G•I Volume? -EC(48 )39 6. Rulcc f -"'"'C(43 )41attach ad 10. An:' other buain0so f,NDRE'J FILSOll 28th 3o_,tombbr 194o P. S. Circulated with this /if.<..nda is an "!"ddvndum to EC(48)42", item 6 on the ..::;en de. r-4 142 EC(48) 11th Meeting Minu FABIAN SOCI"TY 11, D .. RTI!OUTH STRL'T, S.W. l. EXECUTIVE CO!.~ lTT""E Ag6n • Minutes of a rreeting hold at 4. 30 p . m. on l.'.J. Monday 4th October in P.E.P. Present : Margaret Cole (Chair) , Albu , Dorothy ..rchibal d , Barou , Dianond , Faringdon, Gossman, Grr:w , Hughus , ~1id8rdo, l~argsret Room. Staff; Filson Apologies: Parker, '.'loolf, Eipene 'tlhite , l.:onck. l. l.•inutes of EC(48) lOth meetl..!:!&· Evan Durbin Iter. 2a . ,J. It was reported thot he "farliamentary L,;bour Party Fund" was a private one for his friends and that th~· Edmonton iss ~! Fund 'Nets now a locBl o:1e . It was therefore agrcLd ­ (a) that the c•csolution minuted in item 2a ii of the last minutes should be rbscindcd (b) that at an ap~ropriatc d.;tc nembors of the 'executive Committee shoulu be r;i ve.1 .i:'urthor inforraa t ion flbou t the ?8rlinr.1ent~1ry LBbour e~rty Fund . 2. Chairnanship The General Sccr0tary reported that hL had ,,, .•roochud l•r. Jim Griffiths as inatructed end that Mr . Griffiths had been unuilling to b~coMe ChairMan as he felt that the Society should not hav6 a membt:.r of thv Gov-..rnr~1cnt E1.3 its h0ad. After discussion it was ~;rc~d ­ (a) that it was of the highest importencc to have o ~crson of distinction et the head of the 1ociety (b) that no Minister should be one of thb published officers of the Society . (c) that G.D.H. Col e (and fail i ng him R . H . Tawn~y) shoul d be invited to b~OS agr eed that tho p8nels of advisors should bo bullt up by the General and Homo Research Secretaries. 5· Publications Septcnbcr 1948 -EC(48)38 (a) R€iadcrs Reports ( i) Britain ' s Food Shortage -being revised following reports. ( ii ) Problems of American Policy -bbing revised followingReports. (iii) Parish Councils -favourable reports suggesting minor 81.1C;ndmE-nts~ (iv) Insurance Report -completed and sent to the Labour Party after reports from Chorley and Diamond. (b) Readers /1ppointud Pamphlo t Readers appointcci (a) "Nationalised Farming" Eirone White. , Ruth Cohen and by Bateson Professor i1shby. (b) "Selection and Training of Mikardo and Hargar e t Room Workpe oplo 11 by a Group. (c) "Workers Control " Gossman and Championby Ei rene White (d) "Socialism and the Middle Hughes and Hugh Jonkins Cl assos11 by Edolman (e) "Problems of a Hixed Economy" Gray and Jo6n Robinson by II .Lewis (f) "Bureaucracy" Dorothy ,,rchibald and Robson by Morri s JonG s (g) "Science and thE> Bal ance of Moncl< and Radomysl or PAyr.lcnts" by a Group (h 6. B. :ococ~ ·S~ -3­ Pm'l; ,hl~ t .-\v 1d.vrs ~~J. (h) "Dcmocr8cy fln 1 Goc i lism1' rnr.g~rot Colu ond Youn:;: by Lord Lin,t::wy It ·.o~s notod th,ot th~ titlu.J, ~G.>~ci lly of o, b,c nn:t \:oultl bL.. l'C Vi GCJ bt..;fOPLi tJllblicfltion. Fnbi~n Ecs~ys -N~v. Volum~? -EC(4c )35 It \WS e:;rc~cl thnt th~ro coul<.l not bu e r,,tiC1ectory volumu of n0\J ~PS8YG until fl '{i'Oup· uf ne.,; VJ ~yi..,t · cPnu som~thing th~y hod to s~y nnl th~t th~ ro 1cc• should for~.,. b-.; Bd.:Journ .... -~ sin~,.. die . It ,/fiS ngr~cd (e) th~t the u~mb~rs ':lf thu Lxcc utivc , haul • ...,.., invitud to o~na in co~J0nts on t ~ pr·o~o~:8lo mnJ~ .y t10 .~ .c ( b ) that r.1..mbur"S oi' th.., v•iuty shoull bu invited to in sugrrcctions by 31 .Juc~~·bvr 1948 (c) th~t th~ R. R. C. should ru~ort to th~ T~nu ry E.G. on suggestions fi!1L.. con1l,H... ntr.; ru•JGivt.d . '"chool s, ...Qs>_nf'cru•Jccs, J:oetin?;n -i;C(48 )4!~ In the.. courso of UiGCUGt..iion it ri'1G :~grvt.d (~) thet the ne' 3.J . C. ohoulcl b.., instr·uctud to ruvi~.l thu proble, >s reportad. (b) thot spccinl effort~ •hould bo ~Ja to socuro intollcctual lv Adursh i p in the 1943 Schooln (c) thAt nnnounc<~n~ntn of the 1949 B. 1. H. sch,)ols rhould indicRte thnt the c .Grin: ate . voul d bo bottcr then in 1948. SSC 1948-49 -EC(48)45 It \'1~3 ngrev d. ­ (a) th8t th... follOIH;Jf, ..;mbors of thu out,;oing ContJittcu shoul d be ree~,oint0~ - HArgBrot Room (Ch,irm~n) , 3l ,,nco ,1hito , IIAr'J\BIJili SO(.;H:l'X 111: 1 ll; J)II.RI' MuUTH ST!ill:.T , S ,\V,l, ------~--------·-------·:_·_~..;-~_;...!,.:.;,_____ ___ _; _'-o.!.. -------------------------­~COW.LI:TTEE . A meeting will be h61d at 4.30 p.m. on !,.onday 25th Octob6 r !) in 11, DA;:<_T!;OUTH 0-:F_:;;_·_L (my offi ce -first floor ) A G I: N D 11 1. ~inutes of 11th m6ctin3 -attached 2. Secretary's Report -2C 48 attached 3· Pc:l )P ... lLl illi,ms. It Y'8S 83rGGd tO COD" d~r ~illil tl tllL~ V~-,lCY at ~hu n~xt me6ti~lfi.. It s 'Greod ­ (a) th.:n o;1ly rth..orl1."bt:..P~ of 11·; ,cc.i... ty 3houl d bv ~lo.,i:l ted (b) thst !..... no, Ell::."v,::ldy 10 .i) t1...d by o, ·u oth..;. bad~· shoul d ·not L~o gLt El Jociv .y ,Jo, in·~tion for ...... ~tiao ,"'u · o;::;c ... . (c) the~ th c•so of ~ It , q ~:~""'r L. oll l\tin : ­ U~.£._ __,;. --~-c_h_Lsi__by 42B t..llis .:~,ti th . u ho 21 .c. ,, Jhqpw~n " r +cl . Jo 1,;'. h6 1016 ,. 'c':Jt Ley ·n1 l. I.P. Lcl Jt•l . L.P. \clfil tun -2- 148 (e) .t.Ull .~Glid.C_.J ret)ort'"D?!Th> d in . C. 50. c... e , ..... ..r ot r " d ..r ..1.0r t1e _.> ,~1 ~hl\3ts (b) .un: l•c:,ociatio;, -3 . ... (4,')15. It was a~r~~d ·.1i th on6 dis e1tient (i) ths·c e co:1o 1ic' of t:, o<·C.:cr ,>~opos6d by the F. G. P.c. must bG *.,a d0 ~ith rugard to tho dct•iled ~~oposals ~de by the • . G. P .C. it ·~.:ts ""Greed to 8C\..!0pt tht.. cht;~e~u J4'o~Josud b y ti1e I .B.•dvit oryCont1ittct. Emcl ,.. o :ulco.·l~..; th~..., or,l'cr .8do by '.loolf E!Dd o thu;.,s to .,L~b.·idise Cldditional cl ricfl l to t;l.... cXtGnt of' SlOO a J~~~­ J'h~ -ecolution of th~ I.P.. A. G. >~as ( l )chat ·h~ Bure8u should be '"ilt i·lod. (2) th~t it c8n o.·lY be ·Bint8inud v•i th full-t iL1e or ~art-ti 10 ' id 8t8ff ( 3) thBt the But'68U bt: authorise...l to spend, in ~ho nt..xt 12 ~ onths, th c:: ui.l of .~200 on sal8.~.·ies ·;1hich ill B VC 1-h .... en,.!~.., 8 ~ou:1t 1t..nti onvd by the F.G. P.C. (4) ·hat th0 G:;;act r.c .hod of s,>unding this SUnl AhOUld bO l&ft to thu C~~it CD . It v a ::; 8J2!v0d o :1 _ .... oy..._ .. h tJ ·o~)orcd uc ·no. i "' s (£80 sEwing on p~J1L)hlL-t , nd £50 l'· venu0 fror.1 adv.... rtiSE-f~Lnt,. in ..::;;·-. i ·o ) c-,ub.jvct to 8 rov ie·. Bt the nGxt 0t.tiri~ ·artur ~hw ·.G.P.C. had rcLJO ted on thv C~l r-chElllC .):i.'ObJOSud b;y itA Hinden J.., ' . C. S2~ -3­ ~. ? o alT)rov..... thv cut El 1d to L)Ost.-~ona its OtJ~.:. ..·8tion till l st..~i,Jril i1ctv~d 01~ lst. J~nu~ry. ro apL.,.~rov th.... cut 'Jith ~h(; Ul1dL.rstsnding t h.?l t the Ge:1e:-sl .jucr .. ~.:'lry ,. ould ........ port if subscri)tions ·,-,fjro...; gE:ttii.1.} i to El 'P'.... :J:rs. Tp ~)prove; "'"h ofi'ic(.. cha;1.:;es except tha t the .·love of the. Colo:1i8l Ju:ceau shoul d be doferrcd pending(Eta ) ducisioi1 on the a ltvr~ative sche 1e for the Col oniel luroau (bb) further inquiries reg8rding OUI' lo3al po::;itj_on ot t"1uce11 .1nnc ' s GBte . to cht=mge thv fori.l<.=~t of -".''abi8n !~e~.;:::. 88 recom.lend&d but to continue boo~ing slips (on a less lBvish sc<:=~le) outsiclo P8biDi1 i: ye',IS for 8 t:.~i8 l eJC,: iod of three ~1onth~ :hi:o adv6~tising r6vonue ~ss beingbuilt up. (some 11embcrs of tha r: .c. ,,romi scd t o help in selling Sjace) to thsn1{ tht.. .Jti'lff for the .jood•ilill and loyalty they hed sho':m end to "''''rove the ,,roposcd incrc8sG of .'2270 ue1condit ion8lly. 1Cide by thb E.C. have the foll mling effect ddit ionB l ex~enditure of £50 a year e c onomics L1ossibly increased if the C. s . 8l ternBtivc GChc.~ is ecccptGd. 8ddit1oilal ex~cndH 1 ·~ of .£35 in the g_ua~t,,~ Jan. -::eP. l 949­ .".dditionel ex,Jonui, 1re of .!:20 -£25 in the g_uertar c'8'1 -; .. l·ch l9l~9 t~1c 1.G.P.c. shoul, consid&~ ~jnd r&~ort on the cElcb:•ity d~Dnoru~·ought up by Dr. Bsrou ·' 'DRE"< • ILSOH G~n~ral Secr~tsry p;,3I.~­ 2. 3· '· "'·"1 j. 1•. 0 6, InL J S :it:l.v Cl, .,,,~, J ndd Bh of Ln; to EXECUT,IVE COJ.11"ITTEE ,·,meeting will t8ke ·~lece 8t l~o30 p. ra. on 1 onclf!y 22nd November in a Houso of Conhlons CoEl!llittoe Room -booked by John PArker. G E N D J, 1. l'inutus vf 12th meeting elreedy cir culeted 2. Secrete T 'S (u or·t ,'.C.55 t.e-t'1:T'I'TI!'I (includi ng metters orlsin" out of minutes of lest meeting) 3· Hinutcs of I'.G.P.i. lOth meeting -etteched 4. Removal of July en0. :.ugust deted members -..:.c. 53 atteched. 5· Col minl ure•u Report -F . C. B. ( l 6)48 -ettnched 6. Intol'nCltional Bu.·eou 0 q,ort -F, I oB.j48j45 -attnched 7 . Home rlc search Report -to follow 8. Summer Schools lrv;:; co;.r I .:TEE l.:inutes of a neetin,, '1eJ_d at 4. 30 p . m. on J,;ondc•Y 22 ]'oyq1bc r in the House of Cot~U'"1ons . Present: G. D. H.Cole (Ch,,ir), AJ_bu,)lo~oth':/ Archibald,Barou, :..,.rgaret c-olc_,_)l;i,Pm,op_d_,F_oringdon, Gossuan, .Gray, Hughe.s, K;i.::nr.d.o.,. ?.;_onck, Parker, !.;argarE.t ~oom 'Jl -.;ffi.ngton, ··?orY Ste·:1art , '"irene 'ilh~te , . J.F. Horrnbirt ·.;a als.o pr;;sl'n.t..a.s. JOhair•·Jan of tht. Advisory C:J _.1i tt!3~~ . .. Steff: Filson, Ch8pmsn, ~~<.lrj_opie :ripholGon (in pl ace of :ute HL1.i·3l'l, &bsen_<: ill.} i'nd fmne Vlhyte. Apologies. Cs l der, 'J ro 1 nd , J8Y , "#o0l.r~xYPfli·. l. Unutcs of 12th lkcting I-·otontial J. ~J. lie:1. ·~....~C n.Jill~a·. It \!as r'Gporte. th t !.;r s H~1lonc hEld bv .... n nomin +.<;d by ~r Locvl L.:1bour P8rty. 2. Cooptions (a) I+ \JBS fn;rv .... d th 1t l'!i /illiC'1!'118 t-hould bo invited to join ­ (b) It il' 8.-;rccd th t ,oc '' s:1 >ulJ bu invit,"l to JOin on•l +h~t fBil i ng hi, 1.:. 1 .c..s of .._, -.u~o .7ohnuDn, Jaru.... s L~~uric ::mU f"r _·gAr.... t St(. 1rt 10ul bt...: cont~idl.r\,;d Elt th~ n~:.xt m,_,LtiD~. 3· 'inutvs of +he .._ .G . .2.'J. lO~h. oting. (_) ::;S!l...!.:,.,i l Burc J -i+~ 2. ( i) to '"' •VG ·0comr.1en:l ions 2(e<) nd 2\b) of th~ l .G.P. r..:. (ii) to '"''·'OV~'"''-nd· icn 2(c) nf thu F . G.P. C. ,,ith th~.,. ,.rovi1o 'hat 'JL Vol,.·niGl B'.lrf1,1U ahould dua l only \"lith >' i' i -!louse, on thu F ir List (p8ra .4. h o:f .\ DQL{ . .;o •. G. P.C. 11:inutt..., ,...~;.;ft.ors) (iii) ~ !VC. 'GCOCT.1-,n~<,+ '1 2(d) 0f thc. F. I}.P.C. on the un-..t.... r t n"'ing t t the trial ~.... riod h ml d 'be f..Jr J<.1n . lS4} -1.a.'' :1 1 ')0 it rt.vic Ll J-:.., ur;~r•y 1950. ( ... v) t in tr1,ct ~ht; Col ni' 1 ')u 't...1U to .YI ror-nf4_ 1<..nts (j .... o.: t'16ir-'"v;n 'P. G. P . .:; .' ~nd to:-t ~c th<.. Dvct.r.lbt.!.' L. '. • -roan. It .,nr t r 6"d +hat A Culubrity (b) f'l) 'i:Jt .. +c,-.>nsidt..or nd 1 t h..., f;0mmit~v6 -.;}'1 }u l ccn idt 1y rchib· l d ,Di-.wnd , . ilc~rdo , l ' vJ.u.· ~.,.. ~, teriol "' (c) It fc, C"~60C~Y ~Z'i 21 10/6 .23 21 21 1~/6 5· Cj: r· ,, (b £ . I~ b • Su. () (b) -2­ (c) WAge Incre~ses {item 5) It was ng.reLd to El,J~Jr·ov~.,. the wage increases 4. RemovAl of July and -August dAted subscribers.. It was Ag r eed that further a)cJroaches should be made following r11crnbers: - CAtegory 42B GrAilcourt {ex Grundy) .. Filson Patwardan nnnG Y!hyte 21 Vaughan Mikardo l Oj6 Brome Chorl ton PBrkor 'ilootton (identity and 'address YEltos (checked. Clerk Pan· Chapman HerzbGrg Diao10nd Nash Parleer Ruthe;rfor d Hughes 42B Harol d ilavies Hughes 21 Middloton L. P. llikardo 21 1.?~tson Hug he s 10j6 .t-·r~mc0s Roan 5· Colonial Bureau Repm'.i· -F . C. f. {16) 1948 (a) to giv~ RitA Hinden 4 •;1e~ks leave of abs~nce for visit to Higvri8 (b) to ask the Colonial 3ureau for ~re stAtistical in their n~xt report. !.. i> . I.B. (48)45 ••;>proved nftc.r /mnc. ''lhyt~ had r&ported that the next of tho hdvis 1ry Cor.1Di ttliv ,,roull :.."I.. ViGw thv volume i n hand. 7· Publicetions -General Policy It "as agreed that a Cor.Itilittvc should be. set up to the gci)er·nl publications ~olicy of th~ Society end that COimnittc.c should consist of the ChCiirrncm, BBrou, Di:=~mond , ~Hkcrdo, Skcffington , '.'loolf with pm•ers to coopt and to call evidence.. 8. SumPlGr Schools 1949 -E . c. 54 {a) D0Z'tinp;ton It •.we aerccd (i) th.ot the. ChPirm n should write to the El;:~hurst Trustees ( ii) ~hat on advcrtisc:'lfin t shoul d be plflccd in the -.T0·•. St:'lto:.n:Tn & N::"tion rcgE12ding 8 possibl e venue. fol' a 3unun€.r School if D21rtington shoul d not be 8vaillble. (b) Bcetricc "'IGbb HOU8G o It wes egr~0d thet (i) the. bookings for 1949 should not be canccllod (ii) w~ should con t inue. to p7oss th~ Truste~s to 1nlu:. in.)rov£:ncnt'";. -3­ ( c ) •·arcign Sucn~r Sch~<:>_l,_. It w~s 8grL~J to -ok thv S.S.C. to re o~t ag8 in to the no:;r.t i16Cting oi' th~ E. G. MJDffi;',l l ILSON 24th l'~ovembG r GLiJC rfll So er\... tBry 1948 154 : :. : ll, D/\RTMOUTH STREET , EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE meeting will take place at 4. 30 p. m. on Monday 20th Dece;nber in P.E.P. ,16 Queen (dining room) /,GENDA Minutes of 13th meeting -attached 's Report -E.C. 56 -attached. Report of Local Societies Committee -LSC(48 )3 ­ attached. September datod subscribers ­ -E. C. 57 -attached. Research Department -E;C, 58' •attached Minutes of F.G.P.c. llth Meeting -attached. Publications Policy Commi ttee nn interim report after its meeti~ 15th Decerobar) other business. Andrew Filson 14th D~ce~ber l 94o General Secretary Monday ,.Januery 24th. FA''liAN '1 L:I Y .1. , ..) • ~ ••• J ~. J.. i.lUt£.:. i' ,,\w ... ~i ,._ l.J. d t 4. 3 c •" ' Ul ~. i..lr1U..:1,'! ~(),,h 0~,;....,.., i ll rl,... c 1 , f}· i. (.: . P.~.·cs(,.nt: G. D. .so u ( . L'), ,, J, •J '' .·r...... , '<.. ;ul "' c ' l . 1 . c.. ,,, ' l .,.ly, t.VllCl ,:(; .L. .~.·ut ..hi:J. , " ·y 0 1 ·t :J.r 11 i tEJ J Y ,. n • . ' 0 Jtaf.. .., 1-C:r . ) ,t .·o .. , A~olc 1\-,d:io L: l. u. ·' 1. l.inut·~s of 13t..!!.~~'--· ( ) -:;,._·r~c• i Item 7 i)uulH' t ion }c.licy .;o~.u~it r.;U . tache (b) ConTJttona i'·"''' 2 . It s r6pcr~od • t on s u 1 illl, 1ll":t i l £.1':' f H 1 Yf. -( ;;> \ 1 +IH.. 1n 1 ,.... r.... ' :~ . 1. 1-• C. ' cor i in.,. of c '"'1 ',1 n, It 19 L~EJpori;.e 1 ~ '1 J'U.un , C. l. rto.,li 11 . 31 .... p-, . ·d .L hu ... dvl L'~ Gomr:nt+uu of c. 11' ,.•!\: 11 ha nu.. ....... th It 3 ." ~ t-t ::, •1 J ~ ~ lU r >in h r ,, \ t~ "'I Opt 1 n .i+ I 1 d . t wns r l ., 1rvi tc. writ. ~J !lnd tJ l. V <:'r V ~ lCY · ( c) c_ 1~ l.'~ t·r hnr,_ p ? ) t} ft r >lU 1 !1 t c 1~ i y l 5 o I t )in.s+. :.. i vit l t '1 • l t 11 t,l!'C' c+ 11 ':> j, -2­ 4 _... e o'"- t iuo of' t hc. S.S . _, (o) PatcntJi11..._Lorl iBrr~ntar:t ;Bndid9tcs i t om 5 It •:1. s r·... ?o ·+e;d ..... h,,"""to be. con ... idt..rLcl. G(;or--;o .J8.cli ng h. d ·nithdr.-:~m his rl.. .lt (:f) London Lobour ?art y Ext; Cil_t_iv ... Q,,nu·.t..:i.:_~c i-<:cm 7 I t s ~c:::...~ ... cct and ·1o-: ..... J+t..r th..,t int;o +' 1y ..; )I,..L,ty .r-~[.i!l ;::;hould r un its own .1ith the S . I . A. c:.:m d i u Fo.~.lo·.::in·-€8dt... ...'S; r ..... ;?ort'J ;r(..vd t;o Et~Jprov~..; tr.~... 1 J. lie. +.ion of ( i i <'c>ablcns ai' :.n ic, '1 -oli '.lCci oy ··k Stac>r (.ill Co1runonsL.nse 1a Jolonia l D~.;..Vt>lo L'0nt by .ita f!pu(j iJ lr·inci"l 3 of' ...:canonic i'ln1nin:?" ~" .~rthur Lv:1i It .~... >11Jlic4tion of ( i v) r Tor·./·lY ' b;::,r the l.l~j F'"b i Bn .Jvlc..,_:8+iun Pl'OVided , conc luJins ch1Jt.__, ~As ·ittLn to 3aticfy th~ ts 1' iS""d b~.r Jl.OD[lrd •) l f . (b) !l~_iliv) ( ii ) "F-olic:,~ f'or T_:olid YS 11 .Jai·athy .•rch i b lu G:.~oup r ..... ort •ri t+ ......l u b:, J011 •'ir.liJl.... ' Ch.: ~~n~:1 ( iii ) ".)i tributian by !i0nry Smith . ( i v) "I ability OI' :;:, • o•.tr' [,;;,.. 0£'t y 8 .rl' OUI:J (v) "Princ ib=-l...... s of Briti.:>h '.~.·li~h!ll..ont'l:r·y r:.....·.,r.:..t 11 J Dc..:.wc1• cyY m:1 by ~ocu. ( ·ha "" ·1'~', P0d us +r L ;s) (vi) 1 ,.as .~,'olicy 1 CraLl nd nd by : .~ . ~·c it ick (1: -.... ll~ (v i i) "Pallcy for to -;·... ry Jte',r•rt by Gr'UP :=..~,.,vy . (v~ii) 11 .r rit..:Ju.~ ..q.J -i th ..f' ~c ' !iUf:h~,J by Cr 1-;, ~bl·.... y. Loc "' l ..,Joci"-' :1.... s ~Or:I1i t t v...... c,-o t _::....9~1v Exoc.1t~ _sc;40j3 It · .. gruc.J + 1< t Er ll ioc Ltd. to be i to Bnnkers. -,h8t +his c~~n;v sh ll b .... ~,\.. ct\....~ l. r ly CiRtL; tu bv fix(..d by .er '1 r:l(..."lt c .,. ~.,. ..... n t'lv Em. ·cro Pv nd th~ j,,[''11g(;J.' Jf' th(.,. c. 0 ) , '1k. JJ ii. J.'h ~ 'l.~v '"on . 'r~.. 1rc1· b ..... ,;~uthorisc.G. r .J.."'U",, f ,_... om "'hl; L f" .'.t . ~ . ~rnl( b.:· .rJ d' v .. rod "f• such , .Jiv. l"~Y fr >mt-j_m.... + tl.'.1..; ':H.. n, JF' .~.·~-... v n "t,,cu~1 ... l"J) XC(.....,Ji.1-;<:4, 100. iii. "';'h 1t h..., n+.(.vS b th •..-·i ...., A. + l L.n ,(,; .iD.._> n ,1 L' n 'L. ­r.ll..nt ·,ith + (.. -=:. •·•. j , ~·nk, if !;d. h(.n t;l.ic ;ul d b ... cor.l'-' ·y, U.Ju. to hich ~hv S..·~ . n' l Lo . .J..\,ct !':! Cl1 r,!;'l.. U~JOD -f-h_. ; ;ci, t y 1G lPLiL.l)l)l G n .. L!I :·ity ~ ~ inst 1 D OVvrd··· It C.1. f J.' ny ut f' tl r lJUl\ U. c.. iV . -'h~ t'JI..i ,.... •... "' -'D"": 1)-.; .'1,. ,.Jfj;_• ., ) [' th )!' ... S'v";hc r .i'tl1 i:r . L ..Gusm.,B 1, b .... ·~1 futll 'E.. !U"'; t ) ' i;<:1c~1 .. u"' • (b) rh~ prO)OSI lE d~ in 2 ..... ., .. '"' .... ir 1 ·~ 3 ( .ccrui tin..,. nv lL.t, "t 'hi' int ri ' r JU "t l' mn J t h +~blc. n:l >r uvvl.. 22n:l L~c 10 l' 194 .,r_..rl,; ..,LlGO~J '}t..n 11 •t..Crv ........ 159 : .c. lst. llee ting AGT:N..,A 1949 FA"~IAN :;QCL::TY ll, D:.RT; OllTE STI:::.~T , S • • 1.1. EXRCU ~ IVB CO l.IT'l'F.. t~ 1.16& tln r ill t K .. pl CU a+ '.t.·30 . 1n. on 1 ·nday 24:h J1~ Ut.''Y in +h lULe of 1 Cm.~.ul• m , Cor.uni t 't,t:.; Q 0 m 1), oclct: ?a!'kbf'. (~) l. l'i'lutes of E. C. l 4t, L.ttn • ll48 -to iOllon -j;o follow ( E.C .3 ) c) 4-Gecvnd 6'[Jor·t; of >ult s f vie· ' .1. i toe -r:.c.2 -qtt~chcd hny otl1~r u. ... inGss (+ 1 •r.. r:-:'jy vo .c :ri; i'ron he Putlicat1Jn~ Polic;r C01 1i+-f:eu) ,I J E 1 IL3 .:· I_, __ _ rhur .. i-Ol1C r.l, jJr I' H't '""L )J.0 th,_ lilvt. f-in -\Ull..S .,....oV18l Ihave _n,;l lnl, f'TJ.,~. c rt t·.. tin ,.s so s t l,_svc t",ts 11 '..) .i n · f.:"t... fo·-. fl d·;t il(;d xA lnAt n ll' + IJ l.CO~ C" 1 .. nd. I so'!"!ding OUt -1-l), -. t'Cl' E.. l'lY .u 1 lV(.; !C.q .. 'J ' D 1 full nl-t-'rt:unity to ~vtL.ct 1; v ... l cts. c, iu .. lns nd obscu.ritius. It 11 t~ "< 1 t:tl ii' -"s ~onld let r.t.... t, vv i .v n DJ L ~ .. t s t '-'.' .sh t.:> pu t for rJ.. !' .:m 2 160 1 --.-_T--·--. -. -.. . , --.• ' _ -----------F-/,B-r~:,-:::.~c--r:. Y-·----11-J~~l ~---:__,_., :::"'_::::::· r "· ..Ol:'l!I ST. , :i. W. 1. ,---·--------------------:~~::::~ ~:;;·:,1 T~:---· ----------·-----------­ ?.inutdS of a 101eeting rJel d et 4-30 p.m. on on d3y 24ti J J"[mu8 ry ·1 t he House o:( Cor,Fwns . P''Gnent. Coh (Chair ), , lbu, .Jorothy :.rchibalu, Cald~r, I 8rg:.:r·et Col(. , C.o:• o s l8n d. , I~\~:..", Gosrman, G,!_•,;J , Hu..;hwr:; , 1. ikt=~rdo, iJf'r'kc.r~, ~-;0:cgClret Room , ...kvi'finet on, l~~.Brg0:re t Jt e",;rt, LBr·y Utowc,rt, ...... i r·, n6 .lhite, Youn~. ll)ol ogj_cs: ~.. rou, Dia:1ond, r onck , ~oolf. l :. inutQs_o_f_ _l248 _14 th ..'2..~li.:!.g­ (a) CQ9iJ;i;:>!'.LH2~ rflrg8:"'Ct (i"GB\"i'Drt, ·,ihO hEld f'lgr eod t t> join, \i[i S ·.velC OI~led on h.r first a~~Gfl'8ncc. Je '6G L., i'ic h,:-td _dcc..lin0J. (b) It •... ,s ~;..-·(.00 th8·~ th.... ,'. ttcr ~;1ould be C.iGcuss~...d fl t t hL n.... xt 1 ·ln... t i n:=r ,.·1u th:"'!t J'lG<:-n.d1 il~v ::?:-1_·1:...,1' r;houlJ. t.:ll-::0 no f u:."' tho....r C.j) t~ctiud. (c) h:..Q.,_ It 1>~::;::..., ~.zroe.... th t th~,..l"'..... shu1 ld be.. () full .... .~."'v3S discussion in J .• h0 1-S.C. ""t ~.;h ..... ~ Elrc h ue.... t i:-Ja of th~ ~~ .c. 2.S~.,p_;..,~~ '-c_-r:.v ort_. ~ .C.4. ' stct ur.1· !lt on thv tGff of tiJG Joc i~ty ( .C.l.) vr•s r~cGivcd ~nd o r .... ~?or~ "t~s _ij.vvD of t h .... :;>8iDLii.1C •l1 .... J.Gcor~ting Uon~,. bythv ;1vtab.... rs of th..... st:-:1'f. It '.185 :.-1l::;o .1_;r ved thElt t he E. C. shell invi te the staff to tee. It ··.'-lr:: "'~3'L"Gt;.t th ... t 8 i.wnc"'r~g.... sh ould bo sunt fro,1 th~ ..::.c. to thL. ~H 1ff th~Jkin3 t hGn 1~01• th~,. good· ill and c..nthusin om thuy h od sh mm Juria,; t h .... rcccr~t ditficult f?"-.~.~iod of aconot;ti~.o ..~ -nd for nll th~y hAd ~:onv to nAke tho.... pr~.omisc..o cl ean anG briEht. (b) It DEls ~ere..... ~ +hat the I.D. shoulu b~ ask6~ t o cono idur t hL po~sibili t~r of n ~ phl~ t lm Fv ...:e •L~t.1d. 3.?ublic""~tions ( i) • pprovGd ·nd sent to 0~int .ru ' '~agea Pol~cy by l·'cKi ttd·ick oci~lism flS Intvrnrt ;;.on .-.liE>I.l by L ·~;ki. (ii) o;~rovcd subj~ct to ~o....gotia~ion ' l th Autho~ A1d ro....cons.darAtion of titl~. ­f:'rit.!'H.J..ship 'llld nr.r~i .'t-b~r Dnnqll Elh. 2. (iii) np~~oved subject to furth~~ ~Gvisions ~nd rov ic·:· of titlo. ­ orkors ' C0ntx·ol by ~ir~~G "hit u. { i v) i:~~.;mi~tGd to Colc 8:1d f,l bu .:'IR EIU?itionfll r VCJ clvrs: ­ Industrial Policy by :•.:,.Cobb. (b) :;:cad6rs J,pjoint0d Pn:~phlc t :J .... F~d&rs ( i) ;:,':1ae;eucnt und, r Pl cnni;Jg "1 lbu ;ndGeort;o Sr.lith (i i ) The Council & the Ci tizGn Parker ~ JGon Copcl nnd '. (iii ) 1.\<>ntal H~nlth l.!orothy .• rchibal d & St~rl l:u~ray (r1ith !.:crgaret Col flS third .~.-.L ~d\..r if rGC_U~l ( iv ) Ecluc tion ~~olicy i::,ry 8te• art , nd Claro (D iPcuc-sion ~·2::2phl-t) T{~ckh~m. It "'··.; agreed ­ (a) t.h,t t.hc onc•1Jncnt :u::;;:;c. tcd should be approved subject to c~.; rtf• ln c h8ngos (b ) th ~t thL . . c. ohoulti · r itu in th .... chaniLS, send th~ chp~god f:i!Cl1'1%nt :a the pl·in,l;cl" , 1d subu i t ~ull < t o t he i···ebru in3' of ~.ilL. ~ .c . for , ovfll . (c) th:1t 8 ?ostcl B:·llot siloull b~ hel d in ;,pril (d) th•t tho ~ .R.c. ~hould submit copi. s of B•llot flccompm1ying l 0ttcrs, ne\1 •Jt ~, i.1L.i<.1J Ol' utc. mcctin_; of the r: .c. ' . C. 2nd l.uutL1g .~G~:~rn~~ of 1. ~v~i 1 ill b~ 1lvl at lt-30 :).m, on 0 1'1'.!8:· 28th ... ub:•u::~r·: in .;h... l-~vu:,L. 1f c 1\-non; ' C· L:1i tT..• ... t.. I!vor.l 6 ( uno}(<...J ~JY ·"'~lJ'!l P"" ·' ) +) c yf'..:.rn , , ~.jc ~~' ~-~t~-~ J') ~;:..l~-'--OU L_Q_f__L·~~u_t____)J'___l:.-_t_.~~_0:.!.1J~· (A) rJc h n:..H.)'_j)_i-'-·--'""-i tuI.. n H. J . !1U 'h(J' h, _, ~iVt.• -~ .r _,. ~ 10 i rh0 .... t o rrJ.ovc. >~_t iAt. 10 f'u1·t 1ur ect.L •:i ,~.,. t ':vn" .f),.. t .. ;~ ·n·t· .lr~-· t t~·f'f 1ill _t,l'u ~1 c:... ':\t 4-0 p. u. or u··1l .y 2c;,'th; ~ •f!r (~ ·1o.,.· to tnL.. . '.; . ll.t..ti"l:r), in t J•J H1u ·o of' Go m .... . lt i J..-in ot· '4·1j.~<..u. l)y P8dC(..•... . 1~-~-J:lL'.-~~­ ,.,n_t<.; .~~or tnl.; 0vcnin·; of' tho .:l·,~~t iOrt tlf l··uco t 0.1 i : . . ~-. I . ? 'rhi, h;cL.• l Jn ir rc•..uic,l w' thct s suitebl o h •ll C!"lll b(; J 101:(;<}, 1 Jt th...~c~ ti· v~,.. b.... on ill y •U fiX tLl. tlO L1'? su r~st : ~ha,/,~ros ~ G.,...if'i'it.h , -;ri -.?.J "'nd .J ltc 1 . 11, ·qlct ·.:ilsOIJ or· Gcdt~k~wll. ·4· '~ir: +,io~1 ·• b~· ..... Lrs ( (ll' r '''Ut Col\.. {,:, '\'Obcon) '1nd son t ( ,) .. ' r w~ to th; ·in"; rs: ­ ' (b) • ,' r· .v~' by ~ d.•,r•s ( 'oolf' 111 'Jil!1 In.,cn)· ­-2­ (c) ep:o:•oved by Renders (Psrker & Joen I.Jitche ll) subject to revisions :­ 11 Wholes8lin ~ an cl Retailin311 by Henry S:11 i th ( d) Approved by readers (Albu ~ leorge Smith) subject 't o 'e JOod deal of rewritin~' (e) /,bsnJ.ohGd l{(.. ffin:;ton , _ -irane ihito , 7oolf, Youn~. St aff: f'il c-on , Cha ,) 1an .\pologia s, Dorothy Archi'b:l'ld, Cslder, Crosland, Diamond, • i BrGaret SteviC~rt , i1ary otensrt . 1 . !.inutes of l~t.Le-cticl -~ t t ( a) Celebrity .Jinn~.'__item l(b) It ·.10 7r6eJ .h?t no ~ut·th~r sctton should be taken . It .... -rr.. ~.-1 thC~t -thb fllll ....rcss discussion should tclke _q lflCt; in ·• 1.'i l or n8y instead of' E1rch . 1 - Go snsn ~g~c0d to c8ll toBethcr a Group to consider snd r~1o~t ~hcther i t Jould b~ .ossible to 8rronae (i ) 8 d8ncc cftor t.hL ... G.L. a;,d (ii) a buff~t SU)_JLr. It s aJI?e6d h t the Qanc~ ~hould not b~ Jri•..a~ily a r1oney ~a1~in3 J:unction . It :188 ?l!jr~:.~d .that H~.{·old \Vilson or , f'4ilinc: him, ;,neurin Bevan shoul~ be invited to s .. c2~· ( i ) t hct en 9ttcupt shoul d b~ LW • to ore>anise a me-eting 't in Lonu.on for n(.rab......... s of the Socivty to discuss thb '18dG by a cor.l.lit";~e consisting of Hu.;hus, 0k..;ffinf""ton,Young Cl nd Eir6ne ·'h it~:; . \ (ii).', p8r.l~hht shoul d b."J ~ublished cvalu8ting t he ~ro;:rArnmo , to be uri ttcn by G. D. H. Col <. or .-lbu or l'ikardo. It ·cas agreod t hot t he R~8d~r~ for thv :]am,,hht shoul d be t hc. t'.JO who did n:ot .. i tc it pl us Hughcs. -2­ tho pF" ~~hl _ t snd thElt th0 foll o'il i ng should b"" readers for th~ revised version ;-~ir~na Whit~, J, lbu El nd Youne . 3· Re wv3l of Octob~c u·t~d sub~crib~rs (6 . 0 ._5.!_) It 8G r:g-r~;.;\;cl th"'~t the 1"' rs l i sted shoul d bv rGmovod vXe ~t for th~ follOVIin c:. ­To be " 2Procchod by 42jB C61!L;J!18n H . /1 . P8rk.... r Gr8hf1i1 ... H , G. D. H. Colc 42j-Elliott i.R. 2lj -Brucc D.7.T. I .• P. Hu•ohes HEJsl .... tt C. il i ss !Ji . I. Col u C~sh 10j6 .. mGrsh.:-n·1 & Oh .... sh Ar!l il . L. P. Filson B~rbour I:. i .rs . Bc.,umont l t. I iss Chamb~rs J . D. GrayPils on G. D. H. Col.... Than J . G. Parker Utton P . B.IIrs. l'i . I.Coh B. O. 10j6 Boy:l~ H. C. D1• . Pog1rty M. P. P':lrk .... r G. D. H.Coh 4. Rules Ruvision Committee -E.C.8. (a) that the By-Lav•s shoulJ not b~ c i rculated with the Pos tal Ballot. (b) that the By-L~·•s shoul d be intr·ouuccd to take effect on l st. July. (c) that thu draft l etter to nembers,~bJ t ho Pro, cGOJ '• and ~xpl •nations shoul d be aJprovod ~ith certain ch•ngcs. (d) >ut the f'rocJOS&d l3y-L8'il8 (E.C. 9; should be circulated again in r·ny • ..'ith c"'rt ein chnn_:es incor)orSted. l~inut.... s of F.G.P.C. lst.ficotin& (a) Jtpff •ml t~~ Society Itu•·l 2(a) It V/88 · grcud that memburs of the staff should be a llowud t o join the Society at student r"tos. (b) Colorf~al ilur eau Jtaff i t.n 2 (d) It IEIS El!:;rG~vd thEtt fl !'10SSRgv shoul l bcl svnt to t.:"=~rjori€ Picholson convoyin:: fiPt)rc.cit~tion of th-.. Exccut ivL for thw ...,ark '·'he hEld d.onEJ f.)r the ScciL.ty togu-th\,r •:lith cong:ratu lBtions ~a uood wishc.s for thL-futurL. . It WAtj 8->r......... d th: t Su. t6r uchool '.,ccr\...t~ri~,..F..: shoul d not bG P~i~ an honorariu11 in tutu~~... . (d ) S~cs enJ "d"'inistrati vv Staff' rt~n 2(f) It was ­ 1" \'. (i) :h8' ....... (il)th't h!!VC r-·'s : tc " C.•St Jf (f) Booksnot (i) \h; shou r'J PlUS ,ii)th~ ~Gf~ (g,·~ -3­ (i) th8t Dona1d Oha •r.1an ·.1ho Ylf·S duv for a £50 incr<.."S'-of ~81. ~Y i:1 June should b~ ~aiJ th~ incrv~SG as fro~1 1st. January 1949 (ii)that !lay Harris ·•ho had had no tJrOmisc of an incr.:.asu should have a salary i ncrcasc of £2 5 as from lst. January 1949· (e) Cost of F'r~u I·-~uc of Publica ti~ns Itum 3· • It 1 1P.S 8grc ..... ll, .•• C,l,, <>t 3. p. ,1. on 28t:l·"unG, 1947. The mee tinG rms attended by some 180 members or tl1e So ciety,23 members of the Staff and the fo llowin:.. members of the ~c: ­ J . Pa.r::cr {Chair),~·. Bar ou , :C . Dnvi .Js, J.C . Gro.y , ~r .n. ~Iuc;hLS I. 1-:'li}::n.rc:o , :J . Monck, A. S~.mffi :1-ton , L. Woolf , 1:. Youn··, A.\i. Filso l. ii:U!_uteu of A.G.::. 1946. 1 The :.anutos of the l~.ct .\G.. ucrc to.!con 8-S r.Jnd a.nd were npprovod . 2. ·?h.J·Ge ncra.l S.Jcrctary reo.d out the rcrul·t:.s of the postal ')c.llot tho.n:!.;:ed, t ho Scrutince:.:·s, 'iss Gi"0so.l, r. Howcll nd -·r .~oussctt fdr th.J \'l· r~c--~hey ho.d don.J . 3. r~ft ~eport for . l946-47, Tl1c :Jra.ft I\eport wa.s 'lovod by Jo~1n Po.rlccr ""nd forrto.llys-co:;.ded . .-\.fter a discusGi on In.n :Iiko.:::do r..::pli0d for the :G:;~.J cu ~,..i ve a.nd the Report was adopted . 4. -'he rteport wc.s moved by Emil os , forme__ ...y seconded o.nd, after a di scussion, adopted. lt no.s :novcd by Jrnil ~ovlcJ , forma.llj' scconr~ed C>.nd res..Jlvcc.. t:1.:-..t .,.cssrs . Pc:;..:; , #~:1tiobus t..: Co. b..J t!'!.'lnkod for thei r service in t.· c ~st Year n!ld be o.s~:cd to o.ct c:.s ·onora.ry i~udi to..·s for 19 :.z-48. 6. i.etirin..-on.·rrcasurer. John Parke r, on b.::hc..lf o:' thG ~xccutivo , .:--.nd the Hcv. i.~.G . LcGt;c, f r o -:1 t he f loor, piJ.i d >~ribut c to t'1c r.::~.t ser vices rendered by .:.=:mi 1 D"-vi os a.s ·x~cuti vo "{omb.Jr .:-.:1d •'roa.suror of the Society . ?. of the Society a.:nd_ .\caoo.rch ··ror; ra.r.li71C of__,J19·..§o eictv . Lco:1o.:Pd ·.".'ool f ~;!Ov.Jd a:1d the Gencr 1 Socrot::.r:;-scco:1Ucd t~1-J followi n ·-.Jstt''luti on su' · ttcd cy t~10 ~xccuti ve :­ 11 Jhis Annuo.l cnero.l -~ee-cina endorseo the Iollo\'/i~l! sto.... c­n~-.nt of the of t h..; Soci >Jty. he ylinci pc.l <>im of th0 <>bi <>n Society shoul d be to in­ilt.~ ne.;:; , sti!:lula.te ::1nd i .1otru.ct t 11C vo.~,.,.ua.rd of the Soci "'..list :;wvum.cnt ro.:thcr th'"'.!1 to Cl1L':O.·"'O di ruct l y i "1 n or t i s purpose t11e rJl~ of tJ1u oci~ty ic ...~..: uci ~ .\to.. :i its·d ;:cts i:-:~cr t'.c .1, t., -u?· .:1 " ·' 16R -2 ­ r esc.:trch , tq a-ssembl e n.nd i nterpret. ~ianifi c"'.!lt f 0.cts, to serve ::-:.s "". forum of di scussion a.t a. rol o.tivJly .:td.v<:t.:'lcJd level, to m.:-.i nt( n. continuous intcllcctua.l ini ti'l.tivc in the formn.tion of conc"'"':ructivc poli ci ds , .::1nd ~ner~lly to ::et c.s o. ra.J.i n.tinc; centre for new i-J.ens . ~10 deva l opment of co.dr0 s i !l t,_e Lc:.bour n c·v0nont i c. o..n i.m~)orto.nt o.spoct of thi s• objcctivo. ·... he· die­se '.linGtion of i dcc:.s e r.n r _, i:;:I~ ;from th ·po.r.::nt 9cioty1s ~.,ark C2"11Dn~ o. Vlider puJlic Ql.n be carried out to Q consi rlcra.'.Jle cxtcn·C throu-)1 -~ne loc~l -o.2io."l Soci ..:;ti JS • ..111 le t''·-.1 Society cn.n usefully Jovotc a. li r1i tcd ~nou!lt oi ::. tc.1l.ion to \"·ITiti !\.:; inonorc:.ndo. for L:.:.ouur -l.L-i stcrs c.!1t.~ of Po.rlia.r.1~nt , it shuulc.l to}ian News" and all pamphlets priced 1/· or less.. A subscription of SC>/• or more shall entitle the subscriber to recei ve a copy ot: t he t!;~ ::c!X "Fabi an News" and all pamphlats priced 2/· or loss. A subscription fli;rl , .: of 60/· shall i n additio~_oake the subscriber a member of the · Colonial and Intarnatio~tBureaux receiving all publications to which Bureaux members are entitled, Per sqns underg~Sng a full-time course of instruction and members of the ranks of H~,Forces shall be allowed to be members for the per iod in which t hey ar engaGed for an annual subscription of half the rate applicable in d t:llt'. each category, The executive committee shal:j. have the right in ic:s i:t exceptional cases t o ~4.cide that n pamphlet should be issued either· to a gr eater or a· l essJnumbar of members than is specifi ed in this rul e , The Executive Committee shall have ·power t o strike off t he books any member who, after notice, fails to pay his subscription~. Miss Anne Whyte moved the f~llowing amendment!. "In lines 8,10 and 13 cdd in each case "Fabi an Quarterly" after 'Fabi an News•." The Hon. Treasurer opposed the amendment on behalf of the Executive Committee, The Amendment was put t o t he vot e and def eat ed on a show ot: hands •. rcr After Mr. John Parker, M.P. had replied to the disoussion on behalf of the Executive Committee the Resolution was put to the vote and carried on a show of hands. 8. Resolution on Co-opted Members of the E,C. Mr. R.D.Bost moved and Mr. James Johnson seconded the following Resolution on behalf of the West Midl and Regional Committee of Fabi an Societies : ­ "This Annual General Meeting considers that the growing strength of Regional Com~ittees should be encouraged and their abilities used, by the eo-option to the National Executive of one member from each Region, who shall have the full rights and privileges accorded t o elected members : such eo-opted members to be selected by the Regional Committees themselves, and their names submitted to the General Secretary, not later than 14 days after the Annual General tleeting of the Society" . After Mr. Arthur Skeffington, r.l.P. had promised that the matter should be considered by the new Executive Committee and discussed at a special Local 0ocieties Conference t he Resolution was wi t bdrawn . 9. Resolution ~n M. P. Members . The following Resolution was moved by Mr.A.G.Hughes :­ ''This Annual General !.Jeeting considers that in view of their many other pressing commitments, sitting members of ParliaMent should not be eligible for the Executive Committee of the Fabian Society11 • After a discussion the Previous ~uestion was moved bytlr. Andrew C!!mpbell and carri ed . l O.Discussion on the Future of the Society An analysis of the answers to the Questionnaire "What do you Think"? and a Statement of the Current Research Programme were circulated . The Chairman opened the discussion and Mr,H.D.Hughes, M,P. replied on behalf of the Executive Committ ee. The meeting closed at 7 .05 p. m. ANDREW FIL~ON. GE~iRAL ~ECRETARY. June 28th , 1948. Ui Hall, La SocietyGeneral It was ea ial On the follo· "That changesheld in lbl The 'H "Thi~ 1 A! the Which too Rule alld wnich "" ·•o at the AlUI Solelyro!1·6 sha[[ FABIAN SOCIETY disousston PUt to tO, Yie• o! f Parli"'" Febian ved by 'That grall.'a ~~~ ugtes, 1,:, 11 , Dartmouth Street , S.W. l ANNUAL GENERAL 11EETING 1949 Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held in the Kingsway Hall, London, W.C. l., at 2·,30 p.m, on 26th November, 1949, G.D . H. Cole i n the Chair. The meeting was attended by some 200 members of the Society l. The Minutes of the 1948 Annual General Meeting were approved, 2. The results of the 1949 -50 Executive Committ ee Ballot was announced, 3, 66t h Annual Report The Report was moved by the Chairman and discussi on followed, Reference back of the section on Summer School s was moved byAndrew Campboll but, after debate the moti on was withdrawn. Andrew Campbell. also moved the reference back of the section dealing with Research of the Home Research Department. After discussion the motion was defeated . The Annual Report was adopted, 4 . Treasurer' s Report The Report and Statement of Accounts were moved by the Hon.Treasurer and , after discussion, were adopted. 5 , Auditors It was moved by the Hon.Treasurer and resolved Messrs . Pegg , Robertson , Antrobus & Co ., be warmlythei r services in the past year and be asked to act for 1949-50. that t hanked f or as Auditors 6 , On behal f of the Executive Committee, the Vice Chairman moved the following resolution on the forthcoming General El ection:­ "That ' this Annual General Meeting calls on all members of the Society to work for victory of the Labour Party in the coming General Election" , I t was carried unanimously, 7.(a) On behalf of the Executive Committee, H,D,Hughes moved the fo l lowing resolution: ­ "That this Annual General Meeting confirms and approves the changes made in the Rules of the Society by the Postal Ballot held i n April, 1949" . (b) The foll owing amendment was moved by Hugh Jonkins:­"This Annual General Meeting of the Fabian Society DECLARES THAT the Rules of the Society were not changed by the postal ballot which took place this year, Rul e 5 of the Rules as amended at the Annual General Meetingand which we now confirm to be still in force, states:­ "No alteration of or addition to the Rul es shall be made save at the Annual r1eeting or at a special general meeting convened solely f or that purpose. Any alteration of oraddition to Rules 1-6 shall be adopted only if supported by not less than three-quarters of the members present at such an annual or special meeting . 11 -2 ­ This Annual General Meeting therefore rejects the attempt of the Executive Committee to change the rules by unconstitutional means and FURTHER DECLARES THAT the by-laws enacted under the unconstitionol rules have no vqlid existence" . c) The following amendment was moved by E.S. Napier: ­ "This Annual General Meeting of the Fabian Society, WH I LE prepared to ratify, as an emergency measure necessary to meet a specific problem, the Amendments to Rules adopted as the resul t of the postal ballot of membership held in 1949 . (1) PLACES ON RECORD its displeasure with the procedurefollowed by the Executive Committee; ( 2) ASSERTS THE PARAMOUNT RIGHT of Annual General Meetingsto consider, adopt , amend, or reject , all amendments to the Society ' s constitution (Rules) , and to ratify, amend, or reject any By-laws introduced by the Executive Committee thereund~r; After debate , Mr . Jenkins 1 Amendment was defeated by 57 vot es to 25, ,at . . Nap! et 1s amenament was a et eaten on a snow ot nanas ana the Execut1ve Resolut 1on was carr1ed by 53 vot es to 34. 8 P.H.Meyer moved the new set of rules set out in Appendix A t o a) these minutes . b) E.S. Napier moved the following amendment :­This Annual General Meeting -----­CALLS ON THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE TO exami ne the Rules and By-Laws as at present in force and hereby ratified with a view to formulating (a) "further amendments aimed at removing inconsistencies due to faulty original drafting or subsequent amendment s ; (b) proposals for the strengthening of the status of Local Societies both by specific representation on the Executive Committee and by closer contact with Headquart ers". c) On behalf of the Executive Committee the Chairman moved the following amendment: "That this annual meeting , in view of the shortness of the time available, the need to deal with other aspects of the Society 's affairs, and the undesirability of revising the Rules again at this stage , refers these resolutions to the Executive Committee for consideration and report to the next Annual General Meeting" . Mr.Napier's amendment was declared lost on a show of hands. The EXeCut~ve amendment was passed , became the substant 1vc mo t 1on and was carri ed . 9. The Resolution in the name of Ivor llontllgU was not reached, The meeting closed at 7. p. m. DONALD CHAPMAN 26th November, 1949 . General Secretary 1. (b) '· or the al mean, eet a result o! etings ents to !Y, aEer.l, re i? votes ~ :ceutive Cor.>u ttcc lhllot rrerc announced, 3· (o.)In accordance with notice prc.:vi uusly civcn, Hr. Ivor H·cirto.r;u moved the follC11·d.n.n amen&acnt to the Society's rules: "Rule 11, third ccntcncc, after the \'lords 1other orgo.ns of the Society.' replace full stop by COI1r-'a o.nd add 'providedthat :.uch by-loxm c!mll not introduce discrimination o.mong roombcrs of the Soci ety or dir.ti.nish the rights of any of them as othe;rvicc provided by Rule'." The resolution vro.s seconded by JAr. G. Druin. (b) !.!r , ROMLd J,!audc J'\OVCd t he i'olla.Jing nucniL .cnt to llr , ilontagu' s r esolution: 11To insert• bctrrcon 1by-1D.rt~ 1 a.ncl 1sh?.ll1 the \"lords : 'with the oxceptivn of by-lA\lS a.lrrody r:ndc.' " The o.rn.cndnent lD.pscd, Mvint.; cd to f ind o. seconder. After dcbD.te I.Ir. lLonto.r;u' s re solutic.n \-ns defeated by 67 votes to 35 4 . On bchnlf of the Executi ve Uo :u:ti. ttec, A. Skcffingt on moved o.cccpta.ncc of the "Report on Further Points of Rules Rcvisi..:...n11 circulated Yri th the Annual Report. After dclxltc it \r:\S ncccptcd uho.nimouoly. 5 . 67th. Annual Report. Acccpbncc uf t he llcport " " " moved by the Chain:nn, o.nd seconded by John Po.rker :i.i:.P. Af t er cliscusoi un it vas o.ccept cd un..'\nimously, a.nd it \JO.s agreed to record t'hc profound t ho.nks of the Soci t..:ty t o Dr . Hi11dcn on her r etirement n. s full-time Secretary of the SociLty' ::. Colonin.l Bur <.;o.u o.ftcr ten years service. 6. Fino.ncial Statement and Tr<;9-_surcr' o llcp~rt July 19it9/Jww 1950 . The report wo.s moved by I'ln iii.l<:1.rdo ].l.P. seconded by E.S. 1b.picr, and o.ccepted The speciAl tho.nks of the Society Yrere o.ccordcd to Inn lfi. lC'.rdo and L .A. Gossrro.n on their retirement n.s Trcn ­surcr o.nd J..ssist...'\nt TrL;D.surcr . y. Auditors. ~rroved by Ian !.I:i..kl.rdo o.nd r(.;solved th£.t I.'icssrs Pcgg, Robcrtson c.nd Antrobus be tlt'lnkcd for services i n the yror a.nd be o.sked t o act n s Auditor s f or 1950/ 51. It \FO. s ar;rccd to record the Society's . deep n.pprccia.tion of the groo.t ~s~ista.noe of . Robcrtson during the J>"St year. 8 . On the IJIOti on of Arthur Sk~fi'inoton th~.; Ch..'li:mnn vro.s ·.m.nnl y thlUlkcd for his very gr~t .services to th(; Society• . The Meeting closed at 6. 30 p . m. DO!!ALD Cl!AH iAN ~5th. Nav-embcr 1950 . General Secretary. l. 2. 3. {a) {b) 4. 5. I -j F A B I A N S 0 C I T Y y 11, Dartmou th Street, \V .1. ANNUAL GEN:ii:RAL !.U::BTThG , 1951 Minute s of the Annual General 1.\ecting he ld in the Caxton Hall at 2.30 p.m. on Saturday, 24th November, 1951. John Parker, M.P ., was in the chair. ry, The meeting was attended by some l OJ mcnbers of the Soci ety. l. The Minutes of the 1950 Annual General !!eating were approvad. 2. The rcsu l ts of th0 1951/2 Execu tivc Comni ttec Ballot were announcea... 3. Anendment to Society's Rlles Thcl nccting considered resolutions subL1ittcd by i•!r. W, Birningham and nnendn~nts by Hisc Gwyneth Morgan: ­ (a) Rllc 4(c) of the Fabian Society ~~~ Mr . Birminghnn, having accepted Miss Morgan's aoondcoot !llOV(.d:­ "That Rule 4(c) of the Fabian Society By-Laws be amended by the deletion of all words following 'a full m~mber of the Local Society' and insert 'and is not a member of any political party oth~r than the Labour Party.' " -and by pernission of this meeting, the mov~r and s~conder were allowoo to add the wor ds: "and the Co-op<;ra tivc Party," at the end of t he r eso lution. Aft~r debate, t he r esolution was r eject ed by 45 votes t o 13. (b) Rul~ 1 of the Fabian Soc i e ty By-L"!ws . Th. Resolution was, with per mission, withdrawn. 4. 68th ..nnual Rcp()rt Acceptanc0 of t hu R~port was mov~d by tha Chairman, Hr, J ohn Park~r, M .P ., and , after discussi on , carried unanimously. 5. Financial St a t~m~nt and Tr~osuror' s and i.u di tors Re ort ----.Jul 1950 June 1951. Tho r eport wa s moved by the Hon. Troasurur , John Diamond , and -accepted unani mous ly. -2 ­ 6. Auditors It was mov~d by John Diamond and r~solv~d that r:cssrs. P0gg , Rob~rtson, :..ntrobus & Co. , b~ thank~d for thoir s~rviccs in tho past y~or and b~ asked to act as aud­itors for th~ y~ar 1S51/2. It was a rc~d to r~cord v~ry sp~ci~l ap~r~ciation of th~ gr~at assistance of i.r. I. Rob~rtson during thw past y~ar . Th~ Occting clos~d et 5.45 p.u. su, DJN..LD CH .PM•.N ecrct8ry's ""')ort -EC(48)43 (att8ched) 4 Coml)osition of tha E.C. -GS/48jG62 (nttf'ched) 8. Rules Hevision Committ ee -EC(48)42 (AttAched) 9. P. G. P.c. ( 48) 8th M,1:-.itto:1 of the I'.C. 11 and 11 Ru l eG Revi s ion Committee11 \Jill re ~uire a 10 st careful discuss]o:J. In viOi: of' this furthGr meeting I •nill not at thi. stA8~ c:!.:-oul8tO p8pors f'or itec,lS 10 ,11 and 12 of' the ..g~nd, i e:mt.d on 17th September. ..ND:O.E r : ILSON 23rd Septemoo r 1948 EC(48 )43 ·---------------------------------------·-----------­ FI.BL.N SOCIBTY 11, Di,RTt.'OUTH ST. , 8 .W.l. Secr~tsry's ~eport While I Bm reluctBn t to add 1ore tJaper f or the E.C. r.!embers to read, I think it may be convenient to have for each r.Ieeting El brief written rei)ort SUitV·l8rising im·JOrtEmt points which are not covered by the AgendB . This (a) should he l p to expedite business (b) should prevent some points being lost in the closing stages of the meeting. 1. i•!?.2l.ogies for Absence . So far a.)olo;{ies have b0en received from Barou, DiEILwnd, Hughes,Laski, t:ikardo , r~:onck, Park6!' and Youn~. 2. Evan Durbin (a) A tribute uill Bp~ear in the October rab ian News (b) Would the E.C. consider dedicBtins the new series of discussion pamphlets "The ChBllen.~e of 1950" t o the nemory of Evan Durbin , wh o "'as in the eha ir of the R.P.C. meeting that initiated it? (c) Young is reBding an unpublished essay by Durbin and vill re,>ort to the E.C . Ylhethec it could be brought u1' to date for tJUblication as f:l6Li1orial tribute. (d) The I'Byor of Edmonton has launched a fun., to hel;> !.;!lrjorie Durbin . I assunc the Society r.r;ll ·t~ant + J SL1bscribe ~nd I feel '(1(.; ShOUld El l 80 El'JVCI'tiS•.; it in I'8bi8n ' 1 CYIS . (a) Young has su:::sasted thB t B Durbin i!enorial f.'unu be lBunched Bnd tha money bo duvoted to Bn 8nnu8l scholarsqipfor work on Soci8l Psycholo:.y. PersonBlly, I feel we should not coupete with t he Eduonton Fund. (f) N8rgBret Cola has sudsest8d that we Bvard one or more Durbin 3cholsrshivs for our Su.1•1er Schools­ (r.;) Does the E.C. wish to ;.>ass a formal resolution of SYLli>8thy? 3· Nomin~t_i.on_'!_of Potent_i& .P!'£J._;iilment8r.:l_ C8ndi_da_t_£G. The Labour P8rty h8s viped out ita exinting ~Bnel snd will now draw up a ne·;..~ list of cf!ndidstes no1 inated by sffili:'ltE..d or~anisations. Three members of the S.:>cicty h8ve nskect for our no•oinDtions . Whst is going to bb our ~olicy? ShBll •.1e ,J8ke no lin,tions? Whst shall be our ,r·ocedur6? t1n BnnouncL.mE.nt in Pabian !.{~H· S? r "( -2­ 4. R~~e Camps.l&.n_9ounc i 1 The Ruvenu~ Camvaign Council \/Ould like to bccon!o a SflGcial Comnittee of' the E.G. r0s,Jonsible f'or the ;.;ocial functions of' the Society. This ~i ll involvh turning thb Schools and Gocial Com.:~ittac into n . Schools Cotnr.littee. The F.G.P.C. approves. The s.a.c wi ll be ~sked f or its opi nion on 23rd 8e~tcuber. Pe ·sonally I regard this as a ,>cod i clea, .'rovided t.hat the R. c.c. under its n6w guise continuws to rely on voluntBry eff ort ond hlakes no sub£tant i al cal ls on the staff' of' the Societ y . ..:TDRE'tl F'ILSON 23rd Sept ember 1948 1. ~he Li!C 'li:io:l . y . .' '1U l 2. I' 1 31 1 1 )1 11 •iill EC ( 48 )42 J,ddcndum F.'.BI.,}t· .30Cil:TY ll, D:.RTiOUTH 8T., S. W. l • ..DD2-"DUI!. TO RI;?ORT OF RUL__S "'::VI'3IO~i COi I'£'r..::E l. The time t<•b l 6 r~commended i n pere. 5 of the -q , ;< . C. Report noeda PE-vi :::ion . It "EIS bflsod on tLl.. su))osition thr.t th\,. finrmcis l yQ :., ~-·ould e·1d ii1 Decombcr .:ncl thv .. G.~ .. tBkc :;l"cc. 11 .,,)ril.. It has no•.7 been L~ccidod th~ t tht;; l'in:o-1ci Bl y~...:::i~ ill enC: in Juno r:mcl t h _,.G. 1 • tE~ke lace in the cmtumn. 2~ I'his zj_ves us El fc..''! mon ths brcnt;hii1g ~j BC(.. flDC1 I th(.,I'(.. JrC ro....COPl '6n d tht=lt dC ~b'"'rs &' LocBl ,_jocictiGS b~...; in1'oruc.d of the ci.ocicion of th6 ~.C .to revis& rul~a (if this is dGcidcd) 8l1J b~ invitud to submit suggestions. ·rhia sce;;1S to r:1c both dmaocr--tic rmU _>rudcnt. J. j··y r\;viscd tL-.1c table 'ilOUld b.... as follnr1s~ ­ 1 ''ov. 48 . FabiBn ?c•·IS ~.)orto decision af :.c. & invitGs sug~0stion 31 Dec . " Closin3 dBt~ lor su2~cstions Jen . 49. Rul es Rbvision Comnitt~...c & th~...o .r.:, . C. cm1sid.... rs suggt...stions Fob. 49. t:a~Lri8l for -out~l Ballot sent tu _.~int~rs 1 :.~r -49· Postal 'l8llot io5uvd to ·lG.:bcr:-:. )1 '·'•'·'+9· }_,'inal dDto J~or •.!jj_)·~··{,. ·s o-.1 •c 1b0rs . · ':9-~TC' ruh.;fi 'lC;"Jt tO . 1 ; ~:r 49. N(., 1 :-:-ulcs isGu...,d t') ··l0i.!b..... rs. !-1-. J:·,1ciC.c:1t~-ll:r,if t ho EC 8CC<....)~G th.... -'GCJ~1.l1£..i.1d8tio·_n 'Jf +;lv 1·!1(..8 1:\. ..... v ision Coumittc.;.; that ....L.Jd..c.nts to .:... 0s0luti.·a~. bu circulotGd to .•c..rn.bcrs~ then l'hc .,. G. ; . should t~,,{e 1lflcG in rov... nb..::;r r th.... r thf!n Octob-.:;r owins to tht-holid3y _... cried cmd the ~"brencc of '1t1 •• u:;ust P8bi2n :·c·~,o . !-ic.rc is th~ tic>v t.-blo . If th. , .. G.r. is held ood-Novvnber .:.genda , including 8."1cndr•h.. nts to "'1.6'-Jbers 1 October -::? circulat6d to acmbcr[; 1 bept . 1 Oct . ~ C.i• invited t~J su.brait rcsol ·tions 1 July 1 Rcp t . rhc.. Octobc;r .~oG .r. th...;roforc.. set..L!S to bo o bad d te if '.lv nre oi n:1 to circulc,tc El IC.nd.monts. ........... ----­ ({a8s. GENERl,L: RitchiG C8ldcr, R8;:· Good;mn . 4· le fcol th~t tho H. d . C. should 8. ~oint the .osncl s of f•dvisers. ) -2­ 5. Tho r:onb~l'S of the rutil'in.:; 19~7-48 Comnitto, \i6rG .­ 'PC: Laski, .Barou , ar:;:>nt Colc , Durbin, I'8riD]don ,1ood· JB n , Hu ·hus, ...-'Plc~,.. .. , V/oo lf', Youn2; . i:;IC : Dul'bii1, -·..>lin, Cob:J, Dia wnd, ,l;cJ'i1Drt1o , 'L·ay, Dlclol', Ja:·, L~l"lis, acr!ac , r.:ikol'do, l'onc k, /hi to , j ors·;1ic1<:. PLGC: 'lbr,on, Chc8tc;·, Chol'lcy, · a r:;ar•et Col~, Crossmen , G,•oavc• s, H"rdio, Hu.. hcc, . "oColl, ?ollard, .olf, ·,ells, y,,un ;RC Hu:h'""' ibr;•ms, Clte1. bep in 5 ,0l d Po l a co Ynrd. it&, F-rosent: ilsrgPrGt C!ol e (Chair), Dorothy fl!·ch ib,~ ld, I'0!.~in1don , Go ...,man , G1·8:~ , JBy , !ia rg8re t ~lL1mcntnryLabou:.:• I CJrty .1Ul1d or tl1..; .Gdmonton Fund) and invi tt... r,iemb..... PB ttJpough Pflbian Ne;;s to subscribe to t he l'unu. (iii)that no c,pCCi8l i.IGinOl'i8l ~Ublic.•tion Or scholornh i p shoul d be a~pr·ov6d. (b) ll.Qu:iJ:l_ations of ~ot~ntiDl Parli8mcntary C1>ndidates It was sgrced ­ (i) t~"t the ~xecutivc fhould reserve th• r ight to mak( nominntions in 6XCG,.tiona l cases ( ii) t~At the Gen•~•l d&crctary sh~uld find out fro~ aRch applicant why he or che hAd no other opportunity for no:~1ination "btJfore t he 8V:1 licntion WflS conside-red by t he E.G . ( i) tiJ&t t he R.Q.. C. should be •.JOund up and t he !'l~inb~rs thnq\ced for th~ hel~ thG¥ lpJ e;iven. ( i i) th8t 8 ·aookine shuul l.l 00 w'iti on or' the H .• ,.c. should be settl ed flt th~ noxt ,.l<:.eti ng. i·,i!l.u_te_s_pf r' .G.P!.Q~.J3..!.!l...r±-c..tinP' I t.9L!.!._6 G~,.;ner>al~~~t8ry A )T.J~"oved / P£Hi2.hl et s bv Films Group I t wos ~gre6d t o c:bandon this p8mphl o-t . Dc.fsr·red till noxt tOOtJtin.J . Publications -&eptumb<.r 1948 -EC(48 )38 Fabi8n J;osoys :c-ie" Volu;;,e? -'::C(48)39 Rule·. Revi r;ion Co~:; .i ttu.o -:':C(4e )42 Sum·tCr tlchool s 1948 Gcho1Jl s Comr:~i t+.c,5 1948 -9 NDREW l'ILSON 28t h tleptunbcr 1948 Gen erE! l 8e c rG t cn•y .--\: f ( (: I LC(l!8)46 F1.!liA!•l ~ocr:TY . . . . 11, D.\RT;·ouTH STRE:::T, S.V/ .1. Pert l. ..risin::; out 01' "inutos of lOth 101~ctin::; 1. Even Durbin Itero 2(e) From further investi ·•tion is is clear (a ) thet the Societ y should mCJ~6al should be !l>'de tllrou:>;h I'ab ian 'Tells or othci'rlise (c) th8t personal friends of Dc•rbin shoul d be adv1sed t:> contribute to t he Goitsl; subscribers. /ill any mcmbcl' •.Jho is 30in:_; to be obsent fro·., the ;:; .c. muvtin~ DlCEISO let 1:1e knovt if h~.;; if; willing to 1 'ake B personal c.·~1:.ro8Ch. to any of those dufaulturs? ;.lWRE'J FILSON 29th Septombor 1948 Goncra l Jecrc~ary i7H 17~ .. \ 181 183 18cl t85 186 • 187 18R 189 190 f9t 192 193 19~ 195 196 197 19S 199 200 201 I 202 203 205 206 208 ~Jl 212 I 213 214 215 216 + 21S ~19 220 221 223 224 2~5 '22o ~27 228 229 230 231 + 232 233 235 236 237 Please QUIJf To ---r-------------------------------------------... 23S J I When you require a new book, this slip sent to your Stationer, clvlns the reference on the cover, will ensure that you receive without delay an ex:lct ~uplicate. Please Supply C@JJoiloa111J SERIES ACCOUNT BOOKS RULING REF. QUANTITY ... I ~ Signed To Date FOR DETAILS OF COMPLETE SERIES SEE OVER 2 40 241 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 251 253 255 256 257 258