--..~..;_;:==~~........~================~=---_...............~-"~ ' :I! -;:-~~s~ "--·­ t ,.;_ OJMJ-~\q\ 6-7 . ,__,..,.._. .. ,.-"--­ r?. ~-A'. ./1, 4L ' )-vJ .~ "")J;,qJ: ~ rl J A I' oCI h • h 1 D r o nd1 yo COlY Of o y rt ur lf of th r1t1 h L Intorn t1on 1 l tt r to onr nll 111 n ur to it th pu 11 1 '• 1th fr t m 1 re tine • et h I 11 ~ I nli.I'l.t', re~ r t thrt I r.£ve not c ~fi ,i ntly recover d :fra.m :::t rcr:',nt illneOo tO we &Lle to Ld·rt~:e the riCkt o; the Jotrney tO ottlr~E .. -~ re ~et at ot tein ble t0 t~end t e eetincs of the ~~tinG Cv ~~ittee of~t ...e I t rnPtio:.~.al .:.s ~11 tt.e reE.ter ot •anse th, q_u.ostionc tn~ t hl've to 1.1e Jo.... E.id.e:r: have u direct 1.-earing u.: 'J th ft<."';ttre of the Int rnc tiont.lf Tr.. tc.Ek of. re" cnstl'll.Utin the ror ::er8 ' Intern£.-=ion£.1 .1 (' ,ntrusted ut .cerne to a • e1.· .anent Collll..i sion 1ho~e a.~ oint':l<.;r.t re-JeiveC. t ... ~e U...l£..li:..:1ous a~ ruv 1 of E 11 t .e parties re_. resented:. ~he Coti .ission ~.tion to attem ting to r.J'Jor.str r:t tne Intcrnatiom:.l on the uasi orm conceptions of -oliti~cl JEt~od. Even ±hR ~f the Lritis Lauo~r ~t were invited to take ~e~t in a confer~nce do~inr.ted bJ t.:s G irit of ex~l~siveness an intolerance we co111d not a ree to atten • •. e u.o not admit t. t any o.. · se wol of o:._.inion in the Int~rna-r,ional t1 <> a ri[nt to di'Jta.e the co.rditio .s 0:1 .e u"lrs:U.i , neither oan v1e consent to ~ gro or t e re~ resentc.tive le!' '1TS o~ any "'t:.rt;) oeingex'1lnded before tu" General ConJre~s itself hes defin c. th cor.J.itions and ouligeti ons of ~woerQ i in t Inter1 tio al • ort Lity ~~s to oe g:venst Geneva to thoce urties tn t desirel to bring eh rte~ e~ inst others, out we rel'u~~ to L_o'j .•q to be on craned unheard. Re8~nt events have shown the.t the .uro aan reaJtion takes adnntcge of the disu.nity of tne working cl e.ss movel'lent. Effective .·esistt:n'Je against the counter-revolutionc.r~ ..:;ove ent, which uno-l__er various ferns i.....orking a ainst t e me. y-sided nor~inoo ol!l.ss advan::e in ell cow.tries, _;_s to siole onl;r if he work:in0 claes re mited and are ort;anised for eo 1. ·on e.ction. Th~C. situation t..t re.sent inolines one to o.s!t :v'hether the Int rnational iB indeed a symbol o~ the ideal of international worki:i!tg clas... .1i t;,", drev ing to§;.::tner all se tions of each nation 1 move_, nt, or wtether it hae :1ot oeooibe a c_ntre from w i h ~ivisive infi ences radiate to ~estray the soli arit of netio 18.l move 1'"nts, setting grou_ against rot,l f1ld leaa.8r L-_,e inst leader. 0 If the l atter con~e_._. tion, the frni t of intolerance and i nor nee re·erding the oel&nce of for8es in other no.tioaal tlOV£'.Lnts, is to d.eter L1e tile C1.-r ter of the. Inte 1'1 tio 11 ore tl o. e n&tio...r.:l tn·t, ,,ill oe ooliged to eo e;i r 1 et er the.,. out:)lt not to se1 crate th .~elves fro t1 e. so· rce of vle knes r ther the. 1 stre" '-"th. No erty 1ld 1·eg1·et t_ is o1.·e "th11:.1 t e ~ritieh L ... o LT J: rcy, pre. J:ed to .ake ~ver., effort , in loyalty to o lie-.. ior.t.: L .c ,e t, ith other rties nt 1erne, .stcrd end Lucc~ne, to re-estnulish the international orgru.. isetion of the workers on e. _Jer.1ane t found[ tior. in the uew s._ irit ..,orn of the onj o'! the war. ~raternall~ ~o :s. T~~~~ Ka fh.tN(I~ ()V.) ~ ,.,.,_/.J.d. '~ 'l,A.~r 'i' b. • -~~~""'"lA tl) cL~~ . ~k-. ...{. I.U.. ~\,; . r A... -~. . ~.-J.J-ti.~ ~ ~..,~~ ~.... ­ '"'f.,a~ . ('.AA)..., ~...; ~ ~~.. n etas. ln With 'affuJ I socialislll· f . .~· ~... ­ .. Mny 31st, ar;d the nccounts a.re written up to dnto co~pletoly. (b) Results of two months to 31st May: l£.1.£ lq5 ~embers Subscriptions lf\5 116 Other " 17 8 Literature sales (gross) 44 20 (excluding ni3tory of F.S.)Advertisements 3 3 Hall Lottings 7 1 Book Boxes e 6 But the June Members' subscriptions comparedwith 1915 will probably show a deol1no of about '!:35. (c) ~eneral Position: Estimated cash in hand June 30, £155. Due Rent, 62 10 0 So.nders, 3 months 13 19 1 . Sum~er School syl.ll 0 0 Ten (Common Room) 1 5 10 Electric Light. 1 10 9 90 Clear balance £85. No other liabilities due (except to the Hon. Secy. ; excoedinf 20/-nre b~own to the Hon. Secy.Standring sa/c. to }.;ay :31st, £27. Last yeah • • £239. 2.. -:;:~~ (~~) (d..~ '!<... ~. k. ~~~~~ '{MJ.. ~~ l,'!-~«A. 1-~~1;" k..t. ~;... ~~~ fls. !+e.~fF~~~ Aal~ &4,t ~ ~~0"~ tWrl.,. ~*-wd.. ~J+3~ ; ~J.-·~ IW'oJJ f ss() ~ tq 1 S")', i:_ 61~ ..;.. '9'1f)s1 .­ 't-'1."76 ..:.. lq\1)3. ~~~~~~ p '{;~1-U:' ~ ~-~~ortt' cu. ­ ~~~o_.~d,~~~~~ ~; ~ le..M: '1-e..t. dc:Wt~M.OIM-~ ~~~~. (e) ~~~ that threo letters containing monoy(suh~c,ript i..otJS «:•/· E-nd "2.0/-, and stamps 1/lld~.J hLve tere·.-n.ly bee·.· :'...:;t. a}..tv_,~.~~ d thr, ~~~-, (O'o'.l ~ ~ ~~~ about ~a.w-r-£ 'S'") ~ \4(· ~~~ ~~~ ~~i-0..~~ ~'k~­. ~~G.~~ ~~ Jtw.. ~~Qj:_ f/'W.,. \fBtory of the Fabian Society. Expenditure500 copies at 2/6d. =£62 10 Printing circulars 1 9 £6319 0 , secy.) RecoiptsSale of 279 copies £51 18 4 1. J• If. ~ Value of stock at 5/-= rgg 5 0 ;;. ~· .~. out of which is payable to the authora..~~~ l"L)'tOV:~ ~~4j Donation of £4 4s. fro~ the Clapham F.S. out of ('a-J proceeds of a Sha~ lecture was reported. ( ~) · Autumn Lectures: (a) In view of the King's Hall Lectures on consecu­tive Fridays from October 27th to Dec. 1st, it was resolved to have a lecture at Essex Hall on October 13th, and another, if a suitable one is available, on December 8th or 15th: also a Members' Meeting at the Fabian Hall on Dec. 8th or 15th. (b) It was agreed thet the subjects selected should have, as a rule, some relation to the War. (c) It was agreed to ask Headlam, in response to his suggestion, if he is prepared to lecture on the Servile State, a no t o arrange a"Tariff after the ·,"far" lecture by Sir L. C. Honey, or J. A. Hobson, or J. M. R0hArtson: also a lecture on Food Prices by 11rs. Reeves. United Socialist Council: On a letter from the B.S.P. sendino resolution ot their Annual Conference press ing for the formation of the Council, it was agreed that t he Secretarydraft a rer ly for submission to the Executive propos­ing delay because the ·purpose of the Council is co­ordinated _propaganda, and this is not the time for propaganda. Keir nardie Memorial: It was agreed to put a paragraph 1n t"abiao iliews. Oorrospondenco: B.S.P. Glasgow. Appeal on behalf of J. McLean, _,_. sentenced to 3 years under Defence of the 1\o,.o~. Realm Act. Islington Trade Council. Conference on Conscription, ~. July 1st, 3 p.m. Delegates invited. ~ G.':V . Shipway of West China. Re Imperial Federation•. .J_I • International Bure~u. 3 Circular letters. ~~. lCU• ~ it 11 a one 6a • 8th ould o his n the er the Hobson, Prices 1ation .arY . propos·is eo· 9 ror graph in Present: Webb (in chair), Miss Atkinson, Dodd, West,Sanders, and the Hon. Sec. Also Bl1zard. '1.. Finanoe: (a) Report on Subscriptions, etc. to Aug. 31st. lll§. 1915. Diff. in Aug. Members' Subscriptions 313 286 up 14 · Other :52 :32 down 7 " Gross Sales of Liter­ ature 149 49 up 11 Book Boxes 10 13 down 2 Advertisements 5 5 down 1 (b) Owing to holidays the accounts are only completedto July 31st. The Summer School bills are not all in yet. There are various liabilities but no unpaid bills. (c) Receipts for the King's Hall Lectures amount to £82. To the same date last year the amount received was £~.s~ (d) The Summer School rfrna-s~;sionf:R~c~amount to £~99. ~ Expenses already paid £290 Further payments & Refunds ? £25 __1lQRough estimate of net balance £ 84 (e) The Bank Balance is £258 against which there are ~ubstantial payments nearly due for rent, postage, _ etc. O"r\., (R.. ( ~ ~~ ,p. 0• 1( ~taJ:L 'f.. ~. r 12. Correspondence : o.RJ.. ~. Proposed Council for Boy Wage Earners, etc. Invitation t o send delegate. London Labour Party. Re Conference November 25th. Parti Socialiste, France. Re proposed Conference of "allied" Socialis t Parties. ~ \). L"'S 'o . Anglo Russian Friendship Soci ety. Circular. C· . c'< · 1 <:!--. 1.\, 0 ~2 b~ ~lqtb. 1'~ ~l~~)1/JJ.., y~ ~ . M ~,~-~...... ~ ~s~ { ( Q . ll'inance: GJ.t.c.. St.c!f ~ (a) ~he accounts are written up to date, but in the pressure of business details must be deferred. (b) Sales of 'l'ickete amount to £416. Last year total (£380). There are of course very few re:rr-for sale. Bank Balances amount to £360: £100 has been paid to Standring. The cost of 15,000 When Peaoe Oomes is £59.7s.8d., not yet paid. \(!) Skif ..d~. UT'.u..&.c.. ~~~l-e.L w .· ':t ~~ )+rw. ~~~cvttcw.u<.. ~ ~~~~~~t~~~2/b ~2~7-~~~~ ~~~ . ~~~~~~~~do~~. q'"~ ~~~~~~J.d)J,~~~'~h~. ~~-~~~'(~~ ~~~,;}~~~~~~ ~ '4'\-~~~~~ KL Cfl. ~'t I G.. ~~ rw-wo ~.J~ . . S. ~ ~~~NN, ~~'i~ -.2 ~ Lieut. fulloch 1 a Estate: e (a) 'J.'he Secretar~,. reported that the W.J.r Office had £35 at hie credit. Total cash £128. (b) '!'he <.J.ction of the Secretary t D.lcen in accordance with circular letter, re oolicitore and aruniniBtrators was approved. (c) mt was ac;reed to recolll1Jend the E~~ecllltive to decide that the belongingo {valued about £5) be handed to the relatives, and that the £30 promised to a relative by the deceased before hie death be treated as a debt due b y the estate. b. London Labour Party: It wc.s a reed to nominate Miss Lawrence for the Execu­tive, to c:..ppoint her a. dele&.,a.te to the Annual Conference on Saturday, Uov. 25th, ,md to refer to the Executive the nomination of 3 other delegatee. ;~~']'<'.{ feukkL'F # 511-r~ Labour Party: 1 7 It waa agreed to recommend tnut the following resol­ution be sent i n for the Annual Conference:­ The Prevention of Unemployment. 'rhJ.t in vievr of the fact that there is onl:r too much probability of masses of men an '7 C) ~j}. s 0 d. Goods agreed t CJ b:; Given to survivors 7 0 0 Sum promised before death ~0 0 0 Estate dutv l 10 0 Legal charges (doubtful) say 12 10 0 Balance available 160 0 0 £211 c 0 ::£.=-~=-= (d) General position: After payment of anot.....,sr .-:100 +~ tand · 1 · •• ...., ~V v r~no-1l.S bal due on Oct. 31st was e2-1. (Last year ;::324). c.nce T!1e Banl\: Balances on J.lov. Z2nd vrere .::280. Tne on~y unpaid e.ccount is :38 iust received for sto~~e of sw~mer School prop~rty. ~. ~~~~G?~:· (a) Executive. It was agreed to recommend that Vlebb be re-nominated. (b) Annual Conference at ~anchester, Jan. 23rd. to 25th. Nominations need not be sent in until Dec. 31st. Three Delegates. The following were mentioned as possible selections: Webb (as member of the Executive). Emil Davies Miss Lawrence Mrs. Reeves. w. s. Sanders Harry Snell. (c) Agenda was submitted, but no amendments were suggest­ed. the J 1 ~. r:J......~/-if; Wit . ~')~~~~ ~ W!i, .e.k_ a­ vings g the k;)., ~p~ ~tJL~ ~~ wf~f"w........ ~·r te.ted ~~ 14 ~. 't(L ~11.~ tttH~. ~~ . Conference on War and Food Prices, Central Ht.ll, West:!linster,Thursday, Dece!:lber 7th, at 10.30 a.m. Number of delegates unlimited: fee 2/6d. each. The following~·: agreed to go:­Webb, Ensor, ~est, ~iss Atkinson. Q· Society i:Jeetings: (a) It was agreed to cancel the Decomber Members' Meeting in the absence of business, and not to begin the lectures until January. (b) Th& following arrangements ~ere approved: Jan. 12 A lecture. " 26 Ensor. Fabianism &Fiscal Question. I . Feb. 9 Lord :iialdane, fixed for The Future of Education. ~ 23 Webb. Fabianism & Fiscal Question. II. March 9 Business deating." 23 Davies. Fabianism & Fiscal Qudstion. III. It ~as agreed that the meeting on Feb. 9th be confined to ticket holders, i.o. members, nssoci~tes and subscribers (c) For tha lecture on January 12th, it was agreed to ask:­ 1. A. E. Zimmern. Industrial Or-anisation~ 2. Christopher Turner. Agriculttire··arter the \iar. 3. Kerr. British Empire. Typewriters 7· By arrangements of ti1e officials concerned our Bar-lock Typewriter has been given to the national Com~ittee for the Prevention of Destit­ution and t~eir Oliver has been received in exchan3e. Formal approval ':>~' the Committee is required. ~· (t) inster, S, Correspondence, etc. (a) D&nish Socialist Party. Re their joining the Coalition Governnant. (b) American Socialist P2.rty. Re recent election• . (c) French Sociu.list Party. Invitation to their National Conference. (6) Eugenics Education Society Re~uest for use of our list of members. (e) Eleventh National Peace Conference. TYro delegates requi-red. L"-) ,.. Lt. J ~~• C) f~~vj_~~~ vl) o..~ ~~~M1.~-r...,.,. ~~ c!W\. ~~ "v\4.i.1 M, ev<· '\o,.Q ~~ r~J \vo ~. ~. l~ l.~...l-~~~~ 2. ~~~~ad~ ~ , -... ....~ .. /-.........~. .... ~at~~W'M ~...... ~~­ (a) The accounts are nearly completed to Nov. 30th. There are no unpaid bills. 1916 Hllf Variation E. 6 mths. 8 mths. in !lov. (b) Subscriptions from ....Lerr:!:>ers. 455 402 up 4 Oth Jr subscriptions 47 36 6 " Book Boxes 22 38 ~OVln 10 Advertisements 7 r. 11 1 (c) The Benk Bfilances on 30th Hov. were:; Z270 J.f· Kin\'! 1 S Hall Lectures: (a) Final ~~ase3&at Account: £ s. d. Cash received 515 9 0 11 due 1 0 0 516 s 0 Expenses including r efunds !34 3 6 Surplus £362 6 '\{~ ... 1. i\lfiV· · , There - Paris Socialist Conference: (a) T~e Secretary invited ~arben to be delegate. His reply explains that he cannot. (b) Courteous letter fr-:>.:; the French Parti Socialiste. ,.,. The Circular to Trade Union Branches: f About 5,000 are posted out of 10,000. Some orders for Book Boxes are coming in and c rew for "When Peace Comes." Organising&. Propaganda Committee business: In order to avoid holding a purely formal meeting of this Committee, the 3ecretary submit~the f'olloiving:­ (a) Election of Caniidates in December News, 9: last year 7. (b) Resignations:Dr. J. 3. Esslemont, Bournemouth. Last sub. 10/5d.Jan. 1915. ~mphatic. ~iss Candler, Bexhill, Last sub. 10/-, Jan. 1916. Pacivist• •ass Wagstaff, Acton, 5/-, 1014. Eophatic. . • 1:; (jYRev. R. J. CampbGll and(}. c. Be esford written to on 23rd and 20th Nov. re lo g arrears, have not replied. . . ~A.\._ ~Jw'o{wti.. ~..£_~ ~~~~ I ~~.::~~::\:M~ ~t-1(. ~~ _l~) '\r, 1 ~"l)r··-0 I l 7 if, iiis .iste, 1'ew 10/Sd. 1916· ten ave not ;,)~ w,(ll. IV"} ~V/ ,t \7 I. q-~~ ~ "AWV-~ .c~. l \1 6. ~~~• ~ ~ ~~t;; I~~~} ~~. Ch1J W».AJ.-( ~ ~-~ ~~1\.u.o(_ ~ 'U.r .JrW.M tA ,)._ 1.-P...t.....--~ee. 1:o ~ ~ f ~ ~ 1· ~ "'\w.M 1""~M !If ~ ~J.): ~4 ~ ~'0~ L+ . -=F~~­(A ":i-t,).. ~, t~~ ~4­~~~ q. ~~~1Z1o ~. ~'" I ~~~i;)iA ~~~~. ~~­,J;-~~ ~~" ~ahJ: .tt. ~~( ~~ ~ .L/1{1~ ~ ~~ (:)h<> nse S ot:1s.E 1:. 9 nt~s .lc. in ~ec. ~"embers' St.~ )SCl~i :.ti :ms fl<;. <.:77 up 1-~ Other " -59 3S n 10 Book Boxes 57 46 rr 7 Be.nk Be.l a nces J -?..nue.ry lOth a bout '2350, i ocluding:125 allocated ~or J Ublications. !of. 1=" ~~(~~4 C) tft~i ~\-tcJ: A sum will ba :::mt OrJ deposit whc;n t.1e rest ot the Tulloch ~state comes in. ~~. cJ..) C.Y'c::nt to .ne search :Ue?::-.rt~ent: Letter fr.) .. ;:;he.,'1 n&.l 3oci:'U seem to consider the presont case r~.tl1er arJ uncommon one. A few furthor det~ils , to those previousl~ supplied, may be of interest to you und may su~gest ~ wa7 out of t j e difficulty es to the best :.isposal of t l1e sum ~rou have so _;enerou.sly returned from Lieut. Tulloch 1 s estate. ;,1y nephew was a.n exceptionally honourable ~nd upricht man in all his dealin~s but he was very reserved in speakingabout his aff~irs. Althouch closely connected with his monet­ary matters for B long time I cnn only surmise the reason he hud for leaving his small belongings as he did. ile was the ~ounsest of the family and e~~ly evincin3 a studious c~st Of mind )is p~rents decided to m~ke him n teacher. his f&ther was a factory operative -not a highl y pe id occupo.tion -but his income was regular and bot;1 hs Jnd !1i s wife wera thrifty3cotcl'l folks aod in course of tirne a fe ·1 hundred pounds stood at their credit. Will1Bm 1s prospects wore often the subjectof t &lk in the family and it was well known tj~ t part of the parents 1 sa.v ings were to bo usod in enabling Jilliz.•.:J to attend the Normal College, afte2, his pupil teacher apprenticeship vras coillpleted. William had a hi3her nmbition tjan merely to passthe usual sessions at the College for he lOnJ eJ to get to the University. Just as his College curriculum was p~ssed aod his parents:1acl decided to allow him ;:, s ~ssion ')1' two at the Univers ity,they bot:1 tool': ill <>.nd di~d. In ao .,,..n,J_,,r" o::r:-u~s::: t'1e -:-.rents' savings would naturally l'l&vs been divided a.mon ,.st t :1e me;nbersof tho family, but they, knowing their parentsY wishp~ in the matter agreed to allow him to use what 7ould have been their sha.re alon6 1'rith his O\m rrhile staying f or at least two ~rears at the ::dinburgh University. Confirmution \7as t 2.ken out by a young sister as Executrix Da tive, (the parent s having died intestato and the brother being io I ndia). The total per sonal property was put under my care to disburse; io January 1910 it <'.mounted to £218 and after two years it was reduced to ,£90. Besides payin3 his living expenses durin6 that time it had also been decided to pay ~1rs. C. Richardson her share, in full, amounting to £45 wl1ich sum was handed to her in November 1911. With a very strong desire to remain another year at the Univers­ity he readily got his brother and sister's consent. ~e ob­tained some tutoring to do while at his studies, the fees from which helped him somewhat . At the end of his third year he saw his way pretty straight before him to sit for his final examination a nd this he did in his fourth year with the result that he passed with honours , Still there was a bal ance of his parents' savings -It must be confessed they had been ca.refull~! used ~nd guarded. ­From the bal a nce, £20 was paid to i1 i s b1•other atNlix:tEIBX~Bmlii:Ncil!lX s~sxxxx:qtai¥ (v1ho is in a good position), aod the remainde·r, £25, was paid ove-r to him, part of wi1ich he decided to send to his younger sister. VThen he most required help she was a teacher wit~1 a very good salary, who v1as not exactiag. Now she is the wife of a "frontiersman" in Alberta with ug::;es tions:­3haw on :11s tour at the Front. Unused sugzestions: A.E. Ziw~ern ~ Industrial Or~anisati?n\ lo Ohi•i stopher Turno;.· -A_:;riculturo efter the 'Jt·r . .:. P. -:~err-Bi'itisi1 I~mpire , l~) t ~~) ......... ,.,...w ~'W-oJ; ~~ '2:; ~~1; ~cl'>\. ~ 'Vf,~~ report. ·~po~e ~· ~'fw-J.: JV\. ~~ 40 ~17 ~ a... ~ .a ~r7'.V b~ 2) tte ~-J.. ~~..;:.,..,.:,~Kt. VM-~ ~ ~i.­~· 0 7. International Soci~list Conrerence of Allied Nations fixed .fo;.· Paris in cl:arch. fo • .3. entitled to send two dole,.ate1>­ . 0 ~~~~ ~--~d..at:i ~~~~~a~. W'fi,A ~~1w: ~ ~v~,'( s~M :t ro V"'" r' · a.ls iOTJ King's ~~~r,-r \.4~~¥--~r ~. WtaA ~tK~k v~~,t­.. ~ ~Pc.tM: ~dL~. ;, Letter to New ~embers. This was allowed earl" in t:·w '."Jar to (SO out of print, for the .. ~,·e of economy. "~~~~1:; ~r'¥-V~ ~~t:-~~~. 9. Membership. (a) Candid~tes in January Neqi for ele ction, C, (last .. yee.r Gi· ~. ('J) (; , C. Beresford, struck off, ;1as paid up. trial. atiOTl• eftor 11. Correspondence Andreas Boje, sendit1g volume of lSO pp. in !)anish, "The ("'. , Gerruan J,i),Party before ~ nd under the Present War~, and asking us to arrange for its translation and publication (at a small roy" lty !) F .L. Kehrnhalm, a member, (the hunchbacked Gerna n wl1o esce.ped from internment). Ap;:JOc'.l ?or dofance ~ /. i fund . R.F. l!la1)h (Cork) r.nncuncing :1o has made a ryill l ea.ving2100 to the F.S, B. Lasker, novr llditor of Ti1e Surve:r o~ Few York_, asking to 1,£.!.!: be put on Free List, 3tc. (a -~) U<,~ ~ "'.2~ ~~'t~ }.../~~ (~ ~ G'J:~'t. ~lAJ;~ s~ "The e for . small 7i1 0 dcf3nce ving ~~ .i 'l.l.~ 7di t:;lt ?~ V .JJ,. (.Y: c.t..w:.., J ~~~ l -vr~~­ sking to z.finance:-~,~;. (a) The accounts A-re b,~ l:::nced to Ja,n. 31st. There are .!~ no bills outstanding exceeding 20/-. 1 (b) Tulloch Est<.te. T~~ been received, 2nd. iously c.dvised. The account stands e be. l c-. nce f;.•on the ;-:::.r Office :1as ~ is i-7 in excess .of Lvuount prev-~ ~s follor:rs: ~at Bale~nce previou3ly in hand. Receivad from ~ar Office. Invested in ~150.5% War Loan at SS. Balance in. Bank. (c) Bank Bclances: Feb. 20th. ~386. (d) Position at end of Financial 7ear: U f:. s. d. Ai­101 8 0 ~ 72 19 5 1 1174 7 5 142 10 0 5l l7 9 174 7 5 It is onl~' possi':lls at present to forl:l a r ()UGh estimate, but it ap?ears that on Jan. 31st, 191E, our cash liabilities exceeded cash assets by £280 and on Jan. 31st, 1°17, cash assets exceeded cash liabilities by £343. A~ the ordinary receipts of February and iiarch ;?lus £50 from Brimley sufficed to clear all cash liabilities, a cash bal ance of £570 may be anticipated. Of t~is £32 belongs to the Tulloch Estate, £llf. is allocated to rfoolf,and £25 belon~s to the 5pry Fund, total 2172. It is unnecessar!r t c. decide now, but pro':lDbly the best plan nould be to cre&te a Pu':lliobtions ~eserve of .£300 or MOO, including these allocated a.nounts. tion. It is su:;;;ested t~at (vit:-:out l:>indiog ourJclves as to t:1e future) wo should aim o.t (a) i~. pa:~rJaoent cJemorial; (IJ) w~1ic!1 s:·10uld in so.:: e \.a~r be coooected ~1it!1 Scotl<1nd; an<:~ (c) "-J.so with teachers. 1",10 sug.:.;estions cooa..:lo\1 t'~o·:iselves, viz:· (i) An annus.l or bioonic.. l Tulloch :::.:ssr.y, on s0me subject connect 3d uith 5ocirlism, to be prescribed ~ loo ; time 10 adv~nce, e ~G thrown open t(• ·~.11 teac:1ors, or to .&catiiXRcl :;cottish t s<' chars only; :.~lie;, :;i :;:lt !Je read j}Ublicl7 r t :: j0i!lt .seting 01' tel.:: ::;cottish ~::-.:)ic.n Societies; ,;. 'ld ;:rt.~~lJ.S~1ed b:• us . (ii )An anoue.l or bienni>J.l Tulloch Lecturg, to be delivered at t.:10 =·:io">Ul'gh University Fo.bi<'.n ;.Jociaty or <.t r. joint oeating of in:ld:~ceat Scottish Fabian aociaties; cad published by us. As the nvaila''lla incoroe rrill only be e.bout £B a yel\r t ;1e funds are not ~~e;;.ll~' sufficient t:J c>.llow of 2.ny-' thing l:>eioG done e.nnUo' lly. But :.16 every othar yearmight be £>,o LdequE>.te sum. The Tulloch Essay 'i/Ot.!lcl. have t~10 udvant2<~os of (a) secUl~ing ''· 1>"idespree.d c'ldvertisement of the r.s. in io e1e ?rOSS (l.rJC~ P.ID00,3 to~.Cl1ers 1 or::;c.l ais~tiOOSj ( IJ)settin0 t·:· worl:.:.. mll!i':lcr of co;Ji)t:titors (c) possi?l::r producing so~e papers of v&lue. But with only ~15 to offer, it is s2ecul:tive. T:te Tulloch Lecture mi:)1t !:le of CJOl~e ce;.~tf'.. in use to t '10 Scottis!1 I'a.bi r•.o ::.oci:ot.ias, 1<1ic:1 ::-.re ;:epr:3sented ~s nssdio~ t~a stimulus of t~a visits of le~~iog Soci•.,lists. But it;._. :., t.-~,, .Jro:;\' 1~!1.ck -Jf baing r~ther in the n~..ture of ,.., .~ift to our selves in turn. ~o.M,~~~~~1;.~ ~ ~~~~(;~~c}~ '+ .....Q.....,.J}:~~ ~~1; Y",....,vJl~ ~ ~ (a (b; (c ( g ~. III . T:1e pl~e)2.r&.tion o:.~ c:. bool<.. or books , i f suc:1 can 'Js ,~.rr.:-agod . ~le . f t' IV. T:1e;r ;.l so.t'r epo1, t t~1e sug.;es~ion t.1a.t :pc:.r :t ~. •!e i noor:1e s,iCul cl. bG usaG. t o ···1ve -'Veek 's ,10::;pitc.lity es as •'-t L1e StnJ.::ler ;;.c:1ool to <·.-::-cot.c:1 .studaat. rt nected ~· :iiioCJ.ll:>· t~H COC::!di ttae 4 l' 3!'JOrt Lmt ;;. :; Ln ::3d.i7te decision is ~ot iw~3rative. me 1rown Jt International Conference at Paris besinning Harch 13th. tish (a) Formal invitation was submitted. (b) It we.s agreed thc.t it is important to sena 2 dele,:ss. t es, if it can be done free of expense to the Society. (c) T:·1e only names suggested as possibly \71lling to attend were Sanders, diddleton, and ~arben, n~o is in Paris . b)' us. ~ "lv: ~.-~ w~~~~~· ~. ea yearhr any·lar year of (~) s. in s) (b) ossm~ r ~1s 1 use to •35aoted ling , rether ' Y~'\f~. ~~WM~~'-L.k~~ A.. YW'-~ ~I'+-•v{• tv.,r-.v. ~oUM.A 1r ~ ' ~· n}n-1 ~, l.t,.. ::> , T-N.M..C. ... '-"'W - I o vie;, of t:1e SU)erf luit;' of cash , <'.od i o order to simplify accounts, t~e Jecratary pro­1)0ses that this l"O:,r<" 'cc ·Jc:.id, :.n:, t:-:s tlrlance ~ritteo off. S~les ?t.pres;nt ~re slow, ~ut <1r e fairl~r s ure to continue. ~ (d) 3u~er Scho~l A/c. T.L:l ~) ~·ofit for t:1e session l Sl G itas £00, --: n..:.~ t:1e credit bal~nce of tie ~ccount uill be a bout ~90. In o;.·der not to :-J,-.!,: m.:.,_· !:;-·1 ne, ' ))G2.r too l c?.r,se it is ;_;ro?osed ~ot ~o -~ita o:: : o~tiing f or ::._:>oste.ges thi-, :~ec.r , -·,it~: t 13 i' Jsul t tl1at the b~~l\',nce \7ill ~l)~)ear :·s .-. debt to t:18 sc:1o01. ~· (e) Circularise.tion of E::>cl~ Boxes, etc. r­ s. d. Cost of postage 19 19 4 lJaid b~r r.s. n Cost of addressing 8 14 G R3search Dept. " 20 13 10 (f) Another Legacy. ,. Letter from G. c. ile&rns , Soli citor, ~lQscow, stat­ing that Captain :..-iu;::;h Br,rr, .1oB ., .-:. A •. :.c., 11ho died of woumds on Fe':lruary 27th, left !J~r :;i s will £100"to the Fabian Society". Tie moner ~ill not be paid very soon. (g) Le:;acies, etc. in Fa'-'ia~ News . Draft paragraph W ~ ~ be submitted~~~~. (h) Situation at end of year. '· Ouin~ to decline in subscriptions, an unexp3ctedl~ l a;.·:;e P'-'-3"1'lent (£53 ) found due to t;1o ..:esearch Department, ~nd tie absence of a special sub­scrip:.ion, ti1e esti met.;; no' : ste..nds as follows : ­ :e ). pt. ·tat· .0 ill ! ot . ~ i)5(!.h 3.'t~[~4J ~ l Cash in hand ~ 495 l I~•)L:stimated Takings 8 uorkin,_:; .lr.:rs 40 Rents :.Iue 37 3 11 572 pue Rent 62 10 0Pease 3 months 15 0 0 " Ro2·Rl ties 18 15 0Tu1loch "8st. Invest. :n 17 5Standring 37 3 11Essex &iall 18 1B 0Pett!' Cash 20 0 0Research Dept. 50 0 1 __g§_1 Estimated Clon.r Cre. l P. nce .Z311 ~~k.~ ~~,k S);~cf 1c WM tlf/:; Q-~-~~/;~ " ~.J-~~<} (' 1· t.r. f~~ ~ ~~ ·<1 ~~J.. (i) Y.:ing's :i.!'.ll· Lecture ·23e..A/c. T~e credit b& l~ nce is £366. Propos~ l to transrer £250 or 2~00 tc ~c)osit a/c. as a Pu~lications · Reserve, ~nd ch&r ge it to this ~/c. i nd tho Spry e./c. ~~":'\'Ut6.. ~~rwt.~~~~ ~ S~o -w. ~­ •· !nte~nationa1 Socialist Conrsrence a t Paris. (a) ~Vire and letter froo French Socialists that the Conrereoce has been ca~celled. (b) Letter from Shaw. ~.. 5. Labour Party Conferenc~ on Electoral Reform, ~arch 20th. The noti~e of this wes not sent us in proper time for a Committee. The Secretary decided to appoint iliss Smith and himself, who duly attended: fees 5/­ ~· Society Lecture• For the open date, 11ay 25th, a lecture on Food Restrictions or on Russia was suggested. 7. Boje's Book on German Social-Democracy. Allen & Unwin decline to publish because the story 1s still incohlplete: ~Vv"'M ~'\w(. ~ t-~~~ S 8mpire Reconstruction: It was agreed to. insert in Fabian News a notice asldngfor names of members >filling to rrork at ­ (a) The method of getting a head of the State. (b) The constitution of a Second Chamber, if any. (c) A constitution f6r t he British Empire. q Executive Election: The Secretary reported that there would.be no contest. Ratcliffe (from whom he had not heard) had been nomin­ ated in place of Allen. LIST OF 56 lillfuBERS VT.tiOSE ADDRESS I S LOST. A number after the subscription signifies the total number subscriptions paid. A. F. Darnes 1913 7/6. 2. J. F. n. Beddow 1909 10/-1. J, F. Benison 1909 Local F.s. hl . Deer 1914. 5/-1. Mrs. Best 1915 15/-1. w. J. Bingham 1912 Local F'.J. F. Bowman 19~ Do. Dr. R. Broda 1G10 5/-3. miss • · Bt::mting 1900 els 'i'. ~~ Mrs. Bernard Campbe11 1911 Husband off. F. P. C1ark 1906 £2.2s. pd. 1912. C,B. C1ark 1913 Local F.S. i.!r$~ Walter Coates1909 Husband off. T. Coggoshal1 1913 5/-1. Miss L.Cunningham 1905 6/-1914. Miss F.E.Daw 1910 5/-3. Ash1ey Dukes 1906 10/-1910 J. C. Fo}llger 1885 2/-1911. R. G1eadhill 1909 6/-1. F. E. Grigsby 1909 7/6 1914. llrs . Hartog 1913 5/-1. H. Stanley Jevons 1912 20/-1. Rev. C.Lester Johnson. 1913 3/6 2. Tudor Jones 1913 5/-1. Rev. W.E.K11duff 1913 10/-s. Ralph Knight 1908 5/-1912 . M. Loewenberg 1914 Local F.S. J. s. Hessent 1911 7/6 1. Jas. hlontgomerie 1910 21/-1913. Miss E. L. aoss 1914 10/-1. c. s. Nielsen 1893 5/-1911. Mrs. K. L. North 1905 10/-1914. 0. E. Oak1ey 190Q 4/-1914. W. L. Paino 1913 22/-1. K. hl . Panniker 1915 Oxford U.F. s . tiiss D. Paul 1913 10/-1. Will Pearson 1911 20/-1914. w. Piercy 1910 3. Miss w. Porter 1909 3. T. Quay1e 1913 London U.F.S. .::]. Rowland A. Richards 1390 h. Ridpeth 1912 Rev. J. D. Roberts 1913 Davi d Robertson 1911 ;~Piii C;bas acc~;ctson 1Gl3 Ob.r':cJss Bcbe:cisgn-1913GuJr c. Ro l:lson 1810Countess Russel1 18Cl7iiiss Eleanor Saunders lSll ~dss Gildero~· Scott 190C ~-i. B. Seed 1SH s. D. Shc::.lla.rd 18S~J as. G. Ste,vart 1912Rev . Odell ~WtB Tribe . 190G H. Hill Trener~r 1S14l.iiss Leila. l7att 1880 :...,. iss L~ .J • '~!hite 1913 ~. P. W11kinson 1914 Willia.m ,-Willtinson 1915Liiss w. u. Wortham 1906 7/6 1813. 21/-2. 7/6 1. 21/-3. 20/­ 20/-~·5~ 10/6 ~: 10/c 1913. 10/-3. 5/-1910 Boca1 F.3.5/-1911 Birm. U.F.S. 10/-1£13. 10/-1. H~09 7/e 5/-1. Local F.s. 10/6 1.5/-5. ~ ~·'; ' LIST OF MEMBERS TO B3 STRUCK OFF . Address. Elected. Last. Sub. ~· q Baldwin, H. Tonbridge 1908 Ilford F.S. Ba.ptista, Joseph Bombay 1B98 1913 Pd. in 1910. ~ Beatty, Miss Ea linw 1907 5/-1911 Beatty, Mrs. Pal{en.'lam 1907 10/-1913 Btette11, F.G. Birmingham 1908 10/6 1911 Burfie1d, A1bert Ne~ Cross 1908 21/-1912 Craig, W. Leek 1BS5 2/-1912 Davidson, R.n. gR~iN China 1Sl3 5/-1913 D~wson, T. Kennington 1911 7/5 1912 1 :r: !I LOCI' 8jeltiOJ iili 2 d 1 HIM 22:l'i-1'9*121 Edmoods, ~.E. w.c. 1910 ~loiay ilu liu Wsstsliffe 1?11 6/ lQl~ Fabian, J:iss E. N.W. 1914 6/-1914 Farley, R.A. Qolder's Qreen 1907 ~0/-1912 Groom, Tom ? 1895 10/-1909 Hardy, z.c. Leyton 1911 2/6 1912 Harris, Joseph A. Barnsley 1902 5/-1910 Holding, Miss E.B. Letch~orth 1908 5/-1911 Hinley, iliss M.A. Dulwich 1911 10/-1913 Goodman, E. New York 1911 10/-1913 Hill Lou~s A. ? E.C. 1908 7/6 1914 ~~. Ingle, W:n. Cork 1908 10/6 1912 Jackson, Holbrook Mill Hill 1004 10/6 1913 • Jermyn, Col. T. Weston -s'PM. 1913 £2.2S. 1915-i~•../ ..J t, 'l Jones, :;.:.Furnivall Barnet 1903 10/6 1913· ~7~;('{~(~.; ~8~o~ll~e~s~,~z!~i~s~e~~~~.~Mhu~~¥~e~P~lr~s~--------~l~Q~l~9~--~l~e~~~ 1~l~Q~1~4 Jordan, diss E. N.w. 1913 5/-11913 Iisu, ~j,;Q, Qh 1 cbes+er l8Q3 7/8 l~Hl ~~ Kennedy, Wm . S.~. 1913 10/6 1913 Lawrence, A.a. Chesterfield 1904 2/6 1913 Letzon, diss ~.w. Holloway 1910 5/-1913 Lunn, W. Leeds 1893 5/-1912 ~ · ·• i•io81M o, i:lu EsM.c H!e~ 1~/e 1~1;, ~ ~ -,~aa~a~~~y~,~il~t~s~c------~~~-~n~\~s~------~l~9~1~1~--~1~8~,~'~1~9~1~~~ '~-'J ~~ahoshway, L.L. India 1909 5/-1913 f"'~ Mansfield, Miss Croydon 1911 5/-1912 ~core, Urs. Dulrrich 1908 2/6 1913 Nivet, ~iss Trinidad 1911 £3 1912 Oakeshott, Harold Elmers End 1891 25/-1911 02keshott, hlrs. " 1909 O'Grady, Jas., 1l .P. 1898 5/-1907 ~ Ould, n. R. Herne Eil1 1900 10/6 1912!~~ Pa1in Gurdon ~~iX±Rgxas Hallington 1907 30/-1914-foiul..r~. -fF"ee::!'t"!f"'!:!:::"t!ill'tili"'JJ,-tJJ'-ou-*iB~o~---iRi:Ee~oilil"'d.lr.Oi~taj,j;@i~------...Jl~au.;Qj,.:;i7~--iil:I:-'Q~/"--iill.ilg~lit-',.,_, ~~ Pa ten, Miss A.il. w.c. 1914 5/-1914 1• Peacock, miss Fin1ay Finch1ey 1gos 5/-1914 Fell, lliss F.J. N. 1906 5/-1913 ;:~============~-.-~~--~~-.~--~agaga~r~e~s~~E~l~e~c~t~e~d. Last Sub.~~-u. s.------E Perry, d iss L.E. Leytonstone 1912 7/5 1913. Pick, i1iss M. Rossahire 1912 5/-1914. ~P~i~g~l<~Q~P~i~R~g~,~~~Q~'~'~~~~~~Q~l~f~-~~~t~--------1~9~8&&6----66f/--~1~9~l~t.• P u ult , ,i H ii' Popp, v.c. Rarunn, ;:iiss A. Reade, 8.C. Reeve, Goo. ReGves, Miss B. Rodger, J. B:ii:r!l:liiRa; t;rpar+oxa Row1and, 11iss · Russell, Miss E.H. Saunders, J.W. Sanyer, IT .E. Shone, J,F. Simmons, T.B. Skelton, Robert 1 9J'hMr, *u•'"'" "v Stabbing, Mrs. Stockdale, i:Hss ~Lratton, h!I:!! . s:umghan, l1irs . Swingland, C. Thayer, Miss Thomas, Miss li. Thorne, P.C.L. Townsend, Hrs. 17 :-------:l~Q~9~'i~-..;3~te~J;ua;~.;lJJ411... Queensland Essex SydneyCatford S.W. Scotland i'i1 ' 3 19 " Dulrrich LiverpoolEalingSt. r.iargaret'sDulwich Ceylon ·vN. c S. Africa 4aEa S;Ea E. P. Hythe S.E. w. Wa.lthamstow Is1eworth w. Vaughan, Dr. 1-iarion s.w. Vernal1, li.H. Essex Ward, ~iiss J. w. ~7atleias, Alaa Welsh, L. lr7helen, F. Wi1son, tiiss l.i . ilfissotzky, A. Vfissotzky, l,.irs. Withers, w. li/olff, Stefan Wyley, D.i:i.F. Associates. Burrows, Major E. Ettlinger, J, Sarabbai, Miss A. E. N. W. s.w. Hampstead n w. N.W. E.C. Pentonville N.W. India. Simson, ~rs. Lena Ashwell W. Tomlinson, ~rs. J.R. Cheshire Tyrrell, Miss A.H. w.c. Westwood, Miss E.H . u.S.A. 1913 7f6 1913. 1907 5/-1913. 1908 5/-1913 , 1894 1/-1911. 1907 10/-1912.1902 e/8 1914. ~ ~ ~ ~WM( ,.., I l'i?H: 91/ U!ll, f/l~ 1914 21/-1914. 1914 10/-1914 1911 5/-1914. 1913 10/-191~. 1911 5/-1914. 1906 2/6 1910 . 1909 21/-1913. 11n9 e/ liH "'a.,"' ..· 1911 5/-1914.~V~. 1911 5/-1914. • Hl9€ 19/S HHih AaJ,1912 10/6 1912. 1907 20/-1913 . 1914 5/-1914. 1908 5/-1912. 1911 10/-1914. 1912 5/-. 1914. 1907 10/-1912. 1913 10/-1913. 1912 5/-1913. • HilOQ Hi/., :'.JH4r ;/J~. 1012 I ; Ru::._Mj1892 21/-1910. ·--~ 1912 5/-1914. 1914 10/-1914. " 10/-" 1909 ? 1914 10/-1914. 1910 21/-1912. 1913 10/-1913. 1910 10/-1914. 1914 Q.0/-1914. 1913 ·20/-1914. 1912 10/-1914. 1911 10/6 1914. 1911 ~/4 1914. 10. Correspondence. 1~ ~rs. Reade presenting Rothenstein process portrait of G.B.S. (~t Tiar Emergency Commee. asking opinion oo the New States­man Sugar purchases schemes. rt 1 Central Conference on Pensions (Lansbury & others)Saturday, !.larch 24th. Asking delesates: fee 1/­~' London Trades Council. Conference oc Industrial Conscript­ ion, Saturday March 31st, asking delegates; fee 2/­~l Ben Turner Testimonial. (t ) ~~r~, ~~~~\).·.~,~~wd.af/14-, (aJ~(t;~ ~/+~ ~~~~~.'F~· (a) Election of ilarch candidates. {b) List of 60 members "address lost" to be struck off, annexed. (c) List of 87 members and 7 associates to whoc the Secrete.r y has written ste.tin3 that they will bG struck off in default of reply, and who have not replied, annexed. (d) Resignations, etc. lliss Gertrude Cohn: only subs. 2/-i n 1913. In Amsterdam . ~ Letter ~bout her. A. Kemp Brown. f:/-L1 1916. P2"cil'ist. Bower il&rsh. ~ember since 1891. 21/-in 19!6. No reason. Mrs. Theodore Wright. Husband su bscribed. l"-) q"'.at., ~~d..J:L,. ~~" \}.)~'-"~ ~~l:t~~~k.~. lt.) ~~~tf'vJ.MJ...J-1: Q..;.. ~·~rJV..J ' ~ ~OIW-'W"'W:J ~~~1:5, ~~~~\ RNNA,.. ~~~'\!,.:'{'* MwJ.. ,1,+.. ~~ l.r~ ~ '*· 7~ . v.;..J.A,J: ~ • ~. Fina nce: (e.,..·~ ~'W'eJ.A ~·•• (a) Tl,o n.udi tors h<.n e not bee rJ u.bl e to start the audit y1 S. (b) Report on mont h : 1917 1916 J:!lember s ' subscriptions 88 --se- Other " 8 6 Book Box:e s 7 3 (c) Bank Balances on April 1st were "A5: on l•iay lst £100. The only account payable is .C40-5s. for r ates. (d) The balance to April 30th is nearly finished. o. ~ Membersh11J: (a) Report on ~arch "purge". 56 members kaddress lost." 1 has written aod paid. Several have been communicated uith, but nothing has yet resulted. 86 ordered to be struck off, 10 have paid a od boen re-placed. 2 " " 11 resigned.1 in Russia has re~lied and been replaced. (b) Election of ~ay canaidates. (c) Resignations: name. Address. Elected. L~st sub. Reason. ~ BachB:rach, A.L. Lon-' ~~~ Davis, Miss Dora Blackheath 19os E/-1G'15. Nona • ....­French, J.J. Isleworth 1913 21/-1916. Not a Socialist IKKMJK¥XIal. W&K5&R Sapota, 1i . Oxford 1910 5/-1915 . See letter. Palin, Gurdon London, Reply to finel letter. Jermyn, Col. Weston. Reply to final letter. (d) New list for expulsion: Cardiff U.F.S. De!\d and nothing ever paid. Jones, J, E. Address lost. Johns John, B.B. Written to. McCulloch, R.A. Address lost. Sheffield U.F.S. state that they disaffiliated a year ago.5 members taken out. (e) The following 15 were written to on April 27th and should be taken out io default of reply:­ Adkins, Miss E. Coventry F.S. dead. No sub recor-lied, Anderson, R.D. Lee 1909 . 21/-1912. Baker, Miss B.M. Bristol 1910 21/.-1913. Bradley, W,J, Leytonstone 1912 10/-1913. Burrage, Cyril Beaconsfield 1~01 5/-1912. i)3(~f ~~~ QL~~~J Oocksedge, H.E. Cheshire l'JOO 80/-1913. 81:ae1, Jaaslii ll ol. c ]QQQ lii9/ 1911& p~ Giesler , C.F.R.. Wood Greon l~J4 f/-1914. n Elft:iftn; tfu8u :N llti 'ht, _ft8J!1'1 11H8 1L1 H!lSo. ~ esulted, .la.ll , \{ , Leytonstone 1Ql2 ~~-l9l:L tLonriksson, Fritz Wimbledon l'JOS ?,0/-1Dl3. Ireland, w. Oumborland l9la 20/-1918 . J owett, Rev. Hcrdy China 1912 5/-1913. !lacl.tregor, G. Kirkaldy 1897 7/Gd. 1913.'tfoolf, E. S. E.C, 1912 20/-1913. ed. Y"tv.~'('~ ~~, ot-Kt~~ rY~,dJ.I,~~ t" ~~e.,{ rw':)J... &.A }vu~. 1·Correspondence: ~ letter. Private Henry Thomas, R.A.·,.c,, late of lUIJJlf Cnrdiff u. ..,) ., now n.t Poonv., ·•Sking gift of Fabian literature. ! Free Library 01 Pennsylvania, asking tc be on Free List. Cl . P.\rty :.:>ociA.liste Paris re docuruent:o. J.. London Labour Pr•.rty , ·':l..::llting Jub. t.r; Ciroul'J.r. '·London Hussi<'.n .3oci'1list Group. Circulnrs. ~)~~~);"~ ~ ated a ~~ ~· (C)~~ UM. . l~> ~~-~a~aA-'tt;'M~, o. (a) Audit not yet started. The Report is being complete'without waiting for it. · (b) The accounts are balanced to April 30th. {c) There are no outstanding bills exceeding 20/­ (d) Bank Bulances on April 24th (owing to receipt of special subscription of £100) are £209. c. MembershiRI (a) Two of the last list of defaulters, James Elder and J. D. Griffin, have paid. (b) Resignat;\ons: Richard Higgs: 1898. Paid £2.2.0 May 1917. Out of sympathy. (c) Address Lost: Thomas Tarleton. 1915. sj-only 1915. Correspondence: Alfred Hi~ks desiring alteration of day of meeting. Dan Griff1ths Fund. Appeal for c.o. London Labour Party. Circular on Food Crisis. ~) - I ~~'lU.cL~ ;}; .. ~/J_ ~~~1-~~~ Jt · ~. ~-~lil~--w~~ f~. .­ ;a) Tho ?.ccounts owing tc the u.udi t J.nd holidays 1 n-r&-.. o11ly bal.'nced1 to July :n. Thero are no unp'\.id bill (b) Tne audit is done, but report from auditor nwE~.its return from holiday. (c) ciubsor1ptions to Aug. ~1st, ~1~ (includinG'v.r.s. ~lOO). Last year, ~31~. 1 (d) ~ing's li~ll LectUles: eoeipts ~119. ~~~0nded £71. (e) summer School: Receipts for session ~939 ..::xpenuiture to date . ~456 , • 1 Aoc~mnts duo, sa.y _w 10::. £.{ ·Mt~t33_ 5")~~ ~1 ~/ (f) Russ1an Delegates'Reception: . Loan ·~30 Repaid on a/c. 10 ~~~~~lto~ 'l;"'f:s.,;st~fl? 4 ~3 '1,-1.R:~: ~~~ f~ ,l6.'+} . ~~11./.(;r, J., _ ~rio ~~s~~. ~rz.uot >:-~~ Uda)"S' o;re-.unp:~id billl tor awaits h, r ~­ ~. 5". -r~~ (.~~) (j) Bank Dalnnces, about £630.­Against which <~.re due Summer :~chool Ales. ostimated r.t ;n fees r!e.yll.610. Ae;enda.. ~F~,.;(-~,R;..... ~• 1.'t~~(w~J (j) Tho cost of Tract Printing:5000 Joad's "Owen" cost £40 7 0 5000 copios at 2d. ~ach =11 13 0 ~. (KJ ~'W\U~ .')a }7..wt fJc-o, ~ uV 9 ., V ~·~~( (!,.) .A.. ~~.c.el• f" '--~ • ~ r~.) .{,­ (~.) ~ .) K1nq1s-~all Lecturess Wallas 111. A. E. Zimfuern tnkes the lecture. •l• Duncan uall H.ccepts cha.irr,Janship. ~\.~Q.~ ~ ~~~'* ~ :M~ I c::ar-~~ ~\lt ~.+"'"'-*\t,... t ~~~. ~.i!efilbel (a (b f Soo1e1 (a ~.Membership: (a) 8lact1on of candidates: October List 11 La st year B ,.. ntJi~ovembar List 10 Lnst yeFt.r 15. ~d.t~ {b) Resignations: ~ urs. d,' plebock. ·1o ror.san. ~ ,•• T. !Jh mcross Do. ~­~. T:1ttersall :Uodd Do. ~--:f.i. ~t 5" Society lieetings o.nd Loctures: (a) (b) 3pr1ng Leoturess No nrr.1.ngeoents. ~1R.ttor ureent. Jan. 11 t: 25 Feb. 0 e: 22 h!a.r. e e. 22 su~gested Education Lecture ~.~~d.. ~ t"fcw-.tt a. R~~ r~;,.,(MIQ ~~~~~11, ~~..;.. ~~~~ 4 [;' a.ak rz~.J#. ~;-I'~~~ ~ ~~ ~ 1:-~ 9• ~1-'J'.-t_~ I ~~M. '\{ • ~ .a. I "• clL A~-VL<4ra-~ '"f~:....... ,. ~~~~(4 .c!u-/:..'r.e'l. ~ )!r-{_, ~ sp.(~ i~~~ft-...;.~ I cy-, 1;-t. 11 I b.~o.k . ~-­ ~~~~4/J... J~-h£,~ IJ. fr et ~a.t-~~~ ~41. 4A;J ~1 1-J3 ~7Th [Q.)ilr m. '+ ~fll,o 0)\, le.R_ ';frJ.i1YJV~ ' ~t . (A}wr ~ ~.1\,o ~I V JJr, Urur, u~ ~~a.w . " Empire Roconstruc~ion Book: , Agreement concluded with ~i.Duncao hnll on lioes prOJ?OSed. q Reform of the aouse or Lords: . Practically ready. Propose circularisation of u.prs et•1 10 -~~ ( " IFra.nk Snndon1 Friends 1 Ambulcnce Unit, asking loan of Book Box for Fr:.'.nce. ~)'The llew Wu.y. Offerio::; help for c;ropa.:.:;~>.ndll in Ireland. lQ.)r.'lrS. Bridges Adnms. Lon.:; letter nsl:ing us to lend books on T.U. to a nussi"n i n prison,l'chitchorine.(tA}JArs. Blnnd. Offer of sheets of 11Th0 Eyes of a IMm." (et) ~~(;\.~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~~~!CO~· ~I \I!; G..-r"tUct ~~~ ~-r~ ~; . c..l~c( ~~~E'wA. le._ 'M{. '110 w.J . \ot) ar~~ ~M1-e.t. ~ · ~ ,~1"1~. ~ '"­ t~ ~ \ .. \ ~ -:..c J -=r~ . (a) The boo~s are balanced to ~ov. 30th: there aro no u paid accounts. (b) Tne audit is still unsettled. (c) Report to Doe. 31: 1.£11 :1;916 ~embers' subscriptions 644 519Other do. 67 59 Dook Boxes 36 60Uank Balance, lOth Jan., about £270 in addition ta £200 on deposit. · (d) Queen 1 s Hall Russian Delega.tes 1leoting:Final account from Lee sho17ing deficit of ~4:2s. Of our advance of' :::20, the sum of £17:B:4 has been repaid. Balance of' ~2:14:8 to be uritten off' toGrants and Donations A/c. (1 ~.w_ .., ~ ' ,, (o ..... ~ v.; I • .... J+. (b) Resignations: w.n.Caddick (1914) 10/-~enera1 disagreement. ~iss ~.E.Dickinson (1900) 10/-!?'J reasou. M.B.Reckitt (1914) 5/6d. Guild Socialism. Mrs. Slesser (1900) 7/6d. Do. Phi1ip 3nowden, ~.P.,(l907) 10/-No reason. Mrs. Snowden (1S07) Do. 'h.)_~~ ~~·- . a11~~~~~e~~ ~~d...); ~ Vdt.. . ~·~~~leal~ ~~u... ~AA.MM.~~F re ~ro no ~ F. King's hall Lectures on the Labour Party: ' Tne following report was adopted:­ (a) On consideration, it seems tesirab1e to restrict these to ~(iienderson, \iebb, Shaw). (b) Ir. order to avoid t;Jhitsuntido, the dates should be ddition to Fridays, 26th April (.denderson), 3rd i.iay (Webb),lOth f4ay ( Shaw) . (c) Admission should be, for the course, 10/6d., 5/6d.,of ~4:2S· 2/Sd.; for single lectures, 5/-, 2/6d.,l/-, as ; •4 has bser. heretofore. t~n off to (d) Dotailed 3yllabus as heretofore should be posted to previous subscribers and others about the fi~st week in March; and therefore must be got ready promptly (d) The Committee should give definite instructions to-day (a) To book the hall; (b) To ask t.1e lecturers; (o) Tc print the 3yllabus; (d) T~ put the addressing in hand; (e) To announce t ne d~tes in Fabian News for Feb. (f) proceeds to the I.abour Party Research Depe.rtment. _,I (to-printer by 14th Feb.). ~-Proposed Tutorial Class upon the Principles and Programme of the Labour Party. The following proposal was approved for publication in Fabian News: Various enquiries have been received by the F~~ian Society as to the possibility or opportunity bein; civen for more careful study of the Labour Party Programme, and for questions and discussion upon it. The Fabian Society is prepared, if 30 ap~lications for admission are made, to arrenge for a Tutorial Olass,meeting at 6 p.m, on Tuesdays in six successive weeks beginning afl..fi."May, at the F11bian iiall, 25 Tothill Street. Sidney Webb h2.s consented to Give a brief explanator~rlecture at eaci1 <:leeting, to answer questions, and to deal with difficulties. Fee for the course 10/ed. (As this proposal is dntirely contingent on 30 applic­ations being received, and as not more than 60 persons can be admittec, immediate application for admission to the class should be made to The Fabian Society,25 Tothill Street, s.w.l.) l Society Lectures: Tile following arrangements were _approved as settled ordered:-or Feb. 22. Prof. !lantou.x on Alsace-Lorraine·· ilarch 8. ri.S.L.Polak on IndiaJ ' " 22. Signor Aldo Cassuto, suggested by de J adaria t? be asked to lec•ure on Italy. ga, ~-~. ~~~~~~ ~-~ 1'­ (d 10,)' nt. ~n in 3ocietyrfor more for s for e.ss, ;weeks 11 Street. atory d to deal applic­ ~ersons ·sion to p3{4l ~ . Summer School: It was agreed to propose that E 11 Lawson Dodd, G.F.Blizard and ~rs. Salmond m Davies, be the four dele~ates of the Executive Committee. ~· Publishing Business: (a) Article ·on the Referendum by Shaw was referred to Webb for further report. (b) mS. on Children's Employment 1914-1918, prepared byMrs. Salmond and submitted by the V/omen's Gl"OUp was considered more suitable for an articl~ than a Tract and was referred back to the ~roup. o) On a suggested Tract on the Educa~~ Bill by the Education Group, it was agreed that the subjectmight be suitable for a ~emorandum, but is not suitable for a Tract •• (d) It was agreed not to reprint Tract 70 "Report .on Fabian Policy." 11. The Labour Party and Elections: (a) Draft Election Fund circular was approve~ ~n Mo . orderod to be set up for circulation to the Executive in proof. (b) Captn. liaden Guest. Letter asking to be adopted as ~ Fabian candidate: report by the lion. 3ec. that as a matter of emergency he h~d nominated him for the Selection Conference of the Southwark Trades Council on January 12th. The aon. Sec.'s action was approved, and it was af:eed to do all that is necessary in rolat1on to ~uest s candidature. Mrs. Bland Tucker, regretting that ~e will not take the sheets of Bland 1 s uork for sale. ~~uc-t: '.!-CI-,..,f 11 dollando Scandinavian Socialist Commee. Declaration 7 ._ of Jewish Poala-Zion Confede!:lation, ~ome RUle for India League. Circu~ar letter. Le Devoir, French Socialist Paper. Do. Free Library of Philadelphia asking to be put on Free List. lqwestminster Labour Party: It was reported that there are 25 Fabians in Westminster constituency. It was agreedthat the F.s. subscribe 21/-as affiliation fee. Also that the notice to be put in the office window take the form ot a glass hanging plate bearing the words "Westminster Labour Party: Particulars 171thin." ~~~, q~ '+~ (ql g-.­7'19 t LA (~ ~;~~~Jl a.t'£4~·~q ;,)~. Execut1ve ~~..J~I ·~~"Of/it.L • • c~ ~~-~ I "\ws! s~ ""'"~ ~.Jt" ted as 11. at as e. ~~~~"' r 7· the Council - as e.r.eed uest s (a) The Books are balanced to Dec. 31st, and there are no unpaid bills. {b) Report to January 31st: 1na 1n7 Menbers' Subscriptions B5e~ 660 "~4Other " 04 00 Boo}~ Boxes 41 60 Gross Receipts for sales 474 379 (o) Bank Balances on Jan. 31st, £389. \ (d) Audit. Letters fro~ the auditor (i) stating that the accounts as presented show a debit balanoe of £106, rrhen in fact they should show a credit balance of 0459; pointing out some trivial errors discovered, and stating that other­wise they are correct. He declines to sign the rae. AlS0 account as rendered and will require modifications r., take for the next ono. words (ii) suggesting claim for return of income-tax. " ~~~\.t.Jc~~ 1-\4.~l~ ~~~ J I 30 -:j:~!['r4-4J - l~J -:.. ~~ vt-~cv-~, .,. l.(.c.C" ~f'l? IJ/1,'"~ ,.,.;.,~~41. ~"d..&:~ i &t ~~ ~ 'Wij.~ ~M r/1~ I; ­ 4. iiembersh1p: (a) February Candidates for election, 18, last year e. 6, OOmm( {b) Resignations:J,C.Dixon, Calcutta, 1909, 20/-"Various reasons" (a) F.A.Huckle, Oxford, 1890, 20/-No reason given.Miss A. Sprott, dove, 1816, 1/-do. (b) Geo. H. Wood,tiuddersf1eld, 1896,10/-Incompatibleposition. (c) iA .D.Dunning. Roferred to Hrs. Webb for report. {d) 'Prcp<>s&d to be ~ruck off: Miss ~ood 1910. Will not pay. E. Bottle 1911. do. ~ bpD1.F.A.Browll 1913 In Ganeda. 41F captn. A.M.Mann No sub._Corr.~spondenoe. t.O V""Fred Harquis 1911 :.::\1111 not pay.--r. ~iss Normanton 1913 do. '4. ., CA -<~ l. .e. '+-0. ) ..... 2 • ("­ ~IV ~r. 3. S' . ~ ~ ~~----~--------~­ ~ Tract 153. Twentieth Century Reform Dill. Stock 200 J " Should be withdrawn. ~G{. "· 4. fj The New Way, Dublin, special scheme of advertising.~ . (w~J Ct!J Tract 185. Abolition 0 f ·­ Proofs circulated. Poor Law. By rL!rs. Webb. Finanoe: contrib ti & I.L.P. £40.. u ons to cost:-Joint Oom~· of F.s. ~~~~ck-Jta. ~J. ~~ r.-Jt.t ~-,_ ~-~ra-r-A?~, -~-~... ~a.L r~~&_ ~~,(,.(. ~. ear 8. 5. Oommon Room: easons" (a) Resolution of Committoe asking Ex&Ontiva to provide_~ given. (b) Resolution from Annual ~eating urging that ~rs. Herbert pat1ble wages be increased from 25/-to ~0/-, the C.R. to pay 1tion, half. rt. ~~4tUuL 1:o, ~-~aM.aM.c~M .~ ' -. 1r l«t'· 7-)[~~{~J· 1='~~g~J.-'WW) ~­ 'b) Draft proposals by Chairman:­ l. That the Executive Committee m1gttt "~-De;wson upon its staff, for half time, at £50 a year; 2. That Miss Dawson should be available for generalwork in the office, but would deal especiallywith the side of the Society's work touching the women members; ~. That the Women's Group continue to function .as at present, paying rent for its room, and making an effort to increase its membership, and to enlist their interest both in the Fabian Research Depart­ment and the Common Room, and also in the Labour .Party; took 200 · 4. That endeavour will be made to afford more spaceU,Q. in Fabian News for reports of the doings of the women1s Group, if the MS. is submitted in time. "ti in ;M· Parli 0. In view of' the f'act that i\iiss Dawson has been paid £100 (a) year f'or part time only, and thet only a smnll part or her work has been aotUD.lly f'or t he Women's Group as such, whilst the r est h,l.s, been for Fabian v;ork (on \7omen' s Labour, care of' children, etc.) on which the Women's Group has specialised, it was agreed to recom- Group: (et mend:­That the Executive pay iiliss Dn.wson ,£100 a yonr in addition t o tile £50 paid by tne Women's Group, f'or full time, and that she assist in tho work of the Society, under t11e direction of' the Hon. Seorotar7· in addition to her uork for tho Women's Grou~. 6. Women's International jocialist Council: On t11e nomina tion of the nomen 1 s Group, J,liss Case was (b) appointed t o sucoood Dr. Fuirf'ield. resi gtled. 7. KinG' s Hall Loctures: Webb reported on tue chRirmen, ;;1aurice Howlett,Mi ss MncArthur, and J. H. Thomas, M.l-'., ft. nd :-.:..L.Jsi.-.,.t-;g -~!o!.ulC.;;-~;;k--.4-=r.--. i!ls tructions for address­ing tllO circulars were r;iven. Spry Fund: ~ ~ In vi ew of t he· f ailure to .c:.arry out his plan, 1 t was • • a~rood that Webb write off'erine; to r oturn the money, 9. society's hleetings; D.&. (a) April 12th. Nothing fixed.__ Offer from F.h.hayward, D.Litt., the L.c.c. Staff, who sends absurd documet A Russian Lecture by Soskice ca.1 ~~~~~k~~ ~ i.. ·~,..~~.tt 4 ~4h-~4.(-+-~ 11~~.1-...__ ~~. IJate C"-1 CM--eo ')n ~ k 0, Parliamentar): Fund: paid £100 Pll p~.rt Group as k (onicn the (a) Receipts: Balance in hand James Billson A. InskipJ. Brown Stmller sums 59 10 5 5 ~ 04 to recom­ yonr in roup, for k ot' the Seoret~.r~· Promises: J •. A .Fallows R. Robinson R.G.Brown c.S.GiddingsH.T.Holmes lOO 50 20 10 5 roup, F.R.Cripps _§ 190 £ 274 Case was (b) Candidates: In addition to list in Fa bian News:­ ako I. Finance. Name. W:~\lifJtf' James-J. Dodd A good deal r..Sydney Giddings,J.P. Nothing substantial . F.E.Green Nothing said (}hr i.~. do. Robert Jones do. address-J.J.~allon Stanley Uda.lo A good deal. -~~~ F.R.Cripps ('l) (~1 ~) . ~--:-~. }CJJ ~~-K< :):7""t . i". ~~~~~,t. £998. -r--­ 1r. 616. Ticket Sales to 11th inst.£160 s Hall M~ximum about ~ xclusion Ex,Penses: Hall 4"'r Printing 28 postage & advert­cepted ising, ~a~'-.. .£§. ~ t oent e .~ ~A.-w.~""""·~~.. ~ \.U.~ ("~ • ~ 1 ~~..G). ,...t '~~ -')/pJt,l ~ 'lR.cJU ~~u.A. . "T fl ~); ~ \&~. t ts-~o ~ ~ ~~-~r LL rMvW... 1;-~ J..-aa-~u..H-. . -4. . ~j_ q-"'-~~ ~ \e-k ~~ P-1-1 -U.. n--e.t ~ f JU t ~A-""­ W-dl.O t-..~~ ·~t 'f~~ \.e... ~ '-1. a..lM. "" ~~~ ~ ~~ ~· ~ Parliamentary Fund: I) 10 (a) Oash received I including Balance in hand. £ 250 -'Up Promises _m 503 ~ Wo - (b) The Pott offer of ~100 J ~ . .. jL I 8 \C) H ~ T .f.J_'-f t j q T J ~ ) (,.. , -,t tu ., "\V'"tM) lllA~ M-~~~ !rl.e1nbersh1p: (a) Candidates for election 17. Las~ year S. (b) Resignations: ~oraoe Burrett Woking 1907 30/-Ho reason. ~rs. J.A.Fallows Bo~nemouth 1907 -Out of London, J.T.W. Bewbold Manchester 19lo 2/a No longer Fabi&l A.U.Spiers London Hl06 10/6 lfo ren.son. ~~,j~l(q~~ ,..,.-~ .(A,AA.rJ.,..:c( j;;, ~dtd:r:J. + lndi ture. • • 24 · BRlance. £63 """""'"' )• Tract 186. Central Africa, etc. This will cost for 5,000 rour;hly £20, Hawkin promised to pay part. What shall we propose '? Q4k,. ~1:; ~"l.. ~ \.e..t.. ~0"1. ~t'0 -­ Pnrliamentar~r Fund: 7~ (a) Present position. Ca sh r eceived £484 Promises . ~3~ E l\l'l (b) w.J.Beck, in India, offering to be candidate. (c) Lieut. Comdr. Hope on lli s cn.ndidnture • ~1; ~~~~cJ.,.:."-~ ~ ~~ ~.e.,..~~~-~edf4, rrespon ,J,de A Labour P Sundry: Fronoh P Illinois ( I (0. Mom borsh1p: (a) Co.nuidntes for May, 14:. la.st year, 6. (b) Resignation: Mrs. Behrend (la.to miss Jan~) 1907, 20/-No roason. Miss Normanton: has bocoma an associate. (c) To be s truck, if no roply to final kRi*B notioe, 17: H.G.Bennott Harrogate 1g13 2/­H.Bounds London 1914 5/­A.K.Consta.ntine Mombasa 1913 21/-t.L\ ,-, 1 1 D.. ~.J_1 Mrs. A.K.Constantine Do. Do. 21/-r1~~ g:~:~~~g~~~ ~;s~~dr~ss i~i! 15/-\~ ~~~ Harry Holmos Shoffiold ~ ---~------r- Miss Olive Hooper Birmin~ham " 6/-\t) ~. E.J.W.Jackson No address " I I ~ Dr. K.Korsch 't Germany " 10/-rJ....I John Loishman No ntration. undry: Circular re destruction of printing m~chinery under n.u.rt, 'renoh Parti Gocialiste, Handing re~olution. llinois State Defence Women's Con~·, t~sking to bo ("} ~~~ ~I ,_JrM lQJ et~~~~-~r.~ r1o be. k~~ ~. (~/ ~wl ~- COl ason, otioe, 17: on Free List. ~ r.sed tOJce l .%'h.u:t~ ~~4 . 1= . (a) The Books hn.vo been nudited to l1'1aroh :nst, n.nd the account passed as issuod in tho Proof Report, t;ithverbal alterations only. Letter of tb.ants to the auditor. {b) The Books arc balanood to Au9. alst. There are no outstanding bills exceod~ng 20r-· (o) On.:::;h in Banks, on Deposit ~1000, on current n/o. !::170, Oonsiuern~lo payments n~c nonrly due, for King's Bnll rant, Stn.ndring (£100) etc., and it may be neoossaryto withdraw money from deposit, if Kin~; ' s liull oash not come in rapidly. s a/o. We have paid away £130 out of the ~160 reooivod from him, and o. further £60 hns been reoe1·1rec from lirs. Elder oo his n/c. (o) Results for 6 months to Aug. 31st. ~ l2l'l· nombors' subscriptions ~ 3N~· ~£100 from o.n.s . deducted. Other subscriptions 40 36 Book Boxes 23 112.Q Gross sales Literature 351 176 Hiro of .Llall 1:5 lO nnd the t!u_ ~c-e~ rt, 11ith to the ~ Pj_ I 'f­ 1) , _ nre no out J . ~ ~ I. 1;). '* rrw~ gw... a,.,. k2. . ~ ~ ~.. 1{ ~ ~ · ~r. ·v ~P. ~u~ P...d ~ Q ~~~--~~ I~ .J I{. ~""-~k-~-\0 ~ eJ:i.. ~ .­. rift. ~~, '¥--"' le ~ p .. . a/o. mo. • Kin~'sSyllabusHall Leotures.just posted to members, and about to be posted King's iillll neoossary to previouo subscribers, etc. Receipts £g7 on Fabian !ows notioe. liall oash ExchAnge arranRed w1tn tho Lon~o of Nations sooiety: 5. Publications: (a) Tract la'f "The Teacher in Politics" published. 10 000 printod, of which V/ebb requires 5.ooo. ' (b) Tract lG6. By n.c. ilawkin. He has paid ~l?.lOs bei ng half the cost. ., Gas and Ooa.l: We. ha.ve applied for a spoclnl assossment for our publio halL In 1917 we used about the equivalen:f of 13 tons of coal and our allowance is 11. We usod 577 units of olectricity and our allowance is only 3 ~· 'l· Pesearch Department: Thoir tenancy has been reneuod till the end of the year. C. Parliamentary Fund: (a) Amount reported on July 17th has not subst~ntially alter~ Allocated £413 . Unallocatod ~ £033. (b) Cundidature.s: tiany-Qr our· membors have been fi;~ed up. Sanders will _not stand ut present~q,_~ ~ ~~~r-~-:r.~.~ ~~~ , -w-_ q~...... ~ .. oJr~Jc Tr ·~+1L. 'l ~a.u,k. ~~ ~, fe.-t~ . ' ~~t~~.a~11-.r--~~ -.r '\A~ ,).. ~ ~~c:tt -~, D. Society Lectures and Meetings: (a) A mombors' mpeting in October on the Election wo.s con­templated~ but there is now no occast,Gn for it. t.,.,...,T '\; ~ e; ~~-u ... ""' &.l\\ n \ ~ , ~· Cl ~~~~ J...D ~1AND Ye~ ~ ·~i ~~~ ~ ~ ·.e I q. ~ ~) , Dalega ~~Lond fi Labc 00iv t.~. 1 E.\1 Lo ublio ha:). f coal nnd is only 31X e Year, 1. 1.1erobersh1p: The Au~nt c~ndidntes 11 (last yenr 3) were all in order and were eleoted by thu Secreta.ry. _.. ..t 1 'i'-1..... . Finance: 1, ieeti s. Ja (a) The accounts aro bs.la.nced to Oot~ber 31st. P There nra no unpaid bills. ~ R iJ n (b) Report t o Nov. 30th. 1918 1Sl7 Wembers' subs. 500 eoo•~ Othor 60 132 Book Boxes 35 32 "~Including '~lOO G.B.s . (o) King's Hall Lectures: 1918 .1.211 19l; Gross receipts. 583 493 51 Expenses anQ cash returned. 181 171 149 =-­ Grant to Staff for evening wo~k. Q,ywcl"t; h ~•~ ~~ t L~ ~ : ~ . ~. ~. Our ..~SBB• Tenants; (a) The L~bour Research Repartment will stay on to ktaroh 25th. ­ {b) The Homan's trroup may give up their room on tiaroh 25th ~~ ;. Common Room. In view of tho uncertainty of the Offico accommodation available, the hon. Secretary su~gests that the questionof the Common Room be e>.gain deferred. e. Fabian Essays. Stereo Plates received from Walter aoott. · ~\rUtet 1; ~'f~~q_ ~~""-~ b ~~· 7. ~eetings of the Society. January lOth & 24th, Feb. 14th ~ 28th, ~aroh 14th &28th. Pronosals: Dr. 5oskioe desires to lecture against the Bolsheviks. Rev. Shell is willing to locturo on Russia. i.lichP.el Pease cm Germany during the vrnr. Dr • .&iadon Guest on Palestine a.nd i;.llenf:ly 1 s Victory. A rlombers' ~eating ? ~~~;t~~:­ ~"""-t ~ ~ ~ ~""4U. ~~~~r'+1o~ ~\.&.o.l-~~..J2\ 1 1 ..PB ui oB o .i.iaw1E11'i .1iss H1ndsley ~'lt5.Re; u RuYu Uel\ 3:..~~ ~leMetti .HeplEifteC'.o .-. ~I .... e. ie~e3 L.C. millor A. hlillor L.A. Pavey H. Pochin lUss Rosenberg1iiss N. Young ru.11 . ·' ~o. ·~ llql''ltt{ (JJ.. l{J Ha.ro1d Alfrey.Ed11. A1'7?n .trs. BarringtonT.A.Bti.rnes A•. •• J. Barnstein J.ri. Binkworth 0.T. Browne .... a.tt ~~"11 J -:-iwttepy Erio Cooper »iln & o ~ale i,i1ss s.~i~ Do.y Edwin De1ler ~rs. Deller R.F.O. Dolley 1!1ss i.l. Duke 1~06. 21/-. Objection to LRbour Pty. 1906 10/-. Re-married and going to Oa.nada. . 1917. 5/-. Illegible. ''') r7. ..... 1C...~ letter, a~d struck off: Zlocted. ~§~~l2~ 1806 1013 1~or 1~14 1r12 1SOO 1ro5 1~1a 1o~o 1913 1~14 191:3 1812 fgi~ 1r-14 lHe 1800 1Pl4 1€?09 1~ev 1U4 1~00 lt:os 1914 1eor ln4 1915 ~lOO 1800 5/-_1015 lo/-1813 7/6 1~14 5/-1?13 5/- 101E 20/-1r13 113/ 1~1~le/a 191e f/- 1~15 S/4 1816 5/-1914 10/- 1P13 lOre-i~i: 151-1n5 e; I I 1914 ~//-= HM o 1914 e/e lHta ~/= !Ut• 5/-19~ 2/6 1900 1/3 1915 10/6 1014 20; -1Q15 6/-1916 10/-l~lf i/ _, 1 . • i (b) ~ i (o) ~ (d) {~""' '-Y{ · ~ · ~ ~ r.~ -l ~ , v 'l' b-, 4 ~ t:r ~ nd SMul.d ar 10. .bour Ptv Salaries. Further ~ar D~nus roquosted:­ illrs. ilerbert. Engaged 11?14, l"'t/-; Jan. l~lE, 16/Gd.; (a) DeG. 1Sl5, l8/6d.; Nov. 1Sl6, 21/-; June 1917, 25/-; Fob. 1n0, 30/-. ~-.u-s. C;rant. \forks 26 hours. Po.id lB/-=7d. r:m hour. {b) Application rnde about Oct. lOth. and !'lny altervtion should d~te beck. Gl~~kL~~~a-11. ~ 1~&~~~1-'luM.~~ ~t~~~. £;-~-:r~~~ •;:; Publishing. (a) Reprint of Necessary Dasis of Society by '.7ebb. Snles 1?15, 112; 1~16, 87; 1Sl7, 135; 1018, ~32. (b) Clutton Brock's Philosophy of ~:a.··· Socialism. Stook 60. -IJReprint 2,000. (o) No. 140. What r Health ColTilittee eRn do. o/p. Shall it be reprinted ? ~.J..~~ 10 ~ efJ, (d) Snles to ~obb. 8 Tne Teacher in Politics" 10,000 cost £51.10s. ~000 Reprint 214.10s.f• Y/ebb had 5200 P..1so~owards Social DemocracY (1/ )in addition to lOO granted free. • ­ a.~ct 1; ~cvtu... ~o.-~'(t-() k-YtJ:ir lt)~~~~~-~1.~. 12. Correspondence. a U. Dunca n Ha ll on tha progress of his book. l£-J "The Cor.1ing Europe" asking exc11ange CI David Freecan (tlc.lay States} on A Home •~ !'or the London ~) ~~ University. a.. D--rwl Q) '\{'~~ wt ~~~~ Qu_~ ,d..) ;~q-~ s..e.~ ~4 t\.\A 1-~ OM. d ~~ :f.h_~. ~~~~-~~~~ C).J...I\IIJ--d~ tr.... fUw,) ~ ~ ~1'.-~ : ~ oJ~ ~ k....L ...P_j....,~~ o}-~A.L ~ ~ot r~YJY'~/.1 ~~~~-Q ~k -PAL. !ftd, ~ -e.~~ K.~ ~.ro+..2. ~V 1. Fina la) (~ (d '.t ) e London ~-Finance. ta.) Tha 3ummer 3chool Sale has produced ~258. The sum of ~£250 should be put on deposit or invested. seven cases of reserved goods sent here. a.~h> ~~'2 ~o ~ 'W"AA.. ~eT\. v~~'.,., \.e..,):-PUA~-... ~1.. ~ ~~ «.J,J.!' ~~~L -. (b) Report t o Dec. 31st. ~ p· · '1910 10.l7. ~embers Subscriptions 571 643' Other " 73 67 Bco1t noxes 37 36 Literature Sales, gross. 637 426 * includes £100 fr~m ~.B.S. (e) The accounts are b•'lanced to .Nov. 30th, and there are no outstanding a./cs. Balance in Banks Dec. 31st = Deposit £600, Currant a/c. ~A98. (d) Finchloy F.S. Lettar sending £14.10s. Balance funds on dissolution, and susgasting donation to Finchl ey Labour Party. eto.:r( ~ b ~~U;w 1­ f_g.J ~'f~:~'.ol i:::· aooL 1;-/L _.,-.J..­ ~~ ~~"--t'W!.t.r ~.n-(/ 4. ~eneral Electivn: (a) Report of the Trustees of the Pe.rli~oentary Fund on the final disposition of the Fund~ 1"~~.k~'):-~~W>~-i3o ~ ~, 1; ~o.~ ~C t lS'"o : ~~~'*.. llM;l, ~WJ\; ...... ~~~~'=F~ ~· (b) H. :.:>. Harben . Offer t .) :J<~y for a CaxtJn H~;:.ll "At livme" to Fabinn t..Ps., or Lc.f:JOur L..Ps., made ~~the Election. ~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~/ ~~~&_~-1~~~4. ~~. (CJ Lt.Col. Kynaston. Rero~rkable story of Zlection Libel, and request for e. Guarantee of ;::J,OOO for the purposesof an Election Petitinn. Figures:-Wolvorho.c.1pton, Dilston. General iiickoan, Co.U. 10343; Kyne.ston 6744. (d) J. 0. Squire. Any ap:peP.l i'or subscriptions to,:rards hiS forfeited £150. ~­ (A) Reports from F. E. Green, :d. T. ,.iuggeridge(, 3. R. B)o11e'!'l ~ ~alsall • .., -t;.. -P. ~~-Vv\)t::.l . S io.embersh1p: ~~~~~r-cJ~ ~,.ul,~~­ (a) December candidates ~election, 9. Last year, 12. (b) Resignations: Harold ..1urray. 1~06. 10/-. Going abroad. (a) (b) (o) ~) nd on Libel, R· Bo11er ~all)• ad. society iAeetiugss Feb. 14th and 28th, darch 14:th and 28th. (e.) .3t. John Jrvin$ i)f'fers lecture on eX11eriences t:>.t-t.ne front. {b) Russia: Letter fr;XJ Sasl:ice saying he er, nnot sue;gest a. pro-Bolshevik lecturer. Suggestion by Ensor of several possible lecturers recently returned. (o) Tilak••1ay be willing to l ·3oture on India, Feb. 14th. {d) Dr. v. B. Olark offers lacture on Land Tenure. ~~ ~) ~,'WWJ~ (2.) ~. Q~r{~ ~~t+-~,·1-~~ (Q) 1~I ~ ~t:-~. (<:{; Jrz.. ~·, "vv.) -a.t ~~~ ~) ~IlL~~ ~~~-)!/~ k~. ~ ~;._ t. ~~_.v ~t4t.. aJv.. . idJ ~1' ~OV\.. ~ d ~ (!~ ~rc~ · ,. / (;"" .... ~ I, --;, "'"" (IQ ---Z . rkl ar~~ Jtz-t(~[~ ~~UJ ~­ Q.L~ ..tTl ~~er~~-~~, ~11;) r: 1 _ };:-boxes. (d) Report on Sale of Albert rtall tickets. \\.V11 '\, q. Comoon Room. Any action on the C.R. report ? ~ /0. Country Lectures. Any action tnis year ? li Propa_ganda an09,&.St University Graduate~. Publishing nusiness. (a) FabiRn Essays. Fifield strongly recommends dolay in v1ow of present high prioes. ova out (b) Tracts out of print:­ 113. Com~unism. By ~. uorris. 1902. increase 109. Cottage Plans and Common Sense. 1903. Both old and slow sellers. terature (c) L. s. Woolf. Report "Jn l'_Tvgress of his book. ~cL~ aelk~ );-~~~. ~~~· \\ . a.c. ~. D · n _(/1 ~ ~ ~a.cf.LaM. ~­w~):)h.C.o.. ~q~~ ~" GAJ"'A~ • fRJ)~~~~· ~.: rJ.Jp{~/... ~ 2. . Pinanoe: (a} The accounts are completed t o Dec. 31st and thero are no unpaid bills. (b) Results to Jan. 31st. Meubers' subscriptions. Other " ~· 726 se 1917. 806* 84­ Book Boxes. Gross sales Literature. 42 ~ 41 746 47~ Includes f.lOO G.B.S. (c) The £250 Summer School Auction receipts has been invested in War Loan in names or E.R.Peasc and F.Lawson Dodd. ~· Parliamentary fund: e s. d. (a) Total Recoipts 1301 10 6 • Grants 1361 4 6 Balf'.nce in hs.nd. iQ 6 gj (b) Question of :£20 which Snell can return. {c) Stockholm Fund ~6.5.0 -or 3 donors, 1 (5/-)allocates to PA.rl. Fund, and the trro others (ee) leave to 2xec~tive to d~cide allocat1~n. (d) Rxpenses Jf Printing and P?stage, ~18.0.10 notchar ged in nh~ve. (e) HoncG !io.xinum Dalance i n hv.nd, !'A6.11.0 (f) Squire requires no further grant. ~=al on behnlr of J. Gilbert & 95(51 p~~(uvi-~) ~­k.t... ~ik "\.U"'M) ~ l~) ~ ~ve.;_ ~lo ~~~ l~) ~ ~~~ . ~~~~-:r~~ t..~ ~eo.. C,Jb._ ~':r~v..(.(.. (C!J ~ rr~ p~~~CA..t-1-le... p~~~~­lo\) Ci'o r-ovwt-k...t. ~{.1'1.1.1 1;-kL d·~"'U -i·M . ~-L,c.c. Eloction: (a) Letter from u.P.Blizard, candidate, asking grantfrom Election Fund. Letter from 3ocretary of the London Labour Party on sano a nd on i·1rs • .;; ::,.l nond. [A.,~, 1::-~"' rAA, ~ -::p_~ td~ ~r~ r ~r.d-q. ac ~­ ooroi'l')n Room: kes)lutiCJ n by the Committee on J:m. ~znct:­ Rent That the Executive be requested t J rcduoe the (~o) of th0 Common Room by £10·~. b. .,ountry Propar.;_and!: Report fr•)m Snell rac·:">ro:.aeocling c:..b[,nd.Jnoont of C:,u:~se lectures ::m vreelt-days, and. p~~ :)~).)sin;; singl e Sunday lactures in large tO'f.rns. ~....~~-ro:::/~~; ~,~u~,.;.;)... ~.~(J;d.. ~~'cp'YJ'(; 'XAi­ ~r-w~ei.~~~~~~u~~o.~~ candidatds (21); La3t y3ar 18.La.st · Joingd-~t. nea.son. ~-, Mi Q'ilJi&JlP'At i'l'A4 JiP) ?'AQ i~Q ilOlli ~'isri8i&y 1 iJIJ~~ F.J.Thomas Clapham 1806 1~14 Pov~rty. ti!iss L.J . i:~ander.•Tu.nb:c·idG0 Wells lOSS lF-lE 1~ust :.~etrsnch. Charles RecOl"'d Le!rton 1012 1916 Deo~mo revclutionary. Hu8h R.Gillespie Golders ur. 1~ 15 1~19 Going t c India (d) About eo nwmf)srs 1'hlOSe i'.dd.r;;sscs "-1'8 not known r.nd who wore sev.::l"'o..l ;-ea.rs i n a:c~:c·.::e.l"'S ..,i t~1 subscl"iptions havo been struck off. (e) About 190 Fi~al Letters h~va b~dn sent to members who ha.v o not p1~9-s. c~) Ct~tl '!; ~er~ tJ. t2~, ~ t 7.V;tN.J: 13\ ~~~~~~­ ~) 0;~"'r; ~· r"\r \ \ll ~.~~~t~)[JJ.,.~ f\J{frWJj) ~~~•.~~ RITt.ES AND BASIS. DRAFT ALTERATIONS PROPOSED BY SIDNEY WEBB. TO THE MEMBERS. At the forthcoming Annual Meeting on the 23rd of Maynext, the Executive Committee will submit to the members proposals for the revision of the Rules, Bylaws, Regulationand Basis of the Society as stated below. As a result of tho dislocations of the past five years the formal constit­ution of the Society has, in various ways, ceased to corres­pond with the facts. The Local Societies and Groups, with a few exceptions, no loncer exist, a~d it has been imposs­ible to hold the Annual Conference. T:tds compels a revis­ion of the constitution of the S~mer School Committee. Minor changes in the Rules and Bylaws are required to bringthem in accordance with practice. It is suggested that the opportunity should be taken to redraft the Basis so as (whilst retaining unchan?ed the essential affirmation and definition of the s~ciety s Socialism) to cake clear, both its lifelor.g as!lociation with the Labour Party and the Internatior~l Socialist Congress,and the particular functions that it seeks to discharge. There are indications that wo are on the eve of a greatexpansion of Socialist thought and activity, in w~ich the Society can play e. use:f'Ul and a distinctive part. The Exec­utive Oomcittee feels that the Society should now put its constitution in ord&r, reorganise its machinery, call uponthe members for renewed effort, and develop all tho various branches of its work, with a view to exercising, through an enlarged membership ar.d :increased financial resources, all the influence in these formative yoars to which its '-"ork and its thirty-five years' r ecord entitle it. PROPOSED AMENJMENTS. ~· Rule 3. {Members of the Executive to vacate s eats after 4 absences) Last line but one, insert after "deemed," "upon a resolution to that effect being passed by tho Executive Committee." Rule 5. (Two business me8tings t o be held) At end, add: "Providw:l t l-: a t if due notice is not ~iven of any business for any such private ueet­ j.ng, it need not be J:..eld." Rule 11. (Sanction of members 1 meetinB t o undertaking r es­ponsibility ror Parliamentary Candidates)After "emergency" i nsort; "And s.pc.rt from anyaction in connection with any sp&cially sub­scribed Parli!Uilentary Fund. 11 Rule 17. (Members in London aroa. ~all be divided into ~roups)Line 1, omit tho first word (tho). For "shall,substitute "may11 • DYELAWS FOR LOCAL SOCIET;Es &0. III. A. (The Provinces)Omit No. 4 . (Requiring periodical Conferences). III. B. (Local Groups) 1. (Exocutive t o form Groups) I,ine 2, omit "shall endeavour to, 11 and substituto "may".Line 3, "and such groups oe.y be formed.• REGl~ATIONS POR ANNUAL OONFEREEOE. Omit the whol@. SUMMER SCHOOL BYELAWS. I. (Delegates from the Executive Committee ) Omit "rour" and substitute •seven." Omit "the Nursery, the Research Departoer.t•••• and the University Societies affiliated to the University Social­ist Federation." Omit "One oembor sr~.11 be elected by the representativesof the other l ocal Fabian Soci e ties at the Annual Confer­oaoe 1n July, and si>all become e. member of the Committeo in the ensuing January.• QAg§. Omit all after 'people' at the end of line 5, and substituto the words as given below. (The proposed new· Dasis is set out in full). The FABIAN SOCIETY consists of Socialists. It theref'ore aims at the reorganisation of Societ~r b~ the enancipation of L~nd and Industrial Capital from individual ownership, aml the vesting of them in thG com­munity for the general bene£'1t. In this v:ray only oan the natural ancl acquired adv.::mtages of the country be equit~ ably sharGd by the whole peoplo. The Society accordingly rrorks f or the extinction (with equitable consideration r:Jf este.'Jlished expections,and due provision as to trte tenura of t he home and the homestead) of private pPoperty in land, and for the trans­fer to the commun:t.ty of such industri:J.l capitnl as can,from til'le to time, conveniently be mane1.ged socially. The Society is a constituent of the Labour Party and of the lntarnat1onal Socialist Congress; but it tal{eS partfreely in all oonstitutional moverJents, social, economio t.md political, which can be guided towards its own objects.Its direct business is (a) the propaganda of Socialism in its application to current problems; (b) investigation and discovery in social, industrial, political and economic relations; (c) the working out of Socialist principles in legislation and administrative reconstruction; and (d)publication of the results of its investigations ;tnd their practical lessons. The Society, believing in the equal citizenship of men and women in the fullest sense, is open to personstlrrespective of sex, raoe or oreed Hho com:nit themselves to its ains and purposes as stated above, and undertu.ke to promote its work. Cj. F<1.bi£'.n Lectures l;l.Od aoetin3s: uaroh 1-'· Tilak: is thia ,:;.dvisfl,ble • 20. 'i r.:rvine. April 11. (uood Friday April 18) . t/.ay r.. . iw~ 2:3. Aonua.l uGetiog. Y Esse~' l.ic,ll. ,Suggestions. A.~.~hyto , :ir F.Evans, J.Cippioo. /~ .Correspondence: a} G.A.Gaskell. Scheme for Workers' Councils in Towns. b) Ool. Kynaston. Election Petition abandoned. c} Appeal for family of W.Parfitt {Liverpool) deceased. d) Prohibition in Canada. Remarkable report from H.D.Kerr e) Mrs. Bruce Glaisier. ITer husband dying. (f) J .C.Harris 1 on Conscription of Labour. o1J.. \.Slit . ~~-~·~· .;;., ~\~~~ ~r ~~h~~~~· li.f-. ~err-~~~ ~~/'f.{ ~ .. ~. F~na.noe: ~fP-""' ,J I (a.) The accounts are completed to Jan. 31st l'l.nd thero 1:1 are no unpaid hills. (b) Results to February 28th:­1019 H'lC Members' subscrintions 892 ~~891Other " • 104 95Book Boxes 4 ." 47Literature, gross sales bC5 530Hire of Hall 54 32 ~• Includes '!lOO G.I3 .3. (c) Dr. Ba.rr's Legacy of £100. The amount of' this, less duty, plus interest, £97.5s.Od., has been rece1vod1 (d) Assets. The liquid assets of' the Societv now are:-/ · Sumner School Fund J ~.!J-o Publications Reserve .l;-ol.iilos Logacy 20 Barr Legacy 97 Tullooh Legacy 174 291 - ~,.---:::1089 Excess of Income durin several years 1800 =--..:.:.;; Invested ·in Govt. Stock 729 Doposit a./c. eoo 1: Current a/ci. about 11 ~ z J.OOO ,'I fi -r'V.A,~ V"C!. ~c1W 7~ ~lq l't. 5.1 9~ ~(~~) ~~~~~ ~ ---... ~~.Se.e..-~'~• 11 ~-1='~~\ ~ ) ............... ­ (a) Parliamentary Fund. Report by Secretary that ho had overlooked £10 se,nt in a speciv,l manner. J.ienco ho has paid £10 t o 3tewart of Gl<>,sgow as voted, and £22.2.2. t o Dale ns origin~lly ord~red by the Finance Committee. vr~ ~M-tv.l ~~ ..._ .-k lW"M ~!v ~:£ttnro ~ WM.~ ~~.. J+ . -w~~s~"<;p~ P~~~~ ­~1JJ. ~ ~k,~~~~~ md thero fYw...J.JJ:J: ... ~ U.u.. ~M'A 1lef • ~~ ~~~ ·~£.~~~j~ ~ ( ~ (l ~.f2..JL ~. ~r.e..z;w..{~'\4 t ~~~ "Wtc"'WMA.£.1\ ~ ~~ "T~WCIO'~ ~e-f, ~~..e..~ ~ ~ ft.. ~ ~-t= ~ ~~"X~· this, less ~~f-f'....<--tfs-~{I .;,.( ~lW~ an received. ft~r ~F~f ·~1--~.) · ~ 1;...L ~ .. A.Jd ~ ~ .'(/ "-~nuary 1S19 t o members who had not paid subscripti~os durin~ the past three years.About seventy-five hav e replied, and excepting in a few cases, sent subscriptions: 11B have not repliedand, witn the exception of t he f~ur mentioned below, have bean struck off, Aoong the 115 are a considerable number of members of extinct Looal and University Societies ~ho did not con­tribute direct to the par~nt Society.The following are reported t o t he Comoittee:- Joineri. Las-t sub. ~aitland Radford 1906 1C!l4 ~1 Gorald T.rlankin 1906 1915 SI Edward Carpenter lQOU ~~mber of Sheffield F.s.: did not contribute direct. J.Lionel Taylor 1907 l~H 10/~d.Instructions with regar.d to these should be given. (c) Resignations: J.d •.Howoll, 1890 Resident in Hew Zealand. Mrs. Howell, " -Do. ­ JI . ~~c~~ --~ , ~-o J~fr.--k v~~M ~ ~AL{ r ~~-11 m~(h? !le ~k«d~~J'~~ ~~.!~ ~~~~.e.e~~~ ;/iJ.o.Je wrw ~J pt-~q4 Jl} ~; c~J 2rruwrv ~~!aJi ~fri ~~~­~t;~iuu-1o-wv~ cU Au£~.wt-J£ & a.ddJunu b(1rUat1t.tiuw. (t) ;/ttqnv~ ~m.AJ.-w,ll'...,£ (,}~F ~~r~f~--r(JWJ~/71-1 l!IJ ~r~o) C)~~~ik.,U.,~, ~Ji, /.e, ~~lt\J~~at ~­ a.rJ.-f;; t{t_f-"' /; ~katzi;;k at .fete-~. (d) cfak-wv.e&lr, ~~dJ'f'it-tf~­~"'-aJ ~k ~LIJt;; IJtmf &~ I .) ~~7_ -i.m.J: ~: tnv :/f~tUK.rd:eo . ~veiL a..ut.. ~{IH ~~~~ ~­ FABIAN .SOCIETY. SChEME OF ACTIVITIES FOR THE ENSUING T'VELVE J;O~TTHS. MEl.iORANDU.·: BY THE GEJ.{ERAL SEC.?.J:TARY. l!!ethods to Inc~ase Membership: The present widespread interest in social and political ques tions should afford an opportunity to increase the member­ship N~xX&Ex8ag±a~J and the financial resources of the Society.The following methods might be adoptGd for this purpose:­ (l) Tho issue of an appeal to oeobers to recruit for the Society. A oembership foro c~ulJ be se~t to each member ~ith the appeal. (2) The circularisation of the uet...bers of the Univers­ities (beginning wit~ London and the Scottish Universities) and members of Civil Service organisations. In this connection it would be oast useful if a Tract could be prepared on "Socialism and the Professional Qla~ses", I!leaning the L!iddle Classes. In view of the Labour Party s decision to endeavour to represent brain workers as well as hand workers such a document is really necessary. Bernard Shaw used to deal QOSt effectively with the subje~t in his provincial lecturing campaigns previous to the war pointing out that the interests of the professional classes were more closely allied with those of the working classes than with those of the capitalists. Perhaps he would be willing to produce something on theso lines. Lecturing: The Hutchinson Trust Lectures, which are to be revived,will, it is expected, be welcoi!Ied by t he newly formed Local Labour Parties throughout the country. In order t.o economise the Society's resources it ~vould be well in ·arranging courses to give preference to the Labour and other organisations in London and surrounding districts. There would appear to be ample scopo for prope.ganda in t hi s region judging from the results of the t-ounty Council elections. The subject of the courses might be11 The Labour Party: its History and. Progra~me." Endeavour should be made to orgenise again a corps of voluntary lecturers for single lectures. In connection with the Universities a demand is arising ror addresses from dis­ ' tinguished me~bors of the Society. It Qay be p~ssible for a nUI!lber of autur.m dates to be place i by such members at the disposal of the Secretary. It is too early to consider what topics should be dealt with in the King's Hall course but it would appearadvisable that the position of the t::iddle or Professional classes in relation to Socialism should be considered. Local Government: There is a renewal of interest in Local vovernment which cannot be adequately met by our present Tracts. It would be well if the Society devote special attention to this subject, think out a new policy and prepare new Traets. For instance, new Tracts un .housing v.r:d tne powers (Jf Edu­cation Authorities are urgently needed. It niGht be well to appoint a special Committee, including non-oembers of the Executive, to consider tl~ {; ~~ ~4C4_.f~­ (IJ~Jball~~ ~ifrw.', ~' ~J~--lnnvuzd {!l)~~f!C~~ 0~(7? ;Jr~r§~fJ~o ~~~ Jr~rh~lqtq !lru.wrvt: 0"4~~) tn;r:;j~ t-4'Mt~:ft~:. ,,~~j~WCrU/~~~­ ;2)~~~fJ~. !J) ;!~. k ~i!mJ; JL.b· !Ujurr/cd 4-P fd&r.u-6:­ (a) All accounts rendered by Bay 31st have been paidwith the exception of ono or tvro minor itoms. (b) Rosults to Mav ~lst. 1919. 1910. Members' ·subsoript1ons.-z53 127 Other " 29 1:3 Book Boxes. 13 7 Gross Sales Literature~ 246 186* Hire of Hall. 23 7 ~ Including £50 from Bat1onal Com. for Poor Law Tract. (o) Balance at Banks, aay 31st, £213. ~­(u-) ~pn; :f~tldiNilwJ 7 §uv; 5~: . :& U?V:k: ~ut~k;uu.~,t; ~· '7,; liu-J jJ~il:m~~.~ J J ls-; ~J6af£1~Q_); ~4~: J_.(..C/ : !Uft~0.-0 ~;­ t::,...r. l ~~) llall. The proprietors of King's Hall demand 30 guin­eas por evening for hire. This will entail exp~nd­iture for hire of £126 as ag~inst ~75.12s.Od., the previous charge. The Gen. Secretary has ~ndeavourod to secure reduction but failed. Enquiries havingfailed to discover an equally suitable Hall, the King's Hall has been booked provisionally subjectto Comnittee 1 s instructions. (b) Lecturers. Webb, ney, Cola and Sanders agree to lecture, it is assumod that Shaw uill consent when asked; Webb will report on Tawney. Ji:cfurl'"{ Ulz:U) /~, (/Jf!V t:t d-w-a.a dec~deLi t; ~tdiha.J-~sJ(pa k d~{j ~~~­(_&. J fa 'ri'Lc.a~Unvs_ ~~en: fu : u~.a.--.J l--uC&w-t3 (a) Wages of Men and floruen. By i.1rs. \'Tebb. Paged proofshave been passed and the ~ork should ~e on sale shortly. Owing to a printer's miscalculation thare uill be 00 instead of 72 pages. This, t ngether nith extra charge for portreit cover, will bring cost to a~out £90 for 3,000 copies instead of about ~:3. 9-UCVJ fvCLd f.u. rv ~f,.-{') f?/e1e-0, 11-lq jUIL ltaie;, ~ ftrr lucftin1 ~/2<.-fa n.d.Vru;J': 1 ftev flier fUll n-urn-1-h t/J j vt.Vn t:c 5 d-4.-:L n·d '[ 'Oirt'Y''lC/nd n·un r( • Ji IA/"dJ ~?rt.Cd 6, I fL ' t1..j!UJ .L.Itvnc.knj i!is Lou llrs ~­ i· ' rod roofs le th>rs ~~g about (b) ~ss. of Tract on ~unicipal Finance, ~p Robert Jones; Tract on Bureaucracy offered by Davies; ~od of Tract on Public health offered by Dr. Kerr; received: (will all be considered by Publishing Committee). 7) ~tafl ~­~1}M-V: /.f-C/:~.ea~~tal-~~.~ ~r~v~1~-JJUrtUJ~ {;, ~lh.a.J~kr ~Utc'l££L.4015J~ i)~ ~­ (a) way Candidates, 9. Last year, 14. (b) Resignations: !&me. Address. Elected Sub. Reason. V :lfOTuns. Otford May, 1918. 5/-1S18. None. Miss D.Jennings Gerrnrd St, uarch, 1 13. 7/6.1916. None Louis Bowmer) Uxbridge June 1 18. 10/6 1910. No tine llrs. Bowmer ) 10/6 l vle. do. Jt~.{~1~Jh~ :lrW£7)uhptp~tqJq_ :t'liAJ~ Ji!LUr._1/n/ ~) f!La4l!, JJfftUi.; ~r-ifMlJ_k-­ ('l ~-UJ ~~wow~~Vwru:d). @.J .f!._~ ;ffw P_vw: k: llifl'rli-edJ ,0-d ~: (a) All e.ccounts rendered to June 30th have been paidn1th the exception of Fountain & eo. ~12.5.6 (awaiting adjustment) and several minor items. (b) Results to June 30th. H'19 1918 Yembers' Subscriptions. 327 202 Other " 29 26 Book Boxes 15 11 Gross Sales Literature 333 257 ,5) Hire Of Hall 2S 12 (o) Balanoe at Banks, June 30th. £lee. (4-J~~­ (a.) June candidates, 14. Last yaar, 17. (b) Resignations: tiama. Address. Eleoted. J,e.st Sub. Reason. l( .~om R • .t~ .Anderson. :tiull 1910 ~1. 13/6/19. Desires dataohmer ~iss E. Groves. Henley 1~17 5/-. e/6/16. Poverty. as subscribor. ~M1-duia/e4 ~dedut. ~tnW~­ ~£., -kadredJ4 k ~ {_Sif ~}6 Jla/t [uUuzM. JR/n!:k: ~et£M~: [~Jet~~; .)(_""? JJ~.~-#J~ ~ ¥'~ r.!~. fhr' JlemJ-ev .~~­ f)~{? [S+) ~61-lbd. ~JhalL ~J~) (tJ .U w-cu> ~~~tat m~fi.£.4.anLt rfni. tdcv kl ~q; ta! ~ tl~ da.}e.j ~ --'.&ne! #tv feud; drl-k!V fu:1i.uup /; -tc titud Co IJ..u.d ~ [~) fn? ifdlr c. /,e/ ckufl./YYI.a./rl) r 6t4; uffu'to 6 kJ id £W.,~: ~~~~Wt-kcvtv-r-~, ~ kr t'vndPu>, ~f!~~~r.. $tuu ' ~'UUL~ .~F~ l'fc (rfr o-r ' ~!!Jaan-zr, ~~~frr tv£/rf. Jf) "J~A.aitew ~Hu~~:k:~k~1 .Aluu ~a4 rm~ U;t'~-.lJ ~~ .f/Ul) f£v~: ~: .&~4,~-rn- k-mfl(~P~~­ if/ )'Jorrk/Jtu~ ;/n.e r4£/n/: k: .tva.4 ~t; ~ n. a.ll ~~~I?~Av.,. ~(7) ~,1tuvd/~. ~.4~: k: wa/.1~ JJii & t; ~~fii"Oti t~JkL.eo ~duv '4 ~ ~)~~4.4J.f~. ~4~: k:~~k.t& rt~~~-~l;ko..t-..1-li Jl Wl1A' d..e~£kdl tla.J. ./,.de ~k .tL d' W"lU1 ~1;" ~~.wv ~ ~ ila.r ~s. wilt~ ,b7JV ~Ms. -4m,:k-.A;~~r~ J~)~, Jt'U»n) [a.J IY!V~7~ti ~fj~-~~~~­IJt.cUid v+ wrmU&a.p~-~­ (lJ~-~~1{~~~3~1 ~~~­ (f,) ~~·~~tOeo~IJ1i.. nv f~J4_-~ ,tiJ ~~'J~PuP 1trr n-~ ; v/rokt.llo m/LA. c~) J~nJ-~ ft!' a~~4 tJn-w tJt(:: ~~rv . -k:.~""', ~:~fq H'rUv. ~f' wJ \: \,\~\ 'E BE S T FABI ~ 'Ot.:IE'l'Y I LLI .G TO ECG lE LABOUR PARLIA!l 'llTARY uAllDIDl•TL;.3 . J ames r>~r 1 0 The Pryor::; , ll p Lead , .~ •• 3. F . • FJthick La1rence , 11 Old ..,quare , Lincoln' s Inn, . C. 2 . U. J. Da sett Lowke , 73 Derngate , UorthaL1:._Jton. Denni~ ilner, 1 Victoria t reat, .., • . • 1. J. J. Dodd, ll dew Square , Lincoln's Inn, ·.c. 2. B. 'ken a MacKay , 19 Ha.::~pst d ill Gardens , • • Z.:. Lt. '• .ne~ler, ••, rt•• "<'a.,t ern Uonr:~and, 36 Queen's Gardens, baySWd.'L..,r, • 2 . Major L . Hacl.on G•.last , 20 Titd .,treet, Cl<::llSea , u o • 3. harry unell , 3 La:y1t on Cr se nt, M • • c. \'lilson C t..O:::;, 29 ..>prin Garden"' , ,-;;dinbur )l. Rev . V . • ruv:np.,on, 9 Francis Avenue , ..,outhsea. ::::; . H. Riza, 37 olrose ardons , 1a..o.mersmith, w.a. J. J. allon, 45 'ecl'l enburgh quare , , .c. 1. Ca,.. t . .. ., ., ... t>1hen ..>a.nders, 25 ~ot.hill treat, 'est1:1in.:>ter. J • .tlu':lr~· Lloyd , 4 ntro e Villas, Junnycroft Road , ounslo , !!id x . uenderson, Tsesd le, odenhurst Road, Clapham Park, G.W. Ct>~t . • 1.. ennot~, 35 loano Street, ., .···• • D. U rben, 1iewland_i Pa.rk, Ch lfont ..,t. t.iles, Buclt • c. ord.en, 16 ellO'VS oad, ·Rmpstead. (Candida.te for lo:t:.bh ar:unersoith). Jesse • wkes , Cr6enfiold, St. John' s Road, Boxmoor. (Oa.nJ.id te for o~el HeopsteaJ. ). F. E. Green, Baring's ri ld, te isnto, ..,urrey. (c ndidate fer Chichester) . Walter Baker, 1 O~estnut Urovc , Blaham, ~ •• 12. (Oandi t for kat arboro').Sidne r bb, 41 't"OSYCn')~' Road , \1estminster , s .. . 1 (Probeble can id to for London Univer ity). Rugh D 1 ton, 107 ·Albert Brid~e 1 oar, Battorsea. Pc.rl;;,. •h • (Cnn~i~ate for ostrninster of By-Election tru·cs pla~e). (a) Allaoccounts rendered to August 31st. (includingW1ghtoan c~ Co £~:5. for printing "Wages of uen and Women) have boen paid with the exception of several oinor items. (b) Results to August :nst 1919 1018 iioobers Subs 4br; ~ Other If :.;c AO Gross Literature Sales.499 :3b1 BOOK Boxes 40 23 Hire of Hall 36 13 Kings Hall Lectures 142 13 (c) Balance at Bank August :nst. £312. ('/.4)l e~:>l+ (a) August candidates (7) last year (ll) 11 11 JULY " (10) ( 11) elected bySecretnry. (b) ResignationsHame ~ddress Sleoted Last Sub O.H.WYNN Growborougn 1017 21/. r:.~/4/F'Aeason Mental breakdown. ~7! Tw ha Pr fP /;t!!­ (s.J &np-lhalt,JdiMu1 . ~§~:4'U/~~; Sale of tickets at present date constitute a record. To Sept.l8th. ~330. ~o Sept. 18th 1018. ~22. Only about 800 syllabus have been sont to non­members as yet. llo advertisement expenses other than postn.J;e have been incurred. All 5/-seats are sold; fe1r 10/ C seats left; guinea seats going well -Twent~' applications so far. Further advertisement in hand. Printer's error es to time has since been amended. (ro ~-rfh£, ~:/~: ~~(-oef.mq-?; ~)&1 hww ~MU1~ki7LOtf-Uuv. (t-J !fluu, lruw., ~~a.(} a.-1 ~~~ ~~~tJ-.-1~ c~; /lW-.lkwet!J ~k~~;:J/-.f'vt-~ [t~..; &J ~JJ~,;IJ~k ~-t: / /. 5. C' ~wed( riLd .Lite~ ~~~re. tf-· /11'cv~.fre., ~pi-;-a~/.!':~t1--!'sftulldl. 1 ~ Cflh~~~T?J~jrr~ t.nteu~ 1~4C&.P.4>~(!~~Wn.J;ij ~~ore~~~Qg.~­ 1') r~12u-o-./;) . ~~~llo.-J ~!Unn-YV ~ ~~duui~~d~tv.J ~­-0~r~~IUnn?W W1t4J ~~ ~~-f,w,{i~ #v ~;k;~; ~ Dooklet "A Public Yedioal Serv1co" 2000cop1es received from Glasgow. Glasgow F.s. to be responsible for sale of 1000 copies caking :1000 in all. g))kkJ ~ ·~ ~u 1ft f'-1_ /4-~~ f5)tk 1~: ( .. t:f)~ {o-J (/}~ f,~p'1 ~'{,~ ~. frtrnWhW ~-t; ~ ~kk"t~ . u et; {).yz; ~-tPe~tteeNif-1 J~~~­Ce-) Amknv l_o.Jo.wv fftJJI.Ii:j. ~:k: if~ tfo)~ ~~ [a) :fr-rrnv ~~,&'1f· {)luJ ~~~­f!.J :ftrm.~ ~-~ (e J liwuuu.v 4 ~akrnv -I~~ ~!Uf!A#I . u "r. ~3rM.eJ/VJ.t. ~ {c( ~(a.JJ.tnw PaJ;; ~ ~~~-lfb ~­Cf,) ~~Jeluwl~-N"~ 1,, ~~~~~1-t~ ~-f~~tnt-t; ~;~~­ ,& ~~c~k0 (1 ~~t~f'OJL!;. f-'~-~frw ~:.,1 ~~,tcJ.rtwu P~. ~~ 'b. e_ ft) ~~~~fw ~~; Cfu.dz;~ ~-IJJn-o'~. o~d'. [t]CL.tli~!~:~~~~. IJ~. I} _l 9J~~~-~~f~~~ .,._ f{(J tfJ7I.uv . /\)t~ /'(~,~9-z-~ ~~.IVoltW (L) ~~~)t-;J~_ ~-{-H9rWndo "''~ (b) ()~ (c) (~ 1)5{7?' ~~J o~~':f' fV/nft,t;V /Cr! I I oJ 5. ~­ J fl~ KJI~~)~16~,hrr4~ ,@(J--(:UL, ~~_Mv; ~'/.V: "!) ~u "fP~~~~~~ 2) J'r~~o.l1 SJ4.) have b00n paid · exc0pting a f~w rainor itena. (b} Rosults to S;,ptomuer 30t h. 1919 1918 :·.emucra subscriJ.."C.iOnli £511 £.394 4!:; O·i;har 4? :Sou~< LOXJ S 5ci 29 fTroes '1alva I i t .;rature 5?2 395 Hire of Ball 41 15 (c) Kings Hall l J ctur.: Tio.k ;! 'C. u;:o.laa now abo1.1t £520. All 10 IGd and 5/·· Course tickvta sold. About 20 litalla l e ft 'ancl 20 chairs that cw1 be adtled t o s t ::;.lla. (d) Lett0r frorJ Income Tax At.t~orities claiming tax on LJctur~ :proce~.?<.l.J a.ml B~·:J.: f:lhop surplus for 1918-1919. IJ/N {d ) ~~"-';£u ~~ ~~AML~~afl~4 ~~~~~~ .3) 1/ 'M t7 "'~"-' L (a.) ~apt-:ubGr candida.te:J -6. Le.st year -7. (~ ) R~sicaationa. Geo. C~ook. Norwick . Oct./18. 20/-Changedviews. ,G~~d>; ~~ca01 ll+) (/~~~ :fkffvilj~~ 'UCP~. The reeponaa to circular& ~ent to !..L.P. now cc::ning ir.: 19 orders this month already u~ing, with orders from U.U.R., 86 boxes ordered ainco Auguet 1st. Boo:ts are being purchased and estiwatea ror 20 new boxes are in hand. Railway ctrike has delayed sending out and return er boxes, and apologiee have been sent to subscribers. ~.A)) llaavnJ; .fi!cu-nw(tt.-wt11.t a, ~'; tk 4wwrd deb: d~~d./1(;~ f/~lk t~fitrcrnv te ~~"1,/ G a/~ ~fcw.J w-t...o J..-twuld ££, MA.~(;: ~lruk-~ tV ~1&-o-m /rU/Y~Lf/~~~/:J-/w~2P/Ui­~.tvv.J 1 ~> fJommzc-r11 ~!H?.-~li' ~~~(ffyz_~/tfY~~I .{I-~~it-UAut. et; -~z~u-t ~18 lk, rzl'tLe.vnJ ~ rn'.lf~FL¥W'tt.i1 ckdk~ 4 ~~ !Gu"th~ fvv lkj~1 ~~ 0) #uJc~~~Jt-tv-rA--~/;;" -~~~~~«~r--li:t/5(} to ~Jlv-r ~UJ~• q) ~!J~t .!tak~ c~J Jfw-t1.4 /keLd.MJ ibrcu~dJ #iai -tr.d£D1,e;v 1; ~~1 (/( / trrv ~'YZLV trnlc" j a-1-1f MJl/ Muj k ~o./d~flaw-;, {)!; lS1 ;}1/JUllrLCfJ ~~~~lo~. JfutMupfw1tf tqtq. .M {;)~ 1!wMVI:.--IJfdt ~~)if~itl!dd, hlr.' ~akunuiJJ 5am.dvuJ "fflu-w: Jeo: IJJ~~1 ~.J~~'ua.d~~ 2) Jfiruuna ~Mluwvruf ~~«rtUJ ;tU&ztUlJ 1c t: (c) . (d) e ort o nt ( t c d) aJJiwJ~e~)~eJ.~ ~6. .cau~.t>. /.. !fiJAi/n'IAJ;.-. A 1 et t 1 17. l 0 • 1-1 1 • {!1-JV ~~/h'Lh!IA11u·~ [tnn~~) ~C~eo~~~: £~a/L~. .tL~eLfded (~) tt r or o1 t1 a or oo o& oh • foJ JtJciRiiJ :ccCttuo. 1lf~ .u~lfl./-a.JU ''Llfurrled, tftdl ttftuvn~T.-­rf Jlvc«;r waa .u.d l£1'4 wa o ;u~W.d; L CJ) j J1krla( ftv.ul_ JJ /Q(L{) ~4;U tluv ~kdteMvalrout &o. ~{.2/o. (10) !1~~e/.). €>-) ffKW ~a.kd!W tft-t__/~~o.d tM kF' M~~/ tritW ~~~ltl!O~~~ . ~­ [t) 1?.-lt!./Jtvrnud ~edJJluv k tv ~on/ ~~1~/J"Y~/iv~~ ~~r ~-arw­ ~~~ ~(~~r~f~J~/U4"':__$~ LP¥_~~~ rJ,-;~11tnftlv~. /!u,·~~~ka @.) Jj
    xes, ate., it is _t:>~ ·..>ba. 'JJ~ t hat:. the P 1vOOt.> for +,he yoal' would have be.lan<..ed oxpendituro. A conser.rative estlcate for the next t wo months is as follO\FS: ~­ }Jo (a ~2GO. 0. o.Salaries. £20C. o. 0< 200. o. o.lient. 62. 10. 0 200. o. Q.Book Purchases. 150. o. 0 (b 100. Q, O.Printing Fa bic.n Essays and Ta~ey's Booklet. 400. o. 0 252.10. O.Hutchinson Trust Lectures. 150. o. 0 (c ~iscellaneous. 50. o. 0 £1012.10. Od. £1012. 10. Ot =---========== ==============· be advisable to oake provision for sellint; ·~250 or £300 ·:rar Loan before ~j; /lli:u~~~V .,4 ~lf1:lDD *lttVV,Gll/nJ 'j -1u. U!Ma d Last year 21. EJ:ected. Last Sub. Rea.sop. 1912. 5/-l~H'. Cannot attend . Thornton Henth. 1Sl3. 2/8 Hl20 Nono. 1'?11 5/-1920. Cannot afford. 1Gl3. 21/-H 'lS. llone. ~~-~U£kd-. --~~~~ '~Seutt·krnJ-hU~VYL~ r);iy 1~ou/u:ft~. Jhe~~b/tU}~_ (a) Percy AldGn is unable to advise where to apply for funds for Books or for Books excepting to the Carneeie Trust. The Committee should decide how Trust should bG approached. (b) Question of enount of Book Box Fee should be oonsidored. Railway R:ctos have be&n rai.sod., thorebyincreasing working costs considerably. (o) Book Boxes ordered s1nee ltaroh 31st 1919 now nuobor 265. Previous year 84. tJ-n ~) JA-~~ffiaJ~eU~ ~~~~ (Jrv {1-} 1f f.v7;VJ ~~4 ~r.k> .• ~: k ~_,t;~fee'~ '1­ ~fr!::l'~:IJ.,k_~lukrp:f 1Rh,;.~ ~K£d~tkaf!~~ ~ it ,llrtLd ~iM/--fvrinJVLh ~­ ~~$.v~tu;urrf~A#U1~­ (a) Jsticats for naking stereos for Intrnduction ~5. 16. 3d. ~hall ~e accept? (b) Zstimate for reprinting furth~r 1,000 copios of Fabian Essa.~rs £140. {!) (The accepted estioate fron same firm for the 3,000 already reprinted is £13S) (c) Of the 3,000 reprinted ~bout 1,700 have been disposed of including r-oo to Allen n.nd Um".'in. All tho 1,700 h1..ve not, of course, been paid for yet. I ,q !_dmvrv~~~) ~) {/)/JV ~)i,w-aA) ~Jo ~ l?J JJ~/I'tffC./;; ~ ~L :f~~Jhv~>£11UJ7bAlr~ ~­ In accordance v1i th instructions the following report on the respective costs of' a 4 pasa and 8 p~ge Fabian ~ews is presented. S, 45C Copies of' F .,,bi;-.n i•lerrs. 8 page. ~· Printing £~. 7. 6d. £19. 15. Od, ''irapper1ng i..: Dispatching 2. 10. 0 2. 10. 0 Stamps and Carriage 4. 7. 0 4. 7. 0 £16. 6d £2e. 12. od. ====~========== ============= Postage is reckoned at ~~ per copy. It should be noted that u 4 page News leaves oore margin for sending out with it circulars and tractso There has been no general response to the invitation to oombers to subscribe to the Common Rooo Fund, and o~1ing to the ;rork on Book Boxes 1 t has not been possible to adapt the large room on second floor to Common Room purposes. As there doss not seem to be a demand for increased Coomon Room accomoodntion,will the Coom1ttGe reconsider their decision ~ith regard to the vacant rooms? There are tuo applicD.tions for the use of the l arge r oom on third floor , one (renewed) froo i.; iss Hankinson, and one froo the Civil &ervice Union. The latter body orfers up to £60 per annum for this room. It is suggestedthat the Ooomon Room mieht consist in fUture of the two large rooms on the second f'loor, and the small back room no~ pa~t of Common Room might be used as the \·.'ooens Group Cff'ice and the present ·.!omens GroupOffice could be the room for Locc,l Government purposes .iJ ArM decidut ~~ (a-) ihaJ.Jk ~~/LUh~ (/.} &1 & funl /Wu7YV trnJ ~flmrrki!U {/ni4.tJ )~J:~,~-1fN) o.-1 jllo_ -;wv:~­ Z5~~ Jr/UJ7YV fYlVJUi~fuktYrZEud ~.foMij. ~~/;;~~:tfl Mktr~~{~ ~-/JuuiedliJ~ /£Jwo~~ , ~WI'~ w-t· ~,e>--1 ~4. y;,lq_s 4~~d) (IJ :fJUrrrv S.&am.Au/,aJOUJU9~~pr _ ~~frr~ul.-Jiowu:o~. ~ 1i ~L/,d ~~~o.A Jvuuuurr s~~ . ~Jf~-4~~~~ ~~~rf ltj!20. f!rUdP/TU. 1V;dt {A/n/duwu) f~.fr.~rfR/rlJ: S.ec.­(tJ~()7YVYYl.O?/IJ !itnnrv_ 1;, A»'CW ~_1;; ~ ~JM ~o.cle ~5fmrnv lm --&t ~ k ~/UrUYYV oru~~#D ~ ):i ~fiu-v-nv ~· (to; ~/J~~fJ~ Jl-~~~~af-~~kk-o /lrOv~ oJ hcwA -r/00Jz..£vn) if~. L/11). [tj ~ ~ ! [ (aJ ~Jf~tf~:l~ '~;;~~2(,~1'1~ ~#dt {_VYv~) 1/)~,iJu-d.d, ./Jr~ fu} r-4~:k: ; I {IJ~t~~~;tuul~ {fJ {l.j~~fnnrv9~. @) f!~+JJ~~~-~ .i.v7L/.J ~M.o-1 : Jiff~~~ (~~tf-vrrvln4w ~ Fk.-v/IIVW~~J J'l!l. {)_ o '~ ~~ 1+-o 0. o-:v. ~ too_o. o ooo. o. o [7) .fj~f!2tj:2. {) , 0 (r) . ~~~~~/;{to JJ~~~412-J~~k _ _........._ (3 J ~:ljJ"{-f:,Jd:;,.. ;!~LI:P7LI 4.-~~-f. ~~c-.~.~ 7~'~. ~ -S...'Efi__~-~-~~~~ ~r~~~~ar~~4­f~. ~-~~ t-z. 1-vo~ ~ i-4-1~ -o ~t--..Az, --~ tz=;. ~~t;-17/~ 4.~~-~4,..~~ ~ ~e--t.~-A. I;-:J oJ-v..... ~I ...rl4 ~ /0-~--4-~.~~.~ ~cy~~~~~ ~~~~­~~-;~~1 ~--4r ~~v-...IC'~ ...._~ ~~~~~­ t~l (c) (d) (el (f (8) tl ~­~, l..v~ ....;~.... );' 171~ ~ ~ I . :r-7 ~ i.---'1 ....,...... - ~· 11 -~­ I.L .P .London Divisional Council re Autu.mn meetings. Sokal ro exchanee of publications. Banks re lectures in rlussia. Allen t.: Um1in re t erms of sale of publications. Civil Service Union.re Telephone and nev; tenancy. Lr:.bour :Party re o.ppe~•l for fighting fund. Nat1onBl Education Association re ~r. Fisher's Education proposals. (Ct)#trb . {6)~-/n~~~~~ ~e-.--, ~~-(c_) c0~ (-{d~/.7A2_ £-pt_~~~/~~ (?)...¥~-~ -:f';.J-6 a_L.~/< ~/-"f.L.~~ ~~-~.(j; ~.(j) /~ c£~~ ~­ IZ. . /h_.~~7~~ ~L ~~~~£~ c--1~ ~-~~~~-­ ~~~,~ -tt/~1~ Suggestions ror the Development or a Local Government Department or the Fabian Society. There are various ways in which the Fabian Society can userullp assist the Labour members on Local Authorities, and thereby promote Municipal Socialism; incidentally also making itselr and its work better known to these thousands or active workers, and advertising its publications. Without overlapping what is being done by the Labour Party or the Labour Research Department, or any other body, the rollowing suggestions seem suitable. 1. It is suggested that the names (and ir possible the addresses) or the Labour members or all local authorities should be obtained rrom the Labour Party, who, it is understood, are now compiling a list; and this Card Catalogue should be kept up. 2.It would then be possible to circularize these Labour Councillors rrom time to time with memoranda on subjects w~ich it is desirable to bring to their notice. The questions so treated should be or CubDent interest, and would, of course, be conrines to matters coming actually or potentially within the sphere or Local Government. They woul~nder the rollowing heads:­(a). Matters at present under the contrcl (subject probably to supervision rrom the higher authorities) or the local councils, in which it is proposed to make some exten~ion or ~~curtailment or their powers. e.g. the recommendations contained in the Desborough Report on the Police. In these cases it is obviously desirable that councillors should be made rully aware or the signiricance or probable developments, and any dangers inherent therein pointed out to them. Suggestions would be made in the memoranda of the attitude which in their own interests it would be advisable for the local governing bodies to adopt. (b). Questions on which it is desirable that action should be initiated, either by the use of existing powers, or by means o~ new powers. For example, art galleries, municipal theatres, Milk distribution. (c). Matters under controvers~y, and municipal experiments (such as the Areas Discassion in the West Riding, and the activities of the Birmingham municipal BPaRUh Bank) where a clear explanatory statement of the arguments on both sides of the issue, would be of value. A doctrinal bias could be impart­ ed whenever desirable. 3. It is thought that I memorasda of this sort circulated periodically, say six to tan times annually, would advertise the Society among potential members, and also encourage labour councillors to make use of the Society for information and assistance in their work -they could, in fact, be specifically invited to do so. In order to save expanse on postage it might be possible to get the councillors envelopes included in the Labour Paaty's despatches to the local labour party headquarters; or possibly to send them all fastened and addressed, in a single envelope to the town clerk, who would certainly distribute them. Notices and leaflets announcing other activities of the Society could be enclosed as occasion offered, together with advertisements of all the Society's publications. 4. Such things as the public Library List (of books that should be there) • • might usefully be sent to the Labour Councillors as occasio~ serves. } t J f V t j ' J '.0 I-' ' I ,. J J ~~ <2:.~,SA-.--~/~ 5~ _.... ~-­ c--..d_ ~a,., ;?'~ . ~~~-'-?J~~ ~~'7--L-~ ~~....(_ ~> c/ .. .., ~-~/ ~'-"-~u~··--< ~ ~~ ~&{_~~~­ ~embers bubscriptions. ~:2:3e £252 Othor " :so 22 Gross oalos of Lit0rature 25~' 24G Book Box Feos 12 13 Hire of Hall 12 23 ~d--7~....._ ~ ~~ ~z:::::::::. ­ a_ ~,.....,._.. ~<-<-~ 4 ~.pC ~ ~AA~a:: ~~r-~ ~~~a::14~~~#-7­ th vi ~~~~~-~~ l· t'·~ ~-~ne::~~/c-c-A.~ /hz:. ~r ~~L-7 -/~, ~ L:..~~~~r~~ ~~~~. u·~· (4) )he-; ~,t...dd:;{/.J) fLL4-~,k-9 (1_) ~-ka.,~.Y~. ~ {Le-CJ ~19° f ·fU-?-~·.S!.J. . ..2/j-t.. if/f. £.-·.¥~ a.-.-~. !F.~~~-~4~ 1~.~"-~-t;-z~ t:dc-r---~~ ~~~ 1 /4-A-. ~d_~~~~ ~~-~~~, &,.~~£-~. ~~~ -~~~-~,.t::zr~ .?«::; ~~r~~~, ~---<-~~ -z;-~a.--{_ ~-~-~~ ~~­ )-Vfl~ ~~ (c.._; ~-ef.:..,__-{:..."'"7 ~~~~ c;....( ~.-. ~~~---~ ~ ~t-t.--d-t:LL~-~~;4-~ ~~ ~~/)-L.S-/~L~ (t) _N'~ 1---~~-~~~ ~-.1 tRJ-~~ v·r--.f.z?t:J ~/.li~ ~~. t; /-.JtnJ ~f.2J?J ~~.{-~­ (c) ,t,._._~ ~. ha;::/---~~,.L~­1~~-~~-~~ ~~~~z-c ~~-t:.' ·­~--;~-< t'.l~~~~"'~-~z:-. ~~~c..~ ~...e. 9 ·~~-~--1-~ .,t-.J(/4 ~gd~ y~b . ~ i-d..f--~~a--..~.~~ 4~ c--~~~ ~'/ a: ,},-£.?_ ~­ 1/1 '~-4-L b-~.. ,·~-1-~~~~~ ~~?~~9~~4 ~-c-~~14..-A-( ~ ~~~~~~ ~~-~~~~~~ ~~~a;:;_~~-~ f,.... ~~ 11~­ I. I ( ~;.) Labour Party re ,;omorial of Peace, etc.~~~ (b) ~rationo.l Peace Council re 11.nnu.:~.l Oongross. q.~JC4-vt (c) Labour riousine Association re Conj;~ence. ,..-IJ·..,, (d) I .L .P. re Conference on frices. a4eta .._ (e ) L::mcs. and Oterlliro:•'oderation of Labour Parties re Conference of delegates to Labour Party. (f) Scottish Council Labour Part~· Conference. ~· (g) Cobden Club re lntvrn<1.tionr>.l ?·ree 'Lra.de Conference .~~•.:'1 (h) ·1!omen 1 s Group ro delee;ate to ,/omens :)eotion of Housing u..nd Town PLmnine; Cout.cil, asking us to pay fe& of £1. 1. Od. (e) ~r Av..u Jl. ~~&...-~­ 3. ~'1 tG-, ~-(jJ ~~,)'~ ~~·~_fL)~~~ ~~~)C;::::::T t/r ~-L-e-~~ 1"X/Io5 ~-~~~9~~ ~d~/~ ~~/j ::/.CJ ­ D~ . --~ /. -L~ "-a:= (!~.a• .: ..so ~'-4 ~A-cZ....e 7__ ~. r r /~-------·· , f"W'1 s~ h~·... -P(_. a.-a ~. 4. ~{,_,_ ~J ~.4f= fo--'.. "~ ~~­ /.~.~?'~~~ ~~-----..eL ~. Members subscriptions £350 £329Othe!· " 36 2PGross Se..les Literature. 442 33:3 Book Box Fees. 16 16Hire of Hall 16 29 Bank Ba.lances at date r~70. Accounts rooeived ·::120 besides Standring ~120 incurred since lst April last. 7t.. ~/i.QCAA .r:-~~ 11'1~.;;'.,, ~'".A-c-~-<.. ~~7 ""'~,,.. ....... 7 ~f""l.-c.-..-~ ~. 4-~~~a.-~q)~ g, ~-~·~((~. (t)~~1~~~ ~-~-~~4.~~ 5. Book Boxes. {e.) 242 boxes ?ut, about 12 in hand. Demand slackening e. l~ttle probably due to Summer time. (b) To consider steps to be taken uith reference to 20 or so boxes outstanding for four or five years. (a.)~~-~~~­(..6)~~~4~~~ _A;-~~ t1-'2A.-~ ~~~­ 6. Interne.ti.ons:I Soc-ial!"st· Cor.J'erence . R.eport--·tnat""7!rs. \Tebb, I Dr. Ethel Bentham and Dr. L. D. }airfield appointed as our delegates and fees paid. 7 •. Kings ·H&.ll Lectures, Autumn Course. Arraneements in hand and dates and speakers fixed. Chairmen for six meeting~required. 71........ ~-lvJv, rz-.t...~ ' -~At:­ ~~~-p--r:;-ft·u-c..~ ~~~ ~~-r:-~ ;... PC:'~:­H·S·~-J-.H-~--~3-~ J-11-~, j.l-l·n..,.__~, ~~. 4.-~. fu-. ~tJ.~~ ""'--<.. ~.r, ,.L ......-:......... 41 ~'--~ .U----------------­ 0--1' b 9-~~-~(~)~ ~1-c-.-~e,. eu~d', ~e..e . k ~ ~ ~ (!""~""~ ~ /S {t!) ~,r;;:;:;,. ~ d!.,. ~a. /1-~-7 ~-?.6-~ fo---4­~~--~~~~~ k.4 R::i:-~.a:...-, t!--d ut. ~ c .c"' ~ ...,. .~... f ~··---~~ ~~4.-.c-cz..,..~~ y ~ ~~(!..c.o h~. ~) /ZJ ~ ~...--/~·en/-,~~~ ~f, ~d4lf-41-<•w '7 :f4 ~ ~ ~~ '--~4.c.. ~?~~ ~ .,,~~ 1/C. ~-~~ ~~ ~-<. ~~ ~~,.... """" ~ ~ 7 ~ -r.-~._~~.. -l. ~,___r~. ~d!.w' ;,.,_., ~~~~~,r~~ A,.9.""' ~d.-4... d ~-;r~~~, ~11.~ ~~,.~~d-~ ~~ ~· "/Z ~£...d4.. c, r.~ ~­ (!./(._,: 1~~~~ 0>-L~ ...., ~-~~ ~r~~"--7~~ ~ ~~~1oC' d-o d"' ~ r-... ... ~. ~9·~~~·~~­ ~t,·k-(_~~ ~~ ~~~o.·-"~ 4-6­ ~­ /0~~~:1.,~-~­ ;;.8_~.g.-J'~I.L~ ~~~ ~ ~,(... '---'-""'--<... ~~ tf tc;:' /,.~,9-~, /.4.9~ h-f_~-~~ (a.;'7~,., ~c.-< U) ~£.z61 -~ (a.}~ t: '--~-~~ ~-ad-z/'ZJ 1--r~...~ ~'-~ ~o.-1--Jl/-~'­ (--t) '~'l~-~~ ~Jerv-v ~~ z;­ ~~~c-2/&~~­ 13. Office matters: (a) Arrangements for cheques etc. during Secretary'sabsenc;e on holiday. (b) Miss Da~son's salary and position to be considered and de a.l t rrith. (c) Suggest~on to add sale of suitable pictures to bookshop. . .. . . (d) Telephone . Should ~e arrange unlimited· rate oont1 instead of present message ra~e. I /J ra.) ~~ ~d~ ~ ~~ /rt:;::;' d­ ~~.r~­ / //' _/ -/. .. ----~ -~-MAv (J -/ •. ((t'• ~H~-c... ~~~ ~ ~-~ tf ~ ((} ~~,.....4c.c..-l tZc.....-.::"~ ~ ~...( 7::" ~a:::. ~' {t:<) ~-?-o.~~~~~ ~ ~"Z&-&.o..-~ Correspondenoe. (a) Friends V.ar Victims Relief Committee thanks for loan of books. (1...... ... • c-.....C • (b) Sir Leo Money re his ne~ book p~sed on lecture .given in .Spring Course. N•e;At (c) Edinburgh F.S. and Y!a.ll3all L.P. asking for lecture by G.B.Sha~. Letter from Shau thereon. (d) T.G.Tibbey re resumed Conference on Educat1Qn. (e) Barking L.P. and Choshnm L.P. ·asktng for ~ther coursos of Hut~hins9n ~Gctures. (d) De~sbury Co-operative Society asking for speakersfor series of meetings, etc. (c)~ a~~~....u-/.· plJ-~p~'J~~~-~ (A)~-/~4-d-t~("~ (eJ"/f} ~d. -c-'1-e~"... ' ~-~lt­rJ...-........-. ~-~~~ct:f'Z1 . ;:;..._........£ J<~~ c-~,... ~-~~ r-#4 '. ,. . ;>· . ~~-~-~~-~ /{, • ~d_ ~~~:;?~..,. A_ RA..t&.cc..~fiL'{ ~;z!: ~ A---~ F A B 1 A N S 0 C I .:; T Y. Agenda ror the Finance and ~eneral Purposes Committee, Friday,16th July, 1r 2o at b .~o p.m. Members or the Co~t:Jittee: Chairman · 1·ebb; .:>avies, Dodd, C:ordon, Uiddleton, Pease, <~rs. O:,almond, ..:.anders. 1. i:.iinutes • ....• 2. Apologies (ir any) 3. Finance. 1Slil Members subscriptions £350 £329 Other· " 38 29 Gross Sales Literature . 442 333 Book Box Fees. 16 Hire of Hall 16 15 29 Bank Balances at date '::70. Accounts received ·'::120 besides Standring £120 incurred since lst npril last. 4. r:i embership. (a) June Candidates (7), Last year (14). (b) Resignations: hlrs. Altlee, Seaton, Devon, Elected 1907, Last sub. 10/-1917, Reason, 1:one. A. IT . Lauson, 9estminster, Elected l SOS, Last sub 5/-, 1r1r. Leaving London. 5. Book Boxes. (a) 242 boxes out, about 12 in hand. Demand slackening a little probably due to Summer time. (b) To consider steps to be taken uith rererence to 20 or so boxes outstanding for four or rtve years. 2. 6. lntern~:t.ional Soc·talr-st-Oonf'erenoe -Repo-rt·--:e:nat-1Irs .-We bb, Dr. Ethel Bentham and Dr. L. D. F'airfield appointed as our delegates and fees paid. 7. Kings Hall Lectures, Autumn Course. Arrangements in hand and dates and speakers fixed. Oha,irmen for six meetingsrequired. e. ~omens Grou~. Letter re suggested campaign and finance to be oonsider~d. Copy hareTiith. 9. Local c,cvertt:n.e!l t; Department. Draft circular to be issued to labour membE rs cf Looal Author·ities to be considered and if' so de.cidod e.pprcved. Copy herev;ith. 10. Tullooh Miles leg5-oy fund scheme. To be considered. 11. Joint Standi•.;.g Committee I.L,P. and F.s. \i'inding up and division of' balance of funds to be considered. 12. Publishj.ng mc.tters. Estimates for reprinting Tavrney' s book and F'ab:i.an Essays to be considered. 13. Office matters: (a) An·.:~gements for cheques etc. during Secretary's absdn;~ on hol1day . (b) !laiss r•r)ifs,..,n' s saJ ary and position to be considered u.nd G.t.:a.Jt >d.t h. (c) Suggest~~~ ~n add sale of suitable pictures to bL•oks!w-p. (d) Telephcne , Should v;e arr-ange unlimited rate oontra.et instead of present message rate. 14. Correspondence. (a.) Friends War Victims Relief Committee thanks for loan of buoks. (b) Sir Leo Money '~~ book based on lecture given ~n S?ring Course. (c) Edinburgh F.S. and r!alsall L.P. asking for lecture by G.B .Sha\7. Letter from Shan thereon. (d) T.G.Tibbey re resumed Conference on Education. (e) Barking L.P. and Choshnm L.P. asking for ~ther courses of Hut~hin$9n ~ectures. (d) DeYTSbury Co-operative Society asking for speakersfor series of meetings, etc. FA B I A """U_.....;S:o-0 C I :::; T Y. Dear Sir, In view of the large n~ber of Labour Councillors uho were elected to office at the last ~~.unicipal Elections, and the enlarged sphere of action upon Tihioh the local governingbodies have entered since the commencement of the period of reconstruction . it appeared to us that this Society could in various ways usefully assist Labour Councillors in their work,o.nd thereby promote the advance of t!unicipal Socialism. With this objeot in view, therefore, the F·a.bia.n Societyhas formed a Seotion whose special work it is to deal ~ith looal government affairs. Should you require information as to the powers, duties, liabilities, etc.,of your Council on any matters whatever, a letter of enquiry addressed to this office ~ill receive careful attention e.nd you will be furnished free of charge \71th all the information available on the subject. Furthermore, if at anytime there is a function ~hich you consider should be performed by your council, and require advice as to· the method (if any) by ~hioh this could be brought about, the Society ~ould poSSibly also be able to assist you in this connexion. It is also our intention to prepare memor~nda on various matters of current or controversial interest to looal authorities ; pointing out, for example , the dangers to local autonomy which might be i nvolved in proposed legislation, or suggestltmg instances where 1 t B.p.Jsars that local action might Qeinitiated advantageously. 3ome of t he3e memoranda riill be ·of a purely informative character -A mamorand~~ for example, is beingprepared on the subject of :~uoicipal Savings Banks, o. matter con­cerning which v~ry little is known in this country, but one in uh1o great interest is beginning to be shoirn by many of the largerboroughs. A short bibliogro.phy of books which you may find gonerally usc~ul is appended. lours f~ithfully, FABIAN ~OCIETY. ------7~~:~~~-------------­ (Women 1 s Group) 25, Tothill Street, . f.. • ~ ·.: .1. July 12th, 1920. Dear Yr. Galton, The Executive Committee of the Fa bian Women's Group have ror some time b9Qn considering a scheme for increasing the membership of the Grvup. We v1ould lilme.n whUh ,')f:ers a meeting groundfor non-industrial women, man~ 0f wh)ra havs in the past been active suffrage wor·k'3rs, at1d might. b o' .:.va.~ lable for socialist work if they e;ould IJ\3 appr v~c-hed, but w:t:o vt herwise, are liltely to be drawn into '!10r1;:sc-::l a:'.is+. >~omen1 s C'.Lgan ·.sat:l.ons. This number would include many p.ccf·essional wcmen Ylh0S(;:! 01 ganisations are not affiliated to the Labour Party but v1ho ii.1~.~vidually might l;:>e pre­pared to work for Lahour and ;:,ociv.list ob~ects. \ie believe at this moment, to nomen or this class the strongast appe~l could be made through a women's gr·oup. 6n order to c.arnr out this scheme it is necessary to make the Group as attr acti,;e as possi!:lle, but a serious obstacle exists at present in the double subsc~iption;;hioh members have to pay, since membors or the Gr-oup must first be members of the Society, before they can join the Group. The proposal is therefore put forward :.T (a) That membership of the uroup should automatically include membership of the Society, provided that the basis is signed. (b) mhat a fair proportion o~ the subscription of members recruited through the Homan's &roup should be retained by the Group, taking into account any allo~anoes made by the ~ociety to the Group. The only alternative to this proposal, unless the Group1s to cease to exi~t, is that it should be adequately financed bythe Society. It must be realised that to carry out such a recruitingcampaign as ue have in mind, a certain initial outlay would be necessary. We oannot estimate this sum at lass than £b0. Tho Group has at present no funds in hand, and nill therefore be entirelydependent upon a grant rrom the ~ociety , We feel strongly that the Society uould have nothing to lose by this arrangement, but on the contrary,uould be imme~selystrengthened by the strengthening or the ;'omens vroup. i l'ione. F. Hird, Hodhill l Sl C 10/-Hl20. " • Gyd8 Jorgensen, Copenhagen l0H' 10/-l:J20, " ,. Ll en:;l~yn Jones . ;,wld . H!U 13/C l9HJ. 11 ':ude:· ) London 1980 20/-1920 Going ~s. L . .. uller ) London 1920 Abroa.d. Lss B. :2. L;et tlefold, Birr:Jingham . L 'H' 10/-l 0HJ l!O longer in sympathy. "-ss 1~ • .!.!. • Bells . rlorthampton 1~'0\! 10/-H'20. None. Secretary to report that Jumbridgo Univarsity F ...... is JW dissolved and morgod 1n the Lniversity Labour Club. About ) members strue;k off' after sending them notice and invitation ) e;ontinue as individual members . (uJ 7l.c. ~~~~--L~ (£) yL... ~~~Q:_~­(Gj /L_ ~-'k ~~-:*S· ~ 1angs Hall Lectures nov; concluded. Financial result satisfactory. Receipts -405. Expenditure £260, net balance £175. Sales of literature at six meetings amounted to ~48. ,)r-~~/0:::7 ~A-~"''" Lf"'-~ ~ 9' "'~/~/C:T~ ~ ~c-a::;-~r~~ ~~~-~,c-.~ c--. ~4.~~~-~ n::: ~~~24r, ~ ~~~~r-­ ~~~~ 6. Hinter lectures. ARrangements completed and announced inDecember "llens". Executive agreed to abandonment of proposed meeting on Decombor 17th. f2.<._ ~c..(_. 7. liutchinson Lectures. Courses held at Oxbridge, Hendon,Redhill and H. Islington. Courses arranged at Chiswick, Barldng and Green11ich; arrangement~ for courses at Dartford,l.iarkot riarborough and .J.arlborough ~n hand. In the last t wo cases the local Labour Party to bear travelling expenses. f<-v~.~~~~ ~'LA-~at. ~z_d-~ ~­ V5 17o P-~-)-~~~~~ 1~~~~ ~~A£-c::~J·~ ~~~~­ Correspondence. (a) 0 . T. Fletchar, Belfast ro arrest of La bour Leaders in Dublin, sugeesting protest and provision of Counsel for defence , etc. (b) . Jesse Hawkes re withdravral of his candidature at Eemal Hempstead. (c) Camillo Huysmans. International re Armenia ~' Turlwy . (d) Socialist Party United States r e the Communist International. (e) Briehton Labour Party re arrangements for Labour Party Conference at Brighton June next. (f) i.!il e End Labour l·art~' wanting a speaker for Sunday evening meetings. (g) London Labour Party notifying Confe:ronce decisions and increase of affiliation fee from ld to 2d per member. (h) Arbeiter -Buchhandling Vienna asking exchanbe of books, etc. ( j ) Labour Research Dept. CirGulars r e financial position, etc. (le) J. S. 1.1iddloton re books for Centr<,l Et:rope . (l) :... • \, . .::.t. Pancro.s Labour Party ro a Purliamentary candidate. (a)~ 4-t.~ ~-a.--y~~ ~ ~~9~. {.-£.) ~~~~ ---1-z... ~-tt.£~ ?..--j-: (<;)(ot)(e) ~. (4} ~~ fk.~ 1 ~~­ (f-J ~.(4) ~c-~.CfJ ~. (li) ~-~'*--~.... ""-' ~ c-~~ (€) ~4?..~. ~--1-: {111Ja~(' r ~· ,J~ A ~44;> • ~-~­~~LL. ·~· . ,.... -.L_ a:;;-~~~~ (~)~-~~/~ v(-~~~~~~ 1-'~ ~ Financa. A/cs to end of Dec. as follows: ~­ Members subscriptions. ~722 £723 Other " 201 eoGross Sales Liter$ture 1183 1003Book Fvx Fees 55 115 Hire of Ho.ll 64 74 Letter from L. Haden Guoet asking for return of £100 depositedwith us . To be considered and action authorised. }~/!C( ~-/,/:-~PD ~-s ..c-~---s­ 1 ;£..[~~~~-<---C-..!Ic:ro,· ~ (6)~-~C;I-/dD ~3 ~~­~~~~ /r. ~&-;~~k-o~~~: { IJ) Resignations: Nd.me. Adc1ress. Elected. Last Sub. Reason. , • Elkinif0U. L,,:.;('f:)i1-:-10~ Io/-191f . Husband now rejoined . C. Clegg Ed:c!ul.U'gh. H'20. 20/-1920. None. 1907. 5/-1917. Cannot attend. Hus­ ; • F. Gorle, \'la.tf ord. band remains me~ber 1908. 12/6 1920. To much occupied •.L.A.Johnson,Bristol. otherwise. 1917. 5/-1919. Going abroad. :t.,;. E .Lt.R .Rice ,London. 1018. 21/-1920. Too ouch occupied 5tormont. London. otherwise. [ f ~~• .f2?r~ /~. ,t, G ~~ ~-~-_£ l.._ ~£-~~ ~~~~~ Hutchinson Lectures. Nine courses arranged so f'ar this season. Two ~ore in hund. This uill about exhaust the :'i:lOO authorised to be expendocl on this work. tl2.u..e··~v<. -~.....--< -et.<.~~ r ~--< ~--£~y~cL..c ........ ~ ~u.A"-~,., ~ 7' ~~ ~~-~~ ~.__ ~~---r~ ~ 6. Kings .Hall Lectures, Autm::m. Ha.ll engaged for Fridays,October 2Sth, Nov. 4th, 11th, 18th and 25th, and Dec. 2nd. Fee for hiro of hall again increased to 25 guineas permeeting. YZ..~. a..<-~ Summer School Committee to be set up. Its constitution to ' be considered and recommendations made to Executive thereon. \ ~tC:T ~ed---4.. ~~~~ ~-~~d~, ~f~L.....~, ~~--~d,1~,~ ~v(~~~~~~ 1~~~. London Co-operative Society and J. iliylles, London organiser, I .L .P. request permission to att·end next Executive :::~oet­ing as a deputation to explain new scheme for London Headquarters for Labour, also for issue of circular as inset in "Fabian News" February. {Copy of circular enclosed for infor~ation) 9· /o . (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) 1 I ~__,_.__ ~~-7 ~~~7' ~--z-z._ ~d. -/' ~ ~-~~~ ~-~~~~~-<._ P4-•.:( ~trz..._c_~ ~eA. .., ...... ~ 9-~A~-~-~ ~-~~h ~~ {a) ri . r... Sanders suggesting that Rt. Hon. e.!~ . Barnes , iLF., be invited to pr eside at his lecture on the 2Sth inst. a.,..._.&(.~~~ 4 A. ~. (b) Wooens Group -re afi'il iati on t o Standing Joint CoElcitteo of Industrial 1/m::~en' s organisations. ~d /;;-~­ (c) Daily Herald and Labour Publishing Co., asking for publicity in "Fabia.~liews" . 9 A __ " 'i> ~t+c-.. (c'. ,..."-. • "· ·~. ...,.......... (d) Conferences -invitations to sond delegatos to (1) re Education Act and (2) Royal Sanitary I nstitute. 1·~~~-~ ~ a. , ~c-e:... • --A-• (e) G. i7. Shipway, member . on holiday from China ­offering leoture to small audionco.~ ~ a.,....... --c r "----......., .... ~-4-........ .. ._ (f) Federal Board for Vocational Education, U.S.A., asking oxchango of' publicn.tions. (g) London District Council of Bnemployod -appealfor funds for legal dcfenco of Isl~~ton unemployod. ~~---c. (1) Justice . 37th .n.nr.iversary numbor. Request for message and advertisement. ~~.('.......""L--\ ( j ) Labour Party circular re Reconstruction of Socialist International. J~ (k) Social Ibmocratic Labour Party, Russia. l:lemo re persecution of members of' the Party in Russia by the Soviet Government. (~ (1) Miss E. Spruance -a member in U.S.A. re evil effects there of B~itish treatment of' Ireland.· ~~~ (:-~'*'tia.W ~~~ (m) Forschungs!~titut fur Gemeinwirtschaf't, Vienna,asking for (l) short essay on aims and principlesof Fabian Society for their fortnightly revievt,and (2) regular e~chang~ of publications. I· -].-<.~ t;-~. Z-4t1••4 to~ (n) Pontef'ract Labour Party and Rotherham Branch il.U. Post Office Workers asking for particulars re affiliation to the Society. ~~~ .-J (o) constitl;lencde:.. ~r;­ ?. ~~t::r1~.:-t ~~ ~A-~­ -~ . . ~ y)/rc.s ~1 =h-a-'-<-~~~~ ~~/?':P' ~~9.2/. ~~-~{~/~.Y~ ~,~' ~r.ecfo-u·~~- Finaneo. A/os. to end of Jan. as fo1lorrs : ;.!ombors subscriptions. .£:900 :f;807 . Othor " 235 104 Gross 0u1os Litoruturo. 1354 1152 Book Box Foes. 6G 129 Hiro of 11<"1-11. 72 SG ~~~~;a::;;:;;-r·.. ... -~-·-~ /~.-.~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~:./-~ ~_ /L~-a:: /fltl,/ ac.~-cJ· ~ ~~~~~-4• d Hi=//.67J ~~~~~.~~ ~~(-;?C ~-~~«'Cc'/' CA.-/c_ ~ ;r,~-~~-/~t;_~ Jt-~~~Uu;;r~~~ ~~~-~~1 h~c-41"y2/~ ~~~~~· ~7~(~~&..~~ 9~ c:.--(_ ~~~ ~~~1---~ ~ ~~ "-~ ~*P---=-A_ 4-~fJ.~~~~~{3~)~ aU_ ~-~r-~ (/2_) . (b) Rosienations: 5. Uamo. Addross. E1octod. ~~11b. Ronson. F . \'lyndhnm Lovris . Cardiff. 1919. 30/-1080 . Be1ones to s0vor~ othor Soc1a11st Sociotj r.irs . Lorsignol. l-'aris. 1807 20/-1~!20 . ~10!"10. LLjor G. Wo.t orhouse London. 1000. 21/-Hl20 . Obl u.:ts to OIU' iSGUC e. of '-•d~rt. of Ln. bo'.l>:> Po.rt r opor t. on l r olar1d \Vi th l<'·:; b. 11 J!OV!G:t, !r s . i::!o.rtjoy Hi thors. London 1013. 21/-1r2o . Prcssuro of othor c1n.ims o.nd hieh pricus . (c) Lctt~_:r from ;.,rs. F. C. Dontinck r e momborship to bo consid0r0d and dua1t rrith. (d) List of 6fr·J.y expvnsoof 1ssu0 of spoci<>.l notiou to London mombcrs of tho Soci~ty if this is npprovod. To bo consid0r 0d ·~nd o.ction ~-c::4... orA. ~~~ ~~~~ +~~­ J. ~~-~ y~A-t./ ,.<'j : ~­ ~-~~-~4-­ £.. ~.._ ~~J1....A•• -c..-l_ . 0 . Corruspond(.mC .; . :.iddlt;ton -!::U&:;l•::;ti-:>n issu-.· Urouks '.71th ..:',rch"F .bi·'.n l·IJ'.t:3 11 (b) Gr "VL1Sund Tr..~dcs i•,~ll :_nd Institutu s .-ndinc; 21/­ ::mcl :~ffilia.ting t c thv 0-:JCic.. t~' . c,J • ( -'~'"•' (c) R. C. ':loodY~<.rd (S;~othuick) re ·opp~~'.l f or fu,.ds for Councillor Porrost of Oldbur~-c ··.st in d:orHc;cs 1.nd costs ~050 f or sl::mdor. ~~ (d) Cironc-•stor Division L:~bcur ib rty 2-skin~ for nu:~c s of possibl..J ca.ndid,~tcs. ~ rt+ /:;'"' (0) London TrD.dos Council und Lohd(>n L.:-.bow~ P;;.rty r u Cc...f­~(-;>~'· ~-~J ~ )w-'! ~.I ~~lfLc_ ~ t::' h ~ i p:::. /------~ ~-1.~·~-/J /j2; ~­ J',)i nvd the Last Suh• ...iociuty. Adkins, B.A., F.T., 1900 . 5/-, 21/7/15. Bondi'iald, Uiss il . G. cial at Gt., W.C.l 1908. 10/o , ~O/o/16 . Borsa, Dr. ::Iario, l"l · 1.1 ano, 1809 . 15/-, 2~/5/16 Burall' A.A., E . Duhrich. 1913. Cardon, A.A., Purloy. 10/-, 21/%214 HJOCJ . Clapham, J., flono 21/-, 10/8 16. 18% . Coopor, Vl.Roylands, Pollokshields, 1/-, 6/2 17. 191:5. G.F'.5, Ho, Sub. Corbutt, ,iiss C.L., Nono . 1908. Cormack, D.D., Dumbarton, 20/-, r/3/lG. 1007 . 2/ 6 , 12/8/07. Corr:er, C. Uorris, Allfostroe , 1014. D5/-, 3/8/16. D av~os, l:irs. J.P., Clitharos, 1010. avlos, J.P., " 20/-, 11/5/16 l\107. De Beer, E.S., Done 20/-, ll/5/le. l 91G. Doll, R., Paris, 21/-, 28/8/16. E . \·1. Dicl~es (19/8/17/in prison Hill pay 1899. :1'.:5. s;oJ 17/l0/12. ..1..\,N v ...... .. ) 1907 16/-. 13/3115 . Dube, B., !i .A.,L.L.D., Nono. 1<109 . 10/-, 6/12/16Dukos, Ashley, Nono . 1(1 06 10/-, 26/8/10Edrrards, l!liss L.E., ;,-;. Kc.msington, 1C'07. 7/6, 10/3/15Fry, Capt. \'J . B., Chelsea. H108. ;~.2. 25/5/14.Gillott, F.(Shoffiold F.S. ) ShMfiold. 1908. (O.A.C. Be lgium 5/2/19 J o. Sub s cription)Gelding, i.'irs. E. L., Buckhurst llill, 1912. 10/ --7/3/16. Grout, J~iss L. A., Bos ton, .. ;a ss, 1~~ 14 . 10/-l o/1/Ui.He itn0r, Josse, None 1013 15/-20/1/17Hopkins , C., T'.riclconham. 1~107. 10/-l/1/15 . Ilos, o.c., Uono , 181G. 5/-15/G/16 , Irving, rJ.P., L0eds, 1;-•07. 10/6 1S/3/15.Jordan, ;.rs. F., Hone . H'10, 10/-23/10/1G Jonos, :·:iss H. Rodnoll, l!one. 1012. 10/6 12/8/lG. Johnson, i .. rs. F. C., Du.rnos, 1Sl4. 15/-£/ 0/1G. Johnson, F.C., Barnes, 1910. 10/-10/ 8/10 Kay , ;ass lloemi, Co.mpdon Hill, 1915 . 10/-1/t3/ 1G. Si st er E. Korrison. Victorio. Docks. 1000 6/-13/ 6/ lG (cannot pny durine.; Vls.r) Kirk, G.F., Chosterfield. HHO b/-15/5/15. Loo , R., Golders Holl. 1Ci15. 10/-10/8/lC. LicCri11, D., Hono 1<107 20/-28/1/16 . ~cGreery, T., Cambrid 7G St ,·. r ~ac~enzie , J,C,, Rangoon~' • ' u • \. · 1016. ~ar1ott, Mi ss E.G., Hll6 None ..Jarshall, J.vv ., 191:1 S, Hackney (Pay when rmr is over, 1812 ordered to be Heldrum, J.T., ret a ined on None. MottrGill, V.H., 1898 None N~rnnan, lliss L., 1907 Rugents Park , Ihcholas, i::irs E 1911 Nichol, J.A.Ail~dyce None HJ14 G1asgon 1914 Nixon, J.H., O'Donoghue, C H Geneva, Hl08 o 1 -. • • ' l~one, g lvie, M., L .th 1£108 Otter, Hiss A., e1. . • 1916Pe~.lmor, A.R.B., (G.B F s H)y13de Park •.tansl.ons, 1902 Pl. , ...,.+ _ u; 1,,.,.., • • • ayswater. 1914­ Radf'prd , i'tr s • E • , ll'O'nS~ Ramsden, A., llone, 1£!07 Ray, i'tiss C.J., 171lliamstmm, 1('09 Robins, V ,J., Staf'f'ord, 1910 Rose, Dr. Fredk, Inner Temple 1907. Russel1, Countess, iHll Lune, N. '>1. 6. 1907 Sandbach, F.E., None, 1006 Soxe, R., None, 1010 Sharp, C.J., Hampstead, 1900, Shearmo.n, ijontagu, !'emiJle, 1909 Sheldon, •.ass H.F., None, 1913 Smith, E .A., Oxf'ord, 1908 (Oan't pay or.ring to war)Spink, I.liss U.V., Carturight Gardens, HH2 W.O.l. St agg, S ., Adelaide Rd., .N.1/ . 1912 St~ltvn, A.C., Barnes, 1914, Strl.!tger, E., Eltham, 1£108. SudeKum, Dr. Albert, Nr. Berlin, 1907. ~est, li i s s Rebooca, Leigh on Sea, 1913 \llilkinson, lirs. ll..A., Ipsvlioh, 1913 ;~/-21/10/lG. ...v.lO. 25/7/16 10/-15/10/155/-6/11/12books 7/2/16 ) 25/-4/1/12.20/-21/2/16 1/-19/8/16 1/-2:5/ G/1G (Glasgorr U .F .s . No sub) 5/-9/3/16 10/-16/5/16 5/-22/9/16 30/-12/7/lG , " I 42/-4/12116 5/-20/7/15 15/-20/4/15 21/-11/6/15 10/6 16/4/13 20/-3/4/lG 7/G 21/9/15 !:.!2 29/5/16 15/-4/1/16 20/-3/3/16 10/-16/5/18 5/-30/3/14 21/-7/10/16 6/-31/10/14 7/-12/8/15 5/-8/12/13 7(6 3/4/14 (Ho sub.) ~1~~~~~ ~11-~ljAI. 1-~ '1 ~~~rr_,J< '{ ~~~ 3. Finance. A/cs. to ond of Jan. as :follo\Ts: J.QgQ. ;iembers subscriptions .£fl87 £1039 Other " 245 110 Gross Sales Literature. 1475 1280 Book Box Fees. 74 137 Hire o:r Hall. 83 98 Report on end of' the ~'oar financLtl position. \'le shall be able to clear off :.11 small L•ccounts leavine Bank overdraft £300; Vickers (reprint m· Fabian Essays) .£230; Standring Ordinary a/c £250, do. 11 i", ho.t to Reu.d".£200, Total :£9€ i•g<~inst this r!e have Hllon (:: Un,:ius n/c ' 300; one large accour: outstanding .£120; and say :UOO :from the closing of No. 2 account and trans:fer to Hutchinson Ls ctures, Total £520. The net deficit is thus about £460, at;ainst uhich \le have a stock of 3 ,000 "Fabian Essays" at 2/Gd, and 5,000 "\/hat to Read" at I 2/-. The £250 invested as Publications Reserve ought to be realised and \~itten o:ff the accounts. The net effect of thes operations nill be to reduce the :froo balance at end of yeo.r b about .£150. r73((ll! 7k._ ~~_,e ~J.v,._., ~• ~-Ok~ct~~~ ~~~~_, ~-1.-....J7­ L ..., _c-~---/_;::::-. ~i-~ ~~~~~~ ~­{c..) ~/C;(.?JZJ ~'-"-' ..e~-~ ~,~ ..P~~,~~ rJ-1-c.-. ~~ ~ ~'/ ~c~ ~-~/ ~~ l<-..,c._~, ..... ~~-:7. ~) ~-d:::;._ _/d..jZJ ~.3-;,6 kA.~ ~1/23~~~~ t..Ak_~ r ~~a~~ ·~). .•emberSh1p. (a) Fe bruary c·.-nJidat us to bo t'l e ctod (b), l ast year (14) ( b ) Resignations: ,;.u.u.r.?2..§. • lH o_q_ted . Lo.fjt_~ub. noason. .~rs .,i .Andreus London, l~lJ . ~l l 0 1 None . ~ ~iss E.Giles, London, l c l S 5, -l --~~ Ho timo. 'l.rchibald Lee Nono . 1912 £15 1~17 Res i gned in 1918 ~80 hnt se b)' O\/ing t o >~ar . ) f' the list of 69 defaulters de<:.l t >:ith at last meeting about a dozen have nm·t paid. {fl.) ~c-4...d~ ~~~~­ (£) ~~4_t_~ ~-~ ~~~~d~4~ Cc/ _/1/'v--C-4. ~/l.A.~-c 5. List of members of F~\l)i.'.n ·.. -:>rJ8ll ' :;; 01' mp Hho are not members of the Sociot i t J b.e O'), :.,idered. ~~cL.:~-£~~~ ~~~~~'k-~ ~7~ 6 . The last three pamphlets i ssued (Rates Taxes and Looal Income Tax ; The Soe.ndal of the Poor LaH; and The Root or Labour Unrest) havo not been sent out to members. Instructions required as to Hhother this should no" be done. ~a;;;;:;r fLv.rr<-c; ~~----~ ~......a::~~-~~~-tv­~ ~-~(~........ »'~ ~~ ~-----tL..~ ~~). 7. Hutchinson Lectures. Ton oourses held or arranged -soven in London rmd three in provinces on repayment of fares. No f'urther requests and no more to be arrang;odthis season. Tho ten oourses uill approximatelyexhaust the SlOO authorised to be expendeU. on this work. ~­ 6. Executive Committeo Eloot:i.on. T\-. r r.. t.ure . 1917 1418Book Box Fees . 80 142 hi re o:f Hall 92 108 (b) The Report and Accounts :for 1220-21 are well in hand but cot:1plete f'igurEJs are not yet available. Cash a/cat end o:f t!ar ch sl-.orrt:Jd ban}~ bal anc0s : Cn..' -~· tl1is i s t o be i nc,luded i n accounts due at end of ear H''}l ·:ri t l1 consequent decrease of balance i n !1and . (d) Le tter fro~ F.L. Greon, re pendin; bye-ele ction, West S1.:ssex, asking for 13rant from the ParliamentaryBye-olection fund . (11' .B . Tlw bal anoe i n hand of t hi s fund is at present £2~8.) (a) .r{h). 74...... ~""' Ot_c..~~ 'k~. (e) ~-z-a.-e~-u:z.__~ a:-.L<­~~---;;:-.7' 4-~ ~~ ~-;::;._~ ~---­ (c() ~d.-z;--"!A.~7~?" ~ 9~~~~--r~ 7 ~S7l ;;C ~-foe-A ~ a::;:-­ ~-~~~~4-~. to be el 0cted (12), last year (13) fl.ddres§ E1~cted. Last ~ub. Reason. ~· v. Crompton. uuswoll n111 u:og. 5/-1918. None. .H~-1 ton Dale. Chelsea. 1908 10/6.1920 • Cannot sp.pport. selfish and wicked La bour Pty.I!;dith Haynes. Hendon. 1907 25/-1920. None. ,.:aB R.C .Lasoelles, }Censington. 1916. 10/-1919. Gone Abroad. ,.e1 Thompson. "'a,nchester. 1906. 10/-1920. Unable to take part in e.ny work. 5 ~ St aff ;_a,ttars. (a) iim:roll completes his :50th year in tho .SociGty 1 s service shortly. His sa.lar/ (£4.10. Od) ought to be r e considered and incre<:~.sod. (b) ilaud -salary 30/-ou ')1t to be increased. Sue;r;estion to shar e her S t rvices and salar~r nith Rail'.1ay National­isat i on Society . (c) ;,·;illison, t~ .l: 1 8-cl, now turnod 16 years. Salary £1. Chd.i rLian and Secrotarr have au thorised increase to ""/ r:,l ~:..~~.. -..., u.. . u~~{c..)~'~~ ~~~7!..:5~ ~((C._/~~ ~~~~~ ~~ ~~ '-'k-~ .d-...307-4A. ~ ~~~~/C7-f-.A/·S.,· (C)7L lA--~ j~/6 ~~~ ~~~~~t-: C. Hut chinson Trust Lectures. Thu t en oours0s arranged no:r concluded, viz., s even in London area and throo in countr~ the latter on repayment of part of the expenses by loc~l bod i es concerned. . Audiences on the ,.,hole small but l ar ger and of better type in the country than in London . The Hutchinson Trust Fund now exhausted and lto. 2 bank account closed. Future action re these lectures to be considered. ~~-~~~~~~ o--"'-v(-~~c--,Je.e._~ r/? lt~r ~~~~~~4-~~ --L~ ._.___._.a;:;_, ~/'-~ (. ~~ ~--13/~ ~~p--7 -e:_ -£:.~'-<-­~~~~-~~ ~9~........... ~~,~~/J:~­9-?-l. CAz cd~. c_._ k-v ~..c. ~~ ~z.._~~~~~­ Corr3spondence. (a) 1.1aj or Leigh .c~.man, ~~ast Hants l..abour Party asking us to rccl.uce or reoit the !bv.l anc0 of ac~ount due from them for oxt1~s. e:(per:sss of covrse of Hutchinson l e ctures at ~etGrsfiold . ' (b) H. !)-,.mean Hall 1~-9 cos t or~ publication of "The British Cm:lr::!Ot'l':re,-..1tl"l of r'u.t ions. 11 (c) J. Pissarevsk~ ._o. JJ6u08r ) sugr,Gstinc o:. l ecture byhimself on Po,l osti'!e (?Fabi an HD.ll i n Autumn) (d) F. il . C1oldstono asldnc if ue can s end some publica­tions free to Dr . ... Schnidt, Budapest. (G) League of i·Tations Union re Nationv.l Pilgrimageand H~rdo Park Rally, Juno 25th. Any action? (f) International Labour Cffico r e Inquiry into Production. (g) .. Irs. Palmer (i.iss !..abel i,tkinson) long l otter from Durban Hi th r er1orr:br :..:.ncos to old colleaGUOS on the Executive, et c. (0 ~.J•~.'k_. ~~«<~ -~~r-~Y~. (a.y ~-~~ {-t) ~.{~-~~~ ~~~~~.~... ~'( ~~~-~~ (c) S--e-~~ 4-~~ -9~~ .L~~~~~~ ~4~c-.~~~ (t) A/a ~ . cfJ rU-e ~ (j) /Ze_~ - ~ 4~ ~ ~­ (t ) ~A-~~~~ ~-~~~~~-~ ~~~~-~-~~~ f-4(/7/ .J-z.--~I!-~~ f-t~~-r-~ (J) t. d,r( 1 &.. ~~(~-~) ~~­ ~~c:.<-~~ ---J-r---< ~ ..<0 ~/9 .2/ 9~-~~~kC; ~~c;l ·F-~ ~~(~·U.c ~) ~-C_~­ ~-7~~~~ ~~C.:c-c...-~:.. c *< ~-~~--~:k_~~ -?,L~~t-';?. ?~ !>f ~i;;..e; (a) A/cs to end o~ April as ~ollows: ~ J..ggQ. ciember s subs~rirtjons. £108 £141 OthEn· :.;; ,-.b~r .rj_utlons. 14 :i.-1: Gros::; 0::..1..es L1terature. 94 108 Boo!c :fk>..<. !'Cees. 6 7 Hire o~ Hall 5 ~ {I,) R.~~~~~~ ~. 9'-<-~ . ~ ~~~«.toL ~~z:/o-v-o 4::>u::c:·6-z ~~ /'fL4 ..._.c zf/6/o sfZ /V~~ ~ ~~.~~~ ~ 4. Audit. Bac~n h~s now completed audit of accounts f or \ . 10 -.'~S-1~· an?-1919-20 and has begun the audit for l9a0~21. He reports tiny correctiot··n the t. earl1er years. wo J . g~~.tt;:::;:;:7 ~ ~~-=­~t..c-...._ ~~._ .aM: ~. ~~~-~~C..C-c..-c.•~­ 5. Membership. (a) April candidates to be elected (7). Last year (9) (b) Resignations:Name. Address . Elected. Last Sub. Re ason. J .Cunningham. Lol::e,hton. F ·07. Io;'-rsrg. Financia.I. ~alter Eite. Bjrmingham. 1011 5/-191\:l. Cannot take active :..t.i ssJ .L .Knov;les, Castleford. HH6. 10/-1919 None. {interest.1Irs.··Lillie , Streatham. 1907. 6/-1921 Norie. A. E . 1"arnock City of London. 1Sl4. 50/-1915-16 None. A: E . tda.rsh Leicester. 1-919. 21/-1S20. Cannot take part in work. ;;,rs. C. i.,ieads, Bexhill 1913 5/-1920. So many 1oc.al inter... t.Hss L.E.Price,Sydenham. 1816 20/-U.l21. None. (ests. A. Ramage, Ealing. 1902 5/-108 Financial. ~iss K. Skavang, ChBistiania,l913. 5/-1919 . Financial. 72.-~~p(.__,d...~ ~c.-4.~ ~~-6:_~~~. & . ~~. .k-w,._., d._~ ~/t;;, ~~ ~~~~~~a_,....(,.-£~ ~~~~/1.c._.~ ~ ~-r-~"24-. f)'$ (3S 9e-~~~,~~~~~ ~~~-.4-~~c~~ 9~-p(:: ~C-~c.• ...... -~~ 4-...c_~----r ~o--(-"'"'---.,__4 Lo "'~~ ~ ~~ •• ,. z:::---:;-• ~~-~~~~ a:;:-&-~-?~-eL c ~ ~~~.,_-c.... ~ rG--/-~~ ~~~~... ~. ~~&y, ~""--~c-e_&>{_ ~ ~~.~"« ~-1/'-· r ~C,..., ••• ~,ez:= ~4...-cM'c.,o c• ~<-;=&.. c-~&L~~~~ ~A'!:" ~~/ ~tZ,y &A--t.-~~~ uorraspondence. (u. ) Lord Russell re absence or receipt stamp on receipts ror subscriptions or ~2 and upwards. (b) C. P. ~right sugGesting we should organise meetingshere for University undergraduates duringvacations. (o) H.F.Wheeler -orfering loan or £25 rrea or interest ~or a year to the Uiners' Children Fund. (d) .i-.fiss Blackh~ll, Reading, re Parliamontury Candidat. f'or the Bor':;j.h. (e) W. s. Tucker, Ch enham re Parliamentary Candidatt f'or the division. (1') (g) H. Hall, Altrincham re Candidate f'or the division. Irish Del!' Determination League and Communist Part~ have applied f'or use of' hall !'or meetings.Shall we accept these? Possible consequenoes to be considered. (h) London Labour Party cireular re L.c.c. Elections, iiaroh 1!'122. (ttj ~~ec•••~~~'"'-~ ~~~&4.~~:, /Z.Z-~ ~ ~~e( (-t-) ~c-~s~~e-~~····~ {C)~~~~ (~)(9c--~ ~t:-~~ {/) ·~~~~~~~ ~~t-~?-t~~c.~~ ~d~--..u· u.n-r ~ {!.-,) 4 c~~~9~ ~-,~C~~-~, ~~~~4~~~--y ~-C/7~~~~ ~~­ ~-~-~~~d_~~­ ~~~~~~~ .:>-/ ~-z~/4; ~/L~ . /~ J-t. ~~<-(_ .t~7~ c:4 ~-~~d.-~~-0'~. Finance -As the current account books are awaJr from the Office. in the a:udioor's hands the usual financial statement cannot be presented. It mny bo noted how­ever th&..t •--hi l e subscriptions keep up well, the ree:c :;.pts fro!'l sales of literature show a heavydecl1ne on last year's .figures. ~~-~f'l.--t__~. , & .~-~~(/~/~ ~" ~ ~~.[~-~/.v. /~ ~ ~~~ Kings Hall Lectures, Autumn. Arrangements now made:­·oct. 28th. Graham riallas. Jl'ov. 4th. " 11th, Lord Haldane. 11 I 8th. " 25th. Dec. 2nd. G. Borna.rd Shaw. Chairmen to be considered and Secretary suthorised to issue invitations. Suggestions f'rorn the Executive:­Lord Bryce (f'or Wallas) Dr. Fairfield, l:i.Lr. \Jells, Olivier f'or (Shaw) Laski, liiss Ll. Davies (for \lobb) Tavrney, Sir Leo i.doney, W. Graham, ~1.P., L-iiicc:ens, Sir a. He.df'ield, J. i>!ills, t../-J.~ Boo!( ~_A/.,rV. u.." . ~' ~~-;zt~­4--...~ A~,L~~~ P .w. 1 ~ · ~~:~---A/vU'. ..<-.6-_ ~~~ ~les ~~----~~ {J-v(-1 S -t. ~d rb--<-r C-<..-. .l' ~/ll_-,.__J-_ :1 . ~1 ~~ .k~. 4. l·w ·t~~-~.!1.· 1-~~~?-( // . r-tV-1-t....j.l( -~. t -) ·~-..5 . 1-1 ~· fv.c_d::, · I J'. !· ~1%~ 2.. ~-f ~{;;~ 4--·~tl~­ 2~ ··1· h.--~~v Z ~k ~-f' -~/ .4-/~ ~~J-d:; ~~A___,__.,._~" --{ ~~~-<--~~~. ~ ~ ~ :11/-1..5J-/ :Lj-&/ --;L-~ ~ ~--~7~~~~ ~//-~~~'""-'"c.______ /if/-~ 6/­-~~ 2/& ~ ~ LP~ ~ Book Box circular. Secretary to r eport that in view or probable increase in postage next week and possibility of issue or revised circular in Autu~n ~·winter he has despatched a number or circulnrs to selected lists. ':7estminsL=r Labour Party. Secret;:;,ry to report that the r!astminsta;.~ Labour Party demurred to paying half the usual charge for hire or hall as they are holding40 or more mot~tings yoarly and the cost '"ou~d be to {3!'eat. As they have hitherto had tbe use of hall rree he agreed to accept a consolidated sum or ~10 per annum to cover all meetings for the year. J7.-.. 4~ ~~~,_/-c ICv ~-~;< ~~~ /0 -Correspondence, etc. (a) Some det~iled suggestions made to bo conside~ad. at Annual waeting (b) T. 1~ . uesa1 to get on Inc ians in London suggesting stopsinto touch with them, etc. (c) Intern~:; tional Anti Opium i>Ssocio.tion re restriction of' growth of opium. (d)J. Henry LH1yd re his adoption as Labour Candidate for N. Islington asking if' we can give financial assistance. {e) H. Goulden, Assistant Librarian, Huddersfield-re Bibliography on Problems of Reconstruction prepared by him offering it for publication on teras. (o.) ~&;-~ ~~7~4 ~~~ /if-~ ~; ~~ ~-~-1 ~~....,. ~A/~ !t) d.c.~ -~~~-~ ~ ~,(_ ?-.. ~P---7 ~~~ (e) _Aio u.-~-(v{j t~L.~ ~~ ~~-{e)~~ dv-Cle~ r-/"'--~ ~­ (1) ?..-c.--~ ~L--e~~-~ "-<-~ ~~ -c---w ~~ ~~~~~ 4. ~~ ~~c..L. C)i. ~ -?-z.-...d~ ~ ~~/9::1 / ~-~~~44-y ~-~­~Sh-~~ k~. . ~1'-~"4 < ~~-;<---. ~.f'-y~ ~~f-'R-~, ~.d hc/2-:? c.P~. Finance. Ruport for three months to June 30th. ~ ~· ~embers Subscriptions. £292 ,::350 Other " 12 36 Gross Sales Literature. 276 ~ Book Bo~~ Fees 10 16 Hire of Hall 24 16 Cash position. Overdraft at Uaxton douse £90. Balo.nce at La11 Courts £30. ;./os due and outstcl.nding,£30 not including Standring. ;.!embership: ,. -\ (a) June Candidates to be elected ls) Last yeRr (7) (b) Resignations -nono. ~ ~~~~~. .f./­w-z._.., ~..a;;;:::::r /w ~ ~~ J ~ ~'--'-t:t:c:.. ~~ ~­ 1' ~~~~-~~~ .!?J-.?-t. -e...._ 4 ~~4 ~~ ~~~'* -4-ce,.... • ..._ ~&« --c '-......_ ~~­ Co Kings Hall Leotures. Arrangements nearly complete as fol1ov:s:­ Lec~ur~r Obai!-". Oct. 28th, Graha.m -,/o.l1as, Lord Bryoe,' Uov. 4th, G. D. H. Oole, 1/. Grahe.m, ,,.,. P. , " 11th, Lord Halda.ne, Rt. Hon. J.R.Olynes, ;,:.P., 19th, Sidney Uebb, LUss l.iadeline Symons, 25th, 1 • • Emil Davies " Dec. -2nd, G. B. Sha.\7, Sir S. Olivier, Fr·\nl{ Hodges invi.ted for Davies, but no reply yet. ~~...-<.. e..-~ ~~.~a....;;:;r '1~~~~~~~ £~£..~/-~-~ ~ Half-Circle Club. Proposed that London members of the Club should bo made temporar~r members of the Common Room hero for six months, October to ...:taroh at a fee of 1/-per head -~5 per 100, as an experiment. To be considorod and settled. ~~~~­s'"~~d:-~~ ~~~c .................. .d4 ..~....<..... ~.../-~ ~v<-4~~~... u. ... , e .£. ~ ~~ ~ ~~ c.----.... < ... .. e-<-..:..4 ~ ...G.-~ 4 c.---~ ~a..-....d ~-t Lt-~ 4C:z ~~.t!L~-~~--e. Correspondence. (a} Canon Her.rlett Johnson r e ~.ajor Douglas and Credit Power, otc, (b) I.L.P. London Divisiona l Council r e Testimonal to J. c1ylles. , (c) Poaco ·:rith l r e latlil Council inviting delegate to Sti.1.nd.ing Consultative Committeo. l~) ~f.tr ~~?~~..<.. ~. :. < ~~~.a:=; ~d ~-'-< c..-,...,__"'---~~~~~ {t) Aft1 4..~. ( c) A/4 a..~~ C-. e--t.'-1---j.__,L_ )._~ /)~­ k .L) ~--~~4_~~~~ 2 -~~~-~-/i'~~ ~~~~~­ 9-1-1--J-~/~-4~.~~ /t-<.~.. ~l/L7 ~h ~­~~~-~~r ~-~~~---~­ 1__e_~ ~ ~­ /0 Correspondence. (a.) Miss Susan Lawrence, suggesting resolution re unemployment for agGnda of Annual meeting of Lohdon Labour Party. (.Last da.;,' for notice to-morrow Oct 1st) (b) London L.P. re Annu: l Cmf3r~mce. Application for fees, nom1nn.tions f or Ol'f'icers, etc • . (c) Labour Party -application. for fees. (d) Webb, re vopies of linority Report of Poor Law Oommission. Sugges ting distribution. (e) Mary 1'laoarthur Memorial Com'llittee -request for issue of circular to members with ~ovember . "Uews" 'gratis. (f) F. Johnspn, I.L.P. askin~.{'pertni'ssion \o ....address set of env~lppes to me~bers f'pr.. t~..s.u_e. ;of !l'~vt: of the • . ..... , .... • >b:l~~>l<:ra~hv of Ke ir Hnrdie • (g) Fabian·Womens Group and Standing Joint Committee re delegates to Working Womens Congress at Geneva. (h) Egerton Wake re list of Fabian Co.ndidates not yet adopted. Rusholme and Westminster Labour Parties re candidates. ~~~ Fabian Womens Group re Staff holidays and the Summer School. · (1) Ilford Labour Party -asking for speaker in debate · on Socialism. (m) Gillingham Women Citizens Union asking for speaker on Trade Unions. (n) W. M. Sutherland -re his soheme of Co-operative §migration. . (o) Tom Groom -re Clarion Vans to restart next year. Wants leaflets for distribution. (a) ~-~C'-? ~~ /.~ ~-~ ;;-~~:1~. ?t) ~d.-~4'k~. {c) ~4~~~ (4) ~~-~/;u_~~ kM~/..~:C~~ #~~A-~-7~7~ (e) ~4.~~4~ 11.. ~-r-~ (f)~~--LA-~~~~­ ~Y~. (f) ~~-JC7 ~ ~7 r-e/ /CLJ ~~~~c.-,~~ ~~ ~-z-/t:: /~e¥. ~~ ~-__-(~ ~c-~ ft-J ~R--J-~~~=I' ~~~~") tz:=:(~ ())~~~­ (:fc)~~~.~~'-1 cJ ~ ~.-C-~ "-f P"2{.1­ ~~~~£-~ . s~J~c/t_ !:-~~~ ~PC:_ h-._~ ~4_~. (tt) fi/o a-~ .(c) Y~. ~~~­~~~£,_~ ~~~~~~ ~-~ ~~~~­-~~//'€ .k~/f~l ~.. ~caLa:.. ~J ~~~ ....... ..... ..... ~~-7­ 1 ~-£ ~~kcc.. ,. .. <'< r----­ ~~~..F~. Finance. Report to olst October. idemt5ot s •~~eut 'P ttC!tb Members Subscriptions. £~67 £613. Other " ~6 63 Gross 6ales Literature 573 899 Doolt Box Fees 46 41 Hire of Hall October Candidates to be elected (14) Last year (16) , (b) Resignations: ~QI~· Elected. ~· Last SFb• ~U· Ool.R.J.Blaokham, London, 1920 20/-1921. None. J. i.t . Parikh, London, 1918 6/-1021. Bone. G. Rowland, Finuhley. 1914 6/-1921. Uone. Miss A. Sloan, London, 1917 b/-1920 Not ab le to take active part in our work . (0) Report on members subscribing less than 5/-per annum List (to be circulated at the meet1ng) shows 36 members and 4 sub~cribers, making 4 2 in all. To be considered. (a) 7'4-. '-~d.-d..~ w-e.-. a..?C ~ (£) ~~~"Le...... ~~­1;-~~~~t:.-h-~.... '­~~()(~~,t-~~ ~~'-~?'~~ 1 ~ ~ c -.. f..----t._ ­ (c) T4..;_ ~-~or:: ...........,__ .,.._• ._-f ~­ v(-~-vz-, d...~ n~~ '-~ ~~ -" c.-r-~ 6. Ki~gs Hall Lectures. Cash r eceipts to date £656. Total cost about £300. vorno ~aymtints td be authorised. ~~-~~· pL~-rFc/ -ter:-ot~ ~~i:/4-14-of'-~ t-N.uv ~~~­ 1 / winter meetings. Essex ciull. .Arrangements nearly complete as follows: Jan.l3th. Adrian Brunel. Cinema lie Opinion. 11 27th. Col. G. Schustwr. How to store Credits. Feb.lOth. Nrs. H •• D. Butler, Prohibition in U.6.A. " 24th. G. P. Goooh. The European ~itu~ttion• . \ar.lOth. Vuca.nt. (J. A. tiQbson invited)" 24th. S. K. Ratcliffe. Labour ~nd Socialism in U.S.A. Apr.28th. Sir o. Sankaran Na.ir. S~cialism in Ancient India. ~~-·tVJ.-......._c.c~~~c;£.~ ~ ~-&;-~ ~c...e .. ·~ ~ Jt. ~~d~fo ~/0-i'~ ~C-o-_.&_-C;_._ c--~/~ 4-~f'~- Approabhing General Election. Fabian Parliamentary Fund. Issue of special circular to members to be considered and recommendation theraon made to the ~xecutive. ~-/t:... 4_,... ~· ~~~ ~~._.A/~ A/~ ap,. ---(. ~~-,c ~-C'~.c-. £7-t. a-..,.( ~~~r -'"'--c...e-..c• • • c. c:. .._ -( /r ? ~ __ z; 7---" /' .. -~-~ V"'-~(~~.... ~ ---~ ~ ~~~ /~7 ~/~~---;,rty -re Pl).rliamentary ou. n'.i idat.e s. (d) C. Dunoa~l .dall and ..-'iessrs ,,,et.ruen ro Royalties on tho British Common~eRlth of Nations. (e) Prentioe-ciall, Hew Iork, asking to bo put on free list. f() ~~~,4-1--4. ~~ -r.~~ {f}N·~~P ~ --1.4 c."'.. . -L. k~ (()J.L,~ ~ .e-d-;~~,_~ (a) ~..c__.-l -A-~ ~~eA.A/~ " ~ L~t:IL L~"'-"~·L.......... ~..e..:vt-V'-~~ ";r~~~~-~{~?~~ (A)}/~. (-L) ~.~~~-~ ~~~~-(f) a-<.~> (fJ ~(~.(--<-)~~-vi'~ ~ ~K::: ~~ ~~<¥<~mz ~d~-9~ ~/j'fnes. Temporary overdraft nocJssury, but cash coming in freelymd probably ordin ;ry account~ Pll cl ear at end of the month. lubstantia.l overdraft will bo noo1el for the Election Fund .o dispose of bulanoe of By-election Fund in hand, if election. ~omes. For this it will be necess.:1ry to re now the overdraft :300 arranged last year or roulise some investments. ~~-~4c, 0: H._,(_ ~_./-~ ~ f(z;:::r~ ~~-~ ~~. .:embership. (a) December oandidates to be elected (6) Last year (0) (b) Resignations: Name. Address. Elected. Last Sub. Reason.Sidney De'ath, London, 1920 10/-1920. Leaving Englaru 0. W.:..::ellor, Brighton. 1£104-21/-1921. Nono,emphatio. ~iss E.Thayer, U.~.g. 1913 20/-1922. Settled in u.s,,and lost interest. 5. , Winter meetings in Essex .dall. Arrangements oomp1ete. Success of advertisement in "!.Jew Statesman of January meetings. Shall we do the same once eaoh month? £._~. a-..a. ~~~~ ~-~/4::;­~,e_v-~ '-'--e'---~ ~~~ ~/M ,A/~«~~ ~. 6. Approaching General Election. Oircular approved by Executive and revised and now being issued. List of candidates to be given in February News. Any other action? ~~~~<. ~~'-~< leT,e.-('· ~ ~4.-q ~ ,AI~ , .lllo ~ ~ ~-~ ro...-c "--~~{. 7­ Fabi"•n Hall. Roof and interior in very bad condition and ought t• be completely repaired and done up. Oan we risk this? Estimate by Fountain for various works to he considered. ~~A-d. ,_t...., ~A. ~~ t:­ 1-t.~ h~af:::;;::;"'" ~. ~ A"tJ6-r--~~~ 1 ~ ~?A-~~~~~~­ ear (0 a son, ngEngl, ~phatlc, d in U.i.,[nterest, 4':"- Suoces~ lo ~hal: .fAt; ~ Executlv s to be $'-~"~4.~~­~~t._~P4.•~-~ ~~•• ~ ~~?u~-·~7' ~~ orresponden~e. a) Wimbledon Labour dall Coy asking for names and addresses of local Fabians to invite t~.om to t ake sharos, eto.b) Amalgamated Clothing ilor}ors Union U.3.A. 11sking for oxchane;e . o) London L.l' . Circt...::.~r r r: vol ..Plt[l"'Y l ovy for uunicipal Elections. i) International Association for L~hour Legislation applyingfor affiliation foe 21/-. (~o such fee paid in last three years.3) Daily Herald. Back to a penny campaign. Lnnrlon Conference c d.turdav, J a.nunrv 21 ~t . ~::l!ege.ii-Olo% h tvitod • (~.) ~-J!~.._,..( ~-7' 4 -< ~,4..,... -;s .. ..,,,( Autumn leotures. King's Hall not available f six Fridays, but six . or our usual Nov. 17th offered. success~ve Fridays, October 13th to to subject? Shall we take theseY Any suggestions as ~~f;:;;r~ A~~~~~ Ot.A'-IJ ,tf'AIN,IJ: S~vt-~· / 7. orfices on 3r~ floo~. c.s.u. now give formal notico to terminate tenancy. Notico given in February "News" and some applications received. Question of rent, etc. to be considez od and settled• .AI~ ~~.aa..rt-, L~ ~~ 12. AI~~~AI'~. z.._,_ ~~ ~a.:;:;; t-/~0 ~ ~~~A!-., ~ vf ~"'""1--... -~. ( 8. Addressing of wrappers, etc. Considerable expense and inconvenience caused by present joint arrangement with "New Statesman". The new "Addressamite" machine suitable for purpose can be purchased for f~6. Should we obtain one and do the work here? ~~~~-~~?t-~~...... e.-.'( ~~z=;~ ~·e-a~~-~ ~~~~ ~;/z:-_,et, , r~arliamentary Election Fund. Response to appeal disappointingabout £130 cash and £~0 promiJes. Any further action? rk~-~~4.. .A'~ ~4..-.c--~ ~h_ ...t-~ c;..-1-~ 10. Repairs to Fabian Hall. The Nursery offer to do up and decorate interior if wo pay cost only. Shall we aecept and leave Fountain to do roof and lights only? !))/t //. ~~fvJw.J~~~-~ to and s ~~~.~~-~-~­ cons: ~~~ - .(_~ ~ and 11th litable Jtain nt1ng and 8pt ar.l 2 . Correspondence. (a) Col. Schuster apologising for inability ·to lecture on January 27th. (b) Limehouse Labour Party asking for financial help for L.c.c. candidates. (c) Hallam Labout Party -requiring ~arliaoentary candidate. (d) National Conference of Labour Homon, Leamington,9th and lOth ~ay. Delegates invited. (e) Transport Workers Union asking exchango with their new Journal. (f) Land Nationalisation Federation. Asking us to send out circulars and appeal for funds for Land Van campaign. (tt)fle_~. (~)~-~~ ~ ~ ~~~;t.--£LL~. (cJ ~~.(d)~r~...,~--~ ~--~,~~~~-­~~~­{L-) ~4-~. (T} ~-~ ~-~~~_...,~.... , .. -r­ cvf,..~-~ A-~'-"'•4 /~ ~.......,__..,_, ;:---~ ~~ .,... ~­ ~~~~ ~d~/i~ h-..4--~lj::Z,t 9~-~{"~)~J'~, ~-... --~4,~/~,/(,~t'~r~ 3. Finance . Report to 28th F·e bruary. l9PL ~· clambers' Subscriptions. £976 £988Other " 153 245 Gross Sales Litoraturo. 1058 1475 Dook Box Foos. 89 74 Hiro of Hull 62 83 (Financial position -Bunk ovordr11.-'t .;.:140; (incluctinc; £100 grant to Dalton fl'Or:l tho by electiun Fund) Accounts short deficit at prosent £150 net, (i.o. £400 r,ross including bal.:moe of £240 from last ye·1r). An·~iciln,te this rrill be reduced to £100 or so net by end of ys~r after absorbing all profits of Summer :.,chool and Kinr;s dall Leoturas). ~~-~~~c........c.-~ ~~. .u-/v1y, ~~ ~~~ ~Cc....-7~; (J)~~~~~~ r>s'tqq a ~1 ~-,/./j$o ,/-4 H-,'1'-~e......-.~ ~ ~,~.-c~--7 -C ~~ ~ ~-~ ;t f~.e. j ~-... /4.~~'~,A_._..,G ""' ~~7{--~ a~-=-~.. ~ {,v~u..~r~ ~~~~ a::~7 ~ ;:;:..-~.._u ~ ~~ ,4~~~~··c:.~ ~ ~'"-. tv-z__ .§~ ~~~ ,...,.. '"'"'...........,-.. 7. k _ 'c • /-/ < V > 1 a:; £/ , cC: e .iembership. (a) February Oandidatos to be elooted (13). Last year (5)Wl· (b) rlesignations: £986 Name. Address Elected.L,st Sub. rt0 Q.S2Jl 24S diss L.E.Edwa.rds, Kenaington. 1007 5 -1921. Oho.nge of vio·:rs. 1475 " S.J.Ha.rdy, Salisbury. 1910 15/-1921. !1ono. 74 " .-,. Haynes, Kensington. 1914 21/-1921. Ho longer in 8~ o.c_r eement. A1bert Holland. Bowes Park. 1914 10/-1921 . Out of touch and ne noo sympathy. [s shoiT Canon H. Johnson, Altrincham. 1913 10/-1920. Now an ardent tdillg Douglasite. rill be t.ass D. Jewson, liorwioh. 1917 10/-1919. Uns~le to con­rbing tribute. s), 1irs. Wi1kinson, Ipswich 1913. 5/-1921. None. ~~""-'-{_ H ~~~~ ~~ ~ a_'-~. I 4w 5. Executive Committee, .An eloction certain as six nevv oandidates. Sarut6aeers required and motion ror their appointment to be authorised at meeting on 24th iast. #~·~tx-~:r--~ 1.-'k ~·~ a.A-~~~~ ~~.. ~... --~­S<.~ ~ ~;'~ L-z~ J· ~·ttLt-~ lfZ/-ZZ.. ~/b=1 ~,t,_~~-~­ S. Essex Hall illeoting's. Dnl ton arranged for 24th 1nst. Chairman required. Sir o.~.Nair not back in England on April ~6th. Ratclifre asked to give his lecture that day instead. To be approved • . ~1/::i::r~-~ t..~uK-. ~4~ h,.....,.._~ .2. " '' /la-. ~~­1 d.~ 'f.~ _t~·~ ~ q . . ~~/'1~-~. ~ \.(:-~~1 ~­ f-.VIA-r -r ~~~ ~ ~: ll }/<.'..) 10 · ~~-.1~~"'~ ~~-. ~~ ror tr , ,.~-•. ,_, ,1_ L _ . ./-, _?; ~ "4..-~ thias· ---~~~~ l/r1.C ~' )rrespondenoe. (a) Fabian ;iomen 1 s Group ~ suggesting appointment of iliiss Dav,son as dcle~ate to Labour 1/omen 1 s Conference at Loami ngton, " o.y. {b) London Schools :.lwi :Jming As ~ociution. Asking if we will bear cost of ronov~tin~ shields presented to tham some yo~rs ago. le ) The Labour Party. 22nd Annual Conference, Edinburgh,June 1922 . Preliminary notice re nominations, etc. {d) Institut Eoonomique Roumania suggesting exchange, etc. (e) No more V/a.r ConfsrerJOE'lo Inviting delegates. [ (f) H. Finer asking for permission to use our premises on behalf of Dr. Rivers' candidature for London University. (a.) ~t-)t.._., ~fot-r ~ ~­ ~,~~·~ 1cture (~) ~. (c) ~'~-·u... , ......-~ tu_," L:: Z ~~~A......,..,~.. --~· L-> I'-IA~ ~~--~ (d.) ~t;--'-r~' f<) A/P' ~ (fJ~r~~k«~ c­~-~·'--" ... h-'~~....c:~ /h.-~/4:::_ ~~ ~~ ~~~ ~~--19"~. /f:ZZ ~-~{~~~"--( ~.~~~ /.~ ,f .~-~. 5. 3. Finance. Report to 30th Apr~l. ~-.12al.· 11embers' Subscriptions. £111. £100 Other " £6 .SH Gross Sales Literature £63 £94 Book Dox Fees. £3 £6 Hire of Hall • ~ £5 (Finaneial Position. As printer was pressing for oash we have sold our £296. 12. 5d., 51t War Stock at a little above par, and paid hio ~~200 on account. All other ao~ounts duo are paid, but we still have small overdraft of about £50 at Bank). ~~~~. If uombersh1p. (a) April Candidates to be elected (9), Last year (7) (b) Resignation:J: (two months) ~ Addr~;~ss Elected. Last Sub. Roason. Col. Bruoe Kingsmill. London. 1~19 10/6 1920. Giving up politics owing to ill health. or o& ther , raft (7) $11• ng UP alth• H>14 5/-l921 None. [. Ooleman, U.'S.il.. :iss A. Freeman, London, 1912 5/-1921 None. 10/6 1919. Hus band ~rs. Hoasman '•lot~ing 1906 Hel!lains. .Ja.1isbury 1917 21/-1980. Uot ouch ,aurice Hewl eit, of a ~ocialist and guineas scarce. 1914 7/-1921 None. tiss H. Lauder, Dumfr i es, 1906 10/-1920 Hone. reorge illay, Outerham LeYTi sharn, 19~0 . 5/-1912 Husband trs . Ovary, r emains. 1908 10/-·1920 · none. ) , C. Ren.de, i\.,\l cJ. y ' London , 1908 '30/-1921 Personal ~. Scot t, 1908 10/-1909 " irs. A • .:>cott, " ~4--U.~ ~ac..e.e_ ~. Autumn Lectures at Kings Hall. ~o be considered and recommendation thereon made to the Executive Committee. Two suggestions received at present: (a) Oan Labour Govern. (b) The Transition to Social Democracy. ¥ ~'-''""-~~"'" '~ ~,.z:..... , ......,. .. """'"A ~ ~~z:;--~(y C:c-. ~ ~-?~~ i-z.. ~~~: (lj~9~//V-~.4-~. (?/ 7!:. f-id "'-~. J~ ~ (J)~/V'~.vt~. ~~~ (4J a__ ~'--~~.R#-7~ (.[}~~;::-~.._... A--~~ (~) .If c~~9~~-~·/$. ~ ~-~~. a.-f-~,fo. ~~~~c:--~ Annu 1 eetin Humphreys ~x·ecutive Jl.<. ~;...v,,.,_"'"­ fixad for a rees to Co 1ttee c.-­ y "6th in F bi n rtR.ll at p. • pre~ide. ProlOS 1 to nvo meetin~ sam-d y at 5 .m. {I f { 7. a. 9. 10. Audit of Accounts. B~oon oes to act ns Auditor nd h s begun the ork. K~. List of F binn P rli mentary Cnnlidates. R guosts to dd Capt. z . . Ken all, Col. ·pone-er, and ol. ·illi ms our li t for Labour 'l ~ty. oc 1 Government Inquiry Buronu. Difficulty in ans oring questions groat. ~ue sted it might bo met by pure e of the Encyclopnodia of Loc 1 Government La nt cost of ?1 . To be consi urod. Correspond o. ( ) (b) ( ) (d) ( ) If and has 0 add lilll!ls to ring urchase cost and ' i) ltsz (o)F~~~~ ~ ~~~­ (t.) Y6 ~ ~~­ ~h-...c_ . . -~~~~~ (c:) ~ ~ h­ ~ .4­ ~ ~ ~--:; k/0, ~~ {d) ( e) ~~r~~----~:::..-4--~~ ~-. (f) ~a_ ~ ~~~~­ fL~~ l 3. Vtl L.. ~